Wes: 1 Year, 3 Months & 3 Weeks Old and 1 Year & 4 Months Old
Ty: 3 Years, 4 Months & 3 Weeks Old and 3 Years & 5 Months Old
I guess I am going to have to write brief 2 week recaps
until I can get caught up. I hate being
behind so much!
The Week After Our Cruise (March 3-7)
- Back to
reality! I worked my 1st
shift in almost a month (because of the cruise, Florida, and being sick) but it
really is like getting back on a bike!
We kept getting hammered with snow and Noni played outside with the boys
and made a snowman while I worked that week.
They had a blast.
- I don’t know if I
have mentioned or not, but Tyson still has been taking naps after all. He will do a late afternoon nap from about
4:00 pm and I will wake him up by 5:45pm to make sure he would sleep at
night! He has been doing great with this
and I am so happy. Unfortunately, if Ty
does not wake up himself, he is an absolute bear. He is the grouchiest thing on the
planet. It wouldn’t matter if you woke
Westin up 15 minutes into a nap, he would laugh and smile and be the happiest
thing, but Tyson is another story. I
figured that Wes is like Heath in this respect, since Heath is a morning person
and wakes up singing. Literally. And Tyson is like me, where I do not even
want to speak for about an hour after I wake up. The week after the cruise, Westin started
taking 3 ½ hour naps for his 1st nap (from 11am-2:30 pm) and then
would not go down after for the late afternoon nap.
Wes was telling me that he was tired!
Making a bed with the kitchen chairs
- One of Westin’s new
things this week was saying, “Me! Me!” He will say this when he sees us eating
something that he wants and he wants us to give him some. He also does this when I go into the candy
cabinet to give Ty a little treat for poop on the potty or something. I try to be really quiet so Wes doesn’t hear,
but he has ears like an eagle or something because the next thing I know…he is screaming,
“Me! Me!” and running to us at the candy
cabinet! Can’t fool him. It is very cute though. Another thing he did was so funny – he is
just talking so much! He was walking
around, when he tooted and he said, “Tooties!”
Ty will say this when he toots, but I could not believe that Westin said
it all by himself on cue! Another thing
that was darling was he started to ask for me to sing “Rock-a-bye baby.” I always rock him and sign “Rock-a-bye baby”
before I lay him down for sleep, but I was rushing one of these nights and I
almost laid him down without singing the song.
Well, Westin started singing nonsense words and then sang, “Baby...” and
I could actually make out some of the tune coming from Wes! I couldn’t believe it! He is so cute, because when he asks for it now
(because he does it all the time now, probably because I gave him such a
reaction) he crinkles up his nose and squints his eyes when he does it. I’m not sure why, does he think all people do
that face when they sing? I just hope he
doesn’t stop doing it because it is so darn cute!
- Tyson came back
from the cruise and had told me that he was going to give up his binky when we
got back. Well, when that didn’t happen,
I would ask Ty about it every now and again and his response was always, “Just
one more day, Mama! One more day!” A big milestone for Ty was he started climbing
out of his crib. He wouldn’t do it nonstop,
just a couple times 1 day and then he wouldn’t do it for another 4 days….then
he would do it again. Time for the big
boy bed…but we were trying to use that as an incentive to get rid of the binky. During the cruise, Ty had been able to get on
and off the toilet by himself and he loved this, so he was determined and he
can do it at home now too! It is awesome
not to have to “take” him to the bathroom!
He is so proud of himself too! “I
can do it all meself!”
Yes, the binky was still in play
- I had to work on
Sabbath and Heath took the boys to the Edwards and at my suggestion, they spent
the night. They were doing maple
sugaring on Sunday and I would be able to sleep in after working until 3 AM and
then have the day to myself! I was so so
so excited! I have been wanting to have
a day of shopping to myself for about the last year and it just hasn’t
happened, but this was the perfect day.
I was very torn about sleeping in and getting to the shops, but in the
end I slept until 11 AM (when was the last time I did that?) and then headed
out. It was amazing. I went to 2 kids thrift stores, Goodwill, 3
pharmacies, Kohl’s, and Carter’s I think
that was it, but there might have been more!
It was beyond wonderful. I can’t
even describe it. What a day! The boys didn’t get back until about 10 PM,
and I missed them very much!
One of the discoveries on my shopping day - our seasonal DQ is open!
The Next Week (March 10-14)
- Forgot to mention
that we tried peanuts again on the cruise with Wes and he is NOT allergic! Hallelujah!
He has been eating peanut butter left and right and loving it. I give him PB & J sandwiches a lot since
he is so picky with everything else. I
really hopes he outgrows this picky phase.
He is not picky with his sweets, that is for sure! Ty is cutting with a butter knife a piece of pumpkin bread. No, Ty is not trying to stab Wes!
- Can’t really
remember many things that happened that week, but there were 2 funny stories that
happened that I definitely remember. The
first thing was with Westin. Heath &
Ty were going into the basement to do something with the ATV and Heath said, “Ty,
go get your shoes so we can go to the basement.” Well, what did Wes do? He ran and got his own shoes and brought them
to Heath saying, “Shoes! Shoes!” It was so sad. Heath said that he would take Wes too, but I
put the kibosh on that since the woodstove was going in the basement. But it was so cute. The other story involved me running to go
start the car. When I came up the
stairs, it was eerily quiet. I called
out to Ty and he answered in the bathroom.
I was not prepared of what I was going to see when I opened the
door. There was Tyson with my make-up
bag in his hand and his pants around his ankles. I only had to give him “the look” and he
confessed. “Ty put ‘scara’ on me winkie.” Yes, there was mascara all over his winkie
and that stuff doesn’t come off! I mean,
what in the world? What would go through
someone’s mind to do that? I texted
Heath immediately and his response was, “We are probably going to have to tell
him it is going to fall off if he keeps touching it.” Not a bad idea!!!! Have
a good week!
Watching the snow as we continued to get dumped on
Using his corn dog as a microphone
Playing doctor with Daddy
1 comment:
Oh, I sure remember Aubree waking up from her naps. It was torture. She was the grouchiest thing ever. That's when I called her my high maintenance girl. Thankfully things have gotten a lot better since then.
Glad you got your personal day. I'm taking one this Sunday and I am also beyond excited!!
Where in the world do you get an idea to put mascara on your bingo (as Brady calls it)? What are you letting this kid watch??
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