Week 24
I know, I know, 2 weeks in a row that I have been late in my blog entries. Last week was because I worked on Friday and this week it is because it was Shannon's birthday. We had a "girl day" together before a full family get-together on Friday night. And sorry to say, but I will not be posting a blog next week because we will be on our cruise! I promise not to make this a habit! I don't know if I am going to remember everything about this week, but I'm going to do my best. With my OCD, I usually write notes on my Ipad to remind myself of what Tyson has done every couple of days, but I didn't do that once this week! I guess we'll see how good my memory is!
Last Friday, I worked because a co-worker needed a swap. I'm glad I don't usually work Fridays because it was a zoo. Tyson had a good day with Noni, so not too much to report. (At least that I remember!)
Sabbath I had off and we went to Laconia church. I took Tyson to Sabbath school for the first time! I thought that it was high-time. I mean, in the beginning, when he was not too aware of his surroundings, it wouldn't have meant anything to him. But he was ready now. He loved singing the songs (he really loves music), and he especially loved to shake the maracas, which they do when they sing their memory verse. Then they brought out a big sheep, when they were talking about David tending sheep, and Ty could not get enough of the sheep. He kept putting his hands all over it. It was super cute. I really should have thought ahead and brought my camera to capture his first moments in Sabbath School - but then I was thinking that it could be a bit irreverent. Talk about being irreverent during church, that would be Tyson. He has started this "talking" thing. He just talks and talks in baby talk and it is a continuous stream that doesn't stop! It is very cute. Of course, he had to do the talking thing while we were in church! Anyways, we went to Matt and Jill Harlow's house for lunch. That was a long time coming. We kept saying that we would get together, but it just didn't happen. But it finally did! We had a really nice afternoon together. They have a 1 year old, named Zachary and he is super cute. I'm hoping that Ty and him will be good friends as they grow up together. The 6 month age difference is quite a bit now, but later on it won't be anything at all! With talking with Jill, it seems like Ty and Zach have a lot in common - like constipation and poor nap-taking, just to name a few! It's nice to hear that you aren't alone with things that you go through! We stayed pretty late but had to go home for the puppies. Ty went to bed easily, he was tired because he didn't have his AM nap because of church. Heath and I stayed up and watched 2 movies. We haven't been watching hardly any movies lately and it was like addicts having a taste after a long time away!
Having fun with Daddy! Pay no attention to Reeses in the background!
Sunday brought some more firsts. Tyson and I headed back to Gilford to go to Zachary's official 1 year birthday party. Tyson's first birthday party! He, of course, fell asleep in the car on the way there and slept for the first 10 minutes or so of the party. Then he woke up and just drank everything in. He loves to look around so much! I have to say that it gets exhausting when so many people say, "He's so small." It gets old, especially when I tend to worry about him, but I had to hold myself back with one of the mothers that were there. There were moms from the Laconia church and from a library playgroup that Jill goes to. One of them from the playgroup asked me, "Is he healthy?" I mean, are you kidding me? That was a bit ridiculous. I mean, Ty is tiny but he does NOT look unhealthy. I try not to let these things bother me, but it's hard sometimes. I know all mothers have things like this that they worry about. Anyways, after the party, we headed back home. Heath and his father were puttering around. Keith was here getting an inspection sticker for his truck. It was gorgeous out and Ty stayed outside in Daddy's arms for awhile. He was loving being outdoors! And I think that was about the highlights of Sunday.
I think it's safe to say that Ty will be scared of Santa Claus!
Arriving at the party dead asleep!
Then he was the life of the party! With friend, Amanda from church...
Matt, Zachary, and Jill
The birthday boy wasn't sure about the cake at first, but then he loved it!
Loving the outdoors with Daddy!
Monday - now this is a real problem. I have no clue what happened. OK, my memory sucks! I remember that it was laundry day and that's about all I can remember. Oh, and we have Ty's bedtime down to 8:30 pm! Just where we wanted it!
While I was doing laundry, Ty was busy with his new obsession - my Jolly Ranchers bag!
Tuesday was a big day for me. First of all, my Jehovah's witness friend came back - I was doing my best to be gone before she came, but I didn't make it. I told her that I had to do errands, so it was much shorter than last week. So after the bible study, I took my first official couponing excursion to CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens. I have to admit, it was a high. I am only spending money on things that we really use, unless it is something for free. So I'm not going crazy buying things, but the highlights were... Loreal Pro Vive shampoo + conditioner for $1 each (they are usually about $4.99 each) - but the unfortunate thing was that Corey told me that it could have been .50 each but I didn't know that I could use 2 coupons for the same thing in the same transaction. Anyways, I got my Wintogreen Lifesavers buy 1 got 1 free, got 2 Colgate toothpastes that we use for $1 each (again, could have been .50 each), and a free feminine product. I love bargains, so this was pretty exciting. But this being my first time, I can't tell you how long I spent - going through the coupon inserts out of the newspapers, going on-line, looking at the pharmacy ads, finding coupons on-line... I'm sure I will get better at it, but it took a long time! Actually that is probably what I did all day Monday!!!! Tyson did his usual 30 minute nap in his carseat while we were out shopping, but that was it. I have embraced it now. Really.
Who would ever want to nap anyways?
Wednesday I worked and I'm glad because I don't have to try to remember what we did!
Thursday Ty had green beans for the first time. And this is the first vegetable that he really does not care for. I knew it when he didn't go crazy for it on the second feeding. But I have made him eat it for 4 days in a row, so we can go on to the next food. It's really too bad because it is just about Heath and my favorite vegetable. Maybe he will like them better when they aren't pureed! Ty and I had our usual day routine at home and then we all went out to Concord when Heath got home. Heath got his haircut, and then we went to a bunch of stores, looking for a few things for Tyson for the cruise. Then we finally bit the bullet and bought a large swaddle. Ty is still loving being swaddled, so he might as well fit the swaddle! We had a late night at the OG and then headed home. Ty was great and stayed in the carseat during the meal and played with his toys! What a good boy!
Playing with his toys at the OG
So that is about it. Have a great 2 weeks and I will report all about Ty's first cruise when we return!
He always grins over at Daddy while I am trying to nurse him!
My solution for never having any pictures of Ty and I together!
Little, shy smile - not like his usual ones!
This is just a funny shot - he always puts his arms up to try to get the camera strap!
My precious boy
The nerve of that lady to ask you if he's healthy??? Unbelievable. What did you say in response?
Have an awesome cruise! I'll be interested to hear your thoughts on your first cruise with a kid. Much different, I can tell you! Glad your inlaws will be there.
I said, "Yes, he's healthy. Just small". I was polite, but I was thinking some not nice things!
I can't blame him for crying over dad's beard....it scared me too!
Have fun on the cruise! I'm jealous!
Responses..."I was just wondering if you were healthy too, cause you look so fat and sickly". Or how about..."No, he has only days to live" *cue the large alligator tears*, or "We are against child obesity, so are sticking to a strict diet"
Seriously, what is wrong with people! Luke never made it above the 15th percentile, and still is small for his age. He hates it, but that's just the way it goes! He asked Cory was the "little marbles in my arm" were after doing push-ups....so Cory told him to keep working out and the marbles would turn into golf balls, then into baseballs, and Luke with wide eyes says "Then into FOOTBALLS?!"
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