Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Invasion, Falls ,Pneumonia Again & Sad Times

17 Months & 1-2 Weeks

The last 2 weeks have been a whirlwind.  I couldn’t possibly get a blog out.  No way, no how.  I will do my best to summarize, but there definitely will not be any day-by-day recaps.  No way.

The most exciting thing that happened to us actually happened 3 weeks ago, but I didn’t dare write about it in my blog last time.  But now it is out in the open, so I can.  We are pregnant again!  I am only 7 weeks along at this point, but I can’t keep my mouth shut… so there it is!  I took the test while Heath was at work and Ty and I looked at it together.  I couldn’t believe it and I looked at Ty and said, “You’re going to be a big brother!”  I got this “Big Brother” T-shirt at Carters and had Ty wearing it when Heath got home.  I knew he probably wouldn’t notice, but I tried anyway!  When he didn’t notice for about 5-10 minutes, then I gave Ty the pregnancy test and told him to “give it to Daddy” – which he did!  It was very cute and then Ty proceeded to try to put the test in Heath’s ears, up his nose, and in his mouth!  What a rascal.  We are very excited and hope that all goes well.  Thank goodness it only took us 3 months this time!  I used the Mucinex every month, just to be sure!

The actual day that we knew!

2 weeks ago, the highlights were Tyson continuing his monkey ways and climbing non-stop.  Unfortunately, once while I was in the kitchen, making supper, he climbed onto the very top of our love-seat… and as I peeked into the family room to check on him… he fell off the top!  Thank goodness I have about a bazillion blankets piled up behind the love-seat, so he didn’t fall far at all.  But he was stuck there for a little bit, while I struggled to get him out without squishing him.  Then another big fall happened right when I was sitting on the couch.  He was sitting right beside me, like a big kid… when he went all buck-wild and crawled down to the other end of the couch (very fast) to reach the pictures on the end table.  Well, he was moving at quite the clip, when he couldn’t stop himself and went head-over-feet off the end of the couch.  Poor bugger… he was not a happy camper.  Thank goodness there haven’t been any sequels to these falls, but I was starting to get really worried… especially because these falls happened within 2 days of each other. 

Very upset because he couldn't get up, but he wouldn't get down either!

He's actually standing on the kitchen chair!!!!  Monkey!

Tyson has gotten very protective of “his” food.  He definitely knows that his puffs, yogurt melts, and certain cereals are “his.”  He is so funny!  I dropped a piece of “Captain Crunch” cereal (a treat that I let him have sometimes) onto the floor and Reeses made a beeline for it.  Tyson saw this happening and started screeching and scolding Reeses.  He knew it was “his” cereal!  The same thing happened when I spilled some of his oatmeal on the floor and both dogs were going crazy licking it up.  You should have heard Ty again… giving them the riot act. 

2 Thursdays ago, Tyson was sounding worse instead of better with his cold that had been lingering for 10 days.  He had wheezed all Wednesday night long and had barely slept because of his coughing.  He was so bad that I took him in the pediatrician on Thursday and he had pneumonia again.  He has had it two times now.  I’m afraid we gave the kid some bad lungs, unfortunately.  I told the doctor that I was concerned about giving him Amoxicillin again, since he had that terrible rash.  After talking about it, he was convinced that it was the non-allergic rash and really wanted to try it again.  Against my better judgment, I agreed.  Big mistake.  All it took was for 1 dose, and he woke up 2 Fridays ago with the reddest face you have ever seen.  No rash on his face, but his entire face and ears were swollen and bright, bright red.  And he did have a rash to his chest and legs.  Unfortunately, that means that he is now allergic to all Cillins.  Son of a gun.

After his doctor’s appointment 2 Thursdays ago, I brought Ty for his 2nd haircut.  His hair was getting terrible again.  I had them chop it.  He looks so much better!  But it is a bit short in the back.  So short that his cowlick will not go down and just stands straight up.  But it’s still much better, regardless.


After!  I timed it perfect and he was due for his nap... so he was zoning the whole time!

2 Thursdays ago (after all of that),  I got a call from Heath that his grandfather, Paul, had gotten pneumonia at the nursing home and had taken a turn for the worse.  Heath got home early and we got up to Conway.  His breathing was slightly labored and he was unresponsive, but his pulse was very strong.  But on Friday morning, he definitely declined.  Most of Heath’s extended family was there and we took turns taking shifts on Friday, so he would never be alone.  We were eating at Heath’s grandmother’s apartment on Friday night (just about ready to go back to the nursing home) when we got a call from Heath’s aunt and uncle, who were with him, to come right away.  Heath’s grandmother lives about 7 minutes away from the nursing home.  We went as fast as we could, but he died while we were driving there.  It was so tough.  Of course we all wanted to be there with him.  But God is good.  It was very peaceful and his suffering is over now.  We spent the next 3 days with Heath’s grandmother (Norma) and the family.  It was good to have that family time.  We stayed at my parent’s house, since they are only about 10 minutes away from Norma’s place. 

We ended up telling Heath’s family that we were pregnant on the day that Paul died.  We had Tyson wear his “Big Brother” shirt and just let them notice it.  It did bring some cheer, but it was also very surreal.  We had told my family that we were pregnant with Tyson the day my grandmother died 2 years ago.  What are the odds of that happening?    My family had been at Music Clinic all weekend, so we ended up telling them when they got back – with the shirt.  They were very happy, of course!  It’s all announced on Facebook now… a picture of Ty doing his “freak-out” with his shirt on.  It seemed to go over well!  Very exciting!

That's the Facebook message that we used

Last Monday night, we got home after being gone for 4 days.  I didn’t have it in me to go to the pharmacies, so I took the week off.  Oh yeah, I have been feeling absolutely miserable.  I barely had any nausea at all with Tyson’s pregnancy, and the little bit that I did have was not until week 9.  I have been feeling sick all morning, afternoon, and night since the first week we found out.  Just terrible.  I’ve also been so tired, which I remember from last time… but I don’t remember being THIS tired.  As you know, I usually go to bed by 1:30-2:00 AM… but I can barely make it to 11:00 PM now.  I just can’t do it! 

The rest of last week consisted of Heath and I working very hard on a slideshow for Paul’s memorial.  We went back up to Conway on Thursday (Heath worked a half-day), went to supper at Heath’s parents, so we could visit with Amanda, who had flown in from Nebraska.  It was so good to see her!  On Friday, more work on the slideshow and then we helped my mother with the program for the memorial, since computers are not her forte.  Everything turned out well, but Heath and I were beat.

We had the memorial on Sabbath, which was a wonderful service.  A lot of people gave personal tributes to Paul and it was very touching.  We had a near-disaster when the computer crashed and the music did not start immediately with the slideshow, but Heath recovered quickly and it went well.  Right after the service, the Navy presented a flag to Norma and played “Taps.”  Paul had been in the Navy for 14 years.  It was just a great service, it really was.  Please just pray for all of Heath’s family, but especially Norma right now.

I think that is enough summarizing for now.  I hope you have a good week.  Here's some random pictures from the last 2 weeks.

3 Amigos rolling around the floor

Are they related or something?

Ty knows he is busted, pulling Shannon's phone out of her diaper bag!

He loved the drums at Aunt Sandy's house

Bode Henry

They love each other!

Showing off his belly

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