Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Family Party, Swaddle-Busting, Football Party, Sleeping Drama & "Mama Come Now"

Wes:  8 Weeks Old
Ty:  2 Years & 3 Months Old

2 Fridays ago, I had some 24 hour GI thing that was not pleasant.  I wasn’t flat on my back unable to move or anything, but I did wonder what I would do with the two munchkins if that were to happen.  Of course my mother would have come over, as she offered to when she heard that I didn’t feel great, but what would happen if I got really sick in a couple of weeks when my entire family is going on a cruise?  That would be tricky.  Anyways, we didn’t do much that Friday, except our weekly trip to the grocery store.  Why is it that Ty always acts up when I don’t feel well?  He just had to be a monster.  But we got through it and Wes was so good.  Ty’s 3 word sentences continued when Ty asked, “Mama, more please” at lunch!  It was so exciting!  What wasn’t exciting was Wes being cranky-pants that evening and wouldn’t go down to sleep…which is very unlike him.  I attempted to nurse him early at 10:30 or 11 PM and woke up at 2 AM.  I can not stop falling asleep while nursing him! 

The interesting things we get into when Mom isn't feeling well

And then there's this... what is he doing?

Using a screwdriver to repair his car!

On Sabbath we went to Laconia Sabbath School & church.  Heath took Ty initially to Sabbath School, but then Wes & I came down to join them when Heath texted me that only Jill & Zach Harlow were down there with them.  I haven’t seen Ty in Sabbath School in awhile, since Heath usually takes him.  Ty is much more interactive and doesn’t have a bird when he has to give the “toys” back!  There is improvement!  We were pleasantly surprised when Paula, Ryan, Taylor, Greg, and Greg’s sister – Nicole showed up at Laconia church.  They had no idea that we were going to be there!  So we invited them over for lunch, but I did not have anything prepared.  We were going to have some sandwiches quick and then head over to Danny & Janet’s house (Heath’s aunt & uncle) for a family get-together that afternoon.  So we still had sandwiches, but we made a few different spreads and made it a sandwich bar.  We headed over to the party and had a nice time.  We were supposed to be going ice-skating on their pond and sledding, but it was 45 degrees or so and the snow was melting like mad.  So we just hung out and visited with everyone and they did some 4-wheeling as well.  The boys were a hit as always.  They are the only great-grandkids of the family, so they get a lot of attention. Ty was in heaven since they have a cat and he followed that poor thing around everywhere.  It makes me feel sad that we didn’t get him one for Christmas, but Heath did not want one.  I don’t really know how we do a litter box with a 2 year old right now, though anyway.  I know it is done, but I know Ty would be playing in that box non-stop, so I think it is for the best.  Saturday night Westin busted out of his swaddle and woke himself up at about 5 AM because he was cold.  I had forgotten to write about it, but he has been busting out of it a few times now.  I thought maybe he was being Hercules and is just super strong, but I think it is actually because the swaddles are too old and the Velcro is not strong enough!  I think I’ll have to suck it up and buy some new ones.  That is hard for me because I’m so cheap!

I got this picture through the window at the party - all the boys (minus Wes) chatting it up after a "Vroom vroom ride" (as Ty would call it)

Sunday was a football day!  The Pats were playing the Texans and the boys & I went to the Fairway to watch with my parents and Shannon.  Sean kept Finley at home, so Shannon felt as free as a bird!  Heath was working on his ice house but came and joined us for supper at half-time.  As we were leaving, I had the car running and Westin was already in his car seat, when Ty decided to bolt from me and run into a mud puddle.  He got completely covered -   his shoes, socks, and pants!  I wanted to throttle him!  Thank goodness Heath was outside working on the ice house, so I could just run inside and get new clothing for him.  Ty was upset when he realized we were leaving without Heath.  I told him that Heath would join us soon after he was done working.  To that Ty cried, “Daddy come soon!”  It was sad but cute.  Ty was psyched when Heath got there and even more so when Heath took him swimming at the Fairway’s clubhouse.  Ty was cute during the game and really got into it.  He would yell, “Go, go, go!” at the TV, but would say that when the Texans were running with the ball too!  Then he would slap five to everyone when we would score – it was really cute.  Wes slept most of the time – probably because we were so loud.  He has so much awake time at home, but he is a snooze-fest when we are away!  I remember Ty doing that too.  I think it is normal.  We were all happy when the Pats won, but it is hard for me to remember that joy now…since I am writing this after their horrific AFC championship game performance.  I will get over it. 

  Slapping 5 at the football party (My pictures still come out so fuzzy on my iPhone sometimes)

Trying to slap me 5


Doing his "freak-out"

Me & my buddy

On Monday Ty was so tired from the busy weekend that he slept until 9:30 AM.  He hasn’t done that in awhile.  Our whole schedule got completely messed up because of it.  For instance, he would not take a nap at all when he normally does at noontime.  And then because of that, he fell asleep on the way back from the pharmacies in the car.  I let him sleep from 5:00 to about 6:15 PM and then he was horrible at bedtime.  He has done really late naps like that before without any problems, but he was just terrible.  He totally is using every excuse in the book why he should not go to bed.  He cried for his binky (even though he has a back-up binky underneath his pillow), he asked for water (even though he has a nubbie in the crib with him), and then he said, “pee” and “diaper.”  He is way too young to be this smart with the excuses!  Just a quick word about the pharmacies, I used the Bjorn for the first time with Wes at the stores.  I feel SO much more comfortable with the Bjorn than the Moby wrap.  He seemed to love it too.  He cuddled right in and slept the whole time!  For the highlights, I got a free Thermacare wrap, free olives, and printer paper (500 sheets) for $2.99 (regularly $7.99)! 

Playing with his train that Danny & Janet gave him

On Tuesday Ty slept in again, but woke up at 9 AM this time.  That 30 minutes made all the difference because he did not have any problems taking his noontime nap and slept 2.5 hours!  At lunch, he said, “More ketchup please.”  He loves ketchup so much!  When Heath got home, Ty got a treat and went to Home Depot with Heath while I finished cooking supper.  Ty just loves to be with his Daddy at all times.  I don’t know what it was but Wes had a difficult time going to sleep all of a sudden for his last two naps of the day.  I finally had it (after running upstairs and putting the binky in about 5 times) and I put him in the swing and he fell right to sleep!  Speaking of sleep, I fell asleep nursing again and woke up at 4 AM.  Two times in 1 week.  Unreal.  Ty had a rough bedtime again as well.  I hope this comes to an end.

He just loves his binky

On Wednesday my day revolved around doing a full cleaning of the house.  I knew that I couldn’t finish it in 1 day with the kids, so I planned on cleaning on Thursday as well.  Ty had done a crazy thing when he woke up that morning.  He said, “Mama, Come, NOW!”  I laughed so hard.  So I tried to get him saying it again on video when he woke up from his noontime nap.  He said it and I got it on my iPhone!  It was so funny (even though so wrong) that I had to post it on Facebook.  Lunchtime provided some comic relief from the cleaning.  First of all, I was cutting up a corn dog for Ty, when he just couldn’t take it anymore.  I told him that it was very hot and that we needed to let it cool down.  But he leaned over me, grabbed a fistful of corn dogs and crammed them into his mouth!  Thank goodness it didn’t burn him!  Another funny thing happened during lunch, he dipped his grapes in his tomato soup!  He loves to dip things, but I thought this was a little much.  What was also a little much, was the 1 hour and 20 minute crying-it-out session that Ty had at bedtime.  I couldn’t believe that we were back to this – after 1 whole year of going immediately to sleep without a peep.  I was back to crying as well because I couldn’t take it.  It is definitely worse this time around, since Ty actually cries for us by name, where he couldn’t do that last time.  “Mama, Mama, Mama, Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!”  It just rips your heart out.

I finally got a video to work on here...after 2+ years!

On Thursday I finished cleaning the house – which is a great, great feeling!  A couple cute things to mention was…me asking Ty what he wanted to wear for the day?  Pretty much a rhetorical question, but he said, “Jammies!”  Since it was our night out, that wasn’t going to fly…but it was a nice try!  Another cute thing was that I was doing my Pilates video and Ty laid down and started to do all the exercises with me!  It was adorable.  We went to the Longhorn on Thursday night with the Frosts and Adam.  While we were driving down to Concord, I asked Ty, “We are going to see Auntie Shannon and Cousin Finley.”  Then I said, “Who lives with Auntie Shannon and Finley?”  I wanted to see if he could figure it out – but he didn’t skip a beat and said, “Sean!”  Smarty.  Ty didn’t do badly at the restaurant and Wes was awake the whole time.  He started to get a little fussy, but I just held him and he stopped right away.  Wes just loves to be held and he would be held all day long if he got his way!  I got “my way” that night, when Ty only cried for 15 minutes and then went right to sleep.  Thank goodness.  I hope it continues.  Have a great week!    

 Cuddling in their jammies!

Trying Daddy's boots on

Looking for something to drag around in his little wagon

Again...picture came out terrible...but he came up with a stuffed lion and the bathroom rug.  Interesting combination


Shannon said...

I love the picture of your parents and Ty during the football game! I do miss your family immensely...there's nothing like a raucus football game with the Copseys...and I don't even like football! Missing you lots!

Corey said...

Personally I think the Moby wrap is for the birds. I know some people love it but it's too complicated and I kept thinking Aubree was going to suffocate in there. Give me the Bjorn any day!