Tuesday, September 18, 2012

More Falls, Skeleton Scare, Yard Sale Fun & "No"

23 Months

Last Friday was going to be a quiet day at home, but all that changed with one email.  I received a special offer from Shutterfly for a free 8x8 photo book (a $29.99 value) if I ordered by Wednesday.  Well, I have been doing 8x8 books of our vacations, so I was going to eventually get around to doing one from our Nova Scotia trip this year, but this offer made it more urgent.  The problem was that I hadn't gotten everyone's pictures from Nova Scotia this year.  My mom had gotten them and then said, "I'll give them to you when we get back."  That hadn't happened yet, so I was in a pickle.  Mom was still backpacking in Maine, so I called my Dad and (after going to the grocery store) Ty and I headed to the Fairway to steal the pictures!  I was a moron and forgot the flash drive, so I was at a bit of a loss of how to transfer the pictures over.  I started going through all the pictures (about 350 of them) and was emailing them to myself, but that was taking forever!  I called Heath for advice and he was able to "get into" (aka...hack) my mom's laptop and our laptop and transferred the pictures for me, from work!!!!  I have to say that I was really impressed. 

On Sabbath we went to Laconia and got Ty to Sabbath School.  He was quiet, as usual, with the other kids, but otherwise had a good time.  He had another good week in church, too - not counting one little outburst.  I'll take it!  We stayed for potluck and Ty ate terribly.  I brought lasagna and he wouldn't touch it, even with bribing with bread.  He basically ate a small amount of bread, applesauce, and part of a oatmeal cookie.  What a meal!  Sabbaths are so tough, he was nearly 4 hours overdue for a nap... so not surprisingly, he fell asleep on the way home.  He usually transfers so well, but not this time.  He woke up immediately and would NOT go back to sleep for anything in the world.  We tried rocking him to sleep and we tried lying down with him in our bed, but he would not go down.  He wasn't cranky, he was playing... but it was so frustrating.  A 20 minute nap just wasn't going to cut it.  While we were lying down on the bed, Ty was messing around and rolled over Heath and then kept on rolling and rolled off the bed!  He landed flat on his back again and was totally fine, but c'mon!!!!  Another bed fall!!!!  The falling didn't stop there.  After we had given up on Ty's nap, we had moved downstairs and Ty was, again, messing around with Heath on the recliner chair.  He was getting down, but somehow lost his balance or something and rolled off the bottom of the chair.  Thank goodness, landing on his back again!  Stay away from the clavicle!  My boy is just such a climbing monkey, accident-prone mess... what am I going to do with him?  After sundown and supper, we headed to DQ and then Walmart and Home Depot.  When we had gotten into Home Depot, Heath realized that he had left something in the car he needed to grab, so he went back to the car.  Well, Tyson thinks Heath is leaving forever, so he proceeded to have a meltdown.  I wanted to distract him, so I said, "Hey Ty, look at this guy!  Wow!"  I showed Tyson this skeleton dressed in a black cape that was standing right in the front of the store.  That was a bit of a mistake.  He completely and utterly freaked out.  He started crying and put his head down, resting his face on the cart handle - trying to hide from the skeleton!  I hightailed it out of there, but Ty was so messed up.  He kept peeking his head up, looking to his left (right where the skeleton was) and then putting his head back down!  He was scared to death!  I couldn't believe it.  I mean, I was stupid, but Tyson does not watch movies, or seen anything like that before... so I was surprised to find out that the skeleton was just scary in general.  I thought he would be intrigued by it.  Big mistake.  Poor kid.

On Sunday, I got up by 6:30 AM (it nearly killed me) and got moving!  We had decided to finally have our yard sale that we have wanted to have for years.  We just have never gotten around to it.  I figured that if it was not this weekend, then we would miss any opportunity until spring, since my free weekends are all booked up through October and then you are right out of yard-sale season.  The good thing is that we live on a busy road, so you really don't have to advertise (not that we have a local newspaper anyway).  Heath put up poster board signs before and after our house and then down in Tilton at our light - saying, "Yard Sale, Rt. 132  3 miles."  Unfortunately, our neighbor screwed us.  Our neighbor a few houses down from us (south, towards Tilton) was having a yard sale too.  So I'm sure a million people stopped there, thinking that it was at the 3 miles mark, when it was probably 2.5 miles.  But we still got a steady stream of people.  Yard sales are a lot of work, but they are fun too.  We made $75, which I was pretty happy with.  This was literally a last-minute decision, since it was supposed to rain, but Friday night the forecast changed and we decided to have it.  Ty had a blast, hanging around - touching everything in sight and moving everything.  He was so funny.  I was offered $5 for my son, but I thought that was a bit low! (=  Heath put Ty down for a nap, but he cried for about 45 minutes straight.  I don't know why he's giving us some trouble all of a sudden with his naps and going to bed at night - he is usually perfect, but this must be some phase.  The thing that was so sweet happened when I was watching Ty on the monitor.  He was standing up, leaning on his crib rails, crying.  Then I looked more closely and I noticed that he was rolling his hands.  Do you remember when I wrote last week that he loved to sing, "Over the Sea" and Sonia had taught him hand motions?  Well, there he was... crying his eyes out because he didn't want to go down for his nap and was "singing" the song in his head!  Heath said, "he must have been trying to go to his happy place!"  It was so cute and so sad at the same time.  He finally gave in and went to sleep!  After the yard sale, Shannon & Sean came over (on their way back from Conway) and we had Fish Fry Take 2.  Well, first Heath & Sean went to Home Depot and picked up our grill!  We have been talking about getting a grill for about 2 years now, literally.  But we were serious that we were going to get one for Valentine's Day and our anniversary... but we just hadn't gotten it.  So Heath finally pulled the trigger and bought a Weber.  We were researching cheaper brands, but... you get what you pay for.  Heath was psyched because the one he found had a couple of small scratches on it and he got $30 off!  We ended up having a feast of kabobs (pineapple, mushrooms, and salmon for the meat eaters and Chicketts for me) - they were excellent.  We also had baked potatoes and corn on the cob, all cooked on the grill.  What a first meal on our new grill!  It was great!  While we were waiting for the food to be ready, Ty & Fin took a tubby together.  It was very cute, but poor Fin got a bit violated by Ty.  Fin stood up and Ty was fascinated with Finley's cute little butt and Ty spread apart her cheeks and inspected it!  I stopped him immediately, but Shannon & I were dying laughing!  What is wrong with this boy?

Ty got a ride while Dad mowed the lawn during the yard sale!

On Monday I woke up sick with a sore throat, cough, and congestion.  I wasn't sure if it was from doing too much at the yard sale or from all the runny-nosed kids at Sabbath School.  In any case, I was down for the count.  I did manage to get enough energy to go to the pharmacies, though.  Ty was a bit of a handful, but nothing much new there.  I wasn’t a great week but I got free shampoo & conditioner and free candy corn!  On Monday night, we watched the movie, "Big Miracle", which was a true story about whales stuck in an ice field in Alaska.  Tyson never usually pays much attention when movies are on, but he was so enthralled with the whales.  He would just squeal, giggle, and run around whenever they would come onscreen.  It was very cute.

Enjoying his food (this time)

On Tuesday I felt worse, so we didn’t do anything.  Thank goodness Heath & Ty seemed to be immune to it.  I don’t know if it was the sickness but Ty was driving me crazy while I was trying to cook supper.  He climbed up onto the table, was sitting on the table, threw all the placemats on the floor and dumped out the salt shaker onto the table.  Then he took the dog water bowl and dumped it in the trash.  And another thing he did was take all the movies out from the bookcase in the family room and threw them on the floor – which he has done many times, but I had just spend forever reorganizing them THAT DAY… and he upped the ante, but not only removing the movies, but throwing the removable shelves onto the floor as well.  Seriously, he does not stop.  But then he can be super sweet, like when he helped me unload the dishwasher that night – handing me every single dish, plate, cup etc. to put away. 

Sitting on the tablet

After the dog water bowl incident

On Wednesday I worked and Noni finally had a day with Ty.  Between Nova Scotia, her friends visiting, and then going on her backpacking trip… she had not spent the day with Ty for weeks.  They seemed to have missed each other!  Mom said, “He just seems so grown-up and confident now!  I really see a difference!” 

On Thursday I still felt lousy, so we stayed home for the morning and afternoon and rested up for our night out.  Ty really rested up and took a 3 hour nap!  Love it!  He finally has figured out the word, “No.”  I was thankful that he has not been using it continuously like most kids his age at this point, but he has now started to say it.  What’s funny is that when it really came out on Thursday, was when he was eating.  In his usual fashion, he throws a lot of his food on the floor, knowing the dogs are there to eat it.  Well, this time – he threw the food down…watched the dogs go after it and said, “No, no, no” to the dogs!  I told him there was no way that was going to happen!  Something else with eating, he is reverting back to his bad habits and the bribing is not going as well as it was.  I should have realized that he was going to get wise to this.  Anyways, I figured out another way to use his OCD, though!  If I give him a wipe to clean his tray off, then that distracts him and I can get him to eat a few more bites! (=  Is that wrong to manipulate him like that?  I figure it’s for his own good… but… I’m not sure!  We went out to Mexican with Adam that night and Ty did well, sitting on a booster seat.  He definitely does better on the seat than in the highchair.  Well, have a good week!

Just waking up after his 3 hour nap!

Walking in Mama's shoes

Cleaning his tray!

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