Thursday, May 31, 2012

Hugs, Camping, & Refusing To Feed Himself

19 Months

2 Fridays ago Ty and I spent the majority of the day getting ready to go camping for the weekend.  We were really taking a chance going so early in May, but we lucked out and it was gorgeous weather.  We were going with my whole immediate family and Jack (our honorary “cousin/nephew” – Leigh’s nephew).  One cute thing that happened was that I was sitting on the bathroom floor redoing my toenails.  I had the nail polish remover, the clippers, and new nail polish all spread out before me.  Of course all that Tyson wanted to do was be in the middle of all that!  I was very worried about him spilling any of the before mentioned items (since it has happened before) so I told him that he had to stay out of the bathroom.  So there he was hanging out in the doorway of the bathroom and the hallway.  He did good for a few minutes and then I could tell that it was killing him.  So what did he do?  He walked towards me with his arms wide open for a big hug and climbed into my lap.  It was just so cute!  What can I say?  He knew that I would totally cave for that!  So cute.  As soon as Heath got home, we loaded everything up and headed up to Lincoln, NH.  We stayed at a campground that is kind of legendary in our family.  We had gone there once before.  That time Adam had decided to sleep in a hammock and a bear came into our camp and sniffed Adam all over in the hammock, while Adam pretended to be asleep.  Then the bear had tried to climb into the back of our truck and we had bear claw marks all over it.  So with all the babies we were bringing, we just thought of this campground immediately!! (=  No, it is really a nice place, right on a lake – and we didn’t see any bears (but we heard one – Sean knows the certain sound they make).  The first night it was just the Frosts, Mom & Dad and us.  Devin & Leigh & clan couldn’t come until Sabbath since Leigh had to work on Friday night.  Tyson must have been starving because he ate 2 full hot dogs for supper (along with other things).  He has never done that before.  What a growing boy!  We kept Ty up way too late that night, but he was going strong and playing hard until 11 PM at night.  Then he crashed with us in the tent!  He slept between us in our double sleeping bag (along with the puppies… it was quite a crew).  He slept great, but I barely slept a wink.  We just hadn’t slept that way before and I was worried we would bury him in the sleeping bag.  But he was fine and Ty slept with me in the tent until 9 AM.

Having a private conversation with Poppy

Finley was excited to be camping

Sabbath morning, Heath made Creamed Prosage and I was so excited to eat it.  Until breakfast came and then I had horrible nausea again.  When is this going to end?  It lasted for a couple of hours and then I felt fine.  We hung out on a blanket down by the lake for awhile and then Devin & Leigh came.  It was great to see them!  We had lunch and then Heath and I took a drive to get Tyson to take a nap.  The nice weather was incredible, but it was too hot in the tent for Ty to nap.  We tried it, but we failed.  In the car, Ty went right to sleep and took a good 45 minute nap.  Not as long as normal, but I was desperate for anything.  We had a great meal on Saturday night with the campfire and got to bed a little earlier that night.  I slept great that night, since I realized Ty was fine in the sleeping bag with us.

Ty wanted to pitch to Jack

On Sunday Heath was making another killer breakfast, when the nausea was back again.  I couldn’t eat a bite.  It was terrible.  It lingered quite a while, which was just great since we were trying to pack up all our stuff and get out before 12 PM.  The highlight of my day on Sunday was when I was walking to the bathroom from our campsite and Tyson started crying because I was leaving.  Seriously, he never does this for me.  He cries non-stop whenever Heath leaves but not me.  I was pretty honored! (=  After we had checked out, we hung out at the lake for awhile again and walked over to a rope swing.  Heath and Sean actually went in and Snickers did too!  I still don’t know if she jumped in after Heath or if she fell in… but in she went!  Poor thing.  Late afternoon, we went to a pizza place and then got ice-cream afterwards.  It was Devin’s birthday so we had to celebrate!  He’s an old man at 31 now!  Crazy how time flies.  We all went our separate ways after that and we got home at about 5:30 PM.  It was a really nice time together. 

Resting in the backpack after the walk to the rope swing

On Monday we spent the day unpacking and Ty played hard with his toys.  He always goes nuts for his toys when he hasn’t seem them in a while!  We did run to the pharmacies but just picked up a couple of things.  No great deals were to be had.  On Monday night we babysat Finley while her parents went to see “The Hunger Games.”  We don’t know what got into Finley, but she pretty much screamed the entire time they were gone.  Absolutely nothing worked.  It was terrible.  She was back to the colicky Finley she used to be.  The only thing Shannon could come up with is that she gave Finley tofu for the first time that morning.  So maybe she has a soy intolerance.  Hopefully she’ll grow out of that.

The one second of solace with Fin that night! 
On Tuesday I think Ty was tired out from our weekend camping… so he took a 3 hour nap!  It was incredible.  I love it when he does that!  He’s doing a weird thing right now.  He is refusing to feed himself.  Not that he was doing it completely, but we would practice at it.  He would hold the utensil and I would help guide him.  Now as soon as I even try to have him hold the spoon or fork, he screams.  Back to that screaming again.  Most kids at this age insist on doing everything themselves, why doesn’t he want to do it? 

How could this little angelic face be capable of such screaming?

On Wednesday I worked and nothing was new to report.  But I did forget to tell a crazy story that happened to me last week.  I have been taking Unisom (a sleeping aide) that helps with nausea in pregnancy.  Well, Heath told me, “You have been beating me up in your sleep.”  I guess I have been screaming and hitting him during the night.  OK, that’s weird.  Then I remember that I was having a very vivid dream that Tyson was in bed with me.  I dreamt that he slid off the bed and was crawling across our floor.  Why I dreamt he was crawling when he doesn’t do that anymore, but I did.  I freaked out in my dream that he was going to fall down the stairs because the gate was open.  So in my dream I was crawling after him and yelling at him to “Stop.”  My screaming woke up Heath, who started yelling at me, and I ended up waking up from my dream.  I was in our hallway, by the gate, crawling on my hands and knees.  That is how I woke up.  I could have fallen down the stairs!  I used to sleepwalk occasionally when I was little, but this was a bit ridiculous.  I know they say that this can happen when you take sleeping pills, but I am too scared to stop taking it, because I think it really has been helping with the nausea.  So we’ll see if this crazy behavior continues!  

On Thursday it was a low-energy day.  I couldn’t seem to muster up enough energy to do much.  Shannon and Fin came over and we watched the American Idol finale – we were both very happy that Phillip won!  Then we went out to Concord for our Thursday night dinner.  We let Sean pick the venue, since it was his birthday on Saturday.  He chose this Chinese buffet and it was really good.  They had a ton of stuff and Tyson ate very well.  He fell in love with Egg Drop Soup.  I’m telling you, that kid is just like me in some ways.  Tyson and I could both live off soup.   Well that's about it.  Have a great week!

Tyson "driving" the truck - one of his favorite things to do

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