Week 21
Week 21 - Tyson turned 5 months on Tuesday! So it is official now that I can say when people ask - Tyson is 5 months! Of course that declaration is always followed with, "I know, he's small. He was 3 weeks early." I wonder when that will change - I don't think anytime soon. What is going to be hilarious is when we see cousin Zasha next week. She is only 2 weeks older than Tyson and is 18 pounds (to Tyson's 12 pounds). Poor bugger, I hope he catches up at some point.
He is growing, though, I had to retire these 0-3 month overalls! They are high-waters!
Friday started week 21 out with a great day. It was 64 degrees out and felt like summer! It was just gorgeous! Shannon came over and we decided to go walking at the outlets. For the occasion, we got to christen Tyson's stroller. We hadn't used it yet, because of the cold weather, and because of the fact that we never go to the mall. It has been stored in our basement, collecting dust. After I had dusted it off, I realized that I really didn't know how to fold it and unfold it. Since I am bad with puzzles, I took to YouTube to find a demonstration. It actually is very easy, but there is not anyway that I could have figured it out by myself. Shannon was so funny, she brought out Ty's carrier (without Ty in it) in our driveway so we could make sure we could get it to fit in the stroller without difficulty before we got there. I said, "We'll just do it there." But Shannon said, "We don't want to look stupid, like we don't know what we are doing!" It was great fun to walk around the outlets and Tyson slept the whole 2 hours! I was psyched and figured that I would do this most days, so he can get a good nap in! Good exercise for me and good sleeping for Ty. Can't beat it!
Stroller time!
Sabbath I worked and Heath took Ty to Conway church (2 weeks in a row!) and over to his parents. Ty slept 12 hours and Heath woke up with a start at 9 am! On the weekends, we don't bother setting the alarm anymore because Tyson usually gets up by 7:30 or 8:00. But to get to Conway on time for church, we have to leave by 9:45 AM at the latest. Well, Heath had fun, running around, taking a shower, getting Tyson changed/dressed and fed by the time he had to leave. He didn't quite make it and was fashionably late getting to church. I couldn't help but wondering if the 2 hour nap on Friday afternoon had something to do with the 12 hour "big sleep." Ty and Heath made it back from their outing at 9:45 PM and I was overjoyed to see Tyson was already in his PJ's. I was totally ready to praise Heath for his insight and remembering what had happened the last weekend. However, it was Grammy who put Tyson in his pajamas because of a blowout! Either way it was easier to get him to go to sleep! One other thing to note on Saturday night is I started Mother's Milk Tea, as suggested by Shannon Nelson in a previous blog. I tend to be paranoid about certain things and these days it is about losing my milk supply. I feel like I am getting less and less milk out at work when I'm pumping, and Tyson is going to be taking in more and more, so something is going to give there. I really don't want to start formula, but I think I'm seeing the writing on the wall. But I am giving the Mother's Milk Tea a try! It's been almost a week, and I'm not seeing a huge improvement yet, but maybe it takes some time.
Stretching, feeling refreshed after his "big sleep!"
Loving the rice cereal!
Monday I was all psyched and geared up to go walking at the outlets again. I had kept the stroller in the back of the Subaru and was all set. Unfortunately, the warm weather had left us and brought 20-30 degree temps back and snow. Are you kidding me? We got about 3 more inches! So much for my outlet outings! We'll see when the weather will cooperate and we'll get to do it again. Because of the snow, I really did not feel like going out, so I postponed grocery day until Tuesday and focused in on the laundry. Fun, fun. One thing that I figured out on Monday is that I have been depriving Ty of stuffed animals. Because of my OCD, I have all of his stuffed animals neatly lined in a basket in his room. And I just haven't gotten them out for him! How terrible is that? Another reason why I haven't is that the dogs think that the stuffed animals are their toys and I have to be on stuffed animal patrol all the time! But the mother in me won out over my OCD. Out came the stuffed animals (at least a few) and Ty couldn't get enough. He loves to hug them with great fervor and also tries to either eat them or make out with them! No more depriving for my boy! Monday, I found out that Tyson can take a few steps! He loves to stand up, so I was having him stand up on the family room floor, holding onto my hands - when he proceeded to lift up his right foot and walked it forward and then his left foot followed! It was unbelievable. I did it that night and showed Heath - which, of course, he told me, "He did that on Sunday." What a kill joy. I managed to show Poppy his new skill, but he wouldn't move his feet at all when I tried to show Noni or Shannon. Monday night it was still snowing and Devin came over to spend the next 2 nights because he was taking a course at Concord Hospital. What a treat to see him during the week!
Stuffed animal lovin'!
Tuesday, I timed grocery day just perfect. I went right when Ty was due for his 45 minute afternoon nap. He, of course, fell asleep in the car, and stayed asleep in his carseat when I brought him in the house for a grand total 1.5 hours! Yeah! One thing I figured out on Tuesday is that Ty really doesn't like the playmat anymore. He associates it now with being alone. Because, if I would need to go to the bathroom, or change the laundry etc., I would lay him down on his playmat. So now, even as I am going to put him down on the mat, he starts crying. It's unbelievable how smart they are, even at this age! So on Tuesday, I just started leaving him on the floor and he loved it! He was rolling around on the floor and was actually able to spend some time by himself! Tuesday night, we headed over to "The Fairway" (Mom+Dad's townhouse) for supper. Of course, this was mostly because Devin was in town, but we were all there (minus Leigh and Mia). It was a good time, but I figured something else about Tyson. I have figured out that when there are a lot of people and sounds, he goes crazy looking at everything around him and he will never focus in on you. It's like sensory overload and I think he gets overstimulated. I'm sure that will get better with age.
Ty looking at everything but the camera!
Wednesday I worked and there really isn't much to report on this day, so let's move into Thursday. I tried to recreate the great shopping naps that Tyson has had recently and took him to the outlets again (not in the stroller because it was too cold) and to Kohl's with Shannon. My great thought about napping went out the window when he did his usual 45 minute nap and then woke up in his carseat in Kohl's and wouldn't go back to sleep. Major bummer. Maybe it was a fluke so I will definitely be trying it again! Thursday night, we went to the OG with Adam and then to our usual Thursday night Walmart outing. And that's about it! That brings us up to speed. Have a great week!
I love the picture with the stuffed animals! He is getting so big! I am so excited for next weekend when we get to see everyone! It will be so great to have all of the babies together in one place for the first time! See you soon!
I MADE THE BLOG! Oh man, I'm just so excited. Good luck with the tea. I had the worst time pumping, and never had enough. Working in an ER just isn't conducive to that. I remember one day pumping in ER room 3, while listening to ER 1's cardiac monitor, making sure the O2 sat tone didn't go too low!!! Ok, stuffed animals. We got a lot of really cheezy stuffed animals, and I didn't want Luke to decide that his pink polka dot cabbage patch (or whatever other dumb ones we had) would be his favorite. So, I only ever put his yellow giraffe "Dewalt" near where he could reach it. He still sleeps with it now, and his fur is almost all loved off! So, I think you should stop obsessing about Ty's size! As long as he is following the growth curve, don't worry about it. Luke has never made it above the 15th percentile, and Lauren has never made it below the 75th percentile. Just be glad he doesn't grow out of diapers so fast! Besides, I would way rather have the smaller kid...carrying Lauren around and her chubbiness, really gave me back problems, which I am still trying to remedy! He looks healthy and perfect! Wow, that last picture of him on this weeks blog looks like Terry I think! And, yes, the beauty of strollers is exercise time while the kid is sleeping enjoy it while you can:) All for now...I look forward to your blog, and feel like I should start one now! How's Shannon?
PS I love the Carhart overalls!
If you want to try something else besides the "Mother's Milk" you can get the Blessed Thistle and Fenugreek herbs. I took them in pill form three times a day. You have to take both though. This was recommended to me by the lactation consultants and I found that they worked. Your pee stinks though! I know you can get them at health food stores but I found them for really cheap on-line (vitacost.com).
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