Monday, January 13, 2014

Napping Every 3 Days, "In the Whole World," ?Peanut Allergy, Ty using "I & Me" Now, Lost Mitten & Binky In Stores & Wes Loves Salsa

Wes:  1 Year, 1 Month & 3 Weeks Old 
Ty:  3 Years, 2 Months & 3 Weeks Old
**Last Week I had something like 40 pictures & this week I have 6 - pretty pathetic**

Last Friday we still had bad weather, a few more inches of snow, if I remember right…so Heath took the Outback again and I still couldn’t get to the grocery store!  I was definitely scraping the bottom of our “barrel,” but I found some stuff for supper!  I can only remember one funny story that happened on Friday with Ty.  He was straining to put this basket of fruit on top of his kitchen set, and he made it!  I said, “Nice job, Ty!”  And he was dead serious when he said back to me, “Ty is a very strong boy, Mama.”  So cute!

I worked 7a-7p last Sabbath and the boys stayed home.  Since Heath had stolen my car from me for days in a row, he repaid me by taking the boys and doing the grocery shopping for the week, after the sun had gone down.  I will take it!  I was so excited, since I hate to grocery shop!  After my shift, we met at the Mexican restaurant for supper.  I was overjoyed to see them and Tyson flew across the restaurant to get to me and Westin held his arms out for me as soon as he saw me!  Makes my heart feel good!

Ty sipping on Heath's soda

Fuzzy but cute

Tyson going to get his chocolate at the end of the meal & he figured out he had a problem!

On Sunday I worked 3p-3a.  We had our Sunday morning big breakfast together and then I tried to tidy the house up before I left.  I got the boys down for their naps and then ran to the pharmacies before work.  The boys were busy beavers and took our Christmas tree down.  Ty did better with it, better than I thought he would!  At work, I knew a night like this would happen sometime and it finally did.  We had 2 nurses and 1 tech call out, so we were ridiculously short-staffed and we had a bunch of critical patients.  It was supposed to be in triage from 11p-3a, but I had an ICU patient that needed multiple units of blood, antibiotics, and other drips.  I could not leave her side and there wasn’t anyone to come relieve me.  I stayed with the ICU patient, and the charge nurse covered triage for me until I could get the patient to the ICU.  Then I went out to triage, but there was not anyone to relieve me at 3AM.  They had just had 2 more ambulances come in and there were 5 more patients in the waiting room needing to be triaged at 3AM.  How could I leave them?  I couldn’t.  The awful part was that it was freezing rain that night and I knew that my drive was going to be very slow.  I didn’t get home until 6 AM and got a couple of hours sleep.  That was rough.  You know it was a bad night when Heath was already up for the day before I got home! 

Monday I was dragging, but I was going to be off for the next 10 days!  I had worked that weekend to make up for missing a shift during this week (because my parents were in Florida getting my grandmother settled) and to make up for not working the week in February, when we go down for Papa’s memorial.  Ty gave me a break and actually took a nap.  It is pretty funny.  He takes a 2 hour nap about every 3 days.  He took one on Monday and then on Thursday (and today on Sunday), otherwise he just stays up in his crib for an hour and tries to sleep, but he doesn’t.  He has a very cute phrase that he has started.  He will say things like, “I like ice-cream in the whole world!”  (and he drags out and really emphasis the word “whole”)  This is the Tyson spin on saying, “I like ice-cream more than anything in the whole world!”  He is just missing a few words!

It has been so cold - we boiled some water in a pot & threw it up in the air - making snow! 

Tuesday I felt rested and started a full cleaning on the house.  I got everything done, but the floors –so that felt great!  I ventured out in the 1 degree weather with the boys to go to the post office to finally exchange some boots that didn’t fit from Christmas and then went to Old Navy.  I was trying on some jeans and the boys did very well.  I was frustrated because I lost one of Westin’s mittens in Old Navy.  I had taken him out of the shopping cart with the mitten on and walked to the car.  I had buckled him & Ty both in when I realized the mitten was gone.  With the 1 degree weather and the wind blowing like mad, there was no way I was getting them back out and going back to the store.  I made sure it wasn’t on the ground around the car and up to the door (I did park right in front of the door), but I was not going to go into the store (obviously) and leave them in the car.  So I called Old Navy when I got home to see if they had found it, knowing that it had fallen off right at the cart area.  I could not believe it when they said they didn’t have it.  Are you kidding me?  I guess someone must have either picked it up for themselves or thrown it away.  What would you do with 1 tiny mitten?  So frustrating!  Tuesday for lunch I finally gave in and gave Westin peanut butter for the first time.  That is the one food that always freaks me out, but his pediatrician had convinced me that it was fine to try it.  He had actually had it a couple times (very small amount) by accident, so I was feeling pretty confident that he wasn’t going to have a problem.  He had a PB& J for lunch, a peanut butter & honey sandwich on Wednesday night (when he refused to eat what I had cooked for supper), a few Peanut Butter Cheerios on Thursday, and a few Peanut Butter Ritz bites on Friday.  (I know that seems like we went peanut butter crazy!)  And on Friday night, he had a rash on his belly and back.  I was pretty sure he hadn’t had anything else new or different, so I’m freaking out that he has a peanut allergy.  However, they say that the peanut allergy rash is usually around the mouth, so that doesn’t make sense.  I do remember using a different Desitin cream on Thursday than what we usually use, but I would expect more of an allergic reaction rash from a diaper cream to be on his diaper area and not on his belly and back.  I’m not sure what to make of it, but I am just going to hold off on any more peanuts right now and we will talk about it at his next doctor’s appointment next month.  Please let it not be true!

Westy ready to go out in the cold on Tuesday -he had been dragging around a bin of food & was very excited to bring out the ice-cream cone! 

On Wednesday I was all gung ho ready to finish the cleaning on the house and vacuum and wash the floors.  That came to a big halt when I realized that I was out of vacuum bags and the light had been on from the last time I had used it – so the bag really needed to be changed!  I tried to be smart and empty the current bag, but the stuff wouldn’t come out – so I grabbed a pair of pliers and was pulling the disgusting contents out of the bag, when the bag ripped.  I was so mad!  We have to get Kenmore specific bags and they closed the Sears in our town, so I asked Heath to check in Lebanon on the way home from work.  Unfortunately, the bags are backordered everywhere…so fast-forward a bunch of days, I am waiting for them to come by Amazon tomorrow.  What a pain!  My floors are so disgusting – I can hardly stand it!  OK, enough of the floor drama…  Tyson’s vocabulary is really coming along.  I am so sad that he is not talking about himself in the 3rd person as much.  He now says a lot of “Me do this…me will.”  A new phrase that you hear all the time (actually does involve “I”) is, “I hurt me-self.”  He is also trying new pronouns, but not getting it exactly right – but he is trying!  We were having a tickle fest on Wednesday night and Heath was tickling me…and if he would stop, Tyson would yell, “Tickle she!  Tickle she!”  Another thing he has started to do is call me, “Mommy Alison.”  It cracks me up!   Of course, it actually sounds like “Alson” – like every other young kid as always called me!

Thursday, on the way to the grocery store, Tyson was so funny.  He got hooked on the idea of ice-skating and was talking all about going ice-skating with his “friends” (Noni, Poppy, Finley, Bode, Grammy, Grampy etc...) and then he asked Westin a question.  “Westy, you want to go ice-skating with me?”  And he asked it over and over!  It was really cute!  Well, I thought it would be a quick trip to the grocery store.  That was not to be.  When I had gotten back to the car and gotten both boys buckled in after we had finished, I realized that Ty’s favorite binky had fallen out of my fleece pocket while we were in the store.  Are you kidding me?  Ty was so upset and so I piled both kids back into the cart and went back through the store, retracing all my steps but no binky was to be found.  I checked with Customer Service, but no one had brought one up.  Did someone really pick up the binky and took it home with them?  I mean, it is so frustrating when you know where you lost something and you still can’t find it!  First Westin’s glove and now the binky!  I really need to stay home.  Despite his sadness, Tyson did a loud, “Goodnight everybody!” as we left Market Basket.  That was pretty funny.  He must have told Heath, Adam & Sonia (who came out with us to the Mexican restaurant that night) a hundred times, “Mama lost my robot binky at grocery store.  It fell out her pocket.”  Westin was cute at the restaurant.  He is obsessed with the chips & salsa there now.  He has always liked the chips, even though he chokes and gags on them all the time.  But Thursday night, he threw a fit unless he was able to dip the chips in the salsa, like everyone else!  He would eat it too!  It is definitely spicy, but he would still say, “Mmmmm!”  My crazy boy!  Maybe that is the reason that he cried for a couple of hours in the middle of the night!  He appeared to be in pain, but I haven’t been able to appreciate any teeth coming in right now.  Of course he had to start crying at 3 AM, right when I was going to bed.  I gave him some Ibuprofen and tried to sleep with him on the air mattress upstairs in his room, but he just wants to play with me when I lie down with him!  I finally got him back to sleep a little before 5 AM.  He hasn’t done middle of the night crying since the Fryeburg Fair weekend in October.  It just doesn’t happen at all. 

Dr. Tyson in the house sporting his robot binky for the last time

That’s all folks!  Have a great week!

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