Monday, May 14, 2012

Bed Climber,Adele-Dancer,Roseola & No More Brace!

18 Months & 3 Weeks

Last Friday we finally had a day with Shannon and Finley!  Since we had gotten back from vacation, Shannon had worked Tuesday and Thursday and I had worked Wednesday, so we hadn't been able to get together yet.  Finley and Tyson are really cute together now.  They just smile and get so excited to see each other!  We didn't do too much, we got caught up on American Idol and had lunch together.  In the afternoon, I realized horrors of horrors... Tyson had figured out how to climb up onto our bed.  Our bed is very high.  We have the dog crate right beside the bed (so the dogs can jump up on it and get on the bed).  So he must have seen the puppies using the crate to get on the bed, so he decided he would do it too.  Up he went right on the crate and then pulled himself onto the bed.  I tried to outsmart him and move the crate, but he just drags the crate wherever I move it and the proceeds to get on the bed again.  Maybe I should put the crate on top of the bed… yeah, that should work.  Bottom line is Tyson is determined to take another big fall and break his other clavicle.  On Friday night, we had cauliflower soup and homemade bread and Ty just loved the soup.  I don't know if he has ever had cauliflower before, but he couldn't get enough of it!

Showing off more of his climbing skills

On Sabbath, I had to work a random day.  One of the nurses had worked for me the previous Sunday (when we were on vacation), so I had to work her Saturday 10a-10p.  Heath had gotten a cold (probably on the plane) and had been suffering pretty hard for a few days.  He and Ty laid low at home, while I slaved away at work.  I got home very late that night - I missed my regular 7a-7p hours on the weekend.  I didn't get to put Ty to bed again.

On Sunday, I was off.  The three of us went to the diner for breakfast/lunch.  Well, Heath and Ty got breakfast and I got lunch.  We got talking with a guy at the restaurant that had broken his clavicle too and he proceeded to show us his grossly deformed clavicle.  Great, Ty probably will end up being deformed too.  My poor little guy.  Afterwards, we ran to Home Depot for a couple of things and went home.  Ty took his nap and Heath got working.  He was doing the spring clean-up of the yard and he worked on the bathroom as well!  After Ty woke up, Ty and I headed to the pharmacies and the grocery store.  We got a killer deal on Cheerios (3 of the large boxes for $0.75 each) and a few other things I can't remember.  Sunday night, after putting Ty down to sleep, we watched "We Bought a Zoo."  It was a really good, family, feel-good movie.  I would definitely recommend it.

On Monday, I could not stand my house another minute.  I had to do a full cleaning.  It had not been done (again) for about 6 weeks. I had told myself that I would never let it go that long again, but then I had been feeling so incredibly miserable with the pregnancy that I did not care at all.  There was not any way that I could have mustered up enough strength and energy to do it a few weeks back.  Unfortunately, I decided to clean the house on a very beautiful day.  I guess I should have looked at the weather forecast, since it was rainy the rest of the week.  Tyson was such a good boy and played hard with his toys, while I ran around like a chicken with my head cut off.  The good thing is that I was getting rewarded after I finished cleaning.  Heath and I were going to go to the movies again.  I didn't write about it last week, but I had read the first two books of the "Hunger Games" series while on the cruise (thanks Corey and Leigh for making me).  I had devoured those books.  I stayed up until 1:30 AM every night reading because I was completely obsessed with them.  I finished the 2nd book and ended up spending $20 in an airport bookstore to buy the last book because I wanted to read it during our layover!  I had finished the last book on Saturday night and it was all that I was thinking of.  So I was psyched that it was still playing at our little theatre!  Shannon said she would baby-sit, which was great.  We dropped off Ty at their house and headed off.  The movie was great.  The books are always better, but I felt the adaptation was quite good.  Heath really liked it.  Shannon and Sean are reading the books now together aloud, so I will be baby-sitting for them probably next week while they go to the movie!  We went to pick up Ty after the movie and we were shocked to see Shannon walking around with him, binky in, looking like he was ready to go to sleep.  Ty usually goes to bed at 8:30 or 9:00.  It was only 9:30 and he looked exhausted.  Normally, he will play non-stop until even 10 PM without slowing down.  So this should have been my first clue.

OK... I hardly took any pictures this week... so you get to see some more cruise pics.  In this one, he could barely keep his head up during dinner!

My definite second clue was that Tyson was up screaming from 3 AM until 6 AM that night.  I could not calm him down, I tried everything.  He was on fire - a definite fever, but I didn't want to aggravate him, so I didn't check his temp - just gave him Tylenol.  Finally he fell asleep after 6 AM (me being an idiot had gone to bed at 1 AM, so I had had only 2 hours of sleep so far).  We slept until about 10:30 AM.  He didn't have a fever at that point, so I thought it had to be his teeth.  But then he wouldn't eat breakfast.  I mean, you know he has to be feeling really crummy when he refuses to eat his Cheerios and waffles!!  He drank his milk and had yogurt, but that was it.  Same thing at lunch - except he only ate some bread and a couple bites of soup.  He threw his pineapple on the floor, which he absolutely adores.  Then he spiked another fever of 102.3 in the afternoon.  Poor buddy.  It was weird, he wouldn’t eat and he kept having fevers, but he would still play and play like normal.  Well, until early evening, when I was trying to make supper.  That was a nightmare.  Constant whining and sobbing, non-stop.  I was emotionally drained by the time bedtime came around.  I was scared to death that he would be doing the scream-fest again, when I had to work the next morning... but he didn't.  He did cry once but went right back to sleep.

On Wednesday, I felt terrible leaving him sick with my mother and was tempted to call-out, but he didn't have a fever when I left, so I headed on out. Ty initially ate breakfast well, but then wouldn't eat lunch for my mom.  Then he spiked a fever of 103.2 at about 2 PM.  But despite that, my mom said he did one of the cutest things ever in the afternoon.  My mom loves the singer, Adele.  She always plays Adele on my Ipod player when she baby-sits on Wednesday.  She had it blasting, when Tyson started dancing to it.  And not just moving his feet (like the running man), but started spinning in circles.  And he did it over and over!  She couldn't help but join in and they danced together.  She said it was quite a moment between the two of them!  How cute!  What was terrible is that we got devastating news from our church that day.  One of our members died early that morning.  She was a regular, healthy person (someone who had beaten Thyroid cancer) in her 40-50’s – who had gone to the ER for what they thought were kidney stones the night before.  But apparently she had a massive infection that spread into her blood and she ended up going into cardiac arrest.  It was such a shock.  So senseless.  How could something that seemed so minor turn into this?  It was a very sad day for our church, but her family…  I just can’t imagine.  She had a husband and 3 adoptive children.  Please keep them in your prayers. 

Ty slept well on Wednesday night and did not a fever in the AM, but he had been spiking them in the late afternoon and evening… so I said enough was enough I have to take  him to the doctors.   I wanted to be sure that he didn't have an ear infection.  I was bummed though, because Mia had a school program and we were going to go see her.  They were singing all Beatles songs, no less.  But I couldn't go to the program without knowing what was going on with Ty.  So we had to miss it!  My mom went and said it was fabulous.  Ty got his appointment and the doctor thought that he probably had the spring virus of Roseola that had been going around. The kid will have high fevers (between 102-104) for about 3 days and then will break out in a rash.  Usually the kid feels pretty good and you wouldn't even know they were sick.  Then when they get the rash, they are no longer contagious.  Well, wouldn't you know... Ty broke out in the rash on Thursday night and it was worse on Friday.  But it doesn't itch, so he could have cared less.  But where is he catching all these viruses from??????  The one good thing that happened at the appointment is that the doctor said he could stop wearing the figure 8 brace!  She did a bunch of tests and Ty was using his right arm so well, and he didn’t cry when we picked him up… so he passed!  But she did tell us that the clavicle would look terrible for about 3-4 months and then the lump should go away.  We’ll see.  Anyways, we went out to eat with my parents, Sonia, Adam, and the Frosts on Thursday night at the Thai restaurant.  Tyson acted absolutely horrible again.  What is going on with him?  I took him outside, to read him the riot act, when I looked up and there was the most beautiful rainbow I had seen in a long time.  Let's just say I forgot all about why I was mad at him and oohed and aahed over the rainbow with Ty.  I guess I need to stay more focused!  After supper, we ran to Staples and I got a Kindle with my birthday money.  Only 9 months late!  But I am so excited.  I have got the love of reading back after reading the "Hunger Games."  Well, I think that is about all of the news for our week!  Have a good one!  Here's some random pics from the cruise.

1 comment:

Corey said...

I'm so glad you loved the books. I finished Mockingjay Sunday night and now I'm depressed that it's over. I tried to read slowly so it would last longer but it's SO hard to put down.

By the way, I see you got a Kindle. Do you know that Prime members can borrow one from book a month on Amazon? This is how I read the three books. Free! I've gotten used to reading books on a reader but I will not get accustomed to paying like $10 - $15 a book to read since I usually pay $.50 at a yard sale. But free I can do!