Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Binky Wars, Locking Doors, "Oh", "Nope", Protecting His Brother, Night Screaming, 2 1/2 Year Stats, Eye Rolling & Stomach Sleeping

Wes:  23 Weeks Old

Ty:  2 Years, 6 Months & 2 Weeks Old

Last Friday consisted of our usual grocery shopping and puttering around.  I also started the day off on the wrong foot with Ty.  I decided that we needed to go back to the binky routine we had been doing for months (if not for a year) and that is to only have the binky for sleep.  On vacation, since he was so sick…he got pretty attached and we were very lax with it.  Well, no more!  I told him the terms on the binky use and he proceeded to have melt-down after melt-down crying for the binky!  Heath & I have been talking more and more about taking it completely away.  We were waiting for Westin to be born, then for Ty to be potty-trained…I guess there will always be something!  We’ll see…he is just so attached.  I feel so bad to take away something he loves so much, even though it is for his own good!  One crazy thing Ty did on Friday happened twice and that was him locking me out of the house!  I had gone outside to take the puppies out to the bathroom and he pulled a chair up to the door and turned the dead bolt TWICE!  You would think that I would have learned my lesson the first time and taken my keys with me…but no!  Thank goodness, I could talk him into opening the door for me, but I was panicked for those seconds!  Ty has 2 new catch phrases.  He pretty much says them ALL the time!!!!  They are “nope” and “Oh…”  Like it I say, “Ty, you need to come here to put on your shoes so we can go…”  and he says, “Oh….”  And then I say, “Ty, do you want more to eat?”  And he says, “Nope!”  He is starting to really love that one!

Here he DID want more to eat!

Last Sabbath I worked and the boys stayed local and went to Laconia church.  Sonia came to help with them, which is always appreciated!  They went to the Franklin Dam walking in the afternoon and the boys had a blast at the playground!  I can say, “both” since Wes used the swings for the first time!  He loved it!  Ty had a great time, too, despite eating it on the ground!  When I walked through the door, Ty gave me the best welcome I think he has ever given me!  He was like, “Mama…mama…mama come!”  He right away wanted me to see his “boo-boo” (a scrape) on his knee and told me “kiss…kiss!”  Very cute.  The boys made yummy chocolate chip cookies that night and it was a nice homecoming for sure!

First time in a swing - Mama missed it! )=

Last Sunday I worked again and the boys had a laid-back day at home.  One thing that was funny happened outside.  Heath had the ATV out and was doing things around the house and Ty would ride on it with Heath.  They had started the ATV experiences when Wes was sleeping.  After Wes had woken up, Heath put Wes in his car seat and was going to strap him on the back of the ATV.  Tyson had a fit!  He freaked out saying, “Daddy, Daddy…no…Westy fall down…go boom…owie.”  How cute is that?  He is already looking out for his little brother!  I definitely missed them that day and it was even worse when I got home at 8:45, after going to the pharmacies and they were both asleep!  Heath said they were exhausted and cranky, so they went right down without any drama.  Sunday night we watched the movie, “The Impossible” about a family in the tsunami.  It was a fantastic movie and I highly recommend it.  Wes had another night of screaming during the middle of the night.  Growth spurt?  Colic?  Just wanting to come to bed with us?  I stayed strong this night and didn’t bring him to bed with us, but put the binky in about 4 times until I nursed him at 4 AM and then he slept until 9 AM. 

On Monday we headed back to the pediatrician’s.  Tyson had his 2 ½ year appointment and Westin had his weight check.  Westin’s weight is doing OK.  He is gaining the 0.5 ounces per day that he needs to, so he was up to 12 pounds and 12 ounces, which is the 7 ½ percentile.  He was up from the 5th at his last visit, so it was all good.  I was totally mentally preparing myself for her to say we needed to start formula, but, again…she said that we don’t need to yet.  So yea!!!!  Tyson’s official stats were 35.5 inches (40h percentile, down from the 50th, but it was his first height standing up and she said it always goes down when they start standing up) and 27.5 pounds (20th percentile, his highest ever!!!).  I told her that his weight probably would have been a bit higher too, since I am sure he lost at least 1 to 2 pounds during his diarrhea and no-appetite phase while in Florida.  She thinks they are both doing well, so happy times!  After the doctor’s appointment, we went to Valvoline and got our oil changed and tires rotated.  This was the first time I have had both boys hanging out in a waiting room, but Valvoline is a good place to start, since they are so speedy.  Westin had fallen asleep, so that was perfect, so I had to just keep Tyson corralled in the room.  We got through it!  Monday night we barely got through.  Westin was up screaming almost the whole night.  It definitely seemed like colic this time, with him tooting, arching his back in pain, and his belly was rock-hard.  Definitely not a growth spurt because nursing would not help him.  It is so hard to see him like this.  I’m not sure what he is reacting to now, since I didn’t have any cream products that day.  It is so weird that he seems to be having a bunch of problems now with everything that I am eating, when he was first born…he didn’t have any problems at all.  So Monday night, I was literally up with him the whole night on the air mattress in his room, sleeping for 10-15 minute stretches.  I brought him into our bed but nothing worked.  I finally got him to really go to sleep at 7:30 AM and Tyson was up at 8:30 AM.  That was rough.

Ty looks a little sleepy here - like he was up all night!

Tuesday, after the night we had, I deemed the day to be pajama day and we didn’t do hardly anything at all.  Well, I was behind 3 weeks in this blog, so I sat on the floor typing most of the day while the boys played around me!  Fun times.  Something pretty crazy started on Tuesday.  Tyson is now rolling his eyes!!!!  I am positive that I have taught him this because I roll my eyes all the time.  It is so automatic, I don’t even know when I am doing it!  But he does it at the correct times, too.  If I tell him something he doesn’t want to do (go potty, pick up his toys), then the eye rolling starts!  I can’t believe I am getting this attitude at 2 ½!  Oh my word!  The other crazy thing that happened was that Westin is officially sleeping on his stomach now.  I feel like this is too young, but no matter what I do…he always ends up on his stomach!  I try to at least put him on his side, but he just keeps rolling over!  Scary!!!!  Tuesday night was finally a better night with his colic, thank goodness.  I was beat from my 1+ hour of sleep the night before.

Playing on his play mat in his jammies

Wednesday I headed to work.  The boys and Noni spent more quality time outside playing and had a blast.  Heath did not have a blast with Westin Wednesday night and Wes cried for hours.  Was he missing me?  I think his crying tired him out and he slept all night without a peep, which was the first time in over a week.

Thursday was a big day for me.  I had to sign up for my new work schedule that starts the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend.  I literally worked on this all day, since as a per diem person, I take the left-over shifts available.  It was a bit hard to get 12 hour shifts, but I did it!  I did have to email some co-workers to see if they wanted 4 hours off here and there, so I could get 12 hours together.  The good news is that every single person I emailed (and I think it was about 10 of them) wanted to give up their hours!  I can’t wait for my new schedule to start!  It feels like it has been forever that I made the decision to go per diem!  Shannon & Fin came over for a visit that afternoon and we took the kids to the Franklin Dam playground.  I got to see first-hand how much Westin loves the swings!  And how much Ty loves the slides!  Thursday night we went to the Mexican restaurant with Adam & Sonia for Adam’s birthday, that was on Monday.  We had a great time and the boys were stellar at the restaurant.  One really cute thing happened when we got home from the restaurant.  Adam was giving Ty a ride around the house on Ty’s tractor, when they rounded a corner and were stopped in their tracks because Ty’s trike was blocking them.  Tyson whined, “Oh…bike way.  Shoot!”  It was so cute.  We laughed so hard at that one. 

Trying to escape

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

Corey said...

Okay, whose BOB stroller is that? Did Shannon get the EXACT same stroller as us? That copy cat! She could have at least gotten a different color!