Monday, April 18, 2011

1st B-day Party, Coupons, & The Hated Green Beans!

Week 24
I know, I know, 2 weeks in a row that I have been late in my blog entries.  Last week was because I worked on Friday and this week it is because it was Shannon's birthday.  We had a "girl day" together before a full family get-together on Friday night.  And sorry to say, but I will not be posting a blog next week because we will be on our cruise!  I promise not to make this a habit!  I don't know if I am going to remember everything about this week, but I'm going to do my best. With my OCD, I usually write notes on my Ipad to remind myself of what Tyson has done every couple of days, but I didn't do that once this week!  I guess we'll see how good my memory is! 

Last Friday, I worked because a co-worker needed a swap.  I'm glad I don't usually work Fridays because it was a zoo.  Tyson had a good day with Noni, so not too much to report.  (At least that I remember!)

Sabbath I had off and we went to Laconia church.  I took Tyson to Sabbath school for the first time!  I thought that it was high-time.  I mean, in the beginning, when he was not too aware of his surroundings, it wouldn't have meant anything to him.  But he was ready now.  He loved singing the songs (he really loves music), and he especially loved to shake the maracas, which they do when they sing their memory verse.  Then they brought out a big sheep, when they were talking about David tending sheep, and Ty could not get enough of the sheep.  He kept putting his hands all over it.  It was super cute.  I really should have thought ahead and brought my camera to capture his first moments in Sabbath School - but then I was thinking that it could be a bit irreverent.  Talk about being irreverent during church, that would be Tyson.  He has started this "talking" thing.  He just talks and talks in baby talk and it is a continuous stream that doesn't stop!  It is very cute.  Of course, he had to do the talking thing while we were in church!  Anyways, we went to Matt and Jill Harlow's house for lunch.  That was a long time coming.  We kept saying that we would get together, but it just didn't happen.  But it finally did!  We had a really nice afternoon together.  They have a 1 year old, named Zachary and he is super cute.  I'm hoping that Ty and him will be good friends as they grow up together.  The 6 month age difference is quite a bit now, but later on it won't be anything at all!  With talking with Jill, it seems like Ty and Zach have a lot in common - like constipation and poor nap-taking, just to name a few!  It's nice to hear that you aren't alone with things that you go through!  We stayed pretty late but had to go home for the puppies.  Ty went to bed easily, he was tired because he didn't have his AM nap because of church.  Heath and I stayed up and watched 2 movies.  We haven't been watching hardly any movies lately and it was like addicts having a taste after a long time away!
Having fun with Daddy!  Pay no attention to Reeses in the background!

Sunday brought some more firsts.  Tyson and I headed back to Gilford to go to Zachary's official 1 year birthday party.  Tyson's first birthday party!  He, of course, fell asleep in the car on the way there and slept for the first 10 minutes or so of the party.  Then he woke up and just drank everything in.  He loves to look around so much!  I have to say that it gets exhausting when so many people say, "He's so small."  It gets old, especially when I tend to worry about him, but I had to hold myself back with one of the mothers that were there.  There were moms from the Laconia church and from a library playgroup that Jill goes to.  One of them from the playgroup asked me, "Is he healthy?"  I mean, are you kidding me?  That was a bit ridiculous.  I mean, Ty is tiny but he does NOT look unhealthy.  I try not to let these things bother me, but it's hard sometimes.  I know all mothers have things like this that they worry about.  Anyways, after the party, we headed back home.  Heath and his father were puttering around.  Keith was here getting an inspection sticker for his truck.  It was gorgeous out and Ty stayed outside in Daddy's arms for awhile.  He was loving being outdoors!  And I think that was about the highlights of Sunday.

I think it's safe to say that Ty will be scared of Santa Claus!

 Arriving at the party dead asleep!

Then he was the life of the party!  With friend, Amanda from church...

 Matt, Zachary, and Jill

The birthday boy wasn't sure about the cake at first, but then he loved it!

Loving the outdoors with Daddy!

Monday - now this is a real problem.  I have no clue what happened.  OK, my memory sucks!  I remember that it was laundry day and that's about all I can remember.  Oh, and we have Ty's bedtime down to 8:30 pm!  Just where we wanted it!

While I was doing laundry, Ty was busy with his new obsession - my Jolly Ranchers bag!

Tuesday was a big day for me.  First of all, my Jehovah's witness friend came back - I was doing my best to be gone before she came, but I didn't make it.  I told her that I had to do errands, so it was much shorter than last week.  So after the bible study, I took my first official couponing excursion to CVS, Rite Aid, and Walgreens.  I have to admit, it was a high.  I am only spending money on things that we really use, unless it is something for free.  So I'm not going crazy buying things, but the highlights were... Loreal Pro Vive shampoo + conditioner for $1 each (they are usually about $4.99 each) - but the unfortunate thing was that Corey told me that it could have been .50 each but I didn't know that I could use 2 coupons for the same thing in the same transaction.  Anyways, I got my Wintogreen Lifesavers buy 1 got 1 free, got 2 Colgate toothpastes that we use for $1 each (again, could have been .50 each), and a free feminine product.  I love bargains, so this was pretty exciting.  But this being my first time, I can't tell you how long I spent - going through the coupon inserts out of the newspapers, going on-line, looking at the pharmacy ads, finding coupons on-line... I'm sure I will get better at it, but it took a long time!  Actually that is probably what I did all day Monday!!!!  Tyson did his usual 30 minute nap in his carseat while we were out shopping, but that was it.  I have embraced it now.  Really.

Who would ever want to nap anyways?

Wednesday I worked and I'm glad because I don't have to try to remember what we did!

Thursday Ty had green beans for the first time.  And this is the first vegetable that he really does not care for.  I knew it when he didn't go crazy for it on the second feeding.  But I have made him eat it for 4 days in a row, so we can go on to the next food.  It's really too bad because it is just about Heath and my favorite vegetable.  Maybe he will like them better when they aren't pureed!  Ty and I had our usual day routine at home and then we all went out to Concord when Heath got home.  Heath got his haircut, and then we went to a bunch of stores, looking for a few things for Tyson for the cruise.  Then we finally bit the bullet and bought a large swaddle.  Ty is still loving being swaddled, so he might as well fit the swaddle!  We had a late night at the OG and then headed home.  Ty was great and stayed in the carseat during the meal and played with his toys!  What a good boy!

Playing with his toys at the OG

So that is about it.  Have a great 2 weeks and I will report all about Ty's first cruise when we return!
 He always grins over at Daddy while I am trying to nurse him!

My solution for never having any pictures of Ty and I together!

 Little, shy smile - not like his usual ones!

 This is just a funny shot - he always puts his arms up to try to get the camera strap!

 My precious boy

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Music Clinic, Peas & Carrots, and Time For Juice!

 Week 23

Sorry this is late but a co-worker asked me to switch a shift and I worked Friday instead of Wednesday.  Change my routine a little and I'm all messed up!  

Week 23 started out with a bang of a weekend.  Friday, Ty and I spent most of the day getting ready for Music Clinic weekend - which was really a Latimer family reunion.  Friday night, we went over to the Edwards to stay the night, since it is right on the way to Maine - and again for Uncle Adam to baby-sit the puppies.  Earlier in the day, Ty had peas for the first time and he loved them from the first taste!  But he went berserk for them at dinner at the Edwards!  Not only did he do the impatient opening the mouth thing, but he also started shaking his head from side to side, like a feeding frenzy.  We ended up laughing hysterically.  What was not so hysterical was Tyson on Friday night.  Granted we put him to bed late at about 9:45, but he went right to sleep.  However, I had a major mental lapse and let his "nature sounds" shut off.  I usually have it cycle non-stop for about 1.5 hours, or else he wakes up.  Well, what do you know, he woke up freaking out.  I think he woke up scared because it was a strange room.  It was also a strange bed.  We brought the big pack n' play that we got at Burlington Coat Factory to Heath's parents to leave and this was Ty's first night sleeping in it.  All of these scenarios were a toxic combination and he proceeded to scream from 10:45 until 12:30 AM.  Heath slept through it all - he is a wicked deep sleeper.  There really is truth to what you read in the books that you need to take a break from the screaming.  Because at the 1.5 hour mark of continual screaming, I yelled at Tyson "Shut up!"  First of all, because my nerves were fried, and I was sick, but I actually was trying to scare him into stopping the screaming cycle.  But, of course, as soon as I did it, I felt horrible.  I went back over to his pack n' play (I was getting up and consoling him in 10 minute intervals) and he gave me his famous ear-to-ear grin.  Now doesn't that make you feel even worse?  At long last, he fell asleep, but what a screaming marathon!

More peas please!

Packing to go to Music Clinic - he wanted to make sure he got to go!

Daddy messing around with Ty while packing!

Sabbath brought Music Clinic.  We drove over and had a family reunion during the church service.  The music was great but it was hard to concentrate during the sermon because of all the kids!  The highlight was meeting cousin Zasha for the first time.  Zasha is Jonathan and Marcela's daughter and they live in Texas.  Jonathan conducts the choir every year at Music Clinic, so it has gotten to be a bit of a family gathering every year.  This year was the major one when the Grodacks decided to come from Florida.  And then, because they were going to be the only family members not there, David and Yully came from Florida as well.  But when push came to shove, Ricky didn't come, under very secretive circumstances.  I still have not heard the official reason, though I wonder if it has to do with a girl.  Anyway, Zasha is just adorable!  She has such a happy personality and she seemed taken with Tyson.  She liked to beat up on him!  Poor Ty - Zasha could definitely take him down if she wanted to!  For lunch, we went to the house that the Braces were renting and it was gorgeous!  It was right on the ocean and the views were spectacular.  Major news was announced during lunch.  Leigh and Devin are expecting!  We knew this, of course, but it was announced for the entire family.  Leigh and Shannon are due 3 weeks apart!  October/November will be a very exciting time!  Anyways, we all had a great time hanging out on Sabbath afternoon.  Tyson did fairly well, even though he had a rough time on Friday night.  I have to brag, though.  Heath was trying to get Ty to take his "powernap" in the afternoon, and was rocking him in a chair.  But it wasn't working at all.  I cuddled him up in my arms, sat down on a couch, and I am not exaggerating, he was asleep in 1 minute.  It feels good to have that "Mommy touch!"  We ended up going to the closing concert a bit late, but in time to hear Jonathan's choir performing.  They were really excellent.  It was so funny... we were talking with Janel at the end of the show, and Tyson started laughing.  And when I say, laughing - he was nearly hysterical.  He had fits of giggles and just was grinning and grinning at Janel.  I don't know what came over him, but I guess he decided that he had a crush on her!  Then we headed to Econo Lodge for the night.  Great deal at $61 and the rooms were very nice and clean.  Sonia stayed with us too, because she had a teacher's in-service the next day in Portland.  Thank goodness, Ty went right to sleep, even though he and I played the "binky game" every hour for the first three hours.  I will take that game any day over screaming at bedtime.

 All 7 cousins (or grandkids)


 Camden in Ty's outfit that Aunt Lori gave him (it will take Ty awhile to fit it!)

Ty was upset that we had him in Aubree's pink bib!

Flirting with Janel

On Sunday the family went to SeaDog's Brewing Company for breakfast.  I have to say that I got a bit emotional saying goodbye to Jonathan, Marcela, and Zasha.  It really stinks having them in Texas because we barely get to see them once a year.  And it is not enough at all.  Then we all kind of split in groups and went shopping.  My group headed to Goodwill first and then to Mardens.  The best deal I found was brand-new Sketcher Shape-up sneakers (in my size, which is hard to find) at Mardens for $34.99.  I looked on-line and the average price for them are about $75 - $90.  So I was psyched!  After that, Heath and Sean went to LLBeans and Shannon, Ty and I headed back to the "ocean mansion."  That was when I got my couponing lesson from Corey.  She is one of those "extreme couponers" (there is a reality show on ?TLC about this, I just found).  The goal is never to spend money on certain items again (like toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap etc.).  And you can get say a $125 of groceries for about $6 - for example.  Anyways, I was a bit skeptical, but she has won me over.  I am going to try it for awhile, but if it takes too much time, then I might be done.  But I love bargain-hunting and this is the ultimate hunt.  Of course, I broke the #1 rule of couponing and I did not pick up a Sunday paper - so the couponing will have to start next week.  After the lesson, Heath, Ty and I headed to Cabela's, where Heath met up with his brother and father.  I, of course, had to feed Tyson in the car and he was due for his solid foods.  I was a true MacGuyer because I had not brought any dishes, so I cut a water bottle at the bottom to use as a bowl.  It worked fine and Ty gobbled it all up.  Then we met Sonia at the Macaroni Grill (our favorite restaurant).  It was heavenly and I tried something new.  I told Heath, "Let's see if Ty will stay in his carseat the whole meal and we won't have to hold him."  We gave him plenty of toys and kept talking to him and he was fine for the whole time!  Amazing.  After dinner, we went back to the Edwards to grab the dogs and I nursed Ty one more time.  I put him in his jammies (see, I learned something) and he fell right asleep in the car.  The incredible thing was that I was able to ease him out of his carseat and into his crib without him waking up when we got home!  He slept a full 12 hours!  I think he was exhausted after the busy weekend.

 Getting ready to go out to breakfast

Ty will miss you, Marcela!

 Sisters with their grand-kids

 Yes, we still look alike!


Not too too much to report on Monday, except that he refused to take an AM nap.  I figured it was from sleeping 12 hours but then he only took a 15 minute nap in the afternoon.  Are you kidding me?  Needless to say, Ty was cranky pants all day.  But he slept another 12 hours Monday night, so how can I complain?

Tuesday he took his AM nap, so I figured Monday was just a fluke.  Tuesday afternoon the Jehovah's Witnesses came to visit.  I am having a bit of a problem.  They have been coming occasionally for awhile and I do not have the heart to give them the boot, so I invite them in and we chat.  However, they had come by last week while I had company, so I had actually told them they could come back on Tuesday afternoon.  Well, I didn't realize that meant that it was going to be a full-on Bible study.  They stayed about 40 minutes - right in the middle of breastfeeding Ty.  That was just great.  So they are coming back again this Tuesday.  They know I'm a Seventh-Day Adventist - I keep telling them that I am strong in my faith, but how do I politely tell them that I don't need "what they are selling?"  Anyways, after they left, I had to finish feeding Ty and then ate lunch myself (at 3 pm) and run to the grocery store.  I used my first coupon from Market Basket!  It was for $1 off canned tuna if you bought 2 Hellman's products.  It was perfect because I had mayo on my list and Heath likes to make tuna-fish sandwiches.  The tuna was $1, so it was free!  The downside of the grocery shopping was that Tyson only slept for 15 minutes in the car and carseat.  This has been happening more and more lately.  So I am really going to have to stay at home in the afternoon for him to get his powernap?  But the 45 minute nap really does make a difference, because by 7 PM on Tuesday night, because he had not gotten his afternoon nap, he was completely exhausted and done.

"Please put me to bed!"

Wednesday AM, he slept until 9 AM.  I decided then and there that we have to move Ty's bedtime up.  He has to start getting up at 7:30 or 8:00 again, instead of 9:00!  To my horror, Tyson did not take another AM nap.  So I officially started freaking out.  At least he slept for 1.5 hours in his crib in the afternoon (I did not dare go anywhere that afternoon).  I ended up giving him prune juice for the first time on Wednesday night, since Ty has still been battling constipation on and off.  I had initially tried it in a sippy cup first, but he was not getting the hang of that at all.  I put it in the bottle and Heath tried to give it to him, but he didn't dig it.  He threw such a fit while trying to eat his solids at dinner, that I decided to start feeding him the solids at his 4PM feeding and to just nurse him before bedtime.  And that way maybe I can get him in bed earlier!  He went down at 8:45 PM Wednesday night, which is the earliest he has ever gone to bed!  And he went right down without any crying!

That's not exactly how you use the sippy cup, Ty!

Thursday, he woke up at 8AM (more like it) and took his AM nap.  I finally did a full cleaning of the house (it had been a month) and Tyson did fairly well by himself while I was vacuuming.  His spoiled-baby syndrome came out at lunchtime.  I gave him his rice cereal first and he acted so excited.  He opened his mouth wide in anticipation and as soon as the bland rice cereal hit his little taste buds, he started screaming.  I switched to carrots (which he got for the first time) and he was happy as a clam.  Then I mixed some carrots with the rice cereal and then he gobbled the cereal down too!  I tried the prune juice again, and in true Ty fashion, on his second try he loved it and drank the whole ounce.  Thursday night, we went to the OG with my parents.  This time Ty did not spend the whole time in the carseat.  We went to Walmart afterwards and Ty had a complete hysterical laughing fit while we were in line.  Why I have no idea.  But it was adorable!

Carrots are the best!

 Grinning at Noni & Poppy at the OG

And that brings a close to the busy week 23.  Have a great week!

What a close up!

 His "James Dean" look!

 "I'm ready to eat.  Bring it on!"

 Smiley Ty

 Very interested in Daddy's candy!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Sweet Potatoes, Constipation, and Purple Feet

 Week 22

Friday started Week 22 off with a new milestone.  I had decided that Ty had "mastered" rice cereal.  He had been taking 1.5 tablespoons twice a day with great gusto and I have been making it thicker and thicker.  So after doing some research, I decided that I would start with sweet potatoes.  I definitely wanted to do a vegetable first, since "they say" babies can get used to the sweet taste of the fruits and not like the veges.  And having me as a mother, with my sweet tooth problem, I figured that Tyson was even more predisposed to this!  It was interesting that I did end up starting with sweet potatoes because I do not like them at all.  But that does not mean anything!  I gave it to him for lunch first and he ate the whole tablespoon but he definitely was not completely sold on it.  It worried me a bit, but all my fears were put aside, when I gave it to him again at suppertime and he inhaled it.  When I say "inhale" it, I'm not exaggerating.  After I put the spoon in his mouth with a bite, I do not have time to dip the spoon back into the bowl, without him leaning forward with his mouth completely open for the next bite.  It is so cute.  And it is for the whole feeding, he is like a speed eater!  Now 1 week later, he is taking 1.5 tablespoons of both the sweet potatoes and rice cereal two times a day.  He is doing great!  What wasn't so great was 2 days straight of him up screaming most of the night.  What in the world?  We used to have the best sleeper around, what happened?  I was exhausted from being up nearly all night Thursday, that I told Heath that he was on Ty duty because I had to work all weekend.  Again, I should have slept in the guest room but I didn't.  I'll learn some day.

After his first taste...Reeses always sitting by Ty for his meals!

Anticipating the next bite!

So Sabbath I worked and Ty and Heath went to Conway church again.  This time Heath set the alarm and they made it on time!  On Sabbath, while at work, I bit the bullet and called the pediatrician on-call.  Ty had not pooped in 3 days.  Ty has been slowing down to going about once a day, but the 3 day thing was getting to be a bit too much.  Maybe that was why he was screaming at night.  I knew that it was from the solids (rice cereal is especially constipating) but what I didn't know was when you became concerned and pulled out the big guns, like a suppository.  The doc told me to use 1/2 oz of prune juice and a 1/2 oz of water and give it to him.  I had thought about that, but I haven't started giving him any juice yet, but she said it was fine.  She said, "They think it's liquid candy because it's sweet, so he will love it!"  I called Heath to give him this info and he proceeded to tell me that he had the biggest poop on record (well, at least on Tyson's record).  So I was so relieved and at least I know what to do if it happens again.  And he has been regular the rest of the week!  Saturday night, he still screamed for part of the night, but it was much better.  ?Teeth, I don't see any signs, so I just don't know.

Doesn't it look like he is trying to poop? (=

Sunday, worked again... and Heath and Ty had another dubb day.  The one thing Heath reported to me when I got home is that Tyson stood by himself for a few minutes straight, while holding onto a box.  I tried it out on Monday and he did do it, but he was definitely wobbly!  Sunday night, the big news in our household is that we booked a cruise for the end of April to go with Heath's parents.  We usually do this every spring, but with the China trip, we weren't going to.  But this was definitely needed to ease in the pain of the cancelled trip.  I am so excited.  We are going out of San Juan on Celebrity (a line we have never gone on) and going to St. Thomas, St. Maarten, Antigua (never been to), St. Lucia (never been to), and Barbados.  I think it is almost the exact cruise that the Cases, Conrads, and my parents went on last year.  It is going to be interesting with an infant, but we will make it work.  Ty had to be 6 months old to go on the cruise and we made it by 1 day!  Ty turns 6 months on 4/22 and we cruise on 4/23!  But I have to say that our cruising might be done for awhile though.  It is unbelievable to me that we have to pay a full fare for Tyson (sorry, he was $20 off), so it was good that it was wicked cheap.  But I can't see us paying for 2 kids on a cruise, when they don't even eat the food!  Sunday night, Ty slept all night!  Amazing!  What changed?  Nothing.

 Standing up like a big boy!

Ty looks psyched to be going on his first vacation!

Monday was "weekend pick-up day", which always takes awhile, and then "grocery day."  Ty only slept for 30 minutes and then was awake.  I tried to milk it out longer and went to a store at the outlets, but he would not go back to sleep.  But even with that, he was abnormally happy all day.  Unreal.  I love days like this.  He even was happy as a clam in his swing, while I ate lunch.  He usually screams the entire time I eat lunch - what a relaxing time for me to enjoy my food!  I keep telling him, "Tyson, you just ate, now it's Mommy's turn.  I am not going to pick you up.  You are going to have to deal with it."  He is never happy to hear this!  So weird, he did not nap at 6PM either - and I tried everything we usually do to get sleepy (cuddling, rocking, or twirling around in the computer chair, which is Noni's trick.).  Nothing worked.  But at least, he wasn't miserable, so I gave up.  At the last minute, we decided to go to Chili's for supper with my parents, who were just coming back from the airport from a weekend trip to Georgia.  It was going to be right at the time Ty was due to eat.  So for the first time, I brought the bumbo and sat it on the table and fed him his sweet potatoes and cereal in a restaurant.  He did great!  And it was also the first time that I nursed him afterwards (instead of before) - which I did when we got home.  He nursed just like he always does - I was afraid he would be too full and not nurse well, but it wasn't the case.  Monday night, Heath and I watched, "The Next 3 Days", a movie that my parents had just recommended while we were at Chili's.  Seriously, one of the best movies we have seen in awhile.  For all you readers out there, watch it!

"Happy Ty"

More happy moments!

Tuesday brought a new dilemma to my attention.  I had noticed it before, but now it seems to be getting worse.  When I get Tyson dressed in the AM, his feet are freezing and purple.  When I say "purple" - I mean it, it is really impressive.  His hands will get cold and bluish, but not as severe as his feet.  And this is sleeping with socks on at night!  When I hold his feet in my hands to try to warm them up, his feet blanche to pure white and the capillary refill takes 7 seconds for it to go back to purple again.  And purple not pink!  Now, I am taught in nursing that capillary refill should be less than 2 seconds.  So I know that infant's circulatory system is still immature and sometimes the feet and hands turn purple, but I felt like this was a bit ridiculous, and should this really still be happening at 5 months?  I know that it can be a sign of cardiac problems, but he has no breathing difficulties and his face/lips are pink and fine.  So I decided to put his feet in fairly hot water (not too hot, though) and had him stand in the sink for a few minutes.  His feet pinked right up without any problems.  I'm afraid he might have Raynaud's, but there is nothing to do for that, except protect his feet and hands from the cold.  So I have been doubling up on his socks and mittens at night and I have seen an improvement.  I probably should call the pediatrician, but I just called them, and I don't want to seem like a hysterical first-time mom.  Has this happened to anybody out there?  Anyways, other things that happened on Tuesday was a Goodwill shopping day (Ty only slept 30 minutes again) and Ty got his first haircut!  No, Heath just cut a few wispy hair strands that were super long!  The strands were pretty funny!

 Purple feet - look at how rosy his cheeks are!

 Turning white for 7 seconds!

 Pinked right up after the hot water!

 Ty's first "haircut" (or should I say, "strand-cut")

Wednesday I worked and my mother reported that Ty had a great day and ate like a champ.  I stayed 2 hours late at work to finish a quality analysis that is due every quarter.  I usually have time to work on it during work, but it has been so busy lately, and only working 2 days a week - I could not get it done.  So, I was very late getting home, and got to bed about 1 AM.  Of course, every single time I go to bed late, Ty just happens to wake up early.  He was up for the day at 6AM.  I brought him in bed with me, but he would not go back to sleep.  I think it was because Heath had put him to bed, only half-way swaddled with his arms out.  We have been finding Tyson sleeping on his side a lot, and one day - he was nearly sleeping on his face!!!!  That was pretty scary, so Heath wants his arms to be out.  I knew this was going to be a problem and alas, the 6AM wake time, just confirmed it.

So that brings us to yesterday.  Tyson had more of a cranky day - he really had been "Happy Ty" everyday this week.  He probably was back to the crankiness because he got up at 6AM.  But it also could be because he is starting another cold (3rd one of the year)!!!!  Heath and I both are starting one too, so I'm not sure who has given it to who.  But Ty and I got cheered up by a visit from a friend from work, Susan.  She was so sweet and brought flowers and presents for Ty.  I am heartbroken because she gave her notice at work.  She is going to be taking care of her mother full-time in CT.  Her mother has Alzheimer's.  I'm really going to miss her - we have worked together nearly 7 years.  I completely understands why she is doing this, because our family when through the same thing with Mimi.

Last night might have been the first night that Heath was not here when Tyson went to bed.  That happens every week for me on Wednesdays, but never for Heath.  Heath went out for a business dinner and didn't get home until 9:30 PM.  Maybe that was why Tyson woke up at 12:30 AM and did not go back to sleep for an hour!  He was grinning at me, flailing his arms, and legs in his excited fashion - probably saying, "I want to see Daddy!"  Well, that didn't happen... and in my sickness-induced exhaustion, I fully swaddled him again and he went back to sleep.  Oh, the drama that surrounds Ty's sleeping!!!!

Have a great week everyone! =)

 He has been sucking his thumb a bit - but on the side - not up and down!

One of his new favorite things to do- bang toys onto the tray!  I call it his "desk"!

He figured out how to pull the bird's legs and get it to "fly" up!

Naked boy rolling on the floor!

I love how he grasps his hands!