2 Years & 3 Weeks
Just a few quick thoughts about the week before the
baby was born! We got some cute pics of Ty that I couldn’t pass
up. I am back to having about an hour of
time a day to get everything accomplished that I need, so this little blog has
taken me about a week to get done. I can’t
remember much of what happened 3 weeks ago, but these are just the highlights.
We got Ty a baby doll to help him transition to the
new baby. Sonia had given Heath one when
Amanda was born and she said it helped him tremendously. We kept looking and looking for a doll for
Ty, but none of the main stores (Walmart, Target or Toys ‘R’ Us) carry boy
dolls. I don’t know why I felt he needed
a boy doll, but I did. So we ended up
ordering one online. When the package
came, Ty was really cute. I told Ty that
we had to wait for Heath to get home before we opened the box. Ty, of course, was not satisfied with
that. So he got a hold of my keys and
tried to open the box with the keys – sometimes he surprises me with what he
knows! I’m sure he has seen Heath or I
do that before. Well, I was able to hold
him off until Heath got home. We got
quite a reaction when he opened the doll.
He said, “baby…baby!” He right
away wanted to hold it, cover it with the blanket, and he put the doll in the
swing (that I had just finished setting up for the real baby). He wouldn’t go to bed that night without
taking the baby to bed with him. He made
sure the baby had his hat on and was covered before he fell asleep. It was so cute!
Trying to open the box with my keys
Meeting his "baby" for the 1st time
He knew just how to hold him!
Putting him in the swing
Ty sleeping with his baby that night!
There were a couple of things that Ty started doing
that were cute that week. He loves the
word “2!” Because he counts with Heath (“1,
2, 3, jump” and jumps into his arms)… he now says “2” all the time. He knows that he is 2 years old and he says
he’s “2” when asked how old he is! He
says it with such enthusiasm, it sounds like he has a French accent! But what is so funny is that when I’m
bargaining with him to eat something, for example… I’ll say, “If you eat your
potatoes, then I’ll give you 1 cracker” and his response every time is to say, “2!” It is so cute! Another cool thing that happened that last
week before the baby came was that it became very obvious that Ty was ready for
potty training. He has been patting his
bum and saying, “poop” for awhile after he had pooped, but he actually said it
that week WHILE he was pooping! So I
thought that was progress. Also I was
giving him a bath that week and we had taken off his diaper and he ran into the
bathroom naked. The water was a bit too
cold, so I was adding some hot water, when he looked down at his weenie and
said, “pee.” Then he proceeded to pee
all over the floor! I was so proud! It really couldn’t be a worse time with the baby
coming to try to start this, but what can you do?
Ty doing more cute things... using his chair to get on the ATV on the back of his trailer
How he likes to eat raspberries - he puts them on his fingers 1st
I think this was ingenious - he used his milk nubbie to "gas" up his car!
The Wednesday before the baby was born was my last
shift and it was an exciting day! Last
shift for 3 months – it is crazy to think about. Of course it’s not like I won’t be doing a
different kind of work! It’s not a
The Thursday before the baby was born was a busy
day. I did a full cleaning of the house
and Ty was a bit of a pill I remember. I
don’t remember all of his antics but I do remember thinking that as difficult
as he was, it was going to be the easiest cleaning of the house that I will
ever do again!!!! Since I will be
juggling two children for the next cleaning!
On Thursday evening, we finally got our house refinanced! We were able to refinance with our current
mortgage company and since we waited so long (from when we first tried to do
it) we ended up with an even better rate!
It is saving us $500 a month, which is perfect since we need to be
banking extra money right now to save to build a house eventually (if we ever
find land). Thursday just happened to be
the only day that the mortgage company and we could do the refinance. They came right to our house and it was over
in no time. But then I had to boogey
down to Manchester to go to the “midnight” showing of the last Twilight movie
with 6 of my friends from work. It was
actually at 10 PM, which was WAY better than at midnight. I initially thought that I might be having my
C-section on Friday the 16th, and then I wouldn’t be able to go to
the movie… but thank goodness that wasn’t the case! We had a great time and the movie was
good. I was hoping for a little bit more
with the finale of the saga, but when you love the movies as much as I do… it
doesn’t disappoint.
The last weekend before the baby was busy too. We went to Concord church with Shannon &
Sean, had communion (they do family-style foot washing, so that was nice to do
with Heath), and then went to Shannon & Sean’s for lunch. Sean & Heath went looking at some land in
the afternoon (it seems to be a no-go) and Shannon & I hung out with the
Heath giving Fin & Ty a ride in a LL Bean canvas bag
Sunday was the last day before the baby was
coming! I was psyched that I was able to go to CVS and
get their “Black Friday” deals, since they were starting that Sunday. I was so sad that I wasn’t going to be able
to get the pharmacy deals for Black Friday (which is like the ultimate
couponing experience that only happens once a year), since I would be in the
hospital or just getting discharged. But
thank goodness, I was able to hit up CVS first thing in the morning and Heath
stayed with Tyson. I got $1243 worth of
stuff and MADE $5!!!! Heath worked hard
on the bathroom and got the toilet installed for me, which is what he promised
he would do before the baby was born.
Thank goodness I wouldn’t have to climb the stairs post-op to use the
bathroom! I have to say something about
elective C-sections. They are nice but
also difficult in the case that you know exactly when your baby is coming! The problem was that the last day was incredibly
emotional for me with Tyson. The last bedtime
was especially hard. I was reading him
his bedtime stories and just couldn’t stop crying. I couldn’t help but feel that everything was
going to change and that we wouldn’t have these special moments together just
the two of us anymore. I know some of
this was hormonal but I was also very nervous about how Ty would react to the baby. Stick around for the next blog to hear how it
all turned out! Hopefully it won’t take
me 2 weeks to get it done!
My CVS loot
Ty helping Daddy make pancakes
I don't think you were hormonal at all. I remember feeling like that before Aubree was born. The last of everything with just me and Calleigh. Fortunately once the new baby comes, you don't feel like that any more!
I felt that day, and took an outing with Luke the day before I had Lauren. There are still special times, don't worry. Two kids is twice the love and fun, and I don't really think it is twice the work - although mine were 4.5 years apart! Hope you're getting some rest :)
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