Week 58
Last Friday Ty and I made a record and slept in until 10 AM! That was crazy, but he had gotten to bed late the night before - since it was our night out. Of course that threw off our schedule a tad. I was putting him to bed for his nap at 1 PM (usually naps at 11:30 or 12:00) and he was acting tired, but he would not go down at all. I did the cry it out method (15 minutes of crying, then 30 minutes of crying, with consoling in between) and after 1 hour I gave up. I had to feed him his lunch and then we needed to run to the grocery store before sundown. With sundown so early now it makes it difficult sometimes to get it all done! One crazy thing happened. Tyson was doing his normal go-through-all-the-cabinets thing... when I realized that he was very quiet. Never a good thing. I turned around and found Ty with crumbs all around him and a huge loaf of bread in his mouth. I'm telling you...the kid loves bread. What was horrifying was that I took the loaf out of his mouth and it was FULL of mold. It had been wrapped in tin foil and he had unwrapped it and just went to town. Thank goodness he didn't get sick from it! What is now becoming a weekly thing (if we are in town), Shannon & Sean & Finley came over for supper. Shannon made corn chowder, which was fantastic again. She put dumplings in it too, which added a little something extra. Heath gave Ty a bath before bed and it was so cute. Ty came down the stairs (with Heath) and came right over to me and started talking and talking up a storm - so expressive. It was like he was saying, "Mama, I was in the bath and I played with my toys and then this happened... and then this happened." It was so cute. He went right to sleep at bedtime, which was such a blessing. I didn't want him to cry it out for a second time in one day!
On Sabbath, we headed to Concord church and we made it to Sabbath School! We were 10 minutes late, but because there was only 1 other kid in the class...the teacher had all the songs and stories done... and the only thing left was the craft. What a bummer. Especially since Tyson and the other kid, who is 9 months old, don't color yet. So that was pointless. I mean, only 10 minutes late. Shannon & Sean came as well, and we stayed for potluck. I was kind of excited to feed Ty the potluck food - since you can give him a little of this and a little of that... but wouldn't you know it, he wouldn't touch hardly anything. He liked the Special K loaf and, what else, BREAD!! At least I am prepared for his picky moments and had jarred fruit and veges with me, but come on! We had a relaxing afternoon and then Shannon & Sean came over for supper again. This time Sean cooked for us (Heath was the sous chef) and it was great! We attempted to watch a movie ("Crazy, Stupid Love") which we finally got accomplished...but it took awhile. Between Finley's meltdowns and me having to stop mid-movie to put Tyson to bed (thank goodness he went right down)...it was awhile before we finished it. But it was a cute movie.
Sabbath afternoon (still rashy)
On Sunday, Mama and Daddy were busy with projects and Ty did a good job entertaining himself with his toys. For Mama it was a sewing project all day and for Daddy it was raking up all our leaves. We were busy bees. Heath & I treated ourselves to a movie of "Water For Elephants" after Ty had gone to bed. It was really good, And I'm not just saying it because my favorite Twilight hunk was in it! Our interruptions with the movie-watching continued because Ty woke up multiple times during the night. Frustrating.
Ty watching the Pats with Mama (we really don't let him watch TV!!!)
On Monday we had a mini-disaster. I was standing at the sink in the bathroom, putting in my contacts, while Ty was going through my make-up drawer. One of his favorite things to do. All of a sudden, I smelled something. I looked down and I was not prepared for what I was going to see. Ty had thrown one of my nail polishes on the floor, which he has done a hundred times... but this time it hit the tile just right. There was nail polish everywhere. All over Ty's pajamas, all over Ty's hands, all over my bathroom rug, and the tile. Ty was scared, because he didn't know what was going on and he put his hands all over my legs - which got nail polish all over my pajamas! This happened while having my head turned for 10 seconds. After using all the nail polish remover I had left, the rug and our PJ's were ruined. I think it scared him so much that he has been avoiding that drawer like the plaque. I went right out and got the drawer clips anyway for that drawer. I'm not going through that again! Late morning, Shan & Fin came over and had lunch with us. Good times. In the afternoon, Ty & I hit up the pharmacies and got a few things, nothing great. My highlight was candy. What else? I got a big bag of the miniature Mars candies (Snickers, Milky Ways, Kit Kats etc.) for $1 each. They are usually $4!!!! So I bought 4 of them. I couldn't resist. Heath had gone down to Mass for work but got home early, which was a treat. What was a real treat was that my parents baby-sat Ty on Monday night and Heath & I went out for a date night. My mom had offered a few weeks ago, and we had wanted to go to the movies. But there wasn't anything playing we wanted to see, so we put it off. We ended up seeing Jack & Jill (an Adam Sandler movie). It was a cute, family movie...but not one of his best ones. We had nice time out and hadn't had date night since Valentine's Day. It was high time. I had made a pasta & bean soup before we left and my mom said that Ty went crazy for it! So that was good. What wasn't good was that Ty would not go to bed for my mom and then was so worked up - he wouldn't go to bed for us either. It was a 2 hour cry fest until he went to sleep. Guess he missed us at bedtime!
He seriously goes through every single thing he can get his hands on!
On Tuesday, we got up early and had a Girls and Baby Day in Manchester. We hit up this great thrift store that I had never been to and a few other stores. We got some great things. Then we had lunch at Friendly's and Ty did great eating the fries and grilled cheese again. Nice job! In the afternoon, we noticed that Tyson has both of his front teeth coming in. Again, that explains some of the bad nights. Poor baby. On Tuesday night, we continued our day out and went out to eat. We ended up at the Chinese Restaurant because the Thai restaurant was closed. We went with my parents, Shannon, Sean & Finley. We had to go out on Tuesday because I was working Thursday. Just like last time, Ty wouldn't eat anything chinese. Really? I tried to get him to just eat some rice and he would spit it all out!
Mom was in heaven to be in the back with the kids (Ty definitely thought he had it made!)
Spitting out the rice at the Chinese restaurant
On Wednesday Ty and I did some errands and laundry. We got some good things done! I just have to say how much I am in love with Valvoline. You stay in your car and the oil change is down in about 10 minutes. It is just incredible. Every mom needs to go there. On Wednesday Ty FINALLY starting waving bye-bye on command. He did it 3 times on Wednesday! I was so proud of him! His waving is pretty funny – he just flaps his arm very spastically. But at least he's doing it purposefully! (= I made Warm Chicken Salad for supper on Wednesday night and he LOVED it. So that made me happy, but he completely refused to eat any peas. I ground them up and he has eaten them that way a bunch of times, but he just decided not to do it on Wednesday. When do you have them drink Pediasure to make sure he is getting enough good nutrition? It is starting to stress me out. I just worry too much. We were supposed to go get our Christmas tree after supper, but it was pouring outside... so we didn't go. Pouring in December? It just doesn't make sense.
Ty decided he didn't feel like wearing his pants and would take them off!
He was naughty on Wednesday night so I put him here and he hated it!! His one-time object of fun is now a method of torture! I was going to put it in the basement - but I'm going to leave it where it is for discipline! (=
On Thursday I worked, since one of the girls at work needed a swap. I hit up my dumpster after work and got 11 inserts again. The same as the week before. Let me tell you, it's getting pretty cold in there! It was 32 degrees and even though I had winter gloves on and then latex gloves, my fingertips were still freezing! We'll see how long I can keep it up. I'm not sure how much snow will blow in the dumpster during the middle of the winter. We'll see. Ty had another good day and went right to sleep for Heath and slept the whole night! It probably had something to do with the Ibuprofen we have been giving him before sleep, though, huh? I know I can't keep it up, but it helps the teething pain!!!!
1 comment:
Love the mold! That's something my Lauren would do.
Hey, I think that first picture of Ty looks so much like your Dad! Wow!
I keep checking and your a tad behind on posting your blog...that must mean you are busy with the Christmas rush like the rest of us:) Well, Merry Christmas and love you lots and lots!
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