Monday, November 5, 2012

Cake-Eating,2 Yr Stats, Sharing w/ The Baby & "Noni"

2 Years & 1 Week

Last Friday I was in major cleaning mode!  Call it nesting or whatever… but I want this place to be in tip-top shape for when the little one arrives.  I cleaned out my coat/shoe closet and two of my major problem food cabinets.  I did the food cabinets while Tyson was napping, for obvious reasons.  I didn’t feel like listening to melt-downs of why he can’t fill up on “cwackers” (one of his favorite words).  I can’t tell you how great it feels to get those things done!  Every time I organize them, I always say, “It is never going to get this bad again.  I won’t let it happen!”  But yet it always does.  Friday afternoon, Ty & I went grocery shopping and then came back and made fettuccine and homemade meatballs.  The Frosts came over for Friday night dinner (like old times) and we had a nice visit, as usual.  After 24 hours of not having a fever, Ty had another one of 100.6, not too high… but what the heck?
Everything out of the closet

Ty & Fin raising heck in the tupperware cabinet

On Sabbath I had to work and Ty & Heath laid low at home, since Ty was still not himself.  The boys slept in until almost 10 AM… very unlike Heath.  I think the commuting is a bit tiring, since he has to get up at 5:30 AM now.  I don’t think anything earth-shattering happened on Sabbath, or at least anything that was reported to me!

He looks a bit subdued here

On Sunday I worked again and the boys remained at home.  For some reasons that fail me, Heath decided that he wanted to try to grout the bathroom, while taking care of Tyson alone.  He at least started it while Tyson went down for his nap.  Ty can nap anywhere from 1.5 hours to 3 hours, but the 1.5 hours is a guarantee.  Unless the nap is for Heath.  Ty decided that he only wanted to nap for 45 minutes and then proceeded to have melt-down after melt-down.  Of course, once you start grouting – you really can’t stop… because it is all about timing and the grout will dry… it is a big mess.  And it was a big mess with Tyson.  Ty would not stay out of the bathroom, so Heath put a gate up in the doorway and then brought a bunch of Ty’s toys/books etc. right outside of the gate.  So Ty would play there and watch Heath, but would whine constantly and say, “Daddy…daddy…daddy!”  At one point, Ty had walked away and Heath heard him say, “ooooo.”  He usually does that when he sees something that he wants to eat.  Heath let him be… and things got quiet for awhile (never a good sign) and then Heath heard him say, “Yum.”  Heath couldn’t take it anymore.  He got out of the bathroom and could not believe what he saw.  Tyson was sitting on one of the bar stools, and had pulled over the left-over birthday cake (that had been on the counter covered with tin foil) and was putting fistfuls of cake into his mouth!!!!  I wish so badly that Heath would have gotten a picture, but I guess the mental picture will have to do!  I got out of work late and then went to the pharmacies afterwards.  Not a huge week, but got Pantene shampoo & conditioner for $0.25 each (best I’ve ever done) and got some deodorant for myself for $0.49 each.  Ty was already asleep when I got home and I was distressed to hear him coughing up a storm when I got home.  So he developed cold symptoms after all… or was it from all the cake?

Heath tries just about anything to get him to eat too

Monday was a busy day.  First of all, I have to say that as soon as we went downstairs, the first words out of Tyson’s mouth was “cake, cake.”  I had to break the news to him that I had thrown out the cake the night before, since it was a week old.  But he got over it.  We ended up getting up a bit early and made it to his 2 year appointment.  I was a little worried about this because of his eating problems of late.  But his weight percentile was the best he has ever been!  So that put me at ease a bit.  His stats were…
weight= 25 pounds (between 15-20th  percentile) 
height= 34 ½ inches (50th percentile, where he has always been) 
head= 19 inches (45th percentile, where he has always been too)
So he is doing great and she reassured me about the eating.  This is probably a phase and just not to stress about it.  I will do my best, but it is hard.  He seemed to only have a cold, with the coughing and runny nose that he had gotten the night before.  His ears, throat, and lungs were fine, so that was good.  And he was fever-free again.  He only had to get his flu shot and he did great as usual.  He still has not cried for his shots yet (since his very first shots as an infant), but this time he came the closest.  He watched the needle go in and after it was done he kind of whined… “hmmm…”  But that was it, he is such a trooper.  He is definitely up to 50 words now, so she is not concerned about him needing speech therapy or anything… so that was good news too.  It is just amazing how he has exploded with the words all of a sudden.  I know everyone kept telling me it was going to happen, but it is just great!  I mean, he really cares and tries to imitate absolutely everything we say now.  We have to really watch ourselves now! (=  I wanted to go to a few shops after his appointment in Concord, but I figured we better get ourselves home because Sandy was coming.  There were signs on I 93 saying, “avoid the roads at 3 PM”, so we boogied home instead.  I focused on getting the laundry done, just in case we lost power that night or Tuesday.  I managed to get it all done, so that was great. And we never lost power.  It never turned into anything big at all for us.  I know NY & NJ got slammed, but we were just very lucky where we were.  Ty did a couple of cute things that afternoon.  I was bringing a load of laundry upstairs to our bedroom (and left Ty in our room) when I came through the door and found him in the baby’s crib!  He had climbed into it and thought he was all that!  What a rascal.  Another thing that was so cute – was that he dumped out all the baby’s toys that I have in a basket (of course, they used to be his toys).   He was examining all the toys and I told him, “That’s for baby brother.”  And what did he do?  He took the toy and put it on my belly!  And then he grabbed another one and put another one on my belly!  It was so so cute!  He seems to be obsessed with the baby and is always saying, “baby… baby” and touching my belly.  I hope it continues when he really gets here!  Oh yeah, my cleaning continued when I reorganized our messy walk-in clothes closet on Monday night.  That took about 3.5 hours, but man, was it worth it!

He's all into showing his own belly as well

On Tuesday Sandy was officially over in our area, so my mother, sister & I braved it by going to Manchester for my doctor’s appointment.  We really “braved” it all right, when we had beautiful blue skies and everything!  We did our usual Lots 4 Tots thrift store and then Chipotle.  Mom was nice enough to take both kids in Hobby Lobby (the store next to the thrift store) so Shannon & I could get some kid-free shopping done.  It paid off too!  I almost pulled the trigger on the exact double stroller that we had just bought brand-new at Babies R Us (well, the coloring was a little different, but I liked it)… but I found what looked like grease stains on the fabric as I was bringing it up to the register that I hadn’t seen before, so I didn’t get it.  It would have been half-price in comparison – I just wish Heath was there to help me make the decision!  My OB appointment went great, well – except for the fact that I had gained 8 pounds since my last appointment 4 weeks ago.  Technically, I should have only gained 4 (1 pound a week), but these dang sugar cookies that I am addicted to has been my downfall, I’m sure!  What are you going to do?  I had an ultrasound and they estimated him at 5 pounds 10 oz, which is already 2 oz bigger than Ty was when he was delivered (at 36 weeks 6 days, and I was 36 weeks 3 days at this appointment with this little one).  If I can make it to the end, this new baby is going to seem huge compared to Ty!  Oh yeah, and my amniotic fluid level was 19 cm!  The best I have had yet!  So everything is just perfect!  Thank you Lord!  On Tuesday night, I tried a new pasta recipe with sugar snap peas, spinach & basil and it was pretty good.  But I had to give Ty the pasta, without all the green stuff or he would refuse to eat it.  Well, wouldn’t you know… one of the tubes of pasta had the tiniest green speck you have ever seen INSIDE the tube… but he spotted it a mile away and had to take the time to dissect the pasta until he got the green speck removed!  What OCD.  Really. 

Driving his tractor with his backpack on!

Then riding his car with his backpack on

On Wednesday I worked and Mom said that Ty really was so grown-up.  First of all, she was doing something and Ty tried to get her attention – so he said, “Noni, Noni!”  That was the first time that he had ever said her name on his own and not just imitating what we have said!  So that was a big moment.  Another thing that was cute was that my Dad came over in the afternoon and the three of them went to the outlets, looking for jeans for my Dad.  Ty was very helpful and would bring my Dad the jeans in the dressing room for him to try on.  Ty would say, “Poppy, poppy” and bring the jeans to him!  Again, I can just see these mental images! (=

On Thursday morning I was up going to the bathroom at about 4:30 AM, when I realized I was really nauseated and was really fighting so I would be sick.  I fought it until after 6:30 AM, when I finally fell back asleep.  But I wasn’t much better when I woke up and ended up taking a Zofran.  I don’t understand why… I just hoped that I wasn’t going into labor or anything… but I wasn’t.  I don’t know what the nausea was about, but I finally felt better in the afternoon – but then the cold symptoms started in.  Heath had just started to get Ty’s cold the night before and I guess I had it too.  Ty was doing great with his cold – it seemed pretty minor for him, so that was good.  Thursday afternoon, my parents picked Ty & I up and we drove to Concord.  We went right to the hairdressers and I finally got my hair cut (it was getting way too long) and Ty got his cut too!  We did ours at the same time and he did great.  He ran right over to me, all excited after he was done and my parents kept him company while I finished.  After that, Ty & I dropped my parents off at the movies and Ty & I did some shopping.  We ran to Walmart, Target, and Goodwill.  We met Shannon, Sean & Finley at Goodwill and then Heath met us there from work.  Then the Frosts picked up Mom & Dad after their movie (while I was paying at Goodwill) and we all went to the OG.  We met Adam & Sonia there too.  It was quite a group of us!  Ty would not sit still at the OG and would just run around between Sonia, my Mom, and Heath mostly.  He ate some at least.  He said, “straw” plain as day, completely on his own without any prompting from us, when he was reaching for a straw!  So that was exciting!  Also exciting was that I was so thankful that my nausea was gone for me to enjoy the food, but I stuffed myself too much and then became quite uncomfortable with the full belly & pregnancy belly.  I really should learn.  Poor Finley turned out to be sick and threw up a couple of times while she was there… seemed to be from coughing, but she was kind of miserable.  So sicknesses appear to be in full form!  I guess my wish for next week is the same as last week – that we have healthier times to look forward to!

He got one of his balls stuck underneath this thing and he had a fit until I helped him get him out

This is another dangerous stunt that he pulled - little chair on top of the big chair   

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