Week 16 was another busy week for us. I didn't stay in the house for a full day last week. Can you believe it? I missed it, to be completely frank. But we got a lot of things done at least!
Friday started week 16 off with me working 11a-11p. My mother admitted for the first time that Tyson was cranky for her on Friday. I could not believe what I was hearing! I thought that Tyson puts his halo on every time for my mother! So I got home at about 12:30 am and did not fall asleep until almost 2 am. Because of that fact, Tyson and I stayed home all day and did not go to church on Sabbath. I was nauseous for some reason and felt exhausted. Ty helped me out, though, and slept until 8:15 am. I actually woke him up because he had been sleeping 10 hours and I was worried about him. See, Heath had his big fishing derby last weekend on Lake Winnipesaukee and Heath had left the house at 4 AM. I had gotten up when he left because the dogs started going crazy in their crate. When I got up, I smelled fumes strongly in the house. I opened the basement door and the smell was even worse. I had no idea what was going on - I was worried about carbon monoxide poisoning (forgetting that it is odorless). I called Heath and got him on his cell phone (amazing, since he has terrible service with his work cell phone) and he figured that it was because he had his diesel truck running in our driveway and had the basement door opened while he was loading his fishing supplies. Thank goodness he had an explanation. But when Ty did not wake up at his usual time of 7-7:30, it made me nervous! He was fine, of course, and I regretted waking him up afterward, since he was fussy all of Sabbath. Heath came home from the derby Saturday night and was happy to see us. He kept asking Tyson, "Why did I wait so long to have you?" That statement makes me crazy, since it was Heath that kept dragging his heels in the kids department. I swear it makes me want to strangle him every time he says it!
Sun coming up over Winnipesaukee Sabbath morning
The ice-fishing spot
Because of the cranky day on Sabbath, I did NOT want to stay at home all day with him on Sunday. I had been debating whether to take Tyson out onto the lake for the derby or not. I kept telling Heath that it was too cold and that he could go next year. But I couldn't deal with his fussing anymore and I knew that Heath would be psyched for his son to experience one of his favorite past-times. So we headed out, went to a couple of stores, and then went to the "beach." Heath and Devin met us on snowmobiles and proceeded to take us out 1 mile to where they were fishing. (First time we have seen Dev since Christmas - ridiculous, since we live SO far away). So Tyson had his first ride on a snowmobile and he was not scared at all. Heath put him in his jacket and zipped it up. That was for a couple of reasons. First and foremost, it was for the warmth (and to prevent against windburn) but also because there were game wardens everywhere and I'm sure it is illegal to have an infant on a snowmobile. I mean, it's not like we had a helmet to throw on him! So we got to the ice house and that was our home for the next 2 hours. I ate lunch and then Tyson "had lunch" inside the ice house too. Then, of course, after Tyson ate, I had to change his diaper in the ice house. What an adventure! For all of you that might be worried, the ice house was so hot with the heater going! I had to take off my jacket and Ty's snowsuit. Tyson definitely got Heath's warm blood. Just riding in the car going to the lake, he had a onesie and a sweatshirt on and he was sweating when I took him out of his car seat. If I would have put his snowsuit on when we left the house, he could have had a febrile seizure on the way there! He is definitely a hot guy! So we had fun visiting Daddy, Grampy, Uncle Devin, Uncle Adam, Cousin Joel, Heath's Uncle Danny, and Cousin 'little" Danny. But after 2 hours in an ice-house, it was time to go! Ty and I hit up the Etc. Thrift Store in Meredith on the way home, but Ty proceeded to have his first melt-down of the day. I still managed to get a couple cute things for Tyson, so that was fun.
Chillin' in the ice-house with Daddy
Ty looking at something in the distance...
Sitting with Mommy while she eats her lunch
Zipped up and ready to ride! But still sneaking a peek!
If you thought Sunday was an eventful day, Monday (Valentine's Day) was even more so! First of all, Tyson and I started our weekly appointments by taking our Honda to have the oil changed and tires rotated. We always go to VIP and Tyson got to share in that fun time! I ended up having to change his diaper there, and I was relieved to see that VIP had bathrooms. Unfortunately, the bathroom did not have a changing table, so that was a bust. I mean, isn't that a federal law or something? Well, it should be. Thank goodness, it had clean, laminate wood flooring, because I had to change him on the floor. Usually every time I go to VIP, it takes about an hour to do the oil change and tire rotation, but it had to be the time that I took Tyson that it took an hour and a half. He did pretty well, but had a slight melt-down half-way through because he was getting tired. I had taken him out of his car seat and showed him all the cars and tires and he seemed fascinated. Those big blue eyes got huge! After VIP, we had to go to Walmart for a few necessities. I really needed to go to the grocery store, but there wasn't enough time because Tyson needed to eat. Stupid VIP cost me my grocery store run!
Monday afternoon Heath found out some information about our China trip. We are going to Sanya, which is an island off the coast of the most southern part of China on the South China Sea. It is tropical and the average temperature in May is 80 degrees. There is positives and negatives to this. The negative is that we definitely will not be seeing the Great Wall - it is about the farthest away you can get and still be in China! Also I am concerned that we won't even be able to see much culture, like the rice paddy's etc, since we will be at a touristy resort area. The positives are obviously that it is free, it will be warm, beautiful area, and drum roll please... we are staying at the Ritz-Carlton Resort. I can't even believe it. I seriously don't know if we have attire nice enough to stay at the Ritz-Carlton. I think we will feel like the Beverly Hillbillies! (= But I can not wait to go. I'm just trying to get everything together to get Tyson a passport (unfortunately mine expires in April too). Supposedly Vutek gets our visas for us, but we really need to check on that!
Sanya, China
Ritz-Carlton in Sanya
Monday evening was a blast. For Valentine's Day, Heath and I went out for the first time without Tyson. My mom offered to baby-sit for us and we jumped at the chance. We have gone out to eat a billion times with Ty, so I really wanted to go to a movie. So we went to see "Just Go With It" with Jennifer Aniston and Adam Sandler. We did not have high hopes for this movie, but I'm telling you we were pleasantly surprised. The trailer does not do it justice, I must say. It makes it look pretty stupid. It was actually very funny and a sweet movie. Maybe being out just the two of us had something to do with it, who knows. Then after the movie, we went to Uno's for a late night dinner. We keep mentioning how weird it was to be there without Tyson, and we talked about Tyson for a lot of the meal. How could you not? He truly is the apple of our eye. Heath was very sweet and gave me a card from Ty and even had Ty sign his own name (with Heath's help of course - our son is not that brilliant). It made me cry. It was a very thoughtful gesture that I was not expecting.
Ty and I dressed in our reds for V-Day
Tuesday was another big day. Didn't I warn you about this week? My mom, Shannon, Ty and I went out to lunch, the grocery store, and to Goodwill. The best part of this day was at Chili's - when Shannon called family members on speaker phone and told them that she is PREGNANT!!!!!!! Major shock to Shannon and Sean but there it is. There will be a baby born October 11 to the Frosts. They were not trying to get pregnant yet, but what are you going to do? I am over the moon and am praying that they have a boy, so Tyson can have a boy cousin close to his age. However, I will laugh if it is a girl, since Sean wants a boy so badly! Poor Shannon has been wicked nauseated and looks like death warmed over. It will get better and better and, boy, is it worth it! One of the funniest response came from Nanny. I don't think it was a good idea to have her on speaker phone - it is so hard to hear! Shannon said, "Nanny, I"m pregnant. It was an accident." And Nanny screamed, "What? You were in an accident?!!" It was so cute! Overall, everyone seemed shocked but excited.
I can't believe she is going to have one of her own!
(Notice how much hair Ty has really lost!)
Tuesday night, Heath hung up Tyson's jumper (the thing that hangs in the doorway), since he reached the 4 month age requirement. He really got the hang of it and was pushing with his legs. He is really holding his head up so well. He was exhausted when we put him in the jumper, though. We didn't keep him in it too long. But it is nice to have another "station", if you will, for another activity for Ty. He usually will only last in his swing, on his playmat, in his bouncer, or reading books for about 10-15 minutes at a time. And then he needs to change what he is doing. He is so curious, but he gets bored so easily. I'm not sure what this means for later on in life. I am kind of scared.
Tired in his new jumper
The ol' tried and true playmat!
One funny thing that happened on Tuesday night into Wednesday morning involved hanging pictures up in Ty's room. I had been bugging Heath for forever to hang up some pictures in the nursery. Why is it that every guy hates to hang up pictures? I hear that this is a trend. Anyway, I have 3 pictures from the nursery collection and they came with a ribbon to hang up on the wall. How the ribbon is attached to the picture is very cheesy and not very secure. Heath was disgusted with that and with hanging up the pictures in general. He said, "If one of these pictures fall down and hits Tyson in the head..." I don't think he finished the threat! I'm not kidding, less than 1 minute later, one of the pictures fell off of the wall and hit the back of the changing table. I couldn't help but laugh and laugh. (Tyson is not in danger) One of the ribbons had broken and so Heath proceeded to do a quick fix and hung it up again. On Wednesday morning when I went into the nursery to get Ty in the morning, not one but ALL of the pictures were on the ground! I have now glued the ribbons and reinforced them with tape, but still the original one that broke is on the ground again. I have to do it again!
He loves looking at the pictures now! It's another one of his obsessions!
Wednesday brought the second trip of the week to VIP. I had to get the Outback's oil and tires done too. I was dreading going there again with Ty, but it was perfect. He was sleeping soundly and Shannon was over visiting and she offered to watch Ty while I went to VIP. Good practice for her! I was excited. I brought a few tabloid magazines and looked forward to just sitting there in the waiting room reading them. Of course when I wanted the extra time, the car was done in the usual hour time! One really cute thing that Tyson started doing is "talking" to me regularly after nursing. He lays in the crook of my arm, looks up at me with his big eyes, and just coos and coos. He totally sounds like he is having an actual conversation with me! I like to think he is saying, "Thank you, Mom, for the great meal!"
"Talking" to Mommy
Thursday, I worked 9a-9p and Ty had his day with Noni. I have to rant right now about Ty's napping. First of all, I was dumbfounded to hear that Ty slept 3 hours in the morning for my mother. Are you kidding me? He only sleeps 2 hours for me! 3 hours??? Then, he took a 2 hour nap for her in the afternoon. For me, he has been only taking about a 45 minute nap at about 1:30pm and again around 6:00 pm. I would be psyched if the nap would last even 1 hour! Well, on Wednesday, he never took a nap at 6:00pm - he just would not sleep. I had to make supper and Heath was not home yet, so I did not have it in me to put him down and deal with him screaming his head off. So on Wednesday he was awake from 2:45pm until his bedtime at 9:45pm. 7 hours! Not good. He was miserable and super cranky because he was overtired. So what do I do? Even if he does not appear tired, or won't go to sleep, do I force him to try to take a nap? He does SO much better if he sleeps, but it is exhausting fighting with him. And most of the time he wins - like with the 1.5 hour battle one afternoon. I just don't know what to do.
One of his tired times, but still refusing to sleep!!!!
On that note of motherly uncertainty, I will close for the week! Have a good one!
Seriously, can his mouth open any wider?
My cute, naked boy
It looks like he has a secret or something!
He looks so blonde here!
And so bald here!
Even more bald! Seriously, like an old man!
It's so funny that you mention the pictures because I wanted Duncan to hang a bunch for me and he really did not want to and gave up. I finally ended up doing it all myself. So yup, I guess guys don't like to do it. At least our two don't.
The China trip sounds awesome. How will you ever go back to a Motel 6 once you've been to the Ritz Carlton??? They were used as an example to us when we were trying to improve our customer service at the hospital. Their motto was/is "We are ladies and gentleman serving ladies and gentleman." Lucky you!
I need to see Tyson sometime soon! He is growing up too fast. Very cute, I might add! At least I feel like I am staying in touch by faithfully reading the blog.
Forgot to add how excited I was for you guys and the China trip. I went on the website to look it over. Very, very nice indeed. You should have a memorable time.
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