Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Milk From Mama, Stranger Danger, Counting Well, Creepy Bunny & "Bye Dave"

Wes:  17 Weeks Old

Ty:  2 Years & 5 Months Old

Last Friday we got some good news.  Initially you might think that it was bad news, but then it turned out great.  I had ordered a vanity for our bathroom 10 days earlier and I had checked the tracking number for it that morning (since it was supposed to arrive between 5-10 days) and it didn’t make sense.  It said that it had been “out for delivery” 4 days earlier and then there were two entries for that morning that stated “has not arrived.”  I called Home Depot and she contacted the courrier, because she couldn’t understand it either.  She came back and told me that our vanity was lost in transit.  Are you kidding me?  I couldn’t believe it!  How do you lose a bathroom vanity in the mail?  She said that she could reorder one for us and then I grew a backbone.  I asked her what kind of compensation they could offer us for this delay.  She took off the $55 that we were paying for shipping and then took 15% off the original price!  I was psyched.  That meant we were getting it for $100 cheaper!!!  Yes, it would take longer to get here, but, let’s be honest…it will take awhile to get it installed, knowing my dear husband.  Really a win-win.  After that good news, we headed to the grocery store and Ty had a cute moment.  I was curious about something because I didn’t think we had touched on this yet.  I was grabbing a gallon of milk and I asked Ty, “Where does milk come from?”  Ty didn’t miss a beat and said, “Mama booby!”  Another cute thing happened during supper.  Ty had “helped” me make supper and “helped” mostly involved eating Fri-Chik off the cutting board while I was dicing it.  Come suppertime, and he was probably full from eating during the cooking process…but he didn’t want to eat the chicken anymore.  I told him, “Ty, it is the same chicken you ate off the cutting board.”  Well, he proceeded to have a bird, talking in gibberish, pointing, and I could make out, “cut..cut.”  He got up from the table, grabbed the cutting board off the counter and brought it to the table.  He put the chicken from his plate onto the cutting board and then ate off it!!!!  I laughed really hard at that one.  I wasn’t laughing at 10:30 PM when Westin was wide awake and not wanting to go to sleep.  I still had to finish cleaning the kitchen and take a shower – and had to get up at 4:45 AM for work.  Not a great scenario but he finally gave in and went to sleep!

"All this food in the grocery store is making me hungry!  This finger is delicious!"

On Sabbath I worked and both boys slept until 9 AM, when Heath had to wake them up to go to church.  It’s no wonder Wes slept until then, since he was up so late!  Heath wasn’t expecting it when there was a knock on the door and it was Sonia coming to help bring the boys to church!  Ty opened the door and said, “Ranny!” (aka Grammy)  That was a surprise!  In the afternoon, they all went over to our friends from Conway church, the Bachelder’s house.  They actually live two towns over from us and they have a farm with a ton of animals.  They have baby goats right now and Heath thought that Ty would love to see them.  Well, Ty thought they were nice to look at…from a distance!  Ty wanted Heath to hold him constantly.  Both boys showed their scared sides, when one of the girls took Westin down to their house to warm up and he had a major attack of “stranger-danger.”  Heath said that Wes looked scared to death!  I guess he really isn’t around many people that he doesn’t know.  Poor guy.  Sonia went home after that and I got home at around 8 PM.  So nice to see my boys!  I had gotten a movie but Heath was so tired out that he fell asleep during the previews!  Kids are tiring, what can you say?

Some of the tiring things Ty does...

Ecstatic to put money in his piggy bank!

On Sunday I headed back to work and Heath had a day at home with the boys.  He broke up the day by going out for a few errands – to Tractor Supply and DQ!  DQ is open for the season now!  Heath said that Ty had a bad-listening day, which is too bad.  He seems to be getting better for me, but now Ty is probably testing Heath!  I called to check in while I was pumping and Ty sprayed Westin with our water spray bottle while I was on the phone with Heath!  Heath said that is was sad because Westin just sat there and took it.  It is sad, but what else was he supposed to do?  I guess cry, but he saved that for later.  Heath said that Wes cried most of the afternoon.  I wonder what that is about?  I called after work to check in, while I was running to the pharmacies, and Heath sounded a bit flustered.  Wes was crying in the background and Heath had been trying to cook on our grill outside and Ty had locked him outside!  That would have freaked me right out, but Heath stayed calm and he actually talked Ty through opening the lock.  What a rascal!  I couldn’t help but laugh – I just love that he understands what I go through day after day.  It is good for him to have both of them alone.  It really is.  I have to take a minute and vent about one of the pharmacy deals.  For some reason, the pharmacies only stock 3T-4T Nighttime Pull-Ups, instead of 2T-3T.  They have regular Pull-Ups in 2T-3T, but Ty pees so much at night that I don’t trust a regular one.  Unfortunately, I could have gotten this killer deal on Pull-Ups, but since they don’t carry the right size, I was out of luck.  The cash registrar got an earful (not rudely) when he asked, “Did you find everything you were looking for?”  I told him that I had not and he told me that they must have found out that the 2T-3T’s do not sell for some reason.  Well, that is a big shame for me.

Poor Westin taking some more abuse from Ty

More crazy things...Ty is putting a ball up Westin's pant leg

And he got it out!!!!  Look at Wes smiling at Ty - they really do love each other!

On Monday we spent the majority of the day picking up after “Weekend With Daddy.”  It takes most of the day, between naps, breast-feeding, feeding Ty, changing diapers, and running to the potty with Ty.  I also blew a lot of my day because I had downloaded this app on my phone called “Swagbucks.”  One of my friends from work had told me about it.  If you constantly stream videos on your phone (or tablet or laptop) from this site, you rack up these Swagbucks and if you get 450…you get a $5 gift card for Amazon.  I use Amazon non-stop, so I figure that I will just let my phone go to town and I’ll get them in no time.  The problem is that you can also do these tasks…like defining words (don’t ask me what they do with it) and you earn more Swagbucks.  So I defined 5 words (like auto-financing, for example) and I got 8 bucks.  So the real problem is that I have an obsessive personality and I got a bit too involved with this.  At the end of the day, I almost deleted it off of my phone, but I didn’t.  I wasted way too much time doing this.  I earned about 95 bucks on Monday.  I have just done it here and there…and 1 week later, I have 200 bucks. 

Photo shoot

Singing the "Potty Song"

"Ty's singing is giving me a headache!"

On Tuesday we got another almost-blizzard – about 16 inches.  Are you kidding me?  I am SO done with this!  Spring…please come!  We had a great day at home and got some things accomplished!  Tyson had not been messing with the Tupperware in a long time, so I organized the Tupperware cabinet!  I threw away plenty of bottoms or tops that didn’t have mates and just put all the same-shaped Tupperware together neatly.  It felt great!  Ty is doing SO well with his counting, I just can’t believe it!  He really showed off to me, when we were doing the Tupperware.  He kept counting them over and over!  It is so cute – for some reason, he skips 2 and 5 every time!  So he goes, “1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10!”  Adorable.  Another thing that happened is that I found out that I can not get anything past Tyson.  I officially decided that our sticker potty chart was done.  He does a quick pee all the time and the time that it takes him to pick out a sticker (he takes forever…there are too many choices) and get it on the chart…well, it was becoming painful.  And the fact that he really has this down – you have to stop at some point.  So I decided that I would give him a treat just for poop and just stop the pee-sticker nonsense.  I waited until Ty was down for his nap and I took down the chart.  Well, wouldn’t you know, Ty woke up from his nap and with his eagle-eyes, ran right to the empty wall where his chart used to be and cried, “Uh-oh!  Chart…gone!”  Amazing, but not amazing enough that I brought the chart back! (=  Another cute thing happened when Ty had gone down for the night.  He had been crying to go potty and Heath went up to his room.  Usually I go up there for these types of things, because Ty tends to react worse when Heath goes up because he wants Heath to stay and play (he could care less about me staying and playing).  When Heath got up there, Ty said, “Mama nursing Westy, Daddy here.”  Well, that was exactly right!

Trying to curl his eyelashes

Notice how his mouth and the giraffe's mouth have the same expression!

Doing Pilates with Mama

Tupperware cabinet fun

On Wednesday I headed back to work and Noni was back on duty.  The report I got from Noni was that #1) Westin did not cry all day, #2) Tyson messed up all the Tupperware that I had  organized perfectly the day before (why do I bother?) and #3) she had to give Ty a time-out for not listening.  The cute thing about the time-out was that while she was carrying him to bring him to the chair, he said, “Sorry, sorry, sorry!”  Too little too late, buckaroo. 

Not a peep from my Sweetie all day

Thursday was a long and busy day.  We went with my mother, Shannon & Finley for a day of shopping in Manchester and Concord.  We went to Lots 4 Tots, Hobby Lobby, the mall, and TJ Maxx.  Ty did great and didn’t have any accidents and Wes did awesome too.  Wes tends to do very well in his car seat.  One thing that was so funny happened at the mall.  First of all, I stayed in the car nursing Wes, while Ty went into the mall with my mother & Shannon.  In the mall, they saw the Easter Bunny and Ty proceeded to say, “Bunny.  Creepy.”  Creepy?  Where in the world did he learn that word?  Funny, but puzzling.  When they got back to the car, I put Ty on the portable potty in the back of the Outback.  It was the second time that he had peed in it and I really need to empty it.  We were in the middle of the parking lot and there wasn’t a snowbank in sight, but I just emptied it out on the ground.  It’s pee, for goodness sake – it is sterile.  Water just washes it away!  Shannon gave me so much crap for that.  Well, she got the last laugh!  Before I drove away, Wes started crying in the backseat, so I got out of the car and ran around to his side to give him the binky…and I ran right through all the pee that I had just dumped on the ground!  I laughed so hard.  It served me right.  At the end of the day, we met my Dad, Heath & Sean at the OG.  For some reason, there was a 25-30 minute wait there…so I called the 99 and they said that they did not have a wait.  I asked if we could put our name in, but she said that they are not allowed to do that until they have a wait.  We drove the 5 minutes down the road and then proceeded to wait almost 30 minutes for a table there!!!!  Since we were a big party, they had a hard time accommodating us.  They only have booths there (no tables), so we had to sit at 2 booths across from each other.  Not ideal, but it was OK.  The funniest thing happened there with Tyson.  For some weird reason, he started calling our waiter, “Dave.”  His name was “Dana”, so it wasn’t that far off, but still strange.  After Dana had taken our order and had turned around to leave, Ty said, “Bye Dave!”  We all busted out laughing so hard.  It was so funny!  After dinner, we ran to Burlington Coat Factory and got another car seat.  There was a major sale going on and we got a good deal.  It has been so annoying to switch Tyson’s car seat (kind of complicated) between our cars, so we got another one to keep in Heath’s car.  My mom has been wanting to buy one too, so she got the same one.  I had a 15% coupon that was for something in the baby department but it specifically said, “to be used on a full-priced item.”  Ty needs socks, so I bought socks for him, so I could use the coupon.  To my joy and amazement, it worked on the car seat instead of the socks!  We got an even better deal than we could have hoped for!   That’s it!  Have a good week!  

Cutest video of Wes taken on Thursday morning, while he was looking at himself in the mirror

Trying on sunglasses while shopping

Ty climbing into a baby's bouncer at Burlington

Anticipating the flash


Kelly said...

For some reason, I particularly enjoyed this post! Can't wait to see you guys at music clinic!

Shawn Brace said...

loved the sunglasses picture of you guys! Camille