Friday started week 55 off with a busy day. We got up early (for us) and got picked up by Shannon & Finley at about 10 AM. We, of course were not ready... close, but no cigar. I used to be the most punctual, on-time person but I just can't get my act together with Ty. I don't know why. No matter how much time I set aside to do the tasks we need to do, it is never enough. So frustrating. Anyway, we had an uneventful trip up to Conway. Both kids slept like angels in the backseat the whole way. We were going up for Shannon's 6 week GYN appointment. Can you believe Miss Finley is 6 weeks old? Time is flying by! When we got to Conway, we went to Mom & Dad's - Mom was there and Shannon had to feed Finley. After that was over, we headed to Friendly's to meet Leigh, Bode, Mia, & Zoe (Mia's best friend). We had a nice visit - it was so good to see Bode! We just don't see him enough! He is getting so big! It was fun to see Bode in Ty's old clothes! It brought back some memories! Despite our good visit, it was the slowest service in history at Friendly's but we were busy visiting, so it didn't matter. Ty had a good day with eating "real people food" and had some of my grilled cheese, french fries, and ice-cream! The service was so slow that Shan & I had to book it out of there to make her appointment. Finley was, unfortunately, due to nurse again when we got there for the appointment. Shannon was whisked away and I was left with a hungry baby and a mischevious Tyson in the waiting room. Thankfully, I was able to use my "Auntie Alison" magic and lulled Fin right to sleep, but Ty was another story. For some reason, all he wanted to do was play in front of the door of the waiting room. All I could picture in my head was someone opening the door with gusto and knocking Ty right out. He would just not listen to me! I had to try to carry him away from the door, while carrying Finley - and I don't have the biggest arms in the world! But I made it with the 2 kiddos and no one died! (= After the appointment, we headed back to Mom & Dad's so Shannon could nurse Finley and grab a few things. Ty's obsession with stairs is definitely not just at home! He was so cute. He would take off in a dead-run (crawl) in the kitchen and would stop in the doorway and look back at me. He would give me a look - a challenging look. Mostly, I think he wanted me to chase him, but he would turn and start booking it to the stairs - all the while laughing. It's like he knows he's going to be in trouble and loves it! (= What we didn't love was Finley SCREAMING the entire trip home. I started out in the front seat, but crawled into the back to try to console her and keep putting the binky back in. It didn't make any difference at all. Shannon says that she gets very upset at this time of night everyday. Remind me never to ride with Finley again during that time! Ty acted as though he did not hear any of it, and he slept the entire way again. For the second night of the crying out method, he did the exact same as the first night - cried for 15 minutes (consoled) and 30 minutes and then fell asleep. Just as it was supposed to happen.
Chillin' at Noni & Poppy's
Bode Henry growing like a weed!
Trying to keep Ty entertained the doctor's office
The 2 kiddos - it looks like Finley has a question!
On Sabbath I worked and Heath & Ty stayed home. Not too much to report, except when I got home Heath said, "I think Ty might be getting sick." My heart sunk. Not again. Heath said that Ty had been sneezing and had a runny nose. Just great. Well, what WAS great was Ty going to sleep after just crying for 20 minutes. Could it be? Does this really work like it is supposed to? Stay tuned.
On Sunday, back to work I went and Heath & Ty stayed at home because Ty was definitely sick with a cold. After work, I ran to the pharmacies, but it was a slow week for me. I didn't even go to CVS. The highlights were making $2 on a menopausal supplement and then I did a pretty big transaction at Rite Aid - getting 2 Vaseline lotions and 6 of the expensive deoderants that Heath & I like for $2.03 each. They are usually $4.49 each. So it was a great deal for us! Not sure if it was because of his cold, but he fell asleep after only crying for 15 minutes. I was pleasantly surpised with that. I settled in, sure that I was going to see the Pats lose, but I was pleasantly surprised that they killed the Jets. Just when I was ready to give up on them.
On Monday morning Ty and I got the house in order after the bachelor weekend. I fought with Ty to take a nap in the AM, for nearly an hour. You would think after all of that drama, that he would be exhausted and take quite a nap - but that was not the case. Good ol' 40 minute nap. In the afternoon we headed to Walmart and the grocery store for our week's shopping. I needed more water bottles, so we were forced to go back to Market Basket. I so wanted to go to Hannaford, but the water is too good of a deal at Market Basket. So I bought 3 cases of water and stocked up on a few of the items that are cheaper at MB, so we shouldn't have to go back for about a month! Ty walked a bit more on Monday - with encouragement, of course. I was shocked when he wouldn't take an afternoon nap at all (it was nap time when we were driving back from our errands and he always falls asleep in the car, but didn't)! On Monday night, he fell right asleep without any crying at all (probably because he hadn't taken an afternoon nap). At 1:30 AM, he woke up but went right back to sleep. At some point after 1:30 AM, I brought him to bed with us - which I had said I wasn't going to do anymore... but he was sick and I was heavily medicated on Benadryl after a bad allergy attack. What can you do?
Ty trying hard to make a mess after I had just cleaned it up!
On Tuesday we had to wake up early again to get to Ty's 1 year appointment by 10 AM. His stats were surprising. First of all, he is still a measly 10th percentile for weight at 19 pounds and 8 ounces. I had weighed him on our scale a few weeks back and I got 20 pounds. I know he had a little clothes on, but still... The other surprising thing is that he has shot up to the 60th percentile for height. He is 30"!! He has always only been at the 25th percentile time and time again, but not this time! The other really surprising thing was that Ty had a double ear infection. His very first one. I couldn't believe it. I have taken him twice to the doctor's to check for an ear infection and it was always a false alarm. It didn't even cross my mind this time. He wasn't cranky and he hadn't been pulling on his ears. How in the world are you ever supposed to know? We, unfortunately, were not able to see our regular doctor because she is on bed rest, pregnant with twin boys! I really like our doctor. The other pediatrician we saw was fine, except she tried to persuade me to feed Ty meat as an iron source (not gonna happen) and told me to give up his binky. She was brainstorming about why he wakes up during the night and thinks that he wants the binky - but I don't think that's the case. He wakes up and gets lonely - he wants to be with us at all times! The doctor did convince me to start him on milk, though. I wasn't sure if I wanted to try cow's milk, because of the colic he had recently - but she was sure that it was from the cream and not the milk. So I am weaning him off of the formula (our bank account is going to sing when we are done with that) and I mixed whole milk in his bottle for the first time on Tuesday afternoon. He didn't mind at all and no colic in sight! He loves his Amoxicillin antibiotic and gets so excited to take it! We went out to eat at the mexican restaurant because we weren't going to be able to go on Thursday. We went with Adam and my parents. Ty had an off night with "real" food and wouldn't eat any of my food this time. I just don't get it.
Happy in the afternoon, despite his shots
Hangin' with Poppy in the restaurant
Getting sleepy with Noni
On Wednesday I was back to work. Ty had a good day, despite his ear infection. No crankiness to be seen. I haven't had a dumpster story in a while... and this really isn't a story, but I wasn't able to go last week. When I got there, someone must have been doing some maintenance or something because the ball field that is behind my dumpster was completed lit up like a Christmas tree. I didn't want to risk anymore run-ins with anyone, so I hightailed it out of there. When I got home I got the bad news that Ty went back to crying for an hour. Oh no. Was it the ear infection or was the crying-it-out failing?
Thursday was a big day for me. It started out pretty benign - just puttering around the house with Ty. In the afternoon, we met up with Shannon & Finley at the outlets to go to Children's Place, which we couldn't get to the other day. I had a gift card to use for Ty, but I ended up with nothing. Ty is really in 9 month clothes right now, but Children's Place only has 6-9 months (which is a tad too small) and 12 months which is a bit too big. So it just wasn't worth it. Another reason why I had to go to the outlets is that I was looking for a T-shirt for my big night out. I am a big "Twilight" fan (vampire-teenage-love story series). The newest movie in the franchise was opening on Thursday - so I organized an outing for anyone from the ER who wanted to go to the midnight movie and 9 of us went! We started at a mexican restaurant for supper and then went to the movie. I had a bit of a problem with finding a baby-sitter for Tyson. Heath hardly ever has business dinners but he was having dinners on Wednesday and Thursday night. I'm like, "Are you kidding me? The one night I want to go out and Heath isn't around?" With Ty being sick, I didn't want Shannon to expose Finley to the sickness. It was my dad's one day off, but my parents had mercy on me and took Ty until Heath got home. They had been down in Manchester, picking up the Walls' car at the airport, so I ended up bringing Ty to the restaurant and couldn't resist showing Ty off to everyone. He played it up and gave his million dollar smile to everyone - what a good boy! So my parents met us at the restaurant and took Ty back home to wait for Heath. After dinner, we went to the theatre to stand in line for 2 hours. We had pre-bought the tickets, because it was sold out - but if you don't get there early enough you have to sit on the front row and break your neck. We got to the theatre at 10:00 PM - 2 hours before the movie would start. You would think that would be good enough, but no. I have no idea when they actually let people in the theatre, but when we got there - the entire mid and upper levels were full and only the bottom rows had seats left. So we were stuck in the 3rd row from the front. Are you kidding me? Did we need to get there 4 hours early? Anyways, the movie was more than fantastic and we had a great time. About 10 minutes before the movie ended (at 1:45 AM) the movie froze and all the lights came on. Some people thought that it was over, but there was an announcement and then the paramedics came. Someone had either passed out or had a seizure or something and was carried out on a back board. 30 minutes later.... the movie finished up. I got home at about 3 AM and I knew that Ty would not sleep in with me for the first time in months - I just knew that it would happen. Did I make it happen? At 6:30 AM - he was up and would not go back to sleep. That's what I get, having a night out with the girls, huh?
My new T-shirt for the big night!
The "Twilight" group!
One of my co-workers made us cookies for the movie! If you were Team Edward (as I am) then you got stars with sparkles (because Edward's skin sparkles)
If you are Team Jacob you got dog bones (because Jacob is a werewolf)
1 comment:
Well, I don't think Luke ever was above the 12th percentile...still isn't I am guessing. Lauren has never made it below the worries, my doc said it doesn't matter as long as the growth chart curve continues to go up there is nothing to worry about! Love the pics...Ty is getting so big, and the other babies too. Happy Thanksgiving:)
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