Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Wanting to Bird Hunt, House Hunting & Camper Hunting, Mother's Day, Almost Accident, "Ouchie," & "Stop it!"

Wes:  1 Year & 6 Months Old
Ty:  3 Years & 7 Months Old 

May 9 - 15

We had Grocery Day and when we had come home from the store there was a giant robin running around the yard.  I opened the door quietly and was showing Ty the robin (it was on his side).  Ty was very enthusiastic about the robin, so much so that he wanted to get his butterfly net and “go catch him!”  I had to laugh.  I did give him a lecture about not wanting to hurt the bird and taking care of God’s animals…but let’s be honest, I don’t think Ty catching a robin in a net will be happening anytime soon!  I don’t remember too much more about Friday.

We went to Concord church for a change, since my mother had texted me on Friday night that the Pine Tree Bell Ringers were having the church service in Concord.  Since I am alum of the group, they hold a special place in my heart.  I thought that the boys would love them, so we jumped at the chance to go!  They did love them.  For the first 2 songs, they were entranced.  And then they were done.  I heard most of the concert from the Mother’s Room, unfortunately.  Between Ty having a melt-down about Westin touching his things and Westin screaming just for the heck of it, I had to exit with both of them (at different points).  After church, I was so bummed.  I had planned on a picnic lunch, but before we had left it was raining and I had checked the weather and it was supposed to rain all the way past 3 pm…so we decided to have a picnic lunch at home.  Well, on the way home, Heath felt inspired to drive to town of Warner.  We have kind of zoned in on that town to live in…it would be a 40 minute drive for Heath to work, but the kids could go to school in Concord (30 minute drive).  We just would rather be closer to Concord than up in Lebanon, so we shall see.  Ironically (and sadly) this was the town that Shawn & Camille used to live in before they moved to Lebanon & then Bangor.  Anyway, there was a house that was on the market that we drove by that we were interested in…and then we drove by a few more land properties.  The kids took a nap in the car, and then the next thing we know…it was after 2 PM.  We didn’t get home to have lunch until 3 PM.  Child abuse.  Oh, and the kicker was that the rain had stopped and it was gorgeous out.  I was so mad! 

Silliness Sabbath afternoon

They both love to put things on their heads!

Mother’s Day.  Wes & I woke up to find Heath & Ty gone.  They had snuck off and came back bearing gifts.  Ty had picked out a Mother’s Day card and flowers all by himself from both Wes & him.  They made me feel so special.  Heath said that we could do whatever I wanted for the day.  I decided not to take the day for myself, mostly because I wanted to look at some campers (that we are trying to buy)…and I wanted Heath to have the option of seeing his mother on Mother’s Day too.  My own mother had gone to Massachusetts the night before and my parents were flying out to Atlanta for vacation on Mother’s Day, so my Mother’s Day time with my mom was going to have to wait.  So we had a light breakfast and then the boys took me to the Mexican restaurant for lunch.  That was a treat – we never go there for lunch!  After that, we went and looked at two pop-up campers.  There were both pretty nice, but we are going to keep looking.  After that, we went over the Edwards’ house and had a BBQ dinner and visiting.  Norma was there too and it was great to see her.  Then the end of our night almost turned tragic.  We were traveling home way too late about 10 PM and I will admit that I had nodded off (Heat was driving, by the way).  We were going about 60 mph (in a 55 zone) when we turned a corner and a female moose was right in the middle of the road.  Heath locked it up and swerved left (there wasn’t any oncoming traffic, thank goodness)…but it is so hard to explain, but the moose was so freaked that she jumped left too.  It seemed like it took forever, but the car finally stopped and I am not exaggerating when I say that we didn’t hit the moose by inches and she was directly in front of me on my side.  If the car didn’t stop and we had hit her, she would have come through the windshield and landed on my face.  I screamed at Heath, “Boot it!” and he did…punching it and just getting around the moose (I think we were in the breakdown lane on the other side of the road at this time).  I thought that the moose could be so freaked that she might jump on the car or clip us, anyway.  When we were free & clear, I looked back and the kids were sound asleep – they never knew what had almost happened!  Heath & I prayed our thanks to God out loud and then I looked over at Heath and said, “Do you think I would have died?”  He said, “Well, she probably weighs 900 pounds.”  So yeah, I think I would have died, or at the very least my spinal cord would have been gone.  So when that sunk in I said, “That would have been terrible to have died on Mother’s Day.”  Thank you God that it didn’t happen! 

My flowers

Playing outside at the Edwards' house

The chickens have grown and are getting their feathers

The house was trashed to point of ridiculousness.  I hadn’t picked up much on Sabbath and didn’t get a chance to do anything on Sunday.  My OCD just can’t handle it.  I have to mention something about Westin.  He is talking up a storm right now!  He repeats absolutely everything, but he has a couple of words that he is saying all the time now.  The first word is “ouchie” and the second is actually a phrase... “stop it!”  Both of these words Wes has definitely learned from Ty.  But it is so cute, whenever he bumps himself or Ty is beating on him (I’d like to say I was kidding with that one), he will say, “Ouchie!  Ouchie!”  It is adorable.  And then whenever someone is tickling him, he says, “Stop it!  Stop it!”  But he also says it when I pick him up and I have to change his diaper…so in that sense it is almost fresh!  He is something else.

I'm not sure you will reach to steal that bite, Ty!

Ty insisted on having a "picnic" on the deck by himself during supper

This was Ty's spaceship...he put chairs in there...stuffed animals and wanted Westy to be the "driver-man!"

Laundry Day at the house.  I have to mention that I didn’t actually work this week since my mother was gone.  I had worked an extra weekend day to make up for this instead a few weeks back.  It was nice to be home all week, though.  Something cute that happened on Tuesday was when Tyson put on a newer pair of sneakers that I hardly ever put him in… because they have actual shoelaces.  They are such a pain when your kid doesn’t tie their own shoelaces!  Well, you could tell that Tyson was not used to having shoelaces on his shoes either.  He held them up for me to see (like I had never seen shoelaces before) and said, “Mama!  These are like fire hoses!”  That just cracked me up.  He is right.  They do look like fire hoses!

This is what I found when I peeked into the family room while I was cooking supper - they had taken out almost all of the stuffing from the top portion of one of the couch cushions

This is them restuffing it!  I made them put every last piece back in!

I took Wes to get a haircut Tuesday night while Ty played outside with Heath (and then we went to Walmart)

I had to bust out my box fans already.  It got very hot & humid all of a sudden and hit 80 degrees this week!  Of course the fans are totally dangerous with the kids.  I keep the fan in Westin’s room on top of his dresser, out of his reach…but he is completely obsessed with it.  Whenever he wakes up in the AM or from a nap, the first thing that he does and says is “see!” and points to the fan.  A change from the word “puppies” that used to be the 1st word he would say upon waking up!  Wednesday evening the kids & I met Heath in Warner and had a showing of the house we were interested in.  It is an old farmhouse with an old barn (the home was built in 1860) and it is in great shape.  I have always wanted an old farmhouse – there is something special about the old charm of a place like that.  But I just couldn’t get past the layout of the place…because they added on to the original house, you have to walk through the master bedroom upstairs to get to the boy’s rooms.  There are a few bizarre things about it.  After that, we met Shannon & Sean for a picnic supper (it wasn’t raining this time, but the black flies were horrendous).  They had a showing of a home in Warner as well.  Hopefully we can be in the same town!  We drove by a couple pieces of land with the Frosts and then we went to McDonald’s for an ice-cream.  Then we got the bad news that their ice-cream machine was broken.  That was a shame.  To home we went and it was a late night.  

Playing around on Wednesday AM - balancing a water bottle upside down on a candleholder!!  What will he think of next!

Making a tower

Swimming Lesson Day!  On the way to the lesson, we were listening to the radio and the Alicia Key’s song, “This Girl is On Fire” came on the radio.  I was singing pretty loudly along (as usual) and all of a sudden Tyson pipes up with, “Mama, why is the girl on fire?”  I cracked up so hard!  How do you explain phrases to a 3 year old?  I tried and I think he actually might have gotten it.  Our swimming lesson plan took an ugly turn when I got into Concord and it was a zoo.  There was a road race and there were thousands of runners everywhere.  They had roads shut down and I could barely make it to the Y.  I was psyched when I made it to the Y in time but the parking garage was completely full.  I hung around trying to see if anyone would leave, but I couldn’t get a park!  I called Heath & he could barely make it to the Y and couldn’t find any parking either…but he finally did and ran like 7 blocks to meet us in the parking garage.  He took Ty & ran into the Y, while Wes & I stayed circling the parking garage.  Literally Ty got 10 minutes of his 30 minute lesson in.  It was a fiasco.  After the botched lesson, we met Sonia at a camper place just outside of Concord (the campers were a bust) and then we went to the OG.  Another late night.  OK - have a great week!

I try to get Wes to say "binky" but he is adamant that it is called a "bee-bee!"

Ty insisted on putting a pair of Heath's boxers on to eat lunch (I would like to say that they were clean ones...)

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