Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Copsey Christmas, Vomiting & Pointing

14 Months & 1 Week

Last Friday was a rough day for me.  Heath had the day off - which was great (that's not why it was rough)!  I wanted to get up to my parent's house early since we were going up for our "Copsey Christmas."  But my hopes and dreams of getting there early were dashed in about a million times in a million ways.  Heath had to run up to his grandmother's house quickly first thing in the morning.  The "quick" trip turned into 3 hours.  Don't ask.  Anyways, while Heath was gone Ty and I packed up like busy bees.  Unfortunately, then my dad called and said that he had left his Iphone at the Fairway and would pick it up on the way to Conway.  So that would mean about 40 minutes out of the way, but it was better than my Dad driving from Conway to pick it up.  So Heath got home and we packed in the car and took off at about 1:30 PM.  Ty was way overdue for a nap, but I was hoping that he would sleep the entire way.  Those hopes were dashed again, when after picking up my Dad's phone, Heath decided that we had to stop at Burger King.  We hadn't eaten all day (except Ty) so it was actually a necessary stop, but I wanted to keep going.  We were pulling into the drive-thru but there were 3 cars there... so Heath decided to go inside.  Unfortunately, when he stopped the car and went inside Tyson woke up.  It was almost time for him to eat and he started screaming non-stop.  I am not exaggerating when I say that Heath was in Burger King for 17 minutes (I timed him).  I kept seeing people come in and out and then I seriously, honestly, got worried.  Tyson would not calm down and I grabbed him in his car seat and went in to Burger King.  I'm not lying when I thought that Heath must have fallen and hit his head, lying on the floor waiting for an ambulance... but when I went through the door - he was messing around with a milkshake cover and stuffing fries in his mouth.  I lost my mind.  Not kidding.  I yelled across the room, "Heath!  What are you doing?  You have been in here for 20 minutes!  Tyson is having a melt-down!"  Yes, I had a melt-down of my own in the middle of the Burger King.  Heath was embarrassed, of course, and I should have been, but I was too mad.  So now we were even more late getting to my parents, now Tyson was awake screaming, and now he needed to eat.  So we started driving and I couldn't just get into the back seat to feed Tyson in the car seat, since we were packed to ceiling with presents/stuff.  So Heath fed Tyson piece-by-piece of vege-burger, bread, and fries by reaching his arm back while driving.  Crazy.   Unfortunately, the delays of getting to my parents continued when we hit major bumper-to-bumper traffic.  Then we had to stop at Heath's grandmother's new apartment to drop off a tire for a trailer that they were going to need.  I'm glad we stopped, since I got to see Amanda & Levi for a few minutes.  Then we finally rolled into my parent’s driveway at about 5:30 PM.  A 4 hour trek, when it is only takes 1 hour and 10 minutes normally.  Wow.  So we had our “Christmas” dinner on Friday night and had a feast.  The whole clan was there, as well as Uncle Kevin & Aunt Sherrie.  I was so excited because Ty ate mashed potatoes, squash, turnip, Alpine chicken casserole, and whole peas!!!  He did fantastic.  Before bed, I was heating Ty’s bottle up and I accidentally boiled the milk a little bit.  Heath tried it and it didn’t taste curdled, so we gave it to Ty.  I wished I hadn’t when he was up vomiting every 30 minutes from 3AM to 6 AM.  I felt so guilty and so bad for him – this was the first time he has ever vomited.  But what a guy, he would be miserable vomiting and then he would finish and smile at Heath & I.  Poor baby.  

Bode at our Christmas get-together

Finley getting some bumbo time too

Ty was eating some apple pie here!  You can understand why he's so happy!

Devin loves his little guy!

On Sabbath, I gave Ty a trial of some water and toast for breakfast.  He kept it down without any  problem, so we headed to church.  I wasn’t going to bring Ty if he was still vomiting every 30 minutes.  But we appeared to be in the clear.  Ty fell asleep on the way to church and slept through half of the service.  Then he woke up and became obsessed with one of the little girls sitting behind us.  He would hang over the edge of the pew and they would hold hands.  They kept doing it, it was so cute!  For lunch Ty kept some oatmeal and veges down with still no vomiting.  Yes!  After sundown, we had our official Christmas!  It took about 3.5 hours, and we were all pooped after it, but a good time was had by all!  Ty loved opening the gifts again, and wasn’t cranky until the very end when he was hungry!  No vomiting for the rest for the night, but he had a wicked hard time going to sleep.  
It's Christmas time!

Tyson standing on a box to get near his Daddy!

Devin flew in licorice ice-cream for my dad.  Shannon & I almost killed him for that.  Best Xmas present ever.

Shannon modeling the hat we gave her

I think I was trying to figure out who gave me the present

Ty was happy with a musical book that he got

Mia getting ready to open up a present

On Sunday, Sean had made us a great breakfast but Ty wouldn’t eat any eggs, potatoes, or even toast.  That was clue # 1, but I didn’t get it yet.  I just thought he was being his normal picky self.  But clue # 2, was that Ty started having horrible, watery diarrhea.  He had 2 blow-outs and was going every hour on the hour.  At lunch, I tried to feed his squash that he had had on Friday night (that he had loved) but he refused.  I tried to get him to have a taste first and he freaked out and ended up vomiting.  He seriously is a drama queen sometimes.  So we packed everything up at my parent’s and then went to Christmas Tree Shop, made a quick stop at Heath’s grandmother’s apartment in Conway – and then we headed south towards our home.  We had decided to go out to eat with the Edwards on the way home.  Half way there, Ty vomited in his car seat.  So finally I realized that Ty actually had a virus.  I thought that it had been the boiled milk, but I guess not.  We had made a reservation and everything – the Edwards were on their way (a 40 minute drive for them) – so we couldn’t cancel.  I had changed Tyson’s shirt before we had left, since he had gotten some puke on the sleeve from his squash incident.  Well, after this episode, we had to change him back into the “puke on the sleeve” shirt because it was the better of the two evils.  He was so subdued at the restaurant – it was obvious that he was not feeling well.  He acted really thirsty, so we did a challenge and just gave him a few sips of water.  Within 10 minutes, he projectile vomited on Adam.  Poor guy.  We got home and Ty would not relax and go to sleep.  He screamed for 2 hours.  We tried everything – he probably was thirsty.  We caved and gave him an ounce of Pedialyte and, thank goodness, he kept it down.  And I think it calmed him down enough to go to sleep.  He finally went to sleep lying on the floor with me.  I thought the storm was over, but it was just starting.  At midnight, Heath started throwing up about every 45 minutes.  In the 12 years we have been together, I have never seen Heath vomit.  Wish the streak could have continued.    

On Monday, Tyson was on the mend and was a happy, happy boy all day.  I kept away from the dairy with him and was able to take Pedialyte well and also had some real solid food!  Heath was not so lucky.  He was only on liquids – no more vomiting for him (after the entire night of being sick) but he felt just terrible.  Ty had been so happy, that I didn’t feel bad going to the grocery store and the pharmacies and left Ty with Heath.  Well, that was a big mistake.  I still had 2 stops to go when Heath called and said that Tyson was crying non-stop and Heath’s head was killing him.  So I headed back.  Back to the war zone.  I spent until 2 AM unpacking all of our bags and presents from Christmas. 

I wasn't joking when I said "war zone"

On Tuesday, there was no more vomiting from either boy – which was great!  I kept anticipating getting the virus, but I lucked out – thank goodness!   Forget luck.  I got the flu shot.  Heath didn’t.  And my mom and Adam ended up getting the virus too, and neither one of them got a flu shot.  Heath stayed home from work, since he wasn’t on solids yet.  Ty was doing great with light food, and I was still keeping it dairy-free.  I puttered around the house and did laundry all day.  Tyson started doing a new thing on Tuesday.  He started pointing at everything!  He’s so cute!  Then I headed back to the two pharmacies that I couldn’t get to the day before.  This time I didn’t take any chances and I took Tyson.  Another big mistake.  I went into the last pharmacy without his binky.  We have only been using it for bedtime/naps and he is such a happy kid that he doesn’t ever need it.  But he had another horrific melt-down in the middle of Rite Aid.  So much that I had to leave immediately.  I was trying to figure out a complicated transaction involving Loreal make-up, but I couldn’t have Tyson screaming his head off – so I gave up and left.  Frustrating.  I will be bringing the binky into stores from now on.  Just in case.  The night ended well with Ty and Heath both feeling great and eating normal food!      

Sucking down a popsicle

Both boys were feeling better

On Wednesday, I didn’t work because Dad was having a bilateral hernia surgery.  Ty and I got to the hospital to wait with Mom at about 11 AM.  Ty couldn’t go into the recovery room, so Mom & I took 15 minute shifts back and forth.  Dad’s surgery went great, but he had trouble with nausea afterwards, which wasn’t a big surprise to him or me.  We both have weak stomachs.  I have to say that Ty was fantastic in the waiting room.  We were there for 4 ½ hours and he just played non-stop and was very good.  He continued his pointing thing – but was calling everything “Da-da.”  He would point at the clock and say, “Da-da” and then point at the door and say, “Da-da.”  It was so cute – but I told him that he was diminishing the meaning of Daddy and it would hurt Heath!  When is this kid going to start talking?  We had lunch in the cafeteria and he just grinned and grinned and flirted with all the workers.  He was a rock star again.  He got tired and fell asleep in the waiting room and we set him in his car seat.  Of course that was just when Dad was going to be discharged.  I couldn’t move Ty to strap him in properly, so I stayed there until Ty woke up and my parents went back to the Fairway.  Ty slept a good hour, so that was good.  We went back to the Fairway and hung out for awhile longer.  Dad was feeling much better from the nausea, so that was a positive sign.  Heath was going to try to come by and see my dad, but it was getting really late – so I told him just to go home.  We were going out to eat that night and I didn’t want Ty going to bed any later than he had to.  We headed to the Mexican restaurant and I was so excited when Tyson ate off our plates so well!  He couldn’t seem to get enough!  At bedtime Ty didn’t go to sleep after 5 minutes of rocking, so I made him do 15 minutes of crying-it-out.  We hadn’t done it in awhile since Ty was sick and I feel terrible making him cry when he already feels sick.  So Tyson seemed to be a bit more hysterical with his crying and after his 15 minutes, I went in to console him.  The poor guy had gotten so worked up that he had throw up and there was puke everywhere.  The worst of it was on his hands/arms and he had obviously rubbed his face because his entire face was covered!  I felt like the worst mother in the whole world. 

Waiting in the waiting room at the hospital

Asleep in his car seat at the hospital

Ty playing around in Noni & Poppy's kitchen - he was psyched a drawer of food was well within his reach!

I forgot to say that Ty ate some fruit!  He loved dates!

He wasn't thrilled when Heath put a sombrero on him at the Mexican restaurant

On Thursday I worked and my Mom picked up Ty and brought him back to the Fairway to be with my Dad.  I got the official report that Ty was an angel.  Unfortunately, he wasn’t an angel for Heath.  He wouldn’t go to sleep for over an hour.  I had a crazy shift at work and wasn’t able to get any supper – so I had popcorn for supper at 1 AM when I got home.  Oh yeah, I did go to the dumpster after work, but that is getting to be a bit of a pain in the winter.  It was 23 degrees out and I could only stand about 15 minutes out there because my hands were freezing!  And that was with 2 sets of gloves on!  But I’ll keep it up as long as I can!

Have a great week!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I just think it's funny that you and Shannon are mad cause Devin gave the coolest present...haha! Some things never change...