Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Smiling, Diapers, & Music...

Last week with Tyson was full of ups and downs.  The joys of parenthood, what can you say?  For the beginning of the week, I was psyched that Heath was back in action as the hands-on dad that he is.  I made the executive decision that he was ready to hold Tyson again after being on antibiotics for 3 days and having been sick for over a week.  It had been tortuous for Heath to look across the room and see Tyson but not be able to hold him.  I can't imagine not being able to touch him for a week - it would be impossible!  It was a big moment when Heath held him in his arms for the first time in a week and it was priceless... Tyson let out the biggest grin ever when Heath picked him up.  It was really like Tyson was saying, "Daddy, I've missed you!"  A few hours later, Heath and I were all excited.  Heath had put all the Christmas lights on the Christmas tree and we could not wait to see what Tyson's reaction to the lit up tree would be.  We had had the tree for about a week but with Heath being sick, it just sat there in the family room naked.  Heath loves a lot of lights and ended up putting 1000 lights onto the tree (10 strands).  It was a big moment, Heath held Tyson up to the tree and I was videotaping.  Don't you know, Tyson would not look at the tree at all and would only stare into Heath's eyes.  I'm sure it was because he was so glad to be back in Daddy's arms - but what an anti-climatic moment!
    Don't laugh at the bow - it is just our thing!   
Speaking of Tyson not looking at something... I am very frustrated with him sometimes!  It seems that everything is better to look at than Mommy!  He gazes with such adoration at Heath, at both sets of grandparents - but I swear, he hardly ever looks at me!  When I nurse him on the couch, he is in love with the moose that hangs above the couch.  He is constantly focusing right on it.  And if it is not the moose he is staring at, then it is the pine cone lamp on the side of the couch.  I keep saying, "What?  Is Mommy chopped liver?"  Or really what I should be asking is, "Am I just the milk machine?"  No, I know he loves me.  And when he does focus right in my eyes and lets out a smile, it does melt my heart completely.  I just wish he would do it all day long! (=

 Tyson looking directly into Heath's eyes... lucky duck!

Tyson looking at Grammy & Grampy

Tyson's obsession...

And speaking of smiling... Tyson definitely has a social smile now - there is no question about that.  I can tell when he has gas and he has the gas smiles.  And then he will get the sleep smiles too.  But there is no doubt that he has looked at Heath and I and let out huge smiles - just from seeing us!  And last week, I was sitting at the computer with Tyson and he actually laughed.  I couldn't believe it!  He has been cooing up a storm but this was an actual laugh.  I can't wait until he does it more and more!  What a sound!

Sleep smiles - look at the crazy hair!

More sleepy smiles...

A real smile - looking at me too!

I was thinking last week that sometimes it seems like I have 4 different sons.  Or that Tyson is 4 different people - or has multiple personalities.  He has such distinct looks - when he is happy, when he is screaming, when he is sleeping, and when he has the binky in his mouth.  You would swear that he is a different baby in each of these situations.  I wonder if it is just me or if any other mother feels this way.  I say to Ty sometimes, "Are you going to be happy Ty or are you going to be grumpy Ty?"  There is nothing in the world when happy Ty is around - and you want to run and hide when grumpy Ty rears his ugly head! (=

Happy Ty

 Grumpy Ty

Sleepy Ty

Binky Ty
Week 7 for Ty was both good and bad in regards to his sleeping.  From the middle of week 6 to the middle of week 7, he slept through the night a full 8 hours!  From 10:30 PM to 6:30 AM, Tyson was sleeping so soundly!  He did it for a week straight!  I was so overjoyed and thankful.  However, in the back of my mind, I thought, "this can not last."  I remember telling my mother that whenever he woke up now in the middle of the night, I would be devastated.  Well, of course, it was short-lived.  He started waking up again at the 3 and 4 hour marks.  Even forget the 6 hours that he was giving us the week before.  It was so frustrating because I knew that he had the capability to sleep through the night and now he was not!  Finally, through internet research (googling "why does my baby not sleep through the night now"), I figured out that he was going through a growth spurt.  The symptoms of the growth spurt are 1) suddenly waking up during the night when they would sleep previously, 2) wanting to nurse more frequently, and 3) being more fussy than normal.  Tyson had 3 out of 3 symptoms.  It said that the growth spurt should only last a few days but could last a week.  Well, it has almost been a week and he is still waking up every 3-4 hours.  Hopefully he will revert back!  That would be great!

Another milestone reached during week 7 was that Tyson went up a diaper size!  I know, I know, not huge news but it is something! (=  But I feel like diapers should have 1/2 sizes.  Tyson was in the Preemie diapers for about 3 weeks and then had been in the newborn diapers for the next 3 weeks.  Technically the newborn diapers are supposed to go through until 10 pounds.  Well, that is a crock.  I was about ready to lose my mind when Ty started to leak through every diaper with every pee or poop.  Talk about frustrating!  I would have to change his outfit, swaddle, crib sheet, and crib pad EVERY TIME!  The laundry was unbelievable.  So I turned to my ol' friend, "Google" and looked for advice.  Overwhelmingly the mothers out there believed that I needed to go up a diaper size.  I was desperate, so I did it!  Tyson is now into size 1.  It helped the problem dramatically!  I mean, it makes sense.  If the diaper is too small, then it will not be able to hold it all and it will leak.  But the opposite is true also.  If diapers are too big, it will leak around the sides.  So this is the thing.  The size 1 diapers look enormous!!!!  They are supposed to be from 8 to 14 pounds.  I believe Tyson is 8 pounds (we get a weigh in at the pediatrician's tomorrow) so it is not that far fetched.  But the difference between newborn and size 1 is unbelievable - and they are supposed to be overlapping a bit!  I just don't get it.  They are both the same brand, too.  Pampers have worked the best for us by a mile.  Oh, I found another cool trick from Google for the peeing problems with boys.  The peeing problem I am referring to is how to keep the "goods" from pointing up and spraying all over his outfits.  They said to make sure the back was higher than the front (which I was doing), point the weenie down (which I was doing), but then to pull the tabs down in the front in the shape of a "V".  I think it must almost hold the weenie down in place.  Well, I am a believer in both of these things and the blow outs have decreased.

Speaking of diapers, it is funny to think how I had hardly changed a diaper before Tyson was born.  Heath had so much more experience with babies and I was a bit nervous!  And I never felt completely comfortable holding babies.  So I was just wondering how I would do at it.  But again, with it being your own child, it is just amazing how it all comes so naturally!  From the moment that they placed Tyson in my arms, it was not awkward at all!  You are just programmed to take care of your baby!  It truly is all about instinct.

Loving holding my boy (week 3)

OK, one other quick thing that we noticed.  Tyson has a love of music like his parents.  Usually as soon as Tyson gets into his car seat, he is out like a light.  But occasionally, he has fussed in the car.  We found that if we turn the radio on (to like Top 40 music) then he stops crying immediately.  It is uncanny!  Oh, and it has to be loud!  We figured out that he likes it from listening to it in utero during my 35-40 minute commute back and forth from work!  I always listen to Top 40 very loud!  It is hilarious.  We tested it.  Tyson would cry and we would found that his threshold was volume # 24.  Heath hates to have music loud, so he will eventually turn it down - and as soon as he would go down in the volume - Tyson would start crying again!  As soon as it hit #24, he would stop.  For some reason though, it only seems to work in the car.  I tried to blast music from a boom box when he was freaking out before but it didn't seem to matter.  Of course I'm not sure what the volume #24 equivalent is on the boom box!

In closing, here are some random shots from last week.  Until next time... Tyson wishes you all a Merry Christmas!

We think that Tyson is so delicious - we want to eat him up!

Flying airplane with Daddy

Enjoying tummy time with Mommy

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ty's First 6 Weeks

I could not resist the cartoon.  I have to admit that I was afraid of what Tyson would end up looking like!  Of course, being a parent, you think your child is adorable.  But I actually asked my mother the other day if Tyson was as cute as I thought, or if he was actually hideous and I couldn't tell!  She assured me that he was cute but she is the grandmother and would be biased as well!  I guess I need to ask someone impartial. 

So I am going to try to sum up Tyson's first 6 weeks.  But that is difficult because new motherhood and being sleep deprived blends it all together!  I am going to feel like I missed noting something significant.  The next posting will be much easier to narrow things down week by week.

There's a saying, "A baby changes everything."  Just to give you an example, one thing that Heath and I realized the other day, we had not rented a Redbox movie in Tyson's first 6 weeks (we just broke that streak in his 7th week).  To some of you that may sound like nothing big, but you have to understand Heath and I.  We used to rent a movie nearly every night - at least 5 out of 7 days.  We are huge movie fanatics, so this is a big feat.  Isn't it funny, I did not miss it at all!  Another thing that has changed is our bedtime.  We would usually go to bed around midnight, but with Tyson getting up during the middle of the night, we would head to bed around 10:00.  Another change was that we were letting the dogs sleep with us (instead of being in their crate) at night until Tyson's middle of the night feeding, just to give them special time with us.  That is one perk that they have gotten with Tyson being here!  One other perk that they have gotten is that they get to ride in the front seat with me on trips.  We had them banished to the backseat BT (before Tyson) but with Tyson in his car seat, we did not want the puppies to be messing with him.  At first we were worried about them attacking Tyson, but now we are just worried about Reeses licking him to death.

 Snickers getting her "Daddy time"

Heath was able to be home with Tyson and I for the first two weeks.  Having that time together the three of us was precious.  To say that Heath is a hand-on father is an understatement.  I have to pry Tyson out of Heath's arms continually.  Before Tyson was born I said that I HAD to breastfeed because it would be the only time that I would be able to hold him!!  And that is definitely true.  Heath did so much with Tyson that I was petrified when Heath went back to work.  Would I be able to handle it all on my own?  Would I crack under the pressure?  Surprisingly, it went better than I thought!  It is nice to have Heath home in the evenings, to hold him when he fusses, so I can make supper without interruptions, etc.  The full knowledge of what Heath does on a nightly basis stared me straight in the face last week.  Heath got sick with chills, fever, sore throat, and upper respiratory infection.  We were freaked out that Ty was going to get sick, so Heath was sent to the guest room and did not hold Tyson for a full week.  The exile has seemed to work and neither Ty or myself have come down with it so far.  But all I want to know is, how do single parents do it?

 Heath holding Tyson during Thanksgiving

Another great thing in the first couple of weeks was having my parents nearby.  Mom would make supper for us and then Dad would come over too and we would all have dinner together every night.  Cooking is just about my least favorite thing to do, so this was so helpful.  Heath and I would have the leftovers for lunch the next day, so the meals fed us twice.  It was great!  I appreciated it so much!  It was nice to have that time together, too.

Aren't they proud grandparents?  Too bad you can't see Tyson's face...

In Tyson's second week, we tore our whole house apart.  Unfortunately, it is not completely back together but it is getting there.  There were things we were trying to get done before he was born, but it just did not happen.  First of all, we were replacing all the carpet in the house.  I hope we never have to do this again!  Having new carpet is fantastic, but getting it was a different story.  We had to move every piece of furniture, knick-knacks, collectables etc. out of the rooms and put them all either in our screened-in porch, on our deck covered with a tarp, or in our kitchen/dining room.  What a mess!  They were able to lay the carpet in a few hours but then we have had to move everything back!  We have the majority done but still somethings are not back where they need to go and that is due to the next project.  We are putting hardwood floor down in our kitchen, dining room, and our hallway.  So everything in my kitchen and dining room is sitting in my family room or my guest room.  The floor just needs to be finished in the hallway and then I can move everything back finally!  One of the other projects we did was get new appliances.  Of course, nothing could be easy for us!  After measuring for the refrigerator multiple times and changing models to make sure the fridge would fit in our space, it still did not fit!  We had to remove a cabinet and repaint above the fridge before installing it.  In the meantime, we were using our old fridge in the entrance-way.  Now, those of you who do not know, I am obsessive compulsive.  I can not stand it when there is clutter around and having to live in a construction zone for 5+ weeks has been so difficult, but what can you do?  I try to be patient, but as Heath will attest to, I usually will have a melt down over the mess every couple of weeks.  But I know Heath is going as fast as he can, which I really appreciate!

 Seeing these pictures makes me think we have made some progress!

Tyson's sleeping during his first 6 weeks was not too bad!  He would always give us at least 3-4 hour stretches at night.  The trouble was getting him to go to sleep!  We figured out early on that Tyson would prefer to be held continually.  We think maybe it was from being held constantly in his first few days with all the visitors that he had.  He would be completely asleep in our arms, but then we would go to put him down in his bassinet, and he would last about 10-20 seconds, realize that he was alone, and start screaming bloody murder!  Sometimes in the first few days the only way that he would fall asleep would be in Heath's arms.  So we did that for awhile, but we knew that we did not want to co-sleep indefinitely.  We just kept working at it and now he is fine sleeping by himself.  I can't remember the last time he slept in our bed.  In the first couple of weeks, his clock was entirely switched.  He would sleep almost all day and then become completely awake at about 10 PM.  I tried and tried to keep him awake during the day to no avail.  I could wake him up to eat and that is it!  But at about 4 weeks, he switched his clock and started to be awake during the day, at least slightly!  But the best thing at the 6 week mark was that he was sleeping a good 6 hours straight - from midnight to 6 AM.  I felt on-top of the world!  Of course, the first night he did that, I was in a panic that he was not breathing, when I awoke at 6 AM and he was still sleeping!  Another moment of motherly pride.

 One of the nights he had to sleep with us!

I am a "Babywise Believer."  My friend, Shannon Nelson, gave me this book called "Babywise" and told me that it "saved" her life.  I read it and loved it.  The premise is that you get your baby on a schedule.  Again, because I am obsessive compulsive, I need schedules and routines.  The schedule that they advise for the first 8 weeks, I am still doing.  The whole point is to set your baby's wake and sleep cycles.  I am feeding Tyson on a 3 hour schedule. 3 hours from the beginning of one feeding to the next.  Usually he is eats at 7 AM, 10 AM, 1 PM, 4 PM, 10 PM etc.  After each feeding, there is a period of "waketime" and then you put the baby down for a nap.  The nap should be about 1 to 1.5 hours long each time.  I did not start doing this until Tyson was about 4 weeks old because before then, he would not be awake during the day at all!  When we first started this, I was retarded.  I would force him down for a nap when he might not even needed one.  I would fight with him for about 40 minutes for him to fall asleep each time.  But I am a stickler for rules and routine, so I thought I was doing the right thing.  However, during week 5, I had an "aha" moment.  I realized that every baby is different and maybe Tyson would not fit into the "Babywise" cookie-cutter mold.  Now I watch for his cues.  If he is giving me tired cues, then I put him down for a nap.  Usually then he goes right to sleep and I don't have to fight him at all.  That is priceless!  You would think a normal person would have figured this out immediately, but what can I say?

 Another thing that we learned early on is that Tyson probably inherited my weak stomach.  This is a shame because Heath has a stomach of steel, but what can you do?  Poor Tyson has had a few horrible nights when we figured out that he does not tolerate garlic, raw onions, and broccoli.  The onion and garlic thing is really difficult for me because I love them so much.  But one look at Tyson, in a colic state, tooting, burping, and pooping continually will cure anyone of their love of any type of food.  He will be so miserable!  This will sound horrible, but it was so funny that I had to laugh.  Tyson was having a colicky night and was screaming at the top of his lungs, "waa, waa, waa", then he let out the loudest explosion into his diaper that I have ever heard, and immediately stopped crying.  There was dead silence.  Poor Tyson, but I just laughed and laughed.

One of his colicky times, poor bugger...doesn't he look miserable?

During the first 1.5 weeks, we did not give Tyson a pacifier.  We had heard that you could get "nipple confusion", so we wanted to definitely avoid that.  He did not need one and did not cry that much in the very beginning.  But then we decided to give it a try when he started to get fussy, and oh my goodness... does he ever love that thing!  We only have 2 of them currently and one has gone missing.  Heaven help us if we lose the current one.   I will try to upload a video at some point to show one of the cutest things that he does.  When he is crying, we will put the pacifier in his mouth, and he will start sucking on that thing like there is no tomorrow - but he is still crying at this point. So he starts groaning and grunting in time with each suck - it is so cute, it is to die for!

 He loves the binky so much, how could we deprive him of it?

Rockin' the binky again and the hat that Shannon gave him

Tyson has the most nicknames of any baby that I know of! The obvious one is Ty. But then there is Ty-Ty, Ty Man, Ty Guy, Peanut, Nugget, Sweets - and we use them pretty frequently! He is an absolute joy and already has some cute antics that are all his own. He is quite a stretcher and will stretch and leave one of his arms straight up in the air. He will sleep that way a lot! It looks like he is in school and wants to be called on. Heath and I always say, "Yes, Tyson, do you have a question?" Another thing that he has done from day one, is shake and move both of his arms in such a manner that it looks like he is a maestro for an orchestra. So we always call him, "Mr. Conductor" when he does that! 

 "Ty, do you have a question?"

"Mr. Conductor!" (excuse the crazy eyes)

Below are some highlights from his first 6 weeks. Next week will have a much shorter entry!  I promise!

 1 week 

 2 weeks (first time in church)

3 weeks

4 weeks

5 weeks (4 generations - Nanny & Papa came to visit)

6 weeks

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Welcome To The World Tyson Keith!

My Special Guy

Welcome to my blog about my son, Tyson. How do you start a blog like this? How do you try to put into words what your son means to you? Well, I better figure it out because he is 6 weeks old and growing up so fast. My cousin, Corey, has done a blog about her daughters for years and initially I did not want to copy her idea. I had decided that instead I would document Tyson's life by writing a journal. However, my husband, Heath, changed my mind. He wanted a blog so that his family members, especially his sister who lives in Nebraska, to be able to "see" Tyson grow up and hear his stories. As you can tell, I relented and "Ty Time" has been born, so to speak. I aim to post weekly entries about Tyson, but motherhood is extremely busy, so we'll see how it goes. It is called "Ty Time" in honor of Heath. Right from the beginning, Heath will sit down with Tyson and go over what Tyson has learned during that particular day. Heath calls it "Ty Talk Time!" So now you all can have your own "Ty Time!" (I dropped the "talk" since you are all reading)

"Ty Talk Time"

For all of my family members, the following will not be new information but I would like to put down into words what led up to the birth of Tyson. Heath and I got married on July 22, 2001 and have been married for 9 years. (Side note, Tyson was born on October 22, 2010 - both on the 22nd - which I seriously just figured out the other day!!) Heath and I tried to get pregnant for about two years. We had initial fertility testing done but they could not come up with a specific cause of why we would not get pregnant. To say that this was difficult is an understatement. Heath, being the manly man that he is, handled this much better than myself. While we were trying to get pregnant, day by day, I was okay. It was not like I was severely depressed, but the day that I would get my period was a different story. It was very hard to know that another month of trying had gone unfulfilled. Until you go through infertility yourself, you do not have any idea what it is like. All of your friends are pregnant and having kids and everywhere you look, there are children to remind you of what you can't have. So if there was any doubt, Tyson was very much wanted and prayed for. We had a plan in place with my OB-GYN to have my fallopian tubes "blown out" this past June if we did not get pregnant before then. Even though we were still trying just as hard as we ever had, I think I pretty much had given up. In my mind I thought that I had to just make it to June and then we could take the next step. And in the great example of the Circle of Life and God's timing, the day my sweet grandmother went to sleep in Jesus, on March 10, 2010, we found out that we were pregnant. It was wonderful news that got our family through a difficult time.

Overall, my pregnancy was fantastic. I hardly had any nausea at all and the small amount that I did have was taken care of with Preggie Pops. They are a sour candy that really does help with nausea. The fact that I am a candyaholic has nothing to do with it! I did have some weird side effects from the pregnancy, including a painful kidney stone and carpal tunnel syndrome in my dominant left wrist. Other than that, the pregnancy went uneventfully... until week 35. First of all, Tyson was breech and they were getting to be concerned about that fact. I had a "Version" scheduled for 10/20/2010 to try to turn Tyson. I had been told how painful this procedure was, but I really wanted to try to have a vaginal birth, so I was game to have it done. But 1 week before the Version, a friend was trying to do a 3D ultrasound on me and discovered completely by accident that my amniotic fluid levels were low. Because of this fact, the Version had to be canceled. I did not have any symptoms of the low amniotic fluid - Tyson was measuring fine and I did not have any leaking fluid. My level was at 7 cm and the normal levels are between 7-25 cm. 5 days later, I was at 5 cm and was put on bedrest. To some people, bedrest might sound nice but I promise you, it sucks. And I only lasted 3 days! I can't imagine lasting 3 weeks, but I wanted to so badly! 3 days later, on Thursday, I was down to 4 cm. At 9 pm that night I was called by my OB-GYN and told that I needed to have a C-Section the next day. Heath and I just had to laugh (we ended up crying later) but first we laughed. We are people who normally have things together but we were not prepared for this. We had the first of three baby showers scheduled for that Sunday, so we did not have hardly anything for the baby! We had the nursery painted but that was it. Our plan was to have the showers, see what we received, and then buy the necessities for Tyson. Well, our plans went out of the window and we had to just laugh. There was nothing else to do!

Heading to the hospital...

The big day arrived! Friday, October 22. I had never had surgery before and that fact alone was scary, but it was nothing compared to worrying about the baby. Heath and I both said, we just wanted him to come out screaming, but we were preparing ourselves for the worst case scenario. You never know how it will turn out, even if he was just 3 weeks and 1 day early. Well, our dream came true and he did come out screaming. Heath was lucky that he was able to watch him come out, leaning over the surgical drapes. But I will never forget my first memory of the glimpse of my son. As the nurse brought him from the surgical table over to the infant isolette, she showed him to me along the way. He was bright pink, arms stretched out wide, his eyes open and he was crying. The image is tattoed onto my brain and my heart. I remember always wondering how you can have an instant connection to your child, even though you have carried them for 9 months. I always thought that you would need to "get to know them" as funny as that sounds. But even before I held him, just the sight of him, filled me with such love and pride that it is astounding. Heath was able to go over to the isolette, take pictures and then was able to hold him. Heath brought him over to me and said, "I think he looks like a 'Tyson' to me." We had been trying to pick out a name forever and could not agree. Girls names had been easier for us but we had finally narrowed it down to either Madden or Tyson. I preferred Tyson slightly over Madden but I liked both of the names. But I felt like Heath should make the final decision because the baby was a boy. I don't know why I felt that way, but I did. It was unfortunate that I felt this way because Heath has trouble making decisions and needs to mull things over and over. I did not want the decision made at the hospital, but because of all the drama leading up to the birth, that is exactly what happened. But Heath declaring his name was a sweet moment between the three of us that I will always remember.

Our first moments with Ty

Tyson was 5 pounds 8 ounces and 17 1/2 inches long. Not too bad but he had a difficult time breastfeeding in the beginning. He could not hold a latch, was not sucking effectively, and would fall asleep immediately when starting to eat. He went down to 4 pounds 13 ounces when we left the hospital. I had become so worried about him. It would take me 1.5 hours to get a 15 minute feeding in, because he would do a couple of sucks, and either scream and come off the breast or fall asleep. It was exhausting and depressing because I knew he was not doing well. They ended up starting us on a nipple shield and that made all the difference in the world. That was another moment that I will not forget. It was just Tyson and I sitting in the hospital bed, and he started sucking like there was no tomorrow for a full 15 minutes straight! I just started crying out of pure exhaustion and relief. I was also so proud of him that I could burst! He has continued to do well and is putting on the weight now. At his last appointment about 2 weeks ago, he was supposed to be 6 pounds 9 ounces to maintain the 1 ounce per day gaining that he should be doing. But instead he was 6 pounds 12 ounces! Another proud moment, I was psyched! I don't have a baby scale, so I don't know what he is now, but he is feeling heavier and heavier and growing out of his clothes so fast.

One of our latest pictures of Ty at 6 weeks old

Our large, extended family was fantastic and was able to come out for Tyson's birth, despite the last minute notice. The staff at the hospital were a bit overwhelmed with the constant stream of visitors that came to see Tyson. My recovery nurse had a "plan" in place for where the visitors would be waiting and when they would be allowed in. All of that went out the window, then we were wheeled into our room from the OR and there were already 6 family members waiting for us in our room! It was obvious that Tyson was very loved right from the beginning and we were so thankful for all of the support.

Our hospital stay went fast and we were psyched to get home. We had the interesting task of introducing Tyson to our dogs, Reeses and Snickers. They are high maintenance Miniature Pinschers, who were our first "babies." They were very curious about Tyson when he came home and never tried to go after him at all. But then reality sank in and they realized that their rank in the household had changed drastically. For days, Reeses and Snickers were very subdued and had the saddest eyes you have ever seen. Heath and I specifically went out of our way to spend time with them and to reassure them but they were still devastated. As you can tell from the following pictures, they can be jealous. I had Tyson sitting on the boppy and I took his picture. I then picked Tyson up and Reeses went immediately into Tyson's spot! Snickers seems to ignore Tyson most of the time but Reeses has now started licking Tyson whenever she can. I think Reeses has become protective of Tyson. Last week, two people came by the house and she growled at them. Reeses has a heart of gold and has never, ever growled at anyone before. Day by day, they are getting back to their old selves and probably realizing that Tyson is here to stay!

The puppies with their sad eyes


She really climbed in this blanket by herself! Progress!

In closing, I will leave you with some of my favorite pictures of brand-new, only a few days-old Tyson! Tune in next week for the summary of Tyson's first 6 weeks!