Last Friday started Ty's 38th week. We spent the majority of the day doing a full cleaning of the house. It hadn't been done in 6 weeks (our norm now) and I couldn't stand it one more day. I knew that I wouldn't be able to do it all in one day running after Ty all day - especially since I had to go to the grocery store in the middle of the day. So knowing this, I had stayed up until 1:30 AM on Thursday night/Friday morning cleaning the mirrors, cleaning in the kitchen, and the lone bathroom that we have. So all I had left to do was dusting and vacuuming and even that was a feat to get it done. Ty was pretty good with the cleaning, but he didn't help dust like the last time! After Heath was out of work, we all headed to the beach at Squam Lake for a picnic with Mom, Dad, Shannon & Sean. We were all decked out in beach attire, but it turned cold. That did not stop Sean, Heath & Ty, though. Ty still loves the water like crazy! We had a nice time together, despite the no-swimming for most of us. Both Thursday and Friday nights turned out to be rough with Tyson, crying at 2:00 AM each night for about an hour and was very difficult to settle and get back to sleep. We weren't sure what it was all about.
Very excited over the vacuum cleaner
Whoa! Prego!
Last Sabbath I didn't have to work! After much debate about what we were going to do, we settled on staying at home (for the first time in months) and going to Concord church. We had a cool thing happen to us. When we got to church, I had to change Ty's diaper immediately since he had pooped on the way the church (this happens EVERY single time we go anywhere). We were the only people in the foyer when a lady came up to us (about our age) and just started talking to us. She wanted to know when the service ended so she could talk to the "priest." She said that she was an Evangelical Protestant and had been reading her Bible recently when she discovered the truth about the Sabbath on her own. Because she refused to work Sabbath, she lost her job, and now spends Sabbaths witnessing about the Sabbath. We told her to join us in church and then we would introduce her to the pastor. So she did and we did! Don't know what is going to come of it, but it was really awesome to see God working out there in the world! His Coming is so near! So after church, we went home, packed another picnic, put on our beach attire again, and went to my parent's townhouse. They had invited us the day before and we jumped on it! They live right on the Pemi River and we spent a few hours on a sandbar. We did have to cross the river to get to the sandbar, and that proved a bit dauting, especially because I had brought my Ipad and was expecting a leisurely time without real swimming involved! Well, we got everything ferried over (minus the Ipad) without anything getting too wet. We had another great time. Ty took a nap underneathe the umbrella and actually didn't swim this time! Saturday night, we headed home and picked up some subs and a movie. We got Ty to bed and were hoping for a better night than the last 2. But that was not to be. Ty had the worst time ever. He screamed uncontrollably for 2 hours. Nothing worked. He did not feel feverish at all. We rocked him, we swayed with him, we sang to him, and we both layed on the floor with him. He acted like he was in pain. He was arching his back and kicking his legs and just appeared that he was hurting. So Heath & I both figured it HAD to be his teeth. FINALLY. So we gave him Tylenol and rubbed teething gel on his gums and eventually he calmed down and went to sleep.
Home from church
Our own personal "oxen"
On Sunday, Keith & Sonia came to the house and we headed to breakfast at the diner. Then we made our way back to the Boston Museum of Fire Arts. When you pay admission, you get to come back for a free repeat visit within 10 days. I asked Heath if he wanted to go and he said he did. So the only day he could go would be Sunday. We missed a canoe trip with Conway church, but it was over 90 degrees, so we were thankful that we were in the AC. Ty did well again at the museum, but this time Daddy lugged him around for a good portion of the time. The Baby Bjorn made an appearance too! We were at the museum for about 4 hours and then we hit up Cheesecake Factory on the way home. We did something a bit different and sat Ty between us in the booth while we ate. It actually didn't work too bad! Ty slept a bit better Sunday night, but we were freaked out because Ty started pulling at his ears (right worse than his left) while we were in Boston. He had never done this before! I know that you can have referred pain from teething, but I was getting concerned that he was getting an ear infection...
Checking out things with Daddy
Family photo in front of the specialty exhibit
Gotta love the Baby Bjorn!
On Monday, Ty and I packed up and headed to North Conway. You would think on a weekday the traffic would be fine. OH NO. It took me 2 hours to get to my parent's house, instead of the usual 1 hour and 15-20 minutes. Very frustrating. What wasn't frustrating was that we (Mom, Ty & I) were going to see my childhood best friend, Jessie Fortin. We hadn't seen each other in about 15 years. It was so good to see her and to meet her husband, Brian. They have been married for 2 years and they live in Ethiopia. Her husband does international teaching and they have been in Ethiopia for almost 5 years. Anyway, we initially met up for Thai food. When we got there, we discovered that the Thai restaurant was not totally closed - they just didn't have a chef! The chef was MIA and had called to say he would be another hour before he could come in! Needless to say, we headed to Flat-Bread, which is an organic pizza house. We had a great time talking and didn't want to leave! We are going to try to meet up with them again when they come back to the States at Christmas. Ty took to them like he had known them forever! Still no sign of "stranger-danger!" Ty & I had to rush home because I had decided to take Ty to the doctor's. He was still tugging at his ears and he had even scratched the inside of his right ear from messing with it so much, so I just wanted to be sure he was OK. Heath met us at home and we raced down to the pediatrician. Ty got a clean bill of health - his ears were fine. The distressing part was that the nurse practitioner did not think any teeth were coming through, either. So was this all because Ty found his ears for the first time? Probably. After the doctor's visit, we went to Taco Bell and to a few stores. Then we went home to hit the hay. Ty was done after that long day.
Brian & Jessie with us
Monday night, Ty slept better again, so the bad stretch seemed to be over. Thank goodness. Tuesday, Ty and I ran to the pharmacies in the morning - but I'm not sure why we bothered. There were hardly any deals to be had - but I did manage to get Pantene for $.98 again and bought Mucinex on-sale at Rite Aid for a future endeavor that I hope to be starting soon! (hint, hint) While on our pharmacy run, it was right smack during Ty's AM naptime. He usually will fall asleep in the car and will sleep for about 45 minutes. He had slept for 15 minutes when we were at CVS. 2 old ladies came by to admire Ty and put their heads right into the carrier and said loudly, "Isn't he cute!" Then they went on their merry way. Well, their loud voices woke up Ty and he would NOT go back to sleep! He wouldn't go back to sleep in the car when we headed out to our next stop either! So 15 minutes is all he got! Not good at all! Well, I didn't have to deal with that fall-out because had to work from 3p-7p. An easy 4 hour shift, that I did as a favor for a co-worker. I don't know if it was because I never work Tuesdays, but it was torturous to leave Ty that afternoon. Unfortunately, he didn't nap for my mother that afternoon either. I'm not sure what was up with that.
Wednesday I had to work the entire day and I wasn't happy with that! Ty ran errands with Noni and began saying, "Mama, Mama" while I was at work! I guessed he missed me! Then Wednesday night with Daddy, Ty pulled the cord to his fan in his room and the fan fell down on top of his back. He was fine! It's nice to know that he's as much of a rascal with Daddy as he is with me!
Thursday I heard that "Mama" for myself! He seems to have replaced "Dada" with "Mama", which Heath is very distressed over! Thursday morning, you would think that I would be staying home for 1 day this week, but NO WAY. I killed myself to get out of the house to drive to Naples, Maine to see my friend, Amy, who was here visiting family. She lives in Minnesota. My goal was to leave the house at 10:00 AM. That quickly became 10:15, then 10:30, the 10:45, and then I actually left at 11:00!!!! Ty is so active, that it is so hard to get packed up and leave anywhere. I am constantly running behind him and I can't get anything packed! For example, my worst nightmare came true. Until I get my gate for the hall upstairs, I have been leaving Ty in his bedroom with his toys with the door shut for a few minutes if I have to go to the bathroom. So I've been worried that he will be right in front of the door when I open it, so I open it very gingerly. Well, this time when I went to open the door, my nightmare had happened, but it was much worse! Ty was not only in front of the door, but he was STANDING in front of the door, holding onto the door! And not only that, but I couldn't reach him and if I bumped the door, he would fall straight back and hit his head on the fan! I started to freak out a bit, since I couldn't get to my son!!!! I prayed and prayed...and then I was able to ease the door open just enough that I was able to reach him and sit him down. Then I pushed him with the door and got it open. I was having a full-on panic attack, but would you think Ty was stressed out? No way. He leaned over to see me beyond the door, and burst into the biggest smile you've ever seen! It was so cute! But, oh my goodness...Once we finally got going, we headed to Naples. We stopped on the way and dropped the dogs off with Sonia because we were staying at the Edwards house on Thursday night because Ty & I were going with Sonia to Portland on Friday for a procedure she was having. Well, we got a bit lost going to the cabin Amy was staying at, and Amy couldn't give me exact directions (the address wasn't in the GPS) - so she came out to find me, but then I found the road on my own anyway. I had to stop while I was lost because Ty was due to eat and having a melt-down. So I climbed in the backseat and fed him, then worked on finding our way again. We finally made it! We had a great time swimming at the lake they were on with Amy & her two kids. Amy couldn't get over how Ty stayed in the lake for about an hour and a half and he didn't want to get out! He was all pruned up when we were done, but he loved it! He is fearless too! He had been playing in the sand and then just decided to start crawling to the water! He kept leaning over in his floaty to splash the water and would almost tip it over because he would get so excited! So we had a great visit and it's just a shame that they don't live closer. Then Ty & I headed to the Edwards' house (he fell asleep before we had left Amy's driveway). Heath carpooled with Adam and stayed the night with us.
Now technically, Friday is part of the 39th week...but I have to mention two points. Two big milestones occurred on Friday. First of all, Tyson is 9 months old now!!!!! Oh my goodness! I can't believe how big he is! And then secondly, it was Heath & my 10 year anniversary!!!! Heath had a huge bouquet of 36 red and pink roses with hydrangeas delivered to me at work for our anniversary. It was the most beautiful arrangement I had ever seen. My co-workers were taking pictures of the flowers because they were so spectacular. Unfortunately, the picture does not do it justice at all! What a great husband I have! So romantic!
Amy, Ty, Mya & Jude
Another "Mom brain" moment and forgot his hat! A shirt works fine!
Ty had had enough!
Now technically, Friday is part of the 39th week...but I have to mention two points. Two big milestones occurred on Friday. First of all, Tyson is 9 months old now!!!!! Oh my goodness! I can't believe how big he is! And then secondly, it was Heath & my 10 year anniversary!!!! Heath had a huge bouquet of 36 red and pink roses with hydrangeas delivered to me at work for our anniversary. It was the most beautiful arrangement I had ever seen. My co-workers were taking pictures of the flowers because they were so spectacular. Unfortunately, the picture does not do it justice at all! What a great husband I have! So romantic!
Gorgeous, gorgeous
What a week. Now the blog will be on hiatus for about 3 weeks, because we will be in Nova Scotia. We leave next Friday night/Saturday AM and there is not anyway that I can get a blog out before we leave. So we will have much to report from our trip when we get back. Not a day-by-day report, though, for sure!!!!! In closing, here are some shots of a Ty/Poppy photo shoot!