Monday, March 12, 2012

Knows vs. Nose, "Light", Fruit, "Seizure", & Bleeding

16 Months & 2 Weeks

Last Friday was the last day Ty and I were alone.  I don’t remember too much what we did, except that I know we got the house all tidied up for Heath and we did a few errands.  One of the cutest things happened while we were in Walmart.  I was talking to Ty about something – I have no idea what.  He must have done something naughty, because I started saying, “I know you.  Mama knows.  Mama knows.”  Well, he thought that I asked him to tell me where his nose was, because right on the money, he proceeded to grab his nose and make the nose-blowing sound!!!!  It was so cute.  The English language really is ridiculous sometimes.  You can’t exactly explain to a 16 month old that “knows and nose” may sound the same but they mean different things!!  We were on our own for dinner since my parents went to Conway and Shannon & Sean had just gone to Colorado for a wedding.  I had a bad allergy attack on Friday night and headed to bed fairly early with some Benadryl on-board and was a little out-of-it when Heath got home at 1 AM.  Ty must have heard Heath come in because Ty kind-of woke up… well, he was crying like mad but was looking through us.  So there was not any major reaction from Ty at 1 AM.  Who could blame him.

Coming out of the washing machine's platform

He can't get enough of the movies!

On Sabbath I headed to work and I was bummed.  All I wanted to do was see Ty’s reaction to his beloved Daddy coming home.  I had worked hard on trying to teach Ty to say, “Hi Daddy” when he first saw Heath, but alas, my son remains a mute.  Heath assured me there were smiles, but no trumpets or anything.  In fact, Heath was a little worried that Ty was mad at him for leaving.  Heath said, “He has been hitting me in the face.”  But I assured him that he has been doing this to me too.  It’s a new thing and not one that I am happy with at all.  What did make me happy was that Tyson seemed overjoyed to see me when I got home from work, which was a first.  I do have to say that I think Ty seems to love me more since our time alone together.  Maybe I’m imagining it, but I don’t think so.  Anyways, I’ll take it! 

Sabbath morning with Daddy - this is what Ty's hair looks like every morning!

Was very excited to go through Daddy's suitcase

On Sunday Heath was able to leave the house.  On Sabbath he was so messed up.  A 13 hour time difference will do that to a person.  He could not function at about noontime and early afternoon because that was the middle of the night in China, and he was wide awake at about 1 AM (very unlike him).  So Heath and Ty went right up to Conway to see Paul.  He had been moved to the nursing home there, so Norma was able to stay at home.  I’m so glad for her.  This is a nightmare enough – at least she can be in her own bed.  Paul was definitely confused on this day and did not know Heath – which was upsetting… but he doesn’t even know his own wife sometimes.  They spent quite a bit of time there and then went out to a Chinese restaurant with Sonia and my dad (my mom was skiing with Mia).  Heath said that Ty did two really cool things there.  First of all, Sonia and my Dad kept prompting him to say “light”, when he was gazing at the lights.  So finally, he had had it and said, “ight!”  Forgot the “l”, but we’ll take it!!  Hopefully other words will keep coming and coming.  The other thing he did was wipe his own face with a wipe – when Heath told him to.  He really is understanding everything.

Played in the cabinet once they got back from Conway

On Monday, Heath was given the day off because of the traveling and time difference (which he still was not right yet), so Ty and I were psyched to have him home!  We puttered around the house and did some projects, while Ty played.  The biggest thing in the world happened for Tyson on Monday.  He just decided that he was going to eat fruit!!!!!  I could not be more excited!!  He ate pieces of grapes and apples on Monday – and ate a lot of them!  I mean, you would never know that he didn’t’ like it before!  I almost did cartwheels.  The other thing to note that he did…. I don’t know if I can explain it.  You would have to see it to understand it… but I will try to explain it.  I called it, “Ty’s seizure.”  He would stiffen up his entire body, (his face most of all), with his eyes bugging out of his head, and his hand stiff and shaking.  No, this doesn’t explain it at all.  The only picture I could get of it is so blurry and you can’t get the whole jist.  We were laughing so hard that we were crying, and I kept saying, “Tyson, do it again!”  And he would do it on command.  But then I got worried that he would burst an aneurysm or something, so I begged him to stop.  I really don’t know what started this at all, but it is about the funniest thing I have seen (and Ty would laugh and laugh).  Heath, Ty, and I celebrated Heath’s return with a trip to “Pasta Patio”, which I was dying to bring Heath to.  It was excellent again, but pricey.

He eats fruit!

His "seizure"

"Little Bo Peep" makes another appearance at the "Pasta Patio!"

Tuesday was one of my most frustrating days in a long time.  Before I mention the frustrating parts, I have to just say that Tyson started doing a new thing.  He loves to climb between the rungs of our bar stools and just hangs out there.  He can get in easily, but getting out has been challenging.  I’m not exactly sure why he puts himself in this self-made jail, but he gets a kick out of it.  Anyways, onto the frustrating parts.  I was upstairs in Ty’s room at about 12:30 PM, just about to put him down into his crib for his nap, when the dogs started going berserk.  And it could only mean that someone was here.  I looked out the window and saw a car with a “home appraisal” company name on it.  Well, it was someone that the town had sent out to do a quick run-through for an update on home values in the area.  He said it would only take about 5 minutes, but I have to say that I felt a tad uncomfortable about letting him into my house without any prior knowledge from the town or anything.  But I let him in, as I held onto Ty the entire time and made sure I had my cell phone in my back pocket.  I was so distracted with these thoughts (he wasn’t creepy at all, by the way) that I didn’t notice that he was trudging all through my house with his shoes on.  Right after he left, I was ready to try again to put Ty down when I asked Ty, “Did you poop?”  But then with a sinking feeling I realized he hadn’t.  The stupid appraisal dude had stepped in dog poop and tracked it ALL OVER MY ENTIRE HOUSE!!!!  EVERYWHERE!!!!  I just about lost my mind.  Well, I kept it together to put Ty down and then I just about started sobbing.  I know that it was my OWN dog’s poop that he stepped in, but I nearly called the town to give them a piece of my mind… but I didn’t.  My issue is that mud season is upon us, so what type of person comes into someone else’s home without any warning and does not take their shoes off?!!!!  Thank goodness that it only took me about an hour to clean it up – and Tyson slept through it all, can you imagine me trying to hold Tyson back from putting his hands in it everywhere?  If that was not frustrating enough, after Ty had napped and had lunch… I rushed down to VIP to have Heath’s tires rotated.  I have not been going there anymore because they take forever to do anything, and I can be in and out at Valvoline in about 10 minutes… but since we had bought the tires at VIP, they will rotate the tires for free.  I arrived at my appointment at 4 PM and did not leave there until 5:45 PM.  1 hour and 45 minutes for a tire rotation ONLY!!!!  Do you know how hard it is to keep a 16 month old entertained in a waiting room for that long?  Well, I didn’t… we roamed the aisles most of the time, but I have absolutely had it.  I will never go back there.  I don’t care if I have to pay the $30 or $40 to Valvoline to rotate the tires, my time is worth that much!!!!  My terrible day just kept getting better and better, when Tyson tripped while getting into the tub, and hit his chin on the top of the tub and cut himself.  This is the first time Tyson has ever bled.  It didn’t need stitches or anything, but it bruised up immediately and Heath and I felt terrible.  Poor baby.  He was fine, but Ty and I were both happy to see this day come to an end.

In his own jail!

On Wednesday I worked and the big news of the day was that Ty took a 2.5 hour nap for Noni!  Amazing.  I had totally forgotten to say that he had taken a 2.5 hour nap for me two Tuesdays ago (right after coming back from the Cape).  I will be very happy if this continues!

On Thursday we did a full cleaning of the house.  I say, “we” because Tyson grabbed the feather duster and went to town!  He totally knew exactly what to do – it was so cute!  While I was doing some more dusting (Ty needed a break), he managed to flip his entire big car on top of him, with his leg kind-of pinned underneath it.  Again, he was totally fine and didn’t even cry, but had “words” with the car after he was upright!  It was good lesson for him about getting "back on the horse."  I encouraged him to get right back into the car and he did!  When Heath got home we went to the Mexican restaurant, just the 3 of us.  It was nice – there were two other babies there and Tyson went crazy for them.  It’s so cute to see him around other kids.  Hopefully that will be a permanent thing around here sometime soon!! (=  

Dusting up a storm

A little tentative but he is back in the car!

Flirting with the little girl at the restaurant

Have a good week!

1 comment:

Corey said...

How exciting about the fruit! That is so awesome. I guess your persistence finally paid off.

Seriously, I totally would have lost it about that dog poop too. You are so right - - who does that?? That's nuts. And I could feel the frustration with the tires. That long in regular people hours equals like six in toddler time.

It's funny you say that Tyson loves the movies because Brady is constantly doing that with the like eight DVD's we own.