Sunday, March 29, 2015

Westin's 2nd Birthday Party Weekend

Nov 22- 23

Fun times... Heath came back from Brazil on Sabbath morning and gave the boys their presents...some candy and an official Brazilian soccer ball.  He got me some famous Brazilian flip-flops too.  Then the sad times... Heath and I brought Snickers to the vet to be cremated (while Sonia stayed with the boys).  Heath was in Brazil when she died, so we kept her in a box in our camper until he came home.  I wanted to give Heath the option to see her, since he was gone when she died and it hadn't really sunk in yet.  He did see her and I ended up seeing her too, when Heath assured me that she did not look bad.  The images that I had in my head were far worse.  She was peaceful and just looked like she was sleeping.  How I wished I could wake her up!  But I believe with every fiber in my being that I will see her in heaven.  Jesus knows how much I need that.  

After the sad business was over, we got ready for Westin's 2nd birthday party that was that night (Saturday, 11/22).  We thought about canceling it because of Snickers, but do you know how difficult it is to find a time when all of my family and all of Heath's family can get together?  Impossible.  And actually, Leigh & Mia missed it because of a dance show of Mia's...but it was the best we could do.  And I actually needed the party to get me through those two days.  It gave me a purpose (besides taking care of my children, but my mother & Sonia came to help me with them because I was such a basket case).  Here is Ty eating some of the frosting for the cake that Heath made for Wes.

Heath's finished product - he does such a great job!  The theme was Thomas!  Westin loved Thomas back then and called him, "Toot-Toot!"

Homemade train with some of Westin's favorite goodies...fruit snacks, nuts & peanut butter M&M's.  The wheels were Oreos!  Pinterest always has great ideas!

Another Pinterest idea

Some more of his favorite foods...pizza, chips & salsa, homemade Little Lad's popcorn & peach iced tea! 

Getting ready for presents 

I love this picture because they are doing the exact same movements and look alike!

Reeses was so messed up and sat with Sean here - that would have never happened before!

Let the presents begin!

He loved his new cowboy hat!

Loved his new horsey too!  Now Grammy is off the hook!

Opening the Buzz Lightyear we got him 

Cake time!

Playing with the loot after the party - I love Heath sleeping on the floor! (He did have a monster horrible traveling day with a time change)

Playing with their train table box (present for both Ty & Wes from Noni & Poppy) in the AM.  They made the biggest mess by taking all of the styrofoam out and making it "snow" over Reeses' head!  Poor Reeses.

Playing with the train table! 

Working outside with Daddy 

It was freezing, but they can wish that it is summer!

Collecting leaves in his little wheelbarrow

This might be hard to make out...but Ty will go upstairs first before me and "wakes up" Westin from his nap.  Sometimes Ty climbs into the crib with him and brings books and toys and they hang out for a few minutes and then I come upstairs and get them.  This time Ty upped the ante.  He put in their little table, 2 chairs, and brought up goldfish!!  They had a picnic in the crib!!  So cute!!

We went out to Mexican Sunday night (Heath's idea).  I think he took pity on me because I was in such a state over Snickers.  Ty, my photographer, took this picture that night.

We ran into Big Lots after our meal and the boys loved these huge stuffed animals on their beds.  

I snapped a couple of pictures and then got them down off of them!

Saturday, February 28, 2015

August 20, 2007 - November 20, 2014

At midnight on Thursday, November 20th, I let both dogs outside to do their business.  I knew that Snickers probably didn't have to go, but wherever Reeses would go...Snickers would go too.  Reeses came right back in but Snickers didn't.  Late at night, she would go around the side of the house, out of my view, to do a late night poop.  This was our routine every night.  She would never go to the road, but for some reason...she ran across the street.  When she ran back across the street, she was hit by a car and was killed instantly.  I heard it happen and I will never get that sound out of my head.  We live on a busy road.  The thing that I can't get over is that any other time, I am relentless about putting the dogs on a leash to go outside except late at night.  The reason why I would put them on a leash during the day was in case a runner or biker went by our house - they would chase them.  But they wouldn't go near the road normally.  So late at night, I got complacent about the road.  And it cost my sweet dog her life.  I should have watched her every second and this would never have happened.  

It makes me so angry because I always looked out extra special for Snickers.  She was such an anxious, psychotic dog.  I would always make sure that she comfortable in her bed, covered with her blanket...I would give her extra attention when we were away from home.  When we would drive anywhere, I would always pet her continuously because she was such a nervous traveler.  But all that love and attention meant nothing in the end.  I still am the reason that she died and I don't know how to forgive myself for it.  

Here are some of things that made Snickers who she was...
- She loved to eat snow and ice
- She would attack Reeses when they were reunited after being separated...even just from going their separate ways doing their business
- She would sit by the door, whining, until Reeses would be back with her 
- She would pee 3 times each time she went outside (marking her territory everywhere)
- She would freak out getting her nails clipped and would bite the nail clippers (not us or the vet)
- You could not get anywhere near her butt - she would freak out
- She couldn't wag her tail properly...I called her "Broken Tail"
- She would try to hide her prized possession, her "Bowie," and would run around trying to find a suitable hiding place, whining the whole time
- Snickers would cry in the middle of the night to get out of her crate just to get a drink of water
- She could never bark on command...Reeses would bark when I said, "Say please," but Snickers would sneeze on command instead.  Every time.  
- Sunbathing was her absolute favorite past time - on the kitchen floor by the back porch doors or the back of the couch and she would sunbathe until she would pant 
- Snickers would lie on her back at night and make Reeses to groom her (she would bite Reeses if she stopped)
- Snickers would return the favor by licking Reeses' face, especially her eyes and would hold Reeses down with her paw
- She could rock climb like you have never seen - pulling herself up on these huge rocks!
- Whenever we would go on a walk or hike, she would walk directly behind me (even though Reeses and everyone else would be way ahead of us)
- When we were driving, whenever I would brake or use the turn signal...Snickers would start whining and stand up to look out the window.  This could get old on long trips.
- Eggs were her favorite food and would usually get them every Sunday morning.
- Whenever we would put her life jacket on her, Snickers would act like she could not walk or move.
- She hated to swim, but once when Heath was swimming in the middle of a river...she jumped in and swam to get to him (he was quite far from her and the river was moving).  That was love!

Here are some of my favorite pictures of Snickers from baby puppy on...

We love you Snickers and will always miss you