Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hiding Toys, 2nd Christmas & "Bubba"

14 Months

Late post again… last week it was because of Christmas shopping, this time it was because of Christmas itself!  I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned one of Tyson’s newest things that he has been doing, but it is putting toys in the weirdest places you can imagine.  I just opened the drawer underneath the stove to get out a cookie sheet and found a yellow car and green ball of Ty’s!  Then I had picked up an empty water bottle case and found 3 of Ty’s animal figurines inside.  Heath was going to put on his shoes and Ty had stuffed one of his big nerf balls in Heath’s shoes!  It is just so funny – you never know where you are going to find something next!

These are the surprises we find all the time!

2 Fridays ago was 12/23 and Heath had the day off.-  He wrapped all of the Edwards' presents and Ty had a ball unwrapping wrapping paper off the rolls and playing/ripping it! We were trying to go over to the Edwards' early, but we had to wait until 5:00 PM when the last presents arrived by UPS.  What a pain!  We got there in time for supper and Sonia had made delicious shepard's pie and Ty devoured it!  I was so psyched that he tried something new!  Ty went off to bed in his pack n' play without any problems, but of course ended up in bed with us at about 3 AM.  Whenever we go anywhere - he always ends up in bed with us by 3 or 4 AM, since I can't let him cry it out at someone else's house - so why exactly do we bother packing it every time?  Is it a waste?

Loving the wrapping paper

On Sabbath, it was Christmas Eve.  Unfortunately, I had to work 11a-11p.  But it was my one winter holiday requirement, so what can you do?  I was kind of excited, thinking that if it was slow at work, then maybe I could get sent home early... but then I realized that I was in charge and everyone would be whining at me to go home early.  Bummer.  Ty had a good Christmas Eve... he went to church in Conway, then had a relaxing afternoon... but wouldn't nap all day long.  He went right to sleep for Grammy & Daddy and slept the entire night without waking up... so I guess it was good that we brought the pack n' play!  I got back to the Edwards' at 1:00 AM and everyone (minus Ty) was still awake!  We talked until nearly 2 AM and then I had the bright idea of starting the Patriots game that I had taped.  I pretty much slept through the whole thing... but woke up at the end when they won and got to bed a little after 4 AM.  Merry Christmas!

On Christmas Day, we had a nice breakfast that Sonia had made.  Ty was a good boy and ate eggs, tofu, and sweet rolls.  Unfortunately, he still isn't loving the vege sausage, but we keep on trying!  We opened presents after breakfast and Ty was so cute!  There was a big difference between Ty opening his presents for his birthday just 2 months ago and opening presents now!  He really "got it" and ripped off the wrapping paper and opened the boxes!  The problem was that Ty was due for his nap while we were still opening presents.  He really started zoning out, and actually grabbed his binky and put it in his mouth while we were still opening presents, but he did get a second wind when he got his favorite present.  He got a big orange car from Adam and he was in love the second he saw it.  He knew exactly what to do - he opened the door and climbed right in!  He got a couple of remote control cars and he was first a bit scared of them - but then he warmed right up!  After opening presents, Ty took a great 1.5 hour nap and then we had a bunch of the extended Edwards' family over.  We had a really nice time.  But Ty had a melt-down during dinner and I removed him from the table and took him in the other room until he calmed down.  What do you do?  Heath & I showed everyone how to play the game Mafia and they loved it!  It was a ton a fun.

Opening stockings during Christmas breakfast

Really has the "opening presents" thing down

Scared of the remote control car (at first)

Opening more presents...doesn't he look mad here?  Or just very focused?

He found his binky!

Very excited to get his car!

Also excited to get the trampoline we gave him

Edwards family get together

On Monday (day after Christmas), we just had a relaxing day at the Edwards.  Ty played hard with his toys and really entertained himself.  For lunch, I tried to get Ty to eat fruit again.  Why do I keep doing this to myself?  I tried oranges and grapes with zero success yet again.  Heath took over and tried to hide pieces of grapes in his baby food, but he sucked all the pureed fruit off of the grapes and then spit out all the grape pieces!  He is crazy!  After playing so hard, Ty fell asleep in my arms within 2 minutes (I timed it).  What a cutie!

Playing with his car

Reading with Grammy

Spitting grapes out

On Tuesday, Heath left early to do some work at his grandmother's house and Ty & I puttered around the Edwards' house in the AM and packed up.  While I was brushing my teeth, Ty was messing around in the bathroom.  I looked down and he had torn about 4 pieces of toilet paper and pushed them into a hole in the wood in the cabinet!  It was a really small hole - he really has to have some mad skills to do that!   We headed home in the afternoon and rushed to a few local stores while I finished up my Xmas shopping for my family & Heath.  Ty was such a trooper shopping and gave everyone big, big smiles wherever we went.  We went out to Chili's for supper and Ty ate pretty well off our plates.  We got home and it was nice to be home after being gone for almost 4 days.

Toilet paper in the hole

Ty put 3 crayons in Heath's drink glass at Chili's!

On Wednesday Ty was really happy boy and he had 2 big 2 hour naps for Noni. Bizarre.  He had a bit of a bad eating day and refused to eat his favorite soup that I had made.  Why does he do this?  I had worked but I didn't go to the dumpster since there had been no coupons in the past Sunday paper, so there wasn't any point.  I had to run to a few stores to find a rice cooker for my mother for Christmas (us Copseys were celebrating on New Years)... and I was having a horrible time finding the one that I wanted to get for her.  I ran to Target to check and it was 9:55 when I got in there.  I thought they closed at 11 PM, but it was at 10 PM.  I was walking down towards the rice cookers when they made the announcement that the store was closed and that everyone needed to go to the cash registers to check out.  Now I didn't know this, but they actually have people that round up "stray" customers.  I got cut off by a teeny-bopper with an attitude that told me that I had to "head to the registers" - that I couldn't go to the rice cookers.  I told her, "I just have to grab one rice cooker and that's all."  She wouldn't let me.  But then I noticed a bunch of people down towards the rice cooker area, so I walked away from her and then I made a beeline right for the rice cookers.  They didn't have what I wanted and so I headed towards the exit.  That's when I noticed the teeny-bopper from hell talking with a security guard and they were looking at me.  So I kept walking, pretended that I didn't see them, and walked out of the store.  Man, I almost got in real trouble at Target!  What was I thinking?

On Thursday, I had to work again (since I had Christmas off).  2 days in a row during the week away from my buddy?  Not cool.  Grammy & Auntie Amanda babysat (Amanda & Levi came for a quick work-related visit from Nebraska).  Sonia said that Tyson reached for his bottle and said, "Bubba" plain as day - it hasn't been repeated yet, but we're waiting!  While I was slaving away at work, the Edwards' got together and went to the OG in Concord with Amanda & Levi.  Lucky ducks.

That's all folks... I'll be posting another blog shortly, to get caught up!  (Hopefully!)


Corey said...

Keep trying with the fruit. I know it's such a pain having to give them stuff they don't like because you go to all that trouble to get it ready (cutting it up and stuff) only to have them not eat it. Maybe one of these days it will work.

Mia Valeriani said...

Ty looks so cute on the trampoline he seems to like it a lot. Love the last pic of him in his little car!!!!!!! He looks so cute in the ducky PJ's!