Friday, May 13, 2011

Soy, Sitting up For Real, and Swaddling No More!

Let me start out by saying I have no new pictures this week.  This is the first time that I have not taken pictures of my son for a whole week!  That is horrible.  But my camera's battery is acting up -  I keep charging it and it says "replace battery pack."  I need to get this taken care of pronto - but here are some more shots of Ty on our cruise.

Last Friday started Ty's 28th week.  Friday morning I wrote the lengthy blog from last week, while Ty took his AM nap.  His AM naps are pretty much gone, I can't remember if I've mentioned that yet or not.  Sometimes he will be sleepy after eating breakfast and sleep for an hour to an hour and a half.  But lately it has just been Fridays and Wednesdays, because I wake Ty up early on Wednesday to nurse before leaving for work and Fridays he takes a nap because Thursdays is our night out and he gets to bed late and, therefore always wakes up early.  Otherwise he doesn't nap - he might need a quick power nap at about 11:30 or 12:00, but that's it.  You would think that it would translate into a longer afternoon nap, but that just isn't the case.  A few times, he will surprise me and sleep 1.5 hours, but most of the time it is his usual 30-45 minutes.   There is never anything different in our routine on the days that he sleeps longer that I could keep doing!  The other highlights of Friday is that we hit up Dairy Queen when Heath got home from work.  And it officially is black fly season - they were out like crazy!  Just another thing to worry about with Tyson!

 I guess we couldn't take him outside like this right now - in black fly season!

Sabbath morning Tyson woke up covered in a rash all over his chest, belly, and back.  I knew it was going to happen and here it was!  It was the exact same time frame as when I started the formula the first time.  Both times I started the formula on a Thursday and by Sabbath morning, he had broken out.  I gave him Benadryl before we went to church, and unlike the last time he got it, he did not get sleepy.  Benadryl sometimes has a paradoxical effect on some kids and makes them hyper instead of sleepy.  It seems like it could be the case with Ty.  The first time he got it was before the plane ride - but that was like 4:30 in the AM - so he was probably tired because it was the middle of the night!  Anyways, we went to church in Laconia and Adam and Sonia met us there.  It was Mother's Day weekend and there was like 6 other people there.  It was a ghost town!  Then we came home, had lunch, and then Heath had to go to Walmart on Sabbath to get Ty soy formula.  He missed one meal without extra formula and I didn't want him to miss two!  We decided to stick with Similac and tried their soy formula.  I was worried (imagine that) about a couple of things.  First of all, I had read that soy has a different flavor (and a terrible smell) and he had loved the taste of the milk-based formula, so I was afraid that he would hate it.  But he loved it right from the first taste!  The second thing I was worried about was "What happens if he is allergic to soy?"  I can tell you, I would much rather Ty have an allergy to dairy than soy.  If I couldn't give him any vege meats I would have to cook meat for him!  I don't know how to cook meat!  And I really don't want to be giving my son dead animals.  But thank goodness, it has been almost a week and no sign of any soy allergy - so that is great!  Sonia told me that all of her kids (obviously Heath included) had an allergy to milk-based formula and had to go to soy formula and none of them have a dairy allergy.  So I am encouraged!  One thing he started doing on Sabbath afternoon was almost creeping on the floor.  We got him to stay on his belly for awhile and Adam put pressure on his feet (so he would have something to push against) and he moved all over the family room floor!  He moved so much that he got a rug burn on the left side of his cheek!  Very impressive - I've been helping him "practice" this during the week.  Anyways, Saturday night Heath and I rented 2 movies from Redbox ("The King's Speech" and "Fair Game") and we both fell asleep during the first one and didn't see either one! (We did end up watching them a couple of days later - they were both good)

 No allergy to peas - they are all over his face!

Sunday was my first Mother's Day.  I got a lovely card from Ty.  Heath helped Ty sign his name and everything!  At about 11:30, we met my parents at their place and took my mother to breakfast (lunch for me).  I got Ty to fall asleep in my arms while we ate, so that was good.  Then we headed back to do some work.  Well, it was Ty duty for me and Heath had to change the brakes on the Accord.  Sean came over in the afternoon to visit and that was nice.  Reeses had a near-death experience courtesy of Shelby.  Shelby was running full speed at Reeses, but for some reason, when she got to Reeses she darted right around her at the last second.  I was able to rescue Reeses and get her inside, without getting knocked over by Shelby, which was good since I was holding Ty at the time!  Sunday night, Ty "took" me to Mother's Day dinner at a new authentic mexican restaurant about 10 minutes from our house!  It was fantastic and we are so excited - since mexican is our favorite and the nearest authentic mexican restaurant is 45 minutes away.  Now I'm just going to be holding my breath, scared that it won't make it and it will close!

 Not great lighting - but a shot of a mother who loves her son like crazy!

Monday is usually my couponing day, but I didn't do it for 2 reasons.  First of all, there just weren't any good deals out there this week.  But also I didn't go because we were having a "Girls' Day" with Shannon and my mom in Manchester.  Sorry, Ty - but you are included in the "Girls Day."  I can't seem to rename it even though Tyson is always part of these days!  We went to lunch at our original mexican restaurant in Manchester (I could eat mexican every meal) and met Aunt Sherrie there.  She was driving up from Boston, where she had met Jonathan and his choir.  We had a very nice visit and Ty went crazy for Aunt Sherrie.  Not only was he grinning and grinning at her - but she picked him up and started either kissing or "eating" his ears and he was laughing hysterically.  It was the cutest thing!  Aunt Sherrie continued up to Vermont and we went to a few stores shopping.  Then we brought Shannon to the airport, who is going to Florida for a wedding.  And that pretty much sums up Monday.

On another special day out - in Antigua on our cruise!

Tuesday was grocery day and the thing that became clear was that Tyson has mastered sitting up!   I mean he can still have his "accidents" and topple over backwards or to the side, but for most of the time - he just sits there perfectly.  When he does get off balance, he corrects himself!  What I good boy!  I am so proud of him!  So I got a taste of being a single mother on Tuesday evening.  Heath had a business dinner with a couple of managers.  Usually Heath gives Ty his bath, while I get out his PJ's, lotion, towel, new diaper etc. and get his bottle ready.  But it was just me running around trying to get Ty in bed on time.  And wouldn't you know it, as I was carrying a naked Ty down the stairs to his bath - he peed all over me and the floor!  Fun times!

Sitting up on the cruise, but still needing a hand to support him!

Wednesday I worked and Ty had a great day with Noni and Poppy.  Poppy always comes over to visit with Ty when he gets off of work.  My dad actually told me on the phone, "What is wrong with Tyson?  He is so happy.  He wasn't cranky once today!"  And it's true, he has been abnormally happy lately.  Heath and I were joking saying, "It must be the formula.  What is this the first time he has been full in his life?"  Wednesday night, Heath put Tyson to bed in the swaddle but with his arms free.  Ty has been waking up every morning busted out of the swaddle.  So we decided to give it a go!  And the first night, he slept the entire night without waking up once!  Not even to need the binky!  That has not happened in months!  I hope it continues!

How he sleeps out of the swaddle!

Yesterday I did a full cleaning of the house.  It had been a month and really needed it.  I sat down with Ty in the morning and told him that it would be a rough day for him. I told him that Mommy could not play with him all day, that he needed to entertain himself, that Mommy needed to clean.  But despite the talking to, he was hysterical all day (what was I saying about him being happy?).  He just cried non-stop.  I kept changing his "stations" and toys to no avail.  We tried the bumbo, the boppy, the swing, just lying on the floor, sitting up on the floor, the jumper - you name it, I did it - but he just wanted me to hold him!  My Jehovah's Witness friend came for our weekly Bible study and I had a whole speech prepared.  I was going to tell her that she was not going to covert me, I would not change my beliefs, and because I think she is such a good person I don't want to waste her time.  But then she came to my door with a present - a juicer that she does not use anymore (we had been talking about making baby food, she thought it was a food processor at first....long story).  There was no way I could tell her now!  So seriously, I just don't know what to do.  I have really gotten myself in a pickle from being too nice.  Anyways, Heath got home and Adam came over and we had our weekly night out.  We kept it local this week and went to the new mexican restaurant again (it was still there!).  I know, I know, mexican food 3 days in a week!  But it is so good!  Before we left for the restaurant, Heath was putting Ty in the car seat and I couldn't find his binky.  I ended up getting an old one and putting it on another binky strap that we have and taking that with us.  Well, when we got home the binky I had lost was staring us in the face!  The dogs had gotten it and chewed it into a million pieces, along with the binky strap.  They knew they were bad and went directly underneathe the couch.  They have so much nervous energy now - when we take Ty with us everywhere and they don't get to go!  Poor babies.  Anyway, Ty slept again the whole night with his arms unswaddled, but because he got to bed late... he was up at 5AM this AM!!!!!

 On a happier day!  At the beach in Barbados!

And that concludes the week.  Have a good one!


Kelly said...

I love the next to last picture of Ty sitting in the chair. He looks so grown up! Loved reading the blog as usual and I am hoping that Ty will not have a dairy allergy. I can't imagine not being able to have cheese (although that would probably be good for me)! Have a great week!

Aunt Lori said...

Thanks for keeping us updated on Ty. Love the pictures and having a little window into your lives!