Week 34
Week 34 had ups and downs. The ups were that Ty is officially taking at least a one hour-long nap a day! Most of the time it is 1.5 hours - but he will stir at about 45 minutes and I have to pick him up and sway with him for about 10 seconds and then I can put him back down. I don't mind this at all, because anything beats the 30 minute nap!!!! The down part of this week was that Mr. Cranky-Pants was back. I don't want to keep crying wolf with the teething thing, but it HAS to be it! Ty is happy ALL the time (a far cry from the early days) but this week he has been very needy, clingy, and fussy like crazy. It has to be the teeth - he has been gnawing on everything in sight, especially his own fingers, which he has never really done before. But I look and feel in his gums and I'm not impressed by anything there... So I'm just not sure!
He looks a tad ticked off here!
Friday started Week 34 out with me having to be away from my boy all day. I had a CEN (certified emergency nurse) review class from 7:30 AM to 6:00 PM. The CEN is a test to say that you are specialized in emergency nursing and it is a wicked hard test. I'm not going to say when I'm taking it... just in case I fail, but it is soon! Anyways, so that is why Sonia came over and stayed the night, since I had to leave very early and obviously Heath had to go to work. Sonia told me the funniest thing when I called to check in on them. She said that she had Ty sitting on the table in his bumbo to feed him lunch. He started staring at our Bose player (that plays our Ipod). He was just fascinated with it and wouldn't stop staring at it. He would look away, but then he would go right back to it. Then, all of a sudden, his lower lip pouted out and started to quiver. Then he started crying. He would look away, then look back at the player and start crying again. It was so bad, that Sonia had to move him into the family room to finish his lunch. And he stopped crying as soon as he went into the family room! Crazy! Scared of the Bose player???? Well, I went right to the Edwards from Manchester to save myself some time and Heath and Ty rode with Sonia. I got there first and was able to take about a half hour nap before they arrived - something I never get to do! That was heavenly! I was concerned about Ty sleeping in the pack n' play again at the Edwards. This is the bigger one that we had left there. The last time we were there, Ty had the huge meltdown and slept horribly. Well, this time he slept on the bottom (for the first time in that pack n' play) and slept through the whole night without needing the binky once!!!!! Infact he was so tired, that when I woke up at 4AM (probably from habit now), I checked the monitor and Ty was in the exact same position as when he went to bed!!!! Now Ty is the the most restless sleeper in the world and travels all over the crib in a million different positions during the night. So my heart stopped when he was in the same position hours later. I jumped out of bed and moved him to make sure he was still breathing. And he was so tired that he didn't even wake up!
He is always sleeping on his side!
Sabbath we woke up a bit late and did not make it to Sabbath school AGAIN. I fed Ty his breakfast for the first time in a high chair. Sonia had gotten a high chair and a really, cool walker that looks like a Jeep, at a yard sale. He still is a bit too small for the high chair and kept sinking down, but it worked. We went to church, had potluck, and then headed over to Uncle Jay & Aunt Amelda's house for an open house. It was their 50th wedding anniversary and the church was putting on a get-together. It was a very nice time and we got to see lots of friends we haven't seen in a while. We got back to the Edwards and got Ty to bed on time! He went right down and slept the whole night again without needing the binky. I'm like, What the heck? I guess we'll have to move to the Edwards so he can sleep better! After Ty was in bed, we showed the Edwards "The Next 3 Days", which they seemed to enjoy.
Sabbath picture all dressed up
Enjoying flying airplane with Daddy!
Doing what else? Trying to crawl!
Sunday was Heath's first Father's Day! Ty gave him a card which he had addressed and signed (with a bit of Mommy's help)! Heath went over to Saco again with his dad to help on a couple things at the school. I got a ton of studying done while Adam and Sonia watched Ty. Ty had a blast! Sonia kept taking him outside and he just loved looking at the garden, all the flowers... He even touched a butterfly that flew right over to him! Ty picked a daisy for me and brought it inside and gave it to me. And then he proceeded to bang it on everything and teared it to pieces! Ty's new food for the next 4 days was cherries. This came in the form of Apples & Cherries together. Again, seemed to love this new food. Towards the end of the afternoon, Ty became pretty cranky. I thought it was a fluke, but no, this was the crankiness that continued for the rest of the week!! )= When Heath and Keith got home, we packed up and headed to Pizza Barn on the way home. It was the cutest thing! They have a little arcade there and Heath saw a father win a stuffed animal for one of his kids. Next thing you know, Heath is going through quarters like there was no tomorrow to win one for Ty! It was very sweet. And lo and behold, by the time we left, Ty had a new, blue stuffed elephant. Ty was too tired to show much appreciation, but I thought it was great. Sunday night at home we were back to waking up at 1:30 AM and 4:00 AM for the binky. What are you going to do?
Ty presenting me with the flower (the only good pic had his face covered)
Ty destroying my flower - look at how angry he looks!
Monday was our big pick-up day after the weekend and couponing. Deals this week included making $1.50 on Zantac, making $1 on a bag of Hershey chocolate, Pantene shampoo & conditioner for $.98 each, and $8 off Ty's formula. Great week overall! One thing that is definitely came to light is that Ty is obsessed with wires. He seems to be drawn to them wherever he is. Not a good thing at all. He had been playing with Sonia's laptop wire on Sunday and then he grabbed at the wires that come out of the PS3/VCR from his... I don't know what to call it, a stationary toy center? So we have to keep a major eye on this wire thing. Monday night my dad came over, since I hadn't been able to see him on Father's Day (not without me trying my hardest). We took him out to Thai food and Ty took his Daddy out too! It was some good eating, we haven't gone to Thai in ages.
"Give me that wire!"
Tuesday we laid low and I studied every waking minute that I could. I don't remember if I had written about Ty suddenly not wanting his oatmeal anymore. Well, I outsmarted him. I figured out that if I gave him his tofu and veges first, he would not touch his oatmeal. I think this is because his loves his tofu so much that he wants more! So if I just give him his oatmeal first every meal, then he eats all his oatmeal and then all of his tofu and yogurt! Sucker! Not much else to tell you about Tuesday except that Ty had a horrible night of sleep and was up about every hour. He ALWAYS does this the night before I have to work! It's like he knows that I'm abandoning him and wants to make me pay!
How could I ever abandon this guy?
Wednesday, yes, I worked and my mom agreed that Ty was not himself. I found out this information at about 9:30 PM at night. Wednesday was my first shift that I did not have to pump. Since Ty is only nursing in the morning, I nursed him before I left and then I don't need to pump anymore. So that was nice, since I feel guilty having to leave to pump, but it was horrible because my pumping break was always when I would call my mom and check in on Ty. I was really busy the whole shift and did not get a chance to call. Wednesday night, same sleeping problem again...but up about every 2 hours.
Picture taken by Noni
Thursday I was kind of runned down from Ty's sleeping and we laid low again and I worked on studying. Ty had a blast rolling, creeping all over the floor playing with his toys, while I was on the laptop. I had to run upstairs to go to the bathroom and I made a quick sweep of the room before I left to make sure there wasn't anything that he could get into or WIRES that he would strangle himself with. I ran up there and usually as soon as I leave the room he will start fussing, because he can't see me! But he didn't and he stayed quiet until I came right down. I thought that was weird. He was sitting on the floor looking at his hand that was closed tight in a fist. He was right by his basket of toys. I forced his hand open and there was a piece of bark that he had pulled off of the toy basket. He could have put that in his mouth and choked on it! But instead he had been inspecting it all over. Thank goodness. Seriously, I can't leave him for a second! Then we were sitting on the couch and the puppies were right beside us. Ty was grinning and talking to the puppies as usual. I was trying to get the perfect shot with the camera when Ty leaned over to pet Snickers and grabbed her ear instead! Ty had a death grip on Snicker's ear and wouldn't let go! I yelled at him and he still wouldn't let go! Poor Snickers looked very distressed and I was afraid that Snickers could nip at Ty. So I didn't have any choice, but to smack Tyson's little hand. He finally let go and Snickers hadn't attacked Ty, so I was relieved. But, oh my, Tyson has turned into a real terror. What was a positive thing was the 2 hour nap he took in the morning! Whoo hoo! Ty started Spinach for lunch in the form of "Gerber's Garden Vegetables" (peas, carrots, and spinach) and I was worried he wouldn't like it, but he gobbled it right up. When Heath got home we headed down to Concord for our night out. For the first time in months, it was just us! My dad was on-call, Shannon & Sean were in Oklahoma visiting relatives, and Adam just didn't feel like going out. Ty talked our ear off during the whole ride down to Concord. He was just like he was having a real conversation with us! So we did some regular errands, including going to Petco for dog food and tried to show Ty the animals, but he was too zoned out and tired to care. The highlight of the night was that Heath bought a Samsung Galaxy tablet. It just came out and he has been waiting and waiting for it. It's very nice, but I still love my Ipad. But at least I don't have to fight Heath for my own Ipad anymore!
"Snickers I love you so much, I can't let you go!"
Time at the OG just the 3 of us
Have a great week!