Wes: 1 Year & 2 Months Old
Ty: 3 Years & 3 Month Old
Last Friday my main project for the day was putting
away Westin’s 6-9 month clothes and getting him moved into 12 month
clothes. It is always a good feeling
when my kids are into the size clothes that they are supposed to be! Well, he still fits most of the 6-9 month
pants, but he can fit some 12 month pants too!
It was a major mess. Ty kept me
company much of the time (Wes was sleeping) playing with his race track. He was putting all these books underneath the
track, making the track have jumps or bumps and he just had a ball. He made this really high incline with a bunch
of books and it had been working great, but then the books started to slide…so I
tried to help him out and adjusted the books, but then the car wouldn’t do the
incline and fell off the track. I
laughed and apologized to Ty that I had been trying to help him, but I had made
it worse! Ty was very serious when he
said to me, “You got to listen to me, Mama.”
That was pretty funny. I couldn’t
disagree with him! Heath had called when
he was driving home from work and we had been talking when I realized that Ty
had gone downstairs and was quiet. I
told Heath that I had to go check on what he was doing and I had a sneaky
suspicion that I knew what he was up to.
Man, do I know my son! This is
what I found…
Eating ice-cream underneath our table
Hard at work on his race track
Sabbath we had a fairly decent ice storm in the
morning. Everything was sheer ice. Church was pretty much cancelled everywhere,
so we had a day at home. In the late
afternoon, it had changed to mostly rain and the temperature was supposed to
reach 50 degrees by early night, so we decided to risk going swimming. The roads were worse than we thought they
would be, but we went slow and we were fine.
My parents were still in Florida, but we went swimming at their place. It has been quite awhile since we have gone
swimming and, for Tyson, it really showed.
He was happy to stay on the stairs and to hold onto the side and move
around the pool that way, but otherwise he did not want to “go swimming” with
Heath or I in the middle of the pool. He
was really afraid. It was weird. I don’t know where that came from. He hasn’t had a bad moment in the water that
I know of, but I am more determined than ever that we will be doing swimming
lessons in the spring. Westin had a
blast, especially when he figured out that his voice echoed there and so he
screamed a lot! After swimming, Heath wanted to go to some
stores, so we did. Old Navy, Kohl’s and
Lowe’s. Then we topped off the night at
Chili’s, but I knew this was a bad idea.
This is definitely the last time I go anywhere without my diaper bag –
but I had thought we were just swimming and going straight home. I had thrown some diapers and wipes into our
swim bag, so that wasn’t the problem.
It was the lack of Puffs, Goldfish etc… to keep Westin happy in a
restaurant. We had gotten chips &
salsa at Chili’s and Westin keeps choking on chips, no matter how small we make
the pieces. He was cranky because it was
bedtime and he hadn’t had his 2nd nap, since we had been swimming,
so he was horrible there. Absolutely
terrible. But the night ended nicely for me when
the Pats beat the Colts, so were headed to the AFC Championship game again!
Loving the cart @ Lowe's
@ Chili's...I love how their expression is the exact same!
A rare happy moment - he loved the black beans!
On Sunday we had breakfast together before Heath
left at 10 AM for a business trip. He
would be in Minnesota all week and fly back on Friday. The first time as a single parent with 2 kids
for me! I wasn’t too worried, but I knew
that I would definitely really miss Heath at bedtime, since he does the
baths! Tyson actually napped this day
and woke up saying, “Ty not feeling very well.”
He cried for medicine and said that his mouth hurt him, I looked in (as
much as he would let me) and it looked like his right back molar was coming
in. I know that they are supposed to be
in by now, hence the nickname “2 year molars,” but I had read that they could
come in at 3 years…and since he did not get his first tooth until 11 months,
maybe he is a bit behind! I haven’t
heard any more complaints about it, so I think he is fine! We did laundry and watched football most of
the day. I was rooting hard for San
Diego to beat the Broncos, since I knew that if we had to face the Broncos at
home, we would probably lose. And yes,
that is what happened, unfortunately.
San Diego almost came back…if only they could have stopped Peyton on a 3rd
and ?17, I believe. C’mon. Football...
He has been doing this lately - he throws a ton of toys in a pile and calls it a "party" or sometimes a "surprise." Then he gets on the phone and "calls" his friends to come to his party! What is this about?
Another party in his car!
Monday consisted of us putting away our 7 loads of
laundry, going couponing, and Westin picking his nose! I really don’t think he has ever done that
before! He was pretty proud of
himself! I realized that I have been doing "Pajama Day" too often, when Ty asked me, "Where we going?" when I was getting them dressed in their clothes! (= Monday night was pretty funny. The boys were rolling on the floor wrestling
together – it was adorable. At one
point, Westin was sitting on Ty and Ty screamed, “Westy! Too much pain! Too much pain!” Then fast forward to about 10 minutes later,
after they were done wrestling and Ty called to Wes… “Westy! Come do some pain on me!” It gave me a chuckle.
Rolling around on the floor with the Valentine's dog @ CVS
Tuesday we had a full thrift store day! Shannon & the kids & Noni (back from Florida the day before) came over and we hit up 2 kid thrift stores &
the Goodwill in Laconia. A couple of
memorable moments…I caught Finley in the corner at our first stop, with her
pants around her ankle, taking off her diaper, trying to sit on a portable potty
(that was being sold there)!!!! She said
to me, “Go pee on potty!” I laughed so
hard! The second stop was an important
moment because it was the first time that Westin has not pooped his pants at
that thrift store! He has probably been
there 10 times and every single time we have gone there…Westin would have
pooped either right before we arrive or right while we were there! At our last Goodwill stop, we were pushing
it. The kids were animals there. Mom had Ty & Finley at the toy area and
someone complained to the staff that they were being crazy…c’mon…they are
little kids. As you can see in this
video…they were crazy. As we were leaving, we
were talking among ourselves, about getting pizza…when one of the workers
there came to us and said, “You guys are going to a restaurant with these kids
now?” We laughed at her, saying, “No
way! We are just stopping at Little
Caesars to pick up some to take home!”
She seemed relieved! But the real
joke was on us, when we pulled into Little Caesars to discover that it had
burned to the ground! What a
disappointment! We would always get
Crazy Bread for us and the kids we would get a $5 cheese pizza – so cheap! We got Burger King drive-thru instead, but we
were disappointed.
Shannon arriving at my house - yes, this is the water bottle she carries around!
The Fin/potty incident - thank goodness she didn't use it - since it was upside down!
Tyson being a literal Peeping-Tom with Aunt Shannon (yes, on the nasty floor)
Someone has to clue them in that just because they have a hat on their head...it doesn't make it a cowboy hat!
Showing off the prize from his Whopper meal
Showing Westy
And showing him again!
Saying goodbye to Griffin
Showing off the prize from his Whopper meal
Showing Westy
And showing him again!
Saying goodbye to Griffin
Wednesday I worked and the boys went with my parents
over to the Frost’s house to visit with the cousins. Because I don’t get home until 4-5 AM, my mom
had to spend the night. Unfortunately,
my mom did not get a wink of sleep. She
made a remark that my kids move around so much in their sleep and it is
true. They are very restless and travel
all around their cribs. Well, whenever
they would move…it would wake her up. Then she got worried that she wouldn’t hear
them and I’m sure she was listening for me, too. When I got home at about 4:30 AM, she came
downstairs to meet me in the basement. I
couldn’t believe she was up! I had
stayed in my car for a few minutes listening to Bill Belichick’s press conference
on the radio, but she had thought that I couldn’t get in the basement! I got to sleep at about 5:15 AM and,
unfortunately, Westin was awake at 7:45 AM.
He usually wakes up between 8:30-9 AM, but he has been stuck on a
7:30-7:45 AM wake up time out of nowhere.
I know to most people, this is ridiculous that I am complaining at all
about this, but when you get 2 hours of sleep after working…it does make a
difference! I hope this is just a phase!
Thursday I was dragging a bit, but you move on! Ty has been “cooking” a lot lately, but has
now upgraded his cooking experience from his kitchen set into the real kitchen. He uses all my utensils, pots, etc…and he usually
says that he is “making soup” and dumps salt, pepper into water, stirs it
around, and “serves” (or spills all over the counter) it into bowls. Well, he really upped the ante on Thursday
when after I came out of my bedroom from making our bed, I found Ty, making
soup again, but had about 10 of my spices out and had them dumped into a
bowl. Chili powder, cumin, minced
garlic, oregano…you name it! Oh! What a mess!
His creativity continued during the day.
This is how imaginative he is… (Ty had asked to look at my watch)
Ty: “Oh boy!
3 hours! I need to get movin’!”
Me: “Where are you going?”
Ty: “Got to go fly an airplane!”
Me: “Who is coming on the airplane?”
Ty: “Us!”
Me: “Where are we going?”
Ty: “To the restaurant!”
we went to the Thai restaurant with my parents, we landed the plane and stopped
at the grocery store and I actually did not lose a binky there this week! (= We
had a nice dinner and Ty ate a ton! I
think he is having a growth spurt!
Westin has become my super picky eater and it is driving me crazy. He would not touch the tofu or rice…but at
least I was prepared and anticipated this and brought a sandwich for him! I hope this is only a phase too!
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