Wednesday, September 5, 2012

A Great Birthday for Mom, New Adventure, "I Have a Winkie", Pushing Down, Panic Attack & Riding Horses

22 Months & 2 Weeks

Last Friday I don’t recall anything earth-shattering that happened, except Ty & I hit the grocery store and packed for a night away.  I do remember that I finally had a light bulb moment when I realized that Ty’s impossible-to-treat diaper rash (that had lasted nearly a week at this point) was actually a yeast infection from the antibiotic he had been on.  Remember how I said that his poops weren’t smelling?  Well, I remember thinking that they smelled a little like bread!  Yeast…bread… I can’t believe I didn’t put it together sooner.  So after some internet research, I found out that you buy a regular anti-fungal cream (like for athlete’s foot) and put that on the diaper rash.  Wouldn’t you know it cleared right up within a couple of days!  So when Heath got home we went over to the Edwards.  We had a great dinner of baked potatoes with vegetables and cheese sauce with a salad.  Ty did great and showed off his new eating skills with the bribery.  He got to bed a bit late and initially he started off with a good night that quickly turned into a bad one at about 1:30 AM.  He came to bed with us and just tossed and turned all night, keeping Heath & I up.  Not really sure what that was about since he was fine the next morning. 

At the Edwards in Grampy's boots

Sabbath was one busy day.  We made it to Sabbath school (a few minutes late) and Heath took him in.  Heath reported that Ty was pretty quiet again.  He gets so shy in crowds!  During the church service, Sonia was ordained as a church elder.  She has been an elder forever, but they just made it official.  It was a very nice service.  Ty behaved very well in church, which was a first.  We actually got a couple of comments of how well-behaved he was.  You definitely don’t hear that very often!  After church was potluck and Ty didn’t eat as well here, but he did manage to eat a whole Linkett-spread sandwich, so I was happy with that!  After potluck there was a memorial service for one of our church members.  I stayed for that but sent Heath off driving with Tyson to get him to take a nap.  Ty was only 3 hours overdue for his nap.  Unfortunately, he only slept 45 minutes, but it is the thought that counts!  After the service, I caught a ride with Shannon & Sean to Heath’s aunt Sandy’s house, where the entire Edwards/Maxfield/Burbank clans were gathering for a BBQ.   Sandy just found out that she has colon cancer and will be undergoing a pretty big surgery on 9/11/12.  The BBQ was to support her and just to get together.  Please keep her in your prayers.  It was a really nice family time.  I don’t know what happened, but with this crowd… Tyson started going berserk.  It was getting late, so he was probably getting punchy/tired, but he was running around the house doing laps and laughing hysterically and playing hide ‘n’ seek with whoever was looking his way!  It was pretty cute, but I don’t know what happened to my little boy.  We got home at about 11 PM or so and called it a night. 

Sonia's ordination

On Sunday we had a day at home.  Heath worked on tiling the bathroom floor, which he got finished!!!!  So proud of him!  My job was to keep Ty out of the bathroom, which proved to be no easy task!  I have to admit that he made it in a few times.  The best thing was when I took him on the pharmacy runs, so at least I didn’t have to keep chasing him out of the bathroom.  Poor kid just wanted to help Dad!  We got some great deals at Rite Aid… I got 3 bottles of Crest Pro-Health rinse (that I use every day) and I made $4 on them!!!!  Then I also got 2 bottles of Herbal Essence shampoo & 2 bottles of conditioner for $0.50 each!  Sunday night, the Frosts & Dad came for a Fish Fry (Ty & I didn’t partake, but the others were happy to stink up my house) and we watched the Hunger Games.  Mom was at a wedding in Mass, not that she wanted to watch the movie anyways. 

Tiling finished!

Look what Ty did with all the spacers!

Monday was D-day.  It was D-day for a few reasons.  First of all, it was my birthday… but most importantly, I was having my repeat ultrasound to check my amniotic fluid levels.  Shannon & Mom went with me and we met up with Cindy (my mother’s friend visiting from Georgia).  It was the best birthday present I could have asked for when my levels came back as 13cm!!!!  I had almost tripled it!  I saw my OB-GYN afterwards and she said to continue to drink like crazy, continue to soak in the tub for the hour a day, and then they would rescan me next Tuesday to see how my levels would do after working all weekend.  To say I was relieved is an understatement!  God is so good!  So after that good news, we packed up and went over to the Fairway.  Leigh, Mia & Bode met us there and we went swimming at the pool for awhile.  We had a good time.  Ty was mostly obsessed with taking the covers off of the pool drains that surround the pool & hot tub and kept throwing them into the water.  That was a very fun game for him.  When Heath & Sean got there, we had a little get-together for my birthday.  We had one of my favorite meals (lentil tostadas) and cupcakes.  It was all delicious!  One crazy thing that happened was that I was giving Ty a bath there (after swimming) and I am not kidding, he discovered his penis for the first time.  I mean, he has grabbed it before, but this is the first time, I believe, that he has actually seen it!  Ty used to have a bit of a belly and probably just couldn’t see it before, but he has really thinned out because he keeps getting taller!  During the whole bath, he would do nothing but grab it and inspect it completely all over.  Then he stood up and looked down and could not believe that it was still there!!!  It was so funny – I yelled to Heath to come see him with this special moment!  Now every time he gets his diaper changed, he tries to sit up so he can see it!  What a boy.  Seriously.  Oh, I almost forgot.  Monday was D-day for another thing too.  I can officially talk about this now.  On Monday, Heath accepted a new job at Hypertherm in Lebanon, NH and gave his notice at Vutek.  It was a difficult decision but we believe that it is the right one and that this is where God is leading us.  We will eventually be moving over in that direction, but Heath will commute for awhile (it takes about an hour) and we need to do a few things before we try to sell our house.  Please keep us in your prayers as we start this new adventure!

Good ol' cousin fun

Ty putting on a show with his dancing

The Copsey/Valeriani kids are definitely out-shining the Edwards/Frost kids here

Ty trying to copy Mia doing gymnastics

He just loves Mia!

On Tuesday, I baby-sat Finley while Shannon worked.  Tyson is definitely having some jealousy issues.  I caught him pushing Finley down two different times.  They weren’t even fighting over a toy, he just pushed her down!  Not cool at all.  Ty had definitely got punished for that and I told him that if he did it again he would get a spanking.  So fast forward about an hour later.  We were all upstairs and I ran into the bathroom.  When I came out, Finley was flat on her back in the hallway with Tyson standing nearby.  I didn’t know what happened, so I said, “Tyson, did you push Finley down?”  His response was to stick his bum out and spank it!!!!  He was telling me that he needed a spanking!  Well, what are you supposed to do in that situation?  I ended up not spanking him, since I didn’t see what happened, but I couldn’t believe that he did that!  We had a pretty good day, but Finley is going through separation anxiety and it’s not just with her parents.  If I left her vision of sight, she would start screaming hysterically.  Poor scared little girl.  Speaking of being scared, one of the times, I put Finley down for her nap and I think Tyson thought that I had left him.  I came back to Ty and he had the lip-quivering thing going on and he was kind of hyperventilating.  I scooped him right up and sat with him on the couch and tried to console him.  I would get him calmed down and he would be playing on the couch with me… and all of a sudden, he would start with the lip-quivering and hyperventilating again and would start crying.  I really felt like he was having a panic attack!  My poor little boy.  The unfortunate thing is that he does not know what is going to hit him in just a couple of months!  When Heath got home (Sean had already picked up Fin), the 3 of us went to the Mexican restaurant for a little intimate family dinner to celebrate my birthday again.  That was fun and just wonderful food.  I will miss this restaurant badly when we end up moving away. 

Don't they look like 2 little punks here?  Like they are ready to get into some trouble?

A bit happier here...

Then Ty really was getting into trouble... standing up on his car!

On Wednesday I worked and Shannon returned the favor and watched Ty (Mom was busy with Jeff & Cindy, who were visiting as I mentioned before).  Tyson did end up pushing Finley down again a couple of more times.  Shannon said it definitely seems jealousy-related, because he would push her down and then go and sit with Shannon right afterwards.  Oh my.  Two funny things that happened while she was watching him was that at one point, he put his hand into his diaper and came up with poop… and then started to freak out because he had poop on his hand!  He has definitely never done that before!  Probably has something to do with his penis obsession now!  The other funny thing that happened was that he has this very, tiny plastic horse (that goes with a farm set)… he got out the horse, stood it in the middle of the room, and then sat on it!  He was trying to ride it!!!!!  I guess he has a little problem with perception! (= 

This is the horse he was trying to ride! (=

Thursday was another busy day.  First of all, my dreaded glucose tolerance test was scheduled.  Unfortunately, Mom & Dad had gone to PEI with the Cases, so Mom couldn’t watch Ty and Shannon was busy packing for her move… so I couldn’t ask her to do it.  So off Ty & I went.  They have changed their testing format for this test.  I had to go and get a fasting level drawn.  Then I had to drink the glucose drink… and then have my blood tested again at exactly 1 hour and 2 hour increments.  So 3 different blood draws!!!!  It didn’t start well when the tech missed her first try… so I ended up getting stuck 4 times!  I felt a bit weak from the fasting, so I had no energy to try and chase Ty around the waiting room for over 2 hours… so I would put him in the stroller for the blood draw (so he wasn’t running all around the room destroying everything)… then we would go back to the car, get into the car seat and drive around.  Then we would come back… get into the stroller…have the blood draw… and go back to the car seat.  That was a bit exhausting.  What an ordeal.  I haven’t heard the results, but I have had nightmares that they tell me that it was inconclusive and I have to go back and do it all again!!!!  I think I will refuse it if that happens!  When Heath got home, we headed over to the Frosts’ apartment for the last time and helped them load a trailer and move into their new 3 bedroom house that they are renting in Sutton, NH.  It is 40 minutes away.  Not exactly the 5 minutes down the road as they used to be, but we will be moving over that way eventually… so it is OK!  Ty was pretty cranky (since he only got a 30 minute nap driving down to Manchester) but then got a second wind late at their new place while the unloading was going on.  He was so wound up that he didn’t fall asleep the entire 40 minutes home… so he didn’t go to bed until 11 PM!  Crazy boy.

Shannon & Sean's new place

Well, that’s it.  Have a great week!  

He loves to spray himself with the water bottle

Up to a certain extent!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Moving?! Wow, that's big! Will you still work at the same place? I'm sure with all the work you've done on the house, someone will be lucky to have it. Congrats. I was hoping you'd move to McCall the next time you decided to move, but oh well :)