Wes: 29 Weeks Old
Ty: 2 Years, 7 Months & 3 Weeks Old
blog will be on hiatus for 2+ weeks because we are going to Campmeeting for the
whole week! Can’t wait!
Friday my Mom came and baby-sat for the 3rd time that week because I
had a 2 hour mandatory education session at work. I am so lucky that my Mom is near-by and
willing to help me out! Of course it
just happened to be that I was away at the class when Westin truly sat up for
the first time by himself!!!! When I got
home, Mom said, “You didn’t tell me that Westin could sit up!” And I said, “That’s because he hasn’t done it
yet!” What a bummer to miss it! But he was very happy to show it to me
again! He still topples over
occasionally, but overall he really has it down! The other major thing of record on Friday was
that Tyson is obsessed with peeing “like a big boy” now. He wants to pee standing up. The aiming thing is a bit of a problem and something
that we will be working on!
His first real sit-up!
Sabbath I worked 7am-7pm and the boys were on their own. I was SO proud of Heath. He took them to Sabbath School and church all
by himself! That is something I begged him
to do when it was just Tyson, but he didn’t feel comfortable. But now that he is the proud father to two
boys… I guess he has found his inner strength!
He said it was a little hairy at times, but he got through it! We’ll see if he does it again…but the good
news is that he won’t have to do it alone very much! That weekend was the last weekend I have to work
for 5 weekends! I am just trying to work
1 weekend every 6 weeks. This will be a
very nice change! Not only did Heath
take the boys to church, but he took them to the park by himself too! They had a good day and it was gorgeous
What a great father! Not sure why they are both so serious!
Reading stories at bedtime
Sunday I was working 3pm-3am, so I got to have time with all my boys before I
left. Well, not that I saw Heath much…he
was able to mow the lawn, trim the shrubs etc… while I watched the boys in the
AM. One thing was really cute with
Tyson. He was standing at the window,
watching Heath mow the lawn, when he burst out, “Daddy, watch out! Cars…road…boom…owie…owie!” Heath was mowing right by the road and Ty was
worried that he was too close to the road!
It was so cute! And I’m so glad
that he is nervous about the road! I
hate where we live, just because of our busy road. The thing that you overlook when you buy a
house because you don’t have kids and you can’t comprehend it…becomes the thing
that you can’t stand. After our late
gourmet breakfast together, we went to Dairy Queen before I left for work. I abstained from the ice-cream because of Wes
and had an Orange Julius (there is probably some vanilla ice-cream in that, but
I didn’t push the issue) and Heath & Ty shared a sundae. Something Ty said at DQ was really cute. Heath had asked Ty if he wanted Reeses Pieces
on the sundae and Ty got a weird look on his face. He said, “Reeses home.” He thought Heath was talking about our
dog!!!! In Ty’s defense, we do call her “Reeses
Pieces” all the time! So we took 2 cars to
DQ and I left for work and the boys went on errands. It was really nice to spend some time with
them before I left. That is what I just
love about this schedule. I never see
them at all if I work 7am-7pm, since because of my commute I get there just in
time to put them to bed. This way I get to
have time with them in the AM, and since I am up until 3 AM normally…it works
out well. Unfortunately, because of my
commute…I don’t get to bed until 4:30 AM (after a shower), but I can do that
one day a week without a problem. The
shift differential is much better too!
Anticipating a bite!
Wes happy at DQ - even though he couldn't have any!
Monday I was dragging a bit because of my 3 ½ hours of sleep, but we still made
it to the pharmacies! As we were going
to the pharmacies, Tyson must have been thinking about Finley. When we were driving to Rite Aid, he said, “Finley
come too” and then he noticed the binky she uses at CVS and said, “Finley’s
binky.” Glad to know he loves his
cousin! On the Westin front, he is really trying to crawl! He gets right on his belly, and is bending his knees and everything - reaching for things in front of him! Very exciting. Monday afternoon I had quite the
exchange with Ty. For background, he had made this wooden lion’s mask at Sabbath
School and had been playing with it, when the mask broke off the stick it was
glued to.
Ty: “Oh no.
Broken. Ty sad.”
Me: “Maybe Daddy can fix it when he gets home.” (then I was looking at the stick and it was
buckled in the middle and I was trying to bend it back when it snapped)
Ty: “Mama broke it. Dead now.
No Daddy fix.” (looking very sad)
felt so bad and I hugged him and said how sorry I was and the response I got
was Tyson sighing and rolling his eyes!
How does he know the term “dead” anyway?
Playing around at the house on Monday AM - love how he groups the blocks into colors!
Trying to crawl!
Tuesday Wes took a 3 hour nap and I was in heaven! Ty almost followed suit with a 2 ½ hour
nap. I went and got Ty up from his nap
and I remarked that he had slept a long time.
To that he said, “Yes! 5 minutes!” That really made me chuckle! Then a couple other things to mention with
Ty. First of all, his dexterity never
ceases to amaze me! A wheel had come off
this metal, antique tractor that my mother had given Ty. What did he do? He grabbed one of Heath’s screwdrivers, put
the screw into the wheel and screwed it back on tight all by himself!!!! I watched him do it – it was amazing! I really hope that he ends up having the
mechanical know-how and is another Mr. Fix-It like his father. Then the second thing I wanted to mention was
similar to the day before with Finley…he must just think of people
randomly. Tuesday it was Nanny and Papa!
Ty: “Nanny, come Ty’s house.”
Me: “Ty, who would come with Nanny?”
Ty: “Papa!
Yes, Papa come too!”
Another thing Ty did - flipped all his toys upside down to "fix them" - see the screwdrivers and hammers there?
Then back to using his saw on the playdough
"Let me show you how to use that hammer, Wes"
"Give me that hammer back, Ty!"
Wednesday I worked and my mother had her last “shift” with the boys for the
rest of the summer! Sonia is going to
watch the boys for me since she is off for the summer and will get to spend
more time with them. And this gives my
mother a break too! On Wednesday I did a
test with Westin to see if it would help Wes sleep for Heath. Instead of mixing breast milk and formula, I
had my mom and Heath give Westin just formula.
Since Wes has been having this dairy intolerance, who knows what is in my
frozen breast milk from 2 months ago. It
is probably loaded with dairy and so Westin has major colic for Heath and keeps
Heath up all night. Not a great
scenario. My hypothesis worked and with
Westin getting just the formula, he slept like an angel and didn’t give Heath
any trouble at all. I hate to think that
my hard work with pumping all the time was for naught, but whatever is best for
both my boys is all I care about.
Insisting on eating his breakfast in the Bumbo. Just a tad small for you, Ty.
"Being colic-free is great!"
morning I had had it. Both boys had
woken up for the 3rd morning in a row having wet the bed…WITH
DIAPERS ON! Neither one of them seems
like they need to go up a size, they just pee a ton at night. Tyson is in 2T-3T night-time pull-ups, but
they have seemed tight. I decided to try
the 3T-4T pull-ups, which seemed ridiculous since Ty is only in 24 months – 2T
for pants. Westin never, ever has any
blow-outs during the day, so I really don’t think he needs to go up from a size
2. So my solution is to put 2 diapers on
Wes at night. So far both of these
things have been working. But what the
heck? Another pee-related issue occurred
with Tyson standing up to pee. He has
been having me aim his winkie, but on Thursday he decided that he wanted to do
it himself. Forget any aiming problems,
we started right off with doing what he has been doing for so long. He stood up, grabbed his winkie, and pointed
it down – like he does when he is sitting on the potty seat. That made for some wet underwear and pants,
prompting a full change. Oh my. I have to also take a moment just to vent
about kids’ pickiness. Tyson loves black
olives. He will eat them by the
handful. But if he sees one black olive
anywhere near his pizza, he screams, “Yucky!” and will not have anything to do
with it! What in the world? Something very exciting with Westin has
developed. He has totally mastered
putting his own binky in his mouth! I
don’t remember when Tyson did this, but this seems really early to me! It is so cute. He will usually start with it completely
backwards going into his mouth and then he works at it, turns it around, and eventually
finds the sweet spot! So cute! We ended our “week” at, where else…the
Mexican restaurant with Adam for a good time.
Playing with Uncle Adam & the big blue ball
More playing...
Tyson playing one of his favorite new games...hit the ball with a drum stick
Wes is so grabby - this is a pic right after he dumped the entire basket of chips all over himself
1 comment:
Caleb has that same duck on his car seat! He loves to pull it! I can't believe Wes is wanting to crawl. Caleb definitely isn't there. Can't wait to see the boys together in a couple days!
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