Friday, April 5, 2013

"Ty Own", Maple Sugaring, First Full Haircut & Falling in the Toilet

Wes:  18 Weeks Old
Ty:  2 Years, 5 Months & 1 Week Old

Sorry for the wicked late post.  I hate when it happens.  I have been out straight because this past Sunday, Heath & I officially moved downstairs into the guest bedroom.  I moved all of our stuff there (minus our clothes in our closet…that is going to be a problem), moved the guest room stuff into the den (we put a bed in there and got rid of our computer desk), moved the den stuff into the basement, and moved around Westin’s furniture in our old room and put some more toys and such in there.  It was like a bomb went off in my house.  It still is not finished…and I hate chaos…it has not been good for my OCD.  But I am just glad that we are moved – we were starting to wake up Westin all the time, being in the same room, and I was done with that.  

So back to business.  Last Friday I killed myself picking up my house.  I mentioned to Heath that it is amazing (not in a good way) what happens when I don't pick up daily.  I worked all day Wednesday and then went shopping/out to eat all day on Thursday.  In that amount of time, just the little bit that we are at the house in the AM and before the boys go to bed...Ty just destroys the house!  It is unbelievable.  I could have gotten some done on Thursday night but I had fallen asleep nursing Wes on Thursday night (first time I had done that in awhile) and had ended up waking up at 4 AM - still needing to take a shower.  It was really bad, because I tried to put Wes down at that time and he woke up crying.  So I brought him back to bed with me to cuddle and fell asleep again until Heath's alarm went off at 5:30 AM.  While Heath was snoozing, I put Wes down successfully and took a 5 minute shower and went back to bed!  We ran to the grocery store later and Ty was a real pill there, for the first time in weeks.  I have gotten spoiled with his good store behavior - so it makes it extra frustrating when he acts up!  But you just can't stay mad at him, because then he does the cutest things.  Right before his nap, he went poop on the potty.  I think I mentioned that I am only giving treats for poop now, so he went crazy saying, "treat...treat...treat!"  But I was in a dilemma because I was putting him down right then for his nap and I didn't want him hyped up on sugar.  So I told him, "Ty, you can have your treat when you wake up from your nap.  The sooner you go to sleep, the sooner you can wake up and have your treat!"  That did the trick and he went right down.  He slept 2 hours and I thought, "he's totally going to forget about his treat."  What was I thinking?  As soon as I opened the door to his room, he was jumping up and down in his crib screaming, "Mama, mama...treat...cookie...nap...wake!"  It was so cute.  But then he blew me away when he said, "Ty own."  I thought, he didn't just say that.  He doesn't know what "own" means.  But then he proved me wrong when he said, "Mama one, Ty one.  Ty own."  I knew just what he was talking about!  Whenever we have a cookie, we always share one and Ty takes a bite and I take a bite!  But Ty told me that he was done with that and he wanted his own! (=  It was so cute.  So how could I refuse him?  I said that he could have his own - but Mama still gets around that and I just broke the cookie in half! (=  

Doesn't he look a bit smug here?  Like "Yes, I did just keep Mama up all night!"

On Sabbath we went to Laconia for Sabbath School and church and the Frosts met us there.  They came home with us and we had lunch and just chilled all afternoon.  It was really nice.  I never stay idle that long, but I needed it!  At one point, I realized that I had been just sitting for 2+ hours and I felt like I could not and did not want to move!  After sundown, we got Thai take-out and got the kids to bed and watched Argo.  It was really a fantastic movie.  I highly recommend it!  

Ty & Fin love each other!

Doesn't Heath look good holding a girl???  (=

On Sunday AM, we started that day out with a manicure for Westin that was worthless!  Well, we clipped his nails but he scratched his nose in a big way right after we had cut his nails!  What in the world?  My poor little guy’s adorable face was marred up!  It is so sad.  It was also sad that Ty and Fin both woke up on Sunday AM with colds (the Frosts did go home after the movie on Saturday night).  The cold didn’t stop our Sunday plans, though.  Heath & I decided to “divide and conquer.”  Basically, Heath wanted to go maple sugaring with his uncle and some family members and wanted Ty to go with him.  That worked out perfectly, so that Westin & I had the day alone together and we went shopping all day!  It is nice to spend time individually with each child, I think…and it was really nice!  Ty had a blast sugaring and got to go ATVing too.  What a day for him!  Westin was an angel, as we hit up the pharmacies, a kid’s thrift store, Kohls, and Old Navy.  Not too shabby.

Shopping with Mom (the scratch doesn't look like much here...but it really was noticeable)

On Monday Ty was not himself at all, but he slept for 3 ½ hours for his nap…so I’ll take that!  What was unfortunate was that Westin cried nearly all day, even when I was holding him!  It was insane.  He wasn’t getting sick (which was a miracle) and I still can’t figure out what the problem was.  I talked with Shannon and checked in on Finley.  Shannon said that she was acting fine but that she just had the runny nose.  Ty, on the other hand, was cranky, clingy, and wanted me to carry him around all day!  I made a comment to Shannon that Fin & Ty were probably the “same amount of sick” but that boys are so much more dramatic when they are sick…they just can’t take it! (=  His sickness did not discourage him from reading his bedtime stories with us at bedtime.  It was pretty cute – we were reading a book and it had a picture of juice in it and Ty got very excited and left our “reading group.”  He ran into his room and grabbed a water and brought it back.  He said, “thirsty!”  Just seeing the juice in the story reminded him that he needed a drink!  One cute thing was there was a picture in the book of a turtle and I asked him, “What animal is that?”  He didn’t miss a beat and said, “Rock!”  I guess the turtle’s back does look like a rock!

How could my happy boy cry all day?

Tuesday Westin had a great day!  He didn’t cry the entire day, probably because he had cried his head off the day before.  A cute thing happened with Ty in the AM.  Ty always watches a PBS kids cartoon in the AM while I am nursing Westin for the 1st time.  There was a sequence where there was a kangaroo with her joey and it showed how they hop all around.  Fast-forward a few hours later when I was reading a story with Ty, and we came across a picture of a kangaroo.  I asked him what it was, and he got up and started, hopping all around the room saying, “Hop..hop..hop!”  It was so cute.  I knew there was a reason why he watches those cartoons! (=  Tuesday was also a big day because Westin got his first full haircut, courtesy of Daddy.  The hair was so bad – it was so long over his ears, and so long in the back…it was just terrible!  He looks so cute now!  Heath cut his hair while he was in the bathtub, since he loves his baths so much!  It worked like a charm!  And Heath did a great job…much better than the first haircut he gave Ty!  He butchered that one!  

Westin's haircut!

Wednesday I worked and the boys had their day with Noni.  Westin ate like a champ with his bottles and had a 2 hour long nap!  I remember Ty sleeping longer for Noni, too, and it seems to be the same way with Wes.  The kids were a handful for Heath in the evening.  Westin cried almost all night long and Ty was having trouble listening.  Of course it had to be a night that was a nightmare for me at work and I was 1 ½ hours later than normal.  Just terrible.  What is NOT terrible is that I found out on Wednesday that I got a per diem job in my ER.  I will be working mostly 3PM-3AM and I will try to still work one day a week, but I only have to work 1 weekend in 6 weeks.  I’m trying to be home more with the boys, since they are only young once.  I am super excited about this. I get to make my own schedule and it is nice for my Mom too.  She will only have to watch them for about 4 hours (since I will leave at 2 PM and Heath will get home by 6 PM).  4 hours is so much nicer than the 10-11 hours she has been doing for YEARS.  I think this is a win-win for everyone.  It starts after Memorial Day weekend and I can’t wait!

"Ha-ha Mama!  I sleep longer for Noni than you!"

On Thursday Ty had some antics, that is for sure.  First of all, he fed Reeses butter off the butter knife first thing in the morning!  It was quite the scene when I walked into the kitchen!  Then I had eaten some left-over black bean soup for lunch and had left the tupperware container (with a bit more left in it) on the counter.  Well, that was a mistake.  Tyson grabbed it and ran with it through the kitchen, dining room, and living room – with black bean soup strewn all over my rugs and the floor.  What a mess.  Speaking of messes, Tyson fell into the toilet.  I don’t know how exactly this happened, but I had him on his potty-seat on top of the toilet, when he started to have a melt-down.  He needed to try to poop but he didn’t want to, so he started throwing a fit.  He tried to get off the seat and so I picked him up and was trying to sit him back down, when he thrashed all around and ended up straightening his legs and ended up “standing” right in the toilet – splashing toilet water (with pee) everywhere…all over the floor and on me.  Oh, what fun times.  We went to Mexican that night with Adam and Sonia and had some great eating, as usual.  Both boys did pretty well, so that was good.

Trying to get pictures of them together...they never will look at me...only at each other!

Got 1 of the 2 looking

Ty playing in Adam's truck

Have a great week!  I hope to get another blog out, but I might not.  Next week will be very busy because we will be leaving for Florida next Friday!  We’ll see how it goes!   


I really didn't give him any, but I wanted to see what he would do - if I put it near him!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Love love love 3p-3a shift...my favorite!

Have fun :)