Saturday, February 28, 2015

August 20, 2007 - November 20, 2014

At midnight on Thursday, November 20th, I let both dogs outside to do their business.  I knew that Snickers probably didn't have to go, but wherever Reeses would go...Snickers would go too.  Reeses came right back in but Snickers didn't.  Late at night, she would go around the side of the house, out of my view, to do a late night poop.  This was our routine every night.  She would never go to the road, but for some reason...she ran across the street.  When she ran back across the street, she was hit by a car and was killed instantly.  I heard it happen and I will never get that sound out of my head.  We live on a busy road.  The thing that I can't get over is that any other time, I am relentless about putting the dogs on a leash to go outside except late at night.  The reason why I would put them on a leash during the day was in case a runner or biker went by our house - they would chase them.  But they wouldn't go near the road normally.  So late at night, I got complacent about the road.  And it cost my sweet dog her life.  I should have watched her every second and this would never have happened.  

It makes me so angry because I always looked out extra special for Snickers.  She was such an anxious, psychotic dog.  I would always make sure that she comfortable in her bed, covered with her blanket...I would give her extra attention when we were away from home.  When we would drive anywhere, I would always pet her continuously because she was such a nervous traveler.  But all that love and attention meant nothing in the end.  I still am the reason that she died and I don't know how to forgive myself for it.  

Here are some of things that made Snickers who she was...
- She loved to eat snow and ice
- She would attack Reeses when they were reunited after being separated...even just from going their separate ways doing their business
- She would sit by the door, whining, until Reeses would be back with her 
- She would pee 3 times each time she went outside (marking her territory everywhere)
- She would freak out getting her nails clipped and would bite the nail clippers (not us or the vet)
- You could not get anywhere near her butt - she would freak out
- She couldn't wag her tail properly...I called her "Broken Tail"
- She would try to hide her prized possession, her "Bowie," and would run around trying to find a suitable hiding place, whining the whole time
- Snickers would cry in the middle of the night to get out of her crate just to get a drink of water
- She could never bark on command...Reeses would bark when I said, "Say please," but Snickers would sneeze on command instead.  Every time.  
- Sunbathing was her absolute favorite past time - on the kitchen floor by the back porch doors or the back of the couch and she would sunbathe until she would pant 
- Snickers would lie on her back at night and make Reeses to groom her (she would bite Reeses if she stopped)
- Snickers would return the favor by licking Reeses' face, especially her eyes and would hold Reeses down with her paw
- She could rock climb like you have never seen - pulling herself up on these huge rocks!
- Whenever we would go on a walk or hike, she would walk directly behind me (even though Reeses and everyone else would be way ahead of us)
- When we were driving, whenever I would brake or use the turn signal...Snickers would start whining and stand up to look out the window.  This could get old on long trips.
- Eggs were her favorite food and would usually get them every Sunday morning.
- Whenever we would put her life jacket on her, Snickers would act like she could not walk or move.
- She hated to swim, but once when Heath was swimming in the middle of a river...she jumped in and swam to get to him (he was quite far from her and the river was moving).  That was love!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Snickers from baby puppy on...

We love you Snickers and will always miss you

Daddy in Brazil, Babysitting the Frosts & Corneal Abrasion

Nov 17 - 20 

Heath was away for a week to Brazil for work, missing Westin's 2nd birthday on Wednesday, November 19.  Can't believe my baby is 2!!

Mom & Dad took an impromptu trip to Nova Scotia to meet with our builder on the new cabin.  That meant that I had to babysit Shannon's kids while she worked.  Here Griffin is taking a bite out of Westin's arm!

Westin got Griffin back - by pinning him to the floor!  What Shannon doesn't know won't hurt her...while she is gone! (=

Finley was excited that I told them they could watch "Cinderella!" (Griffy was not super impressed)

Ty was definitely excited too!

Chillin' with a blanket...with your cousins...watching Disney...what more can you ask for?

Playing with Finley's magnetic dolls 

Before we left the Frosts, right before Sean got home, I watched Finley poke Westin directly in his right eye. Hard.  He went crazy, hysterically crying and I couldn't calm him down for about 30 minutes.  To Finley's defense, she said that he had a sleepy-seed that she was trying to get out.  So she was trying to help him - but poor Westy would not open his eye at all.  I figured he probably got a corneal abrasion and our pediatrician was closed. When we got home for supper, he ate his entire supper with his eyes closed...like he was blind.  The next 2 videos show this.  The last one is especially cute, but it ends in a horrible way!!!!

It took him a couple of days, but he stopped rubbing his eye and it got better.  I debated taking him in the doctor's, but eye drop antibiotics that you get for corneal abrasions are not recommended for children...they just heal on their own.  So I saved us the trip and money...and he was getting better...if he was getting worse I would have definitely taken him in!

2 days later, Shannon & the kids came over on Thursday to watch "Frozen" with us and the kids wanted to watch it while sitting on the back of the couch.  Ty was so excited and set up the movie next to the DVD player on display before he went the bed the night before, when the kids came through the door...he excitedly showed Finley the movie and she responded with pure attitude saying, "I don't want to watch that."  Ty was crushed.   I felt so bad for him! 

After Shannon & the kids left, we went to Concord to get haircuts, go to the party store to get supplies for Westin's birthday party that weekend

Wes was excited for his party!

And we met Noni & Poppy at the OG, who were driving back from Nova Scotia that night

Having their pops from Supercuts

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Lots of Forts, Daredevils & Playing Games

Wes:  1 Year, 11 Months & 3 Weeks Old
Ty:  4 Years & 3 Weeks Old 

Nov 10 - 16

Making a fort underneath our down comforter in our bed

If Westin doesn't play guitar when he gets older...I will be shocked!!  This is one of my favorite pictures in a long time!!

Afternoon playing with the dune racer

Westin isn't half-bad at driving actually!

I love this one - it is like they are deep in conversation!

Pure driving joy

Not sure what to say about this...a fireman chef making a car omelette?!!

Very pleased with the result

Ty playing Uno with me while Wes was napping...I am trying to groom him to love games as much as me!!  I will always have a playing partner then!!

Our last picture of Snickers...she died 1 week later, to the day.  Reeses was upstairs with the boys playing and Snickers missed her and became distressed without Reeses!  They were whining/barking at each other through the gate - it was super cute.  I miss her so much.  It has been 3 months...when will it ever get better?  

  Hanging in Ty's tent in his room (wish I could remember what they were looking at)

More dune racer fun

Playing CD's together - they made a sleeping area with Ty's mattress in Westin's room

Love this boy!