Thursday, August 29, 2013

Lost Videos ...

The way that I loaded videos onto Blogger stopped working for me a couple of months ago...so I got backlogged with videos.  I have figured out a way to do it now, so I wanted to post the videos that I didn't get a chance to do!  I really don't expect everyone to watch 20 videos of my kids!  This is mostly for Heath & I (and the boys) to be able to look back on, years down the road!  I do have some favorites that I don't think should be missed, so look for these titles:

FIREWORKS 2013 (#9)

Happy watching!

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

First Dairy Test, New Bathroom, Funny vs. Fun, Puffs, First Toothbrush, Won't Finish Bottles & 9 Month Stats

Wes:  9 Months & 1 Week Old 
Ty:  2 Years, 10 Months & 1 Week Old 

Last Friday Westin made me pay again. I always try to do our grocery run in the afternoon, so Westin will get his 2 ½ - 3 hour AM nap in. I don’t know what it is lately, but on more Fridays than not lately, he has been sleeping for 1 hour in the AM. What??? Then he misses his afternoon nap because we have to go to the grocery store before sundown and he no longer falls asleep in the car there or in the store. Talk about a bummer and then cranky Wes makes an appearance in the evening, but you can’t really blame the kid when he only got a 1 hour nap all day long. On the way back from the grocery store, how could a kid fall asleep anyway? Not with Tyson singing, “Happy Birthday to Tooties” at the top of his lungs. Are we moving from our poop obsession to toots now? Not really sure that that is an improvement. Ty was in heaven on Friday evening, he went outside with Heath and “helped” him mow the lawn before sundown. There is not a better combination for Tyson. That is…being outside and being with Daddy. 

Ty tickling Westin with his foot

Wes got to try a popsicle for the first time!

On Sabbath we hit the road early and headed up to Conway to church. We met Shannon & Griffin on the road and followed them up there! Finley was a bit under the weather, so Sean stayed with her at home. At one point, Shannon had tried to pass a car and had pulled out to pass, but there was a car coming – so she whipped back into our lane. Heath made a comment like, “Whoa Shannon.” From the backseat came the concern from Tyson. He said, “Shannon careful. Cars hit you. Boom boom, owie owie owie.” It was so funny! What wasn’t funny was the dog’s behavior during church. We had to bring the dogs because we were going to be gone, literally 14 hours and couldn’t leave them home for that long. We were worried about the heat, but thank goodness, it was only in the low 70’s and there was plenty of shade for us to park in. We put all 4 windows down and went into church. Our dog, Snickers is psycho. There is really no other way to put it. Her anxiety is unreal and really should be put on doggie Prozac (this actually exists, by the way). She literally barked the entire church service, despite me going out to the car to try to comfort them and check on the temperature in the car. It was cool, but Snickers was beside herself. I think it made it worse when I checked on her. After church, Heath walked downstairs and one of our church members said, “Hey, isn’t that your dog running around the parking lot?” Yes, Snickers had jumped out of the window! We left it down just a tad too much and she jumped out. She has never done that before. I was so thankful and prayed right then and there, because the church is on a super busy route and if she had ventured in the road…she would have been killed. I brought Snickers back to the car, and there was poor Reese. Peeking her head through the window, that was just small enough that she could not squeeze through. Poor Fatty McGee was left behind! She was happy to see Snickers, that is for sure. After church, we went to my parent’s house where my Mom had made lunch for us. Dad was on-call and wasn’t there and we missed him. A friend of our family was visiting, so that was good to see her. Sonia came over and it was Shannon, Griffin, Devin, Bode (Leigh was working and Mia was spending the weekend with a friend) and us. We had a nice time and Bode & Ty had fun playing together. After we ate, we headed back to the church for a memorial service. One of our church member’s daughter had passed away at age 35 from Melanoma. The service was so lovely and so heartbreaking. It just killed me to see her young kids (she had 3). As a mother, I feel for these kids so much. It is just not right that they have to grow up without her. It is so hard to understand why God allows these things to happen – but I know that He is in control. After the service, we had a reception and then we went back to my parent’s house, where we had left the dogs during the service. There is no way we could have them disrupt the entire service. We drove back home after that. The boys fell asleep almost immediately. It was a long day for everyone.

Driving to church, watching out for Shannon

 Playing with the Bodester

Sunday we had a day at home, for the first time in weeks! Westin tried yogurt for the first time for breakfast. I had been putting it off for awhile, since he had his problems with dairy when he was nursing…but it has seemed to be fine! You should have seen his face when I fed it to him! I think he thought he was getting candy! Heath worked on the bathroom all day and Ty was right there with him at all times! Ty would say to Heath (non-stop), “Daddy, you doing?” (aka “what are you doing?”) Heath would respond, “Working on the bathroom.” Ty would say, “Oh” and appear to be appeased, but then would say, “Daddy, you doing?” again and again. Over and over again. Heath came SO close to finishing the bathroom. Everything was done except the side splash for the countertop. We went to Home Depot to pick it up and they were out of that specific color. Oh, how close! We did a few errands, hit up the pharmacies and then headed home. Heath found a killer deal on a John Deere kid’s wheelbarrow at Tractor Supply and it got it for the boys. It is usually $40 and it was $9.99. Ty was in love and kept calling it his “wagon!”

I finally got videos to work on here again!  I have to work on the quality next!

Westin wanted to help Daddy finish the bathroom too!

Wishin' & Hopin' @ Home Depot

Banished from the bathroom & forced to sit in a chair in the doorway

Look at the Show-Off, he pulled himself up and then let go with one hand!

 Monday morning I woke up feeling terrible. I really don’t know what it was, but the entire day/afternoon I felt nauseated, very tired, and weak. I felt so bad that I laid down on the ground and Ty came over, looking concerned. I told him, “Ty, you are going to have to help Mama today. I don’t feel good today.” It was very cute, Ty said, “Ty take Mama to doctors.” How sweet! I told him that I didn’t think that was necessary, but it did make me nervous if I did start vomiting (which I thought I might) and got really sick, what was I going to do with the kids? My mom was in Bar Harbor and my sister is in no condition to help me (with a newborn and living 40 minutes away). I guess Heath would have to come home if it got really bad. But thank goodness it didn’t come to that. By the evening, I felt better, but I have no idea what it was. And NO, I am not pregnant. Ty had a pee accident that day for no reason at all and was very nonchalant about it. He just came over to me and said, “Ty pee pants.” So off to time-out he went. At time-out, I said, “Why are you in time out?” He said again, “Ty pee pants. But then he added, “Worry about it.” I think he left out the “don’t!” He is still just peeing his pants sometimes because he doesn’t want to stop playing. I try to watch the clock and take him about every 1 ½ hours. That seems to be his magic window – if it is much past that…then he might have already dribbled. He has been asking to pee more on his own though, so there is hope. But I am with my friend Shannon Nelson and Corey, who had written on my blog that they don’t potty-train until 3 years old. The problem is that Ty appeared so interested and ready, so what do you do? Suppress that? Poor Wes. Because he watches and idolizes Ty so much, he is going to want to start potty-training early and I’m going to want to hold off until 3 now! (= Monday afternoon the boys and I headed to Walmart for a few odds and ends. Of course we couldn’t avoid the Walmart bathroom and Ty announced he had to go when we passed it, even though he had just gone at home about 15 minutes before that. I think he likes going in there for some reason! Monday night was a big night in our house. Our downstairs bathroom is now complete! Heath had picked up the sidesplash in Lebanon so he could finish the bathroom. Heath did a fantastic job! It came out beautifully. I’m so excited it is finished!

Bedtime stories on Monday night.  Should we be worried?

On Tuesday I did a full cleaning on the house. I had actually done some of it on Monday night when Heath and the kids were in bed. My most productive time! I was worried about how Wes would do with the vacuum now that he is crawling all over. Just like Ty, he loved the vacuum! Thank goodness. I was able to get lots of cleaning done because both my boys took 3 ½ hour naps on this day! I actually ended up waking both of them up at the 3 ½ hour mark to keep them on some type of schedule, so who knows how long they would have slept for! I noticed something on Tuesday with Ty. He gets the words “funny” and “fun” mixed up. For example, he will say. “I like my car. It is funny.” Or he will laugh at something I have said, and will giggle, “Mama, you fun.” It is very cute. I have tried to explain the differences, but he still almost always mixes them up! I tried Puffs for the first time with Wes and he went right to it! He was able to pick them up easily and did a great job! He loved them! On Tuesday night, I thought it was high time that I busted out a toothbrush for Wes. He does have 2 teeth for crying out loud! I think it is really true that you become much more lax with the second one. As soon as I saw any white at all in Ty’s mouth, out came the toothbrush. Poor Westy! I’m slacking! Well, Wes loved his toothbrush! He thought it was the best thing! He was so cute! It’s nice to be able to brush some teeth around here and not have it be a battle! 

"I'm not really sure what to do with this thing!"

Grabbed it...


1st toothbrushing!

 On Wednesday I worked. I always warn Ty that I am going to work because I leave during his nap. I told him that Grammy was coming to baby-sit him and I usually use Grammy (or Noni, whoever is babysitting) as an excuse for him to go right down for his nap. I say, “You want to go right to sleep and then when you wake up, Grammy (or Noni) will be here!” For some reason, this line of reasoning did not work on this day. Tyson turned into a hyper, crazy animal. I left him up in his crib and tried to have his sleep, but after 1 ½ hours…I gave up! He wasn’t crying - just tossing and turning, or whining a bit, or playing. Grammy got here and, oh my word, Tyson was super hyper! He very excitedly told her that he would not sleep! It was so cute. Westin is officially having problems finishing his bottles again. He had done this for awhile, but had been back on track. He usually takes 6 ounces every feeding, but lately he will have 3 or 4 ounces and it takes forever to try to get the last bit in. I know it is because he is so active and does not want to sit still to take the bottle, but it is so frustrating! When I was home the next day, Ty proudly showed me his new boo-boo. He had been playing outside with Grammy on his bike and had wiped out, scraping his right elbow. The kid is constantly getting scraped up, there is just no way around it.

Playing around before I left for work - Ty has barricaded Wes with toys - to keep him from the iPad

Playing together now while I loaded the dishwasher

Thursday was a busy day and I was dragging in the AM, after working and getting my 3 hours of sleep. We had Westin’s 9 month appointment in the afternoon. As we were driving to Concord, Ty asked to have his window down. He has been doing this lately, always wanting his window down while we drive. I really didn’t feel like having all the wind blowing everywhere and the noise while we went on the highway, so I developed a new rule. “No windows down on the highway” – since Ty can not have it down slightly, it will be all the way down. I told him my reasons and then I added, “A bird could fly into our car.” Ty did not think that was possible, but it happened to Leigh before! Then we started the game, “let’s come up with every type of animal that could get into the car.” That took us all the way to Concord! Ty said something so funny (or would I say, “fun”?) while we were in the waiting room. They have these wooden tables that have wooden toys on them…so Ty had adjusted them in such a way that he had boxed himself into this area….

Ty: “Mama, Ty can’t get out!”

Me: “Oh no! What if we have to leave? Will Mama leave you?”
Ty: “No!”
Me: “You are right. Mama would never leave you.” 
Ty: “Dr. Cramer would come get Ty.” 

 Dr. Cramer is our pediatrician and Ty just loves her! I had to share that story with her and she loved it! What I loved were Westin’s stats. He is back on the growth chart! Of course his weight will sound like nothing, but if you would have seen his chart and have seen the dip he had done – it looks great now! That is what a little formula will do for you! She thinks he is doing fantastic and has hit every milestone that he has needed to so far! I’m so proud of my boy!

Westin 9 Months: 

Weight = 16 lbs 2 oz (4th percentile) 
Height = 28 inches (40th percentile) 
Head = 18 inches (40th percentile) 

Westin Dean is growing up!

 After the appointment, we sat on a bench outside the hospital for awhile and watched the massive crane working on the parking garage across the street. It was very impressive and Ty was in awe. I have never been that close to one before! After that, we met Heath, Shannon & Sean & kids at this property (land) that we wanted to look at. We have been looking for a big parcel of land that we could buy together and subdivide. Heath, Sean & the older kids walked the property (for about an hour) while Shannon & I and the younger boys hung in the car. 3 out of 4 of us love the land (it has a 7 acre pond) and the 4th person is a bit unsure about it. I won’t get into who the 4th person is. So, not sure what will come of it, but I think it is a pretty amazing piece of land. After that, all of us went out to eat in New London. We had a nice time, but the kids were a bit rambunctious again. When Ty & Finley get together, watch out! Westin had puffs for the first time in a restaurant and he ate a ton! It definitely kept him occupied! 

Hard at work in the pediatrician's waiting room

Ty excited to watch the crane

Arrived to look at the property

 Have a great week & Labor Day weekend!

Ty making his book mosiac all over his room

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Flipping Westin Over, Ty the Tattler & Westin Obsessed with All Things Dog-Related

Wes:  9 Months Old
Ty:  2 Years & 10 Months Old

This will be a MUCH shorter blog since my Nova Scotia recap already recapped the Friday, Sabbath, and Sunday last week.  Monday through Thursday will seem like nothing compared to last week's posting!

Last Monday, what do you think we did all day?  Unpacked from Nova Scotia!  And let me tell you, it takes all day and half the night (at least until my bedtime at 3 AM).  It was so funny, as I was unpacking from Nova Scotia, what was Ty doing?  He grabbed his backpack and started stuffing it with toys and books.  I asked him what he was doing?  His response:  "Packing for Ova Scotia."  Poor bugger.  I had to break the news to him that we would not be returning for a whole year!!!!  Doesn't seem fair, I know!  What also wasn't fair was Tyson flipping Westin over, while he was crawling on the ground!  Not really sure what prompted it, but Ty just pushed him over and Westin flipped over too.  I was livid.  Ty went right to time-out and we had a long talk about this.  After his time-out, Ty went over to Westin kissed him and said, "Sorry Westy.  Sorry Ty flipped you over."  Monday morning, our family got some bad news.  A friend of our family (very close friends of Kelly & Steve) had passed away suddenly at the age of 34 the morning before.  My mother had found out the night before, but she didn't have the heart to call us kids, since we had just driven from Nova Scotia and it was late.  The story will give you chills.  He was 34, very fit and healthy and was taking care of his wife, who was dying of brain cancer.  She was 29 and was actively dying, sleeping 22 out of 24 hours of the day, and she could no longer speak.  He had quit his job to be there to take care of her.  Then he just dropped and died.  She was aware enough that his parents had to tell her that he had died, but she could not communicate.  She cried when they told her, so it is so sad to know that she understood.  She died 45 hours later.  I really can't remember hearing a more tragic story.  These young people, so in love, and so full of life...for them both to be gone in an instant.  It is just unthinkable.  I don't know what else to say about it, except that I am so thankful that we have the Blessed Hope that they will be reunited and we will see them again. 

Tina & Neil Carruthers

There is no rest for the weary.  After finally unpacking and picking up my house, I headed to work on Tuesday.  Sonia came and watched the boys.  I know they had a great time.  Heath obviously has them during the night and Tyson (on Wednesday) clued me in to a little secret that Heath & Ty share.  Ty told me (while giggling), "Daddy keep sleep diaper on."  I know that Heath does this quite a bit, and I get after him about it - put his undies on and don't be lazy!  I think it is perfect how Ty tattles now and throws Heath under the bus!  That is until he does it to me!

Picture taken by Ty on Tuesday morning.  Very artistic.  

The boys kept me jumping on Wednesday.  Why can't they have a nice quiet day, the day after I work and only get 3 hours of sleep?  It will never happen.  For starters, it was laundry day.  I had to do the million loads of laundry from Nova Scotia.  Fun times.  What did Ty do the first thing on Wednesday morning?  He pushed Westin over again!!!  Are you kidding me?  I think we escalated to a spanking on that one.  Didn't we just do a time-out for this???? Westin started an obsession that Tyson started at just the same age.  Dumping the dog water out!  Not nice.  He did it twice that day!  So now I have to put the water up whenever Wes is on the crawling prowl!  Poor dogs.  Ty did some questionable things with his smurf toys on Wednesday.  He first tried to cook them in the microwave (I stopped him just in time), then he tried to freeze them in the freezer, and then he took his electric saw and tried to cut them up.  Sometimes I don't really know (or want to know) what is going on in that brain of his!  And then he does something brilliant (I might be stretching it a bit) like this...  He had been playing with his ATV, when I had heard him muttering something about being "sticky."  I didn't think much about it until Ty had me give him multiple pieces of tape.  He then showed me so proudly his handiwork.  "Mama, Ty fixed it.  No more sticky!"  He had taken napkins and taped them around his "sticky" handlebars!  What a genius.  We headed to the Mexican restaurant a night early because Adam wasn't going to be able to go out on Thursday night.  We had a great meal, but Tyson ended it on a sour note by peeing his pants there.  He hasn't done that in such a long time!  It was probably from sipping off of Heath, Adam & my rootbeer all night!  I don't really think that Westin has pulled himself up completley before - maybe part-way, but he did it completely that night when we got home!   It was so cute, my little man is growing up!  I don't know what got into my munchkins but they were both up crying multiple times during the night.  Very unlike them.

Ty's crazy outfit of the day - hydrant hat, red necklace (with a key on it), and his camo boots.  He rocked it!

Right after I caught him trying to microwave the smurf

I'd rather look at it this way:  He is going to be a surgeon someday!  And not a chain saw mass murderer!

It would haven been such a cute picture if it was just clear!

** I am so mad, I took a picture of Westin standing up but it has disappeared off my camera. I know I didn't erase it, I don't know what happenend!!!! )=  **

Thursday showcased a problem with Westin and Ty right now.  The problem is that Ty is wicked OCD and Westin is a bull in a china shop.  Ty will get his toys perfectly placed, just how he wants it and Westin will plow right in and mess them all up!  Ty gets so mad!  Westin found a new thing that he is obsessed with along with the dog water.  What is better than dog water?  Dog food!!!!  My poor dogs.  They are going to starve and be thirsty!  Westin makes a beeline for the dog food, whenever I don't block it off.  It's so funny - he knows that he is not supposed to get it.  Because he will take off straight for the dog food, stop mid-crawl, and look over his shoulder at me with this devilish grin, like "yeah, I'm going to get it!" And then he starts crawling as fast as he can go, giggling the whole way!  What a silly boy!  Is it all dog-related things that he is into now?  Because Thursday afternoon I found (to my horror), he had gotten one of the dog's raw hide chews and was gnawing on it like mad!  I wonder if it helps teething babies as much as it helps the dog's teeth! (=

Tyson lining up his books just right

Look at his face when Westin messes them up!

So poor Wes - this is Ty shutting the door right in his face to try to keep Wes out of Ty's room!

Have a good week! 

Planking over Westin

Trying to do a head stand over Westin

Just posing with Westin (only managed to get the eyes half-open though, Ty)

I put Westin's bathtub away since he is taking baths in the real tub now.  Ty didn't want to part with it.