Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Getting Bullied, Family Fair Weekend & Stubborness

23 Months & 3 Weeks

Last Friday started a very busy weekend.  Ty & I got up bright and early and got ready to go to the fair!  It was unfortunate since I was up sewing until 3 AM again the night before.  Shannon came and picked us up and we headed to Conway.  I don't know what happened, but I ended up getting horribly car sick in the car.  I was really hurting.  We got to my parent's house (to drop the dogs off) and I just had to lay down for awhile.  Ty hadn't taken his nap on the drive up, so that was unfortunate, but he was fine.  The nausea abated a bit, so we all headed to the fair.  We met Devin, Leigh, Mia, & Bode there and had a great time.  Ty did fantastic in the stroller the whole time.  I thought he would be itching to get out, but he didn't.  He ate most of a piece of pizza for lunch and at lunchtime we had a major scare with Finley choking on an apple.  She had taken a bunch of bites, but we found out later... had not been swallowing them.  So she was choking pretty bad and was really red in the face.  Shannon got her out of her stroller in 2 seconds flat and Mom flipped her on her belly and slapped her back... and she passed it.  She must have swallowed it because she didn't spit it out and then she was fine.  Very scary though.  No more apples for Finley Mae.  Then we walked around for a bit and stopped to sit (and eat some more) at these picnic tables by the racetrack.  Tyson was very interested in the horses racing by, which was really cute.  I let him out of his stroller prison for a bit and he ended up playing with these two little boys by this tree.  They were 4 and 2 and Ty started copying what they were doing.  They were peeling bark off of the tree.  They seemed to all be having a blast until the 2 year old little boy decided to start pushing and shoving Tyson for no reason at all.  I'm like, "Are you kidding me?"  Let me tell you, it made my blood boil a bit, but I didn't show it.  The little boy's grandmother intervened and I just got Ty out of there, but don't you even think about bullying my son!  We didn't stay at the fair all that long (probably about 4 hours) - it was nearly 80 degrees!  I don't know if it was the weather, or my lack of sleep, or my car sickness that still wasn't completely gone, but I was DONE.  Ty still hadn't taken a nap, but fell asleep in the stroller on the walk back to the car.  He was able to stay asleep during the transfer to his car seat, so that was good.  We ran a couple of errands on the way home (Noni stayed in the car with both babies) and then went to Mom & Dad's.  Aunt Lori & Uncle Charlie came that night and we had soup and muffins for supper.  Heath & Sean had driven together from Lebanon in our new Passat and got there at about 7 or so.  Bedtime for Finley & Ty was something else.  We were sleeping in our old rooms, which are directly across the hall from each other.  Ty would have gone right to sleep, but Finley was "crying it out" across the hall, so therefore Tyson started crying as well.  It was almost funny.  They seriously sounded like they were trying to out perform each other!  They finally gave up and went to sleep, but it was not the ideal arrangement.

On Sabbath we made it to Sabbath School a bit late, but we beat the teachers... so we did OK!  Heath took Ty in and I went to the adult lesson, which Dad was teaching.  Ty had another good week in church - there is hope yet!  After church, we headed back to Mom & Dad's.  By now our group had grown to include Kelly, Steve, Rad, and Jen.  We had lunch and then I put Ty down for a late nap at about 2:30 PM.  Then arrived Kevin, Sherrie, David & Yully and after that... Shawn, Camille & Aunt Melanie.  Uncle Bill was the last to arrive in the early evening to finish the group up.  Late afternoon, my parents, Shannon & Sean & us went to see our friends from church, Stephanie & Jason who had just had their baby girl (their 3rd) the night before.  Her name is Autumn Rose and she is just beautiful.  I ended up crying because Tyson was AFRAID OF THE BABY!!!!  He would barely even look at the baby and would keep hiding his face into my chest (or Heath's).  It just made me so sad and nervous about what is to come in a few weeks.  I just don't want Ty to be confused and scared, but I'm not sure there will be any way around that.  After the hospital visit, we went back to the house and had a great BBQ that Heath did on the grill for supper.  Then we started the festivities!  First we had Finley's 1year birthday party (a week late) and that was a riot.  She was very cute, but I have to say that Tyson stole the show.  When she was opening her presents, Ty did think that one of her presents was "HIS" present (it was a ride-on My Little Pony little cart-thing) and he completely grabbed it away from her (not cool, but...) and started riding it away from her.  She grabbed the back of it and he was pretty much dragging her on the floor.  Finley was the one who had her present hijacked, but it was Tyson who was screaming because he was going to lose it!  Everyone was laughing so hard we were crying.  Poor Finley.  After the birthday, we segwayed right into a baby shower for Kelly!  I'm sure she wasn't surprised, but we had fun.  We did a great baby food tasting game that Jen put on, and then Shannon & I tried to do this applesauce-feeding game, but it really didn't work out and ended up being a bust.  So we moved onto presents instead!  They got some really nice gifts and I was happy to give Kelly her wall-hanging for Caleb that I had been working on.  Soon after that, we all headed to bed.  Heath had put Ty down while we started the shower and thank goodness, the crying it out fiasco did not happen that night!  Well, until about 2 AM when Ty awoke with what I think was a bad dream... and he came to bed with us for the rest of the night.

Cousins with matching vests

First birthday

She was more excited looking at the cake than eating it!

Ty stealing Fin's toy (don't mind Finley's nakedness)

Applesauce-eating game

Caleb's quilt

On Sunday it was Fair Day again with everyone.  The problem was that there is such a big group now that goes, there is no way everyone can stay together.  What was interesting is that we all kind of stayed with our own families.  So we spent most of our time with Devin (Leigh was sleeping after working the night before), Shannon & Sean, and Keith & Sonia.  Then there was the Conrad, Case & Wall clan - and then the Braces were in their own group too.  We need to switch it up since we never get to see each other!!!!  Ty did good in the stroller, but not as good as he did on Friday.  He definitely wanted to get out more, probably since Daddy was around!  He loved, loved the tractors and sat on every single one that we came across!  The highlight of my fair-eating was the Falafel (not your usual fair food) and now Heath & I are obsessed with Falafels.  So good.  I felt like I could stay at the fair for hours and hours, probably because I had actually gotten some good sleep and it was in the 50's instead of the 80's.  Well, I left just before 5 PM (after a good 7 hours) to go home to watch the Pats play with everyone and Ty & Heath stayed to watch the truck pulls.  Ty had just fallen asleep in the stroller when I was leaving and Sonia was walking him around.  They told me that he was interested in the trucks, but when they really started pulling - it was too loud and he would cover his ears and hide his face.  Too cute.  They got back at about 8:30 PM and then we headed home!  What a busy weekend.  We were all pooped.

Just slightly obsessed with tractors

Feeding the goats

Then Ty forgot all about the goats and just wanted to throw the hay in the air!

Love this picture

On Monday we unpacked and then Ty & I went to the pharmacies.  I got some more free gum, Dove shampoo & conditioner for $0.50 each, and two Bisquick boxes for $0.75 each!  I made vege fettuccine alfredo and Ty devoured it.  Don’t remember too much else.

Ty grabbed the fettuccine off the counter and this is what he did with it!

On Tuesday I started my project of "getting the baby clothes ready."  I have about 5 trash bags full of Ty's clothes, that I had given to Leigh for Bode, that we got back.  So I washed them and started sorting them.  I'm trying to figure out where to put everything.  I am going to use the smaller closet in Tyson's room all for the baby and part of Ty's larger closet as well.  Then I will put his socks, pajamas, sweaters/vests, and hats in his dresser, which will be in our room.  I don't think it will be that bad to go between 2 rooms, since I will be in and out constantly with Tyson anyways... and our closet is chocked full of clothes - there is just no room for the baby clothes right now, until we move downstairs.  So I started the sorting process and I had so much junk in the small closet to sort through as well.  Tyson did find some new toys that had been hiding in the closet that I had forgotten about, so he was psyched!  Ty took a 3 hour nap in the late AM/afternoon, so he didn't finish his lunch until about 4 PM.  Having supper at our normal 7 PM time meant that he was not hungry at all.  I made lentil patties, mashed potatoes, and homemade bread.  Well, what do you know, Ty would not even TRY the patties or the mashed potatoes... all he wanted was the bread.  Heath & I both told him that if he would just try the patties or mashed potatoes, he could have all the bread he wanted - but our child is that stubborn and he would not open that mouth for anything in the world.  So we gave up and we took him out of his seat and told him that he wasn't going to eat anything for supper.  He proceeded to go between Heath & I trying to manipulate us both.  He was laying on the charm really thick, smiling, pointing and oohing and ahhing over the bread... but we wouldn't budge.  But neither did he.  It was the first night he went to sleep without any supper.  But again, since he had eaten lunch so late, I didn't feel bad about it (not much anyways).  What am I going to do with this kid?

On Wednesday I worked and Ty went on a shopping day with Noni, Shannon & Finley.  He got his nap in on the way home and loved these stickers Noni had gotten him.  He ended up putting them all over his jeans! 

On Thursday I couldn't get much done on my baby project between picking up the house, Ty's nap (since I can't get in Ty's room), and then we had to go to the Subaru dealer by 3 PM for a recall fix.  That took about an hour, which Ty did very well with.  They have a good toy selection and he was happy to go to town with new toys!  He also loved the bean bags and was hurling himself on them left and right.  After Subaru we headed to the bank and then to Walmart to get more baby hangers.  Then we headed down to Concord to meet Heath.  We were having a night out of shopping and out to eat by ourselves.  First we stopped at Burlington Coat Factory and looked at their strollers (since I had a 15% off coupon), but they didn't have what we wanted, so that was a bust.  What was a worst bust was our next stop.  We went to Verizon to finally get our phones (I’m upgrading and Heath hasn’t had a phone since he left Vutek - long story).  We went into the store and there wasn't a soul in sight.  We both wanted to browse the phones a bit, but the greeter guy said, "We better put your name down in case we get busy."  So Heath said, "OK."  I am not exaggerating when I say that 10 seconds later, a salesguy comes up to us and says, "Heath?  What can I do for you today?"  And we said, "We said we weren't ready yet, we were going to browse first."  So he said to just let him know when we were ready.  Fast forward to 15 minutes later, and again, I'm not exaggerating when I say about 7 people came through the doors.  Long story short, the greeter guy had us already "joined" with that one sales guy, who became busy with other people during our 15 minutes of browsing... so again... long story short, all those people ended going ahead of us.  After we had waited an hour, Heath lost his cool (I think he was hungry) with the greeter guy and we walked out.  Let me tell you, I was not happy.  We had wasted an hour of our life in that store and GOT NOWHERE!  And I killed myself chasing Ty around the Verizon store and that is no picnic, I can assure you.  Especially when he figured out how to open the front door and tried to run out into the parking lot multiple times.  The kid is crazy.  Fortunately, our night got better when we headed to the OG, had a great meal (except Heath's favorite go-to meal that he gets every time, Lasagna Rollata, got removed from the menu) and then rushed to Babies 'R Us within 15 minutes of closing.  We knew exactly what baby monitor we were picking up, so that was easy... and then it was back to the strollers.  We were between 2 options and we were able to pick out the Baby Trend Sit & Stand Deluxe stroller.  It is really nice and we can fit our car seat in it, so we were sold.  I had a 20% off coupon to help with the stroller purchase (the baby monitor was excluded unfortunately), so that was good.  It feels great to get the two things we really needed for when this baby comes.  We are going to be prepared if it kills me!  Have a great week!

The first pair of pants we put on just fell off  - the waist was too big and they were 18 month pants too!

Playing at the car dealership

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I get a falafel at our fair every year....It may be the state fair but it can't hold a candle to fryeburg fair:)