Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Westin's 4 Month Stats,Wes Sleeping Alone,Found His Feet,Handyman,Ty Cleaning & Ty Wants to Nurse

Wes:  19 Weeks Old
Ty:  2 Years, 5 Months & 2 Weeks Old

Seriously, I am really going to try to keep this short.  We are leaving for Florida in 3 days and I have so much to do!  The blog will be on hiatus for 2 weeks, but I do NOT want to do a 3 week recap… so I’ve got to get this done.  I will just try to hit the major highlights.  Try.

Last Friday the major outing of the day was going to Westin’s 4 month appointment.  I was feeling a bit apprehensive about it since Wes gives me such problems nursing, but I had been checking his weight at least weekly and he has been gaining…but I was NOT prepared for his weight to come in at 12 pounds 2 ounces.  I had been getting about 13 pounds on my scale (and my mother had been weighing him and getting 13 pounds too), so I just don’t get it.  I know that it isn’t totally accurate, and we could have weighed him before a big poop etc, etc.  He dropped from the 15 percentile to the 5th percentile for his weight.  But he did go from the 40th percentile to the 50th percentile for his length at 25”.  It is because of this that she does not want me to do anything different YET – we are just going to do a weight check in a month.  She said he could have just had a growth spurt for his height/length and will be growing out now.  We’ll see.  I highly doubt it.  I see the writing on the wall.  The formula is coming.  It will happen and I almost wish that it was here and done with – because I dread it happening, but once I started formula with Tyson, I actually felt great relief.  I stress too much about if they are getting enough (since they are so tiny) and this way I know they are getting enough!  Just to make me feel better, I checked Tyson’s 4 month stats and Westin is bigger, but I know it still is just a matter of time.  Ty was in the 3rd percentile at 11 pounds 6 ounces and was the exact same 50th percentile in length at 24 and ¾ inches.  Pretty close.  After the appointment, we hit up the grocery store and then came home.  I was bringing the food in when Tyson made a beeline for the wood stove in the basement.  I freaked out, screaming, “No, Tyson!  No!  Hot!” (obviously because I never want him to run over to the woodstove).  He turned around and gave me quite the look and said, “Fire gone, Mama.”  He said it with such attitude too, like “How do you not realize that the fire is out?”

Coming back from his doctor's appointment so happy - I didn't even mention that he was fantastic (just like his brother) with his 3 shots!!!

Last Sabbath I worked and happy Westin was back in full swing.  I don’t know what was going on for the last couple of weeks – Westin was a bit cranky, but thank goodness that appears to be over. (knock on wood).  Since Ty still had his cold, the boys stayed home.  Not too much else to report.

On Sunday I headed back to work and got to avoid the war zone that hit our house.  The boys started off their day with meeting the Edwards for breakfast at the diner.  I was told that Ty was really good in the restaurant and Westin continued his happy streak.  After breakfast, the Edwards came over and they had an Easter egg hunt!  I was so bummed that I had to miss the egg hunt.  But in a few weeks (when I go per diem), I officially will not have to miss another Easter again!  Can’t wait!  Ty loved the eggs and still is carrying his Easter basket all over the house!  After the egg hunt, Keith & Adam helped Heath move our bedroom stuff downstairs to the guest room and the guest room bed into the den!  What a huge mess.  Heath told me a couple of Ty stories that went down when they were moving.  First of all, Heath had taken out the baby gate at the top of the stairs to make it easier to move out our very heavy furniture.  Tyson watched him take the gate apart, and then he tried to put it back together.  Heath said that he got all the right parts where they were supposed to go!  What a smarty.  Ty also grabbed the electric screw gun and put 4 screws in (the right way) with Heath just supervising him!  I think Ty is well on his way of becoming the handyman that his daddy is!  So Westin slept in his own (very big) room for the first time by himself on Sunday night and did great!  I had a bit of anxiety about it, but I got through it.  Other major news on the Westin front:  he found his feet!  I checked back and Ty had found his feet at 20 weeks, so Wes was 1 week earlier!  The ironic thing is that I wrote that Ty had found his feet while I was at work and I was bummed that I had missed the event… and now the same thing happened with Westin.  I will hopefully stop missing so many moments when I go per diem!  

Trying to sit up to touch his feet!
On Monday I was home and was very overwhelmed with everything that I needed to do.  There was so much chaos in the house, I just couldn’t take it.  I spent all day working on setting up and decorating our new bedroom.  Since we moved into our guest room with navy walls, I could not continue our green leafy theme with sage green everything…so we kept the Patriotic theme from the guest room and we are using the down comforter now.  The only major thing to mention with the boys is that Ty had a couple of pee accidents that day, most likely because I was a bit too distracted with everything I was working on to remind him to go.  My fault.

Our "empty" bedroom trashed...Ty loving some beads he found in my end table

On Tuesday more of the same with the “big move,” and laundry day, but Ty did quite a few cute things.  First of all, Ty tried to nurse on me that morning.  Westin was nursing on the left side and Ty was sitting on my right.  He leaned over, open-mouthed to my right side and said, “Ty nurse.”  I just about jumped off the bed!  I said, “No, no Ty!  You are a big boy.  This is only for Wes, who is just a little guy!”  I didn’t want to hurt his feelings or make him feel like he was missing out on something, and he seemed to take it in stride and didn’t have a melt-down or anything, so that was good.  After that incident, we were heading into the kitchen for Ty’s breakfast, when Ty hopped onto one of our barstools and started cleaning the counter with a dish towel.  I could hear him whispering under his breath, “Daddy mess.  Daddy mess.”  Yes, Ty, it is true!  Every morning, Heath makes a bagel or toast and gets (and leaves) crumbs all over the counter.  Well, Ty does not appreciate this!  Ty has continued this cleaning regimen more days than not!  Ty continued his fascination with nursing later on that morning when he grabbed Westin’s stuffed frog, pulled up his shirt, and nursed the frog! (=  The other amazing thing that happened occurred in the afternoon.  Ty put together his little table and 4 plastic chairs (all different colors) all by himself!  I was going to have him help me do it, but I dumped out all the legs and he just started doing it himself!  I was so impressed!  He might not be able to say what the colors are but he can at least separate them! 

Ty took each of Heath's shirts and hung them on the door knob

Another crazy thing he did...what can I say?  He "knows" how mascara goes on!

On Wednesday I was back to work and Noni had her day with the boys.  It appears that my new poop method with Tyson is working.  Since he always has false alarms before the big poop, I have now started “making” him at least try to poop when he has the false-alarm-feeling.  He usually freaks out screaming, “done, done, done” and wanting to get off the pot, but I tell him, “I have all day.  You can sit here until you at least TRY to poop.”  After a bit of resistance from Ty, he will end up going!  This is so much better than false alarm after false alarm…and then having an accident in his undies on the way to the bathroom.  I think this is starting to sink in.  We’ll see.

On Thursday I nearly finished all the rooms, but not quite.  I will eventually show you pictures of how the move went, but not now.  Right now the rooms are a bit messy (again) because of packing for our vacation!  The highlights on last Thursday was going to the Mexican restaurant with Adam & Poppy (Noni was in Maine at a Music Clinic with kids from our church).  Ty didn’t miss a beat when we got to the restaurant and said, “Candy gone!  Candy gone!”  They usually have chocolate mints to take when you leave, but the candy bowl was MIA when we got there.  Ty was crushed!  He takes after me with my sweet tooth.  What can I say?  Well, this DID turn out shorter than normal.  Whoo hoo!  I am proud of myself!  Have a great week!  


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