Wes: 1 Year, 10 Months & 2 Weeks Old
Ty: 3 Years, 11 Months & 2 Weeks Old
Sept 15 - 21
Some crazy scheme Ty cooked up in the kitchen
Rare instance of listening at library storytime
So sad. The one and only time we got to Smitty's cinema for a "Mommy & Me" showing. It was the 2nd Wednesdays of every month - they would show a kids movie at 11 AM and it was free. Unfortunately, they cancelled this program. I thought it was a great test to take the boys to their first movie since it was free! I took them alone - what was I thinking? But they did awesome and stayed in their seats the whole time!
Or shared seats!
Daddy finally came home from Amsterdam! He had 2 days off to make up for his weekend travel - so it was great to have him home!
We celebrated by going to Panera and going apple-picking!
Beautiful scenery on a gorgeous fall day!
"Uh-oh! I'm going to fall!"
Playing catch with dinged up apples
On Friday the 4 of us went camping at a KOA campground in Chocorua because our plan was to go to Storyland on Sunday. Those dreams were crushed because it was supposed to rain all day and we didn't go (but it held off until late afternoon, so we could have gone). But we had a great time! We loved the campground and probably will go back. It was absolutely freezing - 30 degrees at night but we didn't even have to turn the furnace on...our little electric heater heated the whole camper!
Our site next to a pond
Ty had such a blast riding his bike all over the campground
Wes had a blast pushing the dump truck all over the campground and insisted on wearing his helmet like Ty! And when he got tired bending over pushing the truck...then he did this...see the video below
We didn't realize that this would be Snicker's last camping trip )=
Close-up of my sweet girl in her sweater
There was a playground right beside our camping site - Ty sent this scooter down the slide!
And then went down himself - it was a fast slide!
Sabbath afternoon we went walking on hiking paths they had all around the campground
Heath doing "something" - with a sleeping Westin on his back! (=
Close-up of that sleeping Westin
Ty rode his bike until it got really wooded and we stashed his bike in the woods
Of course Ty ended up getting tired and Heath lugged both boys!

We came back early from our walk to make it to the cider-making demonstration...but it was a no-go!
When cider-making was cancelled due to lack of people (it was a freezing weekend, so the campground was dead) they hooked the boys up in their mini-lodge with these coloring posters
Cozy fire
Back to the playground we went - and even Daddy & Mommy took turns!
Campfire on Saturday night - my crazy boys!
Bedtime on Saturday night - not exactly sure what Ty is doing to Westin's head
Ty took this picture on Sunday morning - rise & shine!
Brotherly love as we were packing up
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