Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Petri Dish, First Fair, & First Walk

Week 49

Last Thursday night/Friday morning consisted of very little sleep.  We had been at the hospital all night when Finley Mae was born at 1:47 AM.  I got to my parents' house at about 3:30 AM to find Ty in bed with Heath.  Heath said that he had had a horrible night, crying most of the night and couldn't relax.  Heath had the worst of it - Ty slept in my arms until about 7:30 AM.  Heath headed to work very sleep deprived and I started the day sleep deprived as well.  It became very clear that Ty had a rough night because he had come down with a bad cold.  Just in time to meet his new cousin!  My mom, Aunt Lori, and Sean's mother, Linda, and us headed to see the new family at the hospital by noontime.  We tried to give them some time to sleep, but that wasn't to be.  Finley had a rough first night and they were sleep deprived too!  I kept Ty in his car seat strapped in on the floor to keep him as far away as possible from Finley.  Shannon started calling him the "Petri Dish" and that name has kind of stuck! (=  Then the entire group (minus Shannon & Finley) went to Thai food for lunch.  Sean got take-out for Shannon and I had to stop him in his tracks.  Shannon asked for her Pad Thai extra spicy!  But she is nursing and that would had caused little Finley some major colic!!!!  Just one of the things that a new mom has to get used to!  We went back to the hospital to visit again and then went home for supper.  Heath came back and then we headed to the hospital so he could see his niece for the first time!  Heath was in love at first sight!  She is just adorable.  Heath and Ty were going to stay for the weekend in Conway, so I stayed over on Friday night and decided to drive to Manchester early in the morning.  That was a mistake.

 Visiting Finley

So proud of her!

The little family!

Uncle Sean keeping the "Petri Dish" company on the floor

See how ecstatic he is to be an uncle!

She responded to Uncle Heath by opening her eyes!

Because of all the sleep deprivation, I had the worst drive of my life to Manchester.  I had to get up at 4 AM and leave by 4:30 AM.  I spent the entire drive hitting myself in the face and singing at the top of my lungs to try to stay awake.  It got so bad that I had to pull over and sleep for 5 minutes before I could continue.  But I made it!  I had to be in charge during a disaster drill - the airport was putting on a drill for a plane crash with all the local hospitals.  We had fake patients arriving my ambulances with fake blood and everything!  I was worried about being so tired, but that drill got my blood pumping!  Ty and Heath went to church in Conway, ate at my parents for lunch (with Kelly, Rad & Jen who had come to see Finley), then went over to his parents' to sleep over there.   Ty had another horrible night of sleep, poor Heath - all alone without me!  Meanwhile, I got 5 hours of uninterrupted sleep and felt like a new person!  (I should have gotten more, but I can't go to bed early)

On Sunday I worked again and Heath and Ty went to the Fryeburg Fair with his parents.  Ty's first fair experience without me!! )=  He had an absolute blast.  Heath said that as they walked through the gates, Ty was just screeching at the top of his lungs with excitement.  Heath took Ty in the Baby Bjorn and, by the way, it poured.  He used an umbrella over the bjorn and Ty loved it.  After work I hit up the pharmacies a day early (got free mouthwash, free tight, and free cold remedies) and then headed home to see Heath & Ty.  They got home at about 10 PM and I was so psyched to see Ty!  It had been 2 whole days since I had seen him!  Of course he was asleep, but I was so happy to get him in my arms!  After Ty was tucked in bed, I watched the Pats game.  Sleep took over a bit and I didn't see it completely - but at least they won!

 Too bad Heath's expression is so bad because the picture is awesome (Thanks Sonia)

Very interested in Cousin Ashley's lip ring!

Ty was just not so sure about the goat!

On Monday I woke up so happy because Ty had slept through the night for the first time in many days!  Ty and I spent all Monday unpacking from the weekend.  One crazy thing was that Ty climbed up into the dishwasher and stood right up!  I was right there too!  He is psycho with that thing!  If I open it, he hears it wherever he is and he books it into the kitchen laughing the whole way!  In the afternoon Ty started standing by himself for longer periods and did great with his balance!  Also in the afternoon, Finley came home to Tilton!  When Heath got home, we headed over to their apartment and brought dinner.  Of course Sean ended up cooking it, but it's the thought that counts, right?  Ty was sounding better with his cold, but we were still keeping him away from Finley.  Well, we tried.  Ty was very interested in her, and wanted to go right over to her and we all know what he would do to her - he would hit her!  I don't know if he decided by seeing Finely that he was a big boy - but he walked for the first time there!  He was standing with me and Heath was sitting on the floor just a couple feet from me  - and he just walked 2 steps by himself over to Heath!  He did it one more time there too!  But it seems to be a fluke because he wouldn't walk again this week!  (Despite our constant effort to get him to repeat it)

 Man, does he love this thing!

Standing right in it!

Visiting Finley Monday night

Trying to figure out what Finley is exactly!

Ty trying his best to get his hands on her!

On Tuesday I couldn't take it anymore and had to do a full cleaning of the house.  Ty seemed to have his most  mischievous day ever.  I don't know what it was.  Maybe because he knew that I was trying hard to get something accomplished!  He got obsessed with the pots and pans and started dragging them across the kitchen floor - until I realized that he was scratching the hardwood floor! )=  Then he discovered it was awesome to put his hands inside the VCR and tried to pull the PS3 down on himself.  Needless to say, I didn't get the cleaning completely done.  Oh well.  We headed over to Shannon's apartment in the late afternoon to check in on them.  Finley was having trouble nursing and I called my friend, Celina, who is our La Leche League leader in our area to come see Shannon.  She thought that they were doing great and gave Shannon some pointers.  Finley still is cuter than ever!  After that, we all headed out to the OG for my dad's birthday.  Shannon, Sean, and Finley came too!  It was their first night out!  And it didn't go great.  Finley became quite fussy and Shannon took her to nurse in the car.  But after nursing, she still was fussy and Shannon didn't even get to eat her meal at all.  But that's the chances you take, right?  We still had a good time and I just have to mention something.  We sat at the same table that Sean & Shannon sat at when they met for the very first time!!  I thought that it was pretty cool that we ended up sitting there when they brought their daughter out for her debut!!! (=  Who would have thought that - just a couple of years ago??  Well, Ty was in rare form, very vocal - down-right noisy!  Again, probably trying to show off to Finley!

 Decided to help me do some dusting this time!

 My house all clean - see how perfect Mimi's hutch goes in my kitchen!

A close up...

Cuddling with Auntie Ally in the afternoon

Isn't she precious?

First night out!

On Wednesday I worked and Ty had his great day with Noni.  After work I headed to the dumpsters. I got 23 inserts at my first stop and I didn't even have to get in it!  I just used my step-stool and reached in.  Then I went to my second stop.  It was at the school that I had seen someone with a flashlight walking around a week ago.  But when I got there, I didn't see anyone in sight!  The dumpster was completely full of papers and I got right in. I had only been in there about 5 minutes when I heard footsteps.  I heard someone walking dragging a cart.  OK - it was one of the scariest moments of my life!  I turned off my headlamp and tried to lie flat in the papers... but who was I kidding?  My bright white step-stool was right outside of the dumpster right beside my car.  Of course the person would know that I was in the dumpster!!!!  So I was wondering if my mother's prophesy of me being murdered in the dumpster was going to come true!!!!  I just held my breath and waited... then I heard the footsteps walk away.  I peeked my head out, didn't see anyone and I got out as fast as I could - but my step-stool would not collapse!  I jumped on it a few times and finally it closed so I could throw it in the car.  As I was leaving I saw a flashlight shining at the end of the school...man, I flew out of there!  And I will never, never, go back to that dumpster again.  Never.  It did not discourage me against dumpster diving completely, just not that dumpster!

On Thursday I finished cleaning the house - vacuuming and cleaning the floors.  Tyson was not as much as a devil -thank goodness.  Then we worked hard on packing up for the weekend, including errands at Walmart and the grocery store.  We had a very busy weekend planned centered around family time and the Fryeburg Fair!  When Heath got home from work, he felt like going to the mexican restaurant and I was psyched since I didn't have to cook!  I think we are just used to always going out on Thursday night that we had to do it (we weren't going to because of going out on Tuesday for my dad's birthday).  They sat us at this tiny 2 person table and Ty had a great time grabbing at everything in sight!  It really wasn't big enough, what were they thinking with a baby?  What a rascal!  Well, that about sums up our week.  Have a good one!

 This was what he did while I was cleaning!!

Very proud of the mess that he made!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Hahaha! I had someone come into the ER once with backpain. When I asked how she did it, she sheepishly said "I fell in a dumpster." Well, on further questioning, she had been standing on the truck bumper, the tail gate leg go, she got off balance and tipped right in. It could be you next Alison!

Love the picture of Heath and Finley...hilarious!