Tuesday, May 14, 2013

First Real Stroller Ride, Colds Again, Pee Accidents & First Fever

Wes:  24 Weeks Old

Ty:  2 Years, 6 Months & 3 Weeks Old

Last Friday I finished doing a full cleaning of the house, in between doing our usual grocery shopping for the week.  I was finishing vacuuming at about 6 PM, so we had late supper and late baths for the boys.  Ty didn’t roll into bed until about 9:30 PM, but it was almost officially the weekend, so I didn’t care too much!  I started nursing Wes when Ty went to bed and I woke up at 3 AM, still sitting on the couch with Wes.  The unfortunate thing was that I still needed to shower.  It is such a mad dash to get all of us out of the door and make it to Sabbath School on-time, so I knew that I had to shower before bed.  The also unfortunate thing was that I woke Westin up while trying to transfer him to his crib and he wanted to nurse some more.  Costly.  I finally rolled into bed after 4 AM.  Oh my. 

On Sabbath we made it to Sabbath School in Laconia (maybe a little late) but we made it!  I was psyched that I was able to time it so I didn’t have to nurse Wes during church.  But I still will never hear a sermon all the way through though, I swear, because I had to take Tyson out during church twice.  Once was for bad behavior and then once for potty-time.  We had a nice lunch, just the four of us at home and then the boys took some naps (I am including Heath in on this one!).  Late afternoon, we went to the Franklin Dam for a walk and then to the playground.  It had been absolutely gorgeous that day.  Because of naps we had held off going and by the time we went, it was down-right chilly.  Even Westin, Mr. Hotblooded Dude, got really cold at the end.  After the Dam, and after the sun went down, we went to Dairy Queen.  I ordered a whole sundae, took 4 bites, and then couldn’t believe my stupidity!  I keep forgetting that Westin can’t tolerate ice-cream right now!!!!  So much for that!  I had to give my whole big sundae up and Heath & Ty shared it.  After DQ, we were still not done yet!  We went to Walmart and shopped till we dropped!  Ty was pretty cute in Walmart.  He was singing “Jesus Loves Me” at the top of his lungs throughout the store!  We kept trying to shush him, but he would not be denied.  One guy commented, “It seems like he got into some sugar, huh?”  To that I said, “Yeah.  Some ice-cream.  Sorry.”  It was cute, though. 

Westin took his first ride sitting up the stroller!  He absolutely loved it!

Mama pushing Wes on the swing

Daddy pushing Wes on the swing (do you see the difference?)

On Sunday Heath & Ty went shopping on some errands together while Wes & I worked around the house.  Heath & Ty also spent a lot of time working outside and Ty had a blast.  Shannon & Fin stopped by for a visit.  They were going to stay at the Fairway with Mom & Dad since Sean was going to New Mexico for a few days on business.  Ty had been napping through a lot of their visit and then had gone outside with Heath.  Shan & Fin had left while he was outside but Ty didn’t know it.  He came back inside and was calling for them.  I told him that they had gone home.  To that he said, “Shane (aka Shan)…Fin….come back please!”  It was so cute.  To cheer Ty up we got some Thai take-out (that he has started loving now) and called it a day. 

  He loves being outside with Daddy (at the Dam on Sabbath)

On Monday the highlight was making the pharmacy rounds.  One frustrating thing happened while leaving Rite Aid.  I had Wes in the Baby Bjorn and Ty was sitting in the cart.  I got Westin out of the Bjorn and buckled him into his car seat and then realized that his binky had fallen off the binky strap.  He loves to mess with the strap and he can pull that binky right out – and he had.  So here was the dilemma.  Do I get him back out of the car seat and back into the Bjorn to go look for it?  I knew that it couldn’t be far because I had noticed it while we were checking out.  It was one of my favorite binkies, so I wasn’t about to let it go.  Instead of putting him into the Bjorn, I just carried him in the crook of one arm and pushed the cart (with Ty in it) with the other arm.  Talk about talent!  Thank goodness we found it pretty quickly in the doorway of the store!  Monday evening, when Heath had gotten home from work, Heath & Ty went outside while I was finishing supper.  Heath was loading up some equipment into a trailer and he was standing on the trailer, when Tyson got very concerned.  He said, “Daddy, careful please.  Fall down boom.”  He always seems to be worried about falling and going down boom!

This is what he does...literally runs around outside!  He doesn't stop!

Tuesday morning I woke up and realized that both boys were sick with colds.  Again.  Did we have 1 or 2 whole weeks of health before getting sick again?  I couldn’t believe it.  Ty had had a runny nose the day before, but I thought it was allergies because he has been outside so much.  I thought there was no way that he could have another cold.  But when Westin woke up with a runny nose and coughing, I knew it had to be a cold.  Bummer.  We didn’t let it stop us, however.  On Tuesday we met Shan & Fin and my parents at Friendly’s for lunch.  You wouldn’t think it would take 2 hours for lunch, but throw 3 kids in the mix…and it does!  Tyson was so cute.  I kept asking him what he wanted for lunch…pointing at the menu to the pictures, either mac ‘n’ cheese, grilled cheese, or quesadilla.  And every time I would ask him, he would reply, “Shream!” and point to the ice-cream!!!!  I don’t know if I have mentioned it before, but Ty calls ice-cream…”shream.”  After lunch we went to 2 thrift stores – one with Noni & Poppy and one without them.  I can tell you that going to the thrift store without them is a joke.  Ty & Fin just run all over creation, touching everything…there is no way you can look through the clothes!  I know Noni & Poppy are reading this, and I hope they know how much we appreciate their help!  Ty ended our busy day with peeing his pants in the last thrift store.  This is starting to happen WAY too often.  After he went weeks without pee accidents, it is starting to become a daily thing.  He has the poop thing down really well now and now he is regressing with the pee.  Frustrating.  Despite me getting frozen yogurt at Friendly’s (instead of ice-cream), Westin cried in gas pain nearly all night long.  I finally got him to sleep at 5 AM.  That was really unfortunate because I had to get up at 6:30 AM to go to work.

Ty is not happy with his cold

With my 1 ½ hour of sleep under my belt, I headed to work on Wednesday.  I really debated calling in sick with the argument of “how safe will I really be with patients only having an hour of sleep.”  But I couldn’t do it.  I just don’t call out.  Of course it was ridiculously busy, but I made it through the shift and I didn’t kill anyone.  That is always a positive thing.  Poor Wes had his first fever while I was gone.  Another first that I missed!!!!  Mom had the cutest story to tell me of something Tyson said.  Ty had been sitting on his tractor messing around in the family room and Mom started talking to him about tractors and gardens and planting food.  They were going through lists of things to plant in a garden – potatoes, corn, tomatoes etc….  Then she asked him…

Noni:  “Ty, what else do you want to grow in your garden?”
Ty:  “Candy!”

How cute is that?  A boy after my own heart.  He does adorable things like that but then the pee thing comes up again and you want to throttle him.  Well, he didn’t do it to me, but another episode occurred on Wednesday night while Heath was cooking supper.  Ty was sitting on our bar stool and then just started looking down…as he began peeing a humongous puddle on the stool and the floor.  He didn’t even TRY to go to the bathroom.  It’s not like he has an accident on the WAY to the bathroom.  He just doesn’t want to stop doing what he is doing.  When Heath told me this, I knew that we had to do something drastic.

Wes, you are so worth getting an hour sleep for!

On Thursday I sat Tyson down first thing in the morning and set the ground rules.  There is no peeing in your pants.  If you don’t even TRY to run to the bathroom and just pee your pants, then he has to go to time-out.  If he has an accident on the way to the bathroom and at least vocalizes that he needs to go and just doesn’t make it…then he won’t have time-out.  I think the best thing that I told him that really got him was about Heath.  I told him that if he is playing outside with Daddy and has an accident – just goes in his pants because he doesn’t want to come in…then he will have time-out but he will not be able to go back outside with Daddy.  Well, that is Tyson’s most favorite thing to do right now, so I hope it makes a difference.  After 1 day, last Thursday – he did not have an accident all day, which was the first time in a couple of weeks.  So maybe it really has helped!  Stay tuned to hear how it goes next week!  One funny thing happened with Ty on Thursday.  When I was picking up, I asked him why a kitchen chair was in our bedroom and this is how it went down.

Ty:  “Westy fall off bed.”
Me:  “Westy fell off the bed?  Who was here when Westy fell off the bed?  Daddy or Noni?”
Ty:  “Noni here (he points to the chair).  Westy fall off bed (he gestures to the bed).”

I thought I knew what he meant, but I called my Mom for clarification.  I did not in any way think that Wes had fallen off the bed and that my Mom didn’t tell me.  But I thought it was so funny that Ty was saying this, so I had to call my Mom.  She confirmed my suspicions when she said that she had brought the kitchen chair in to sit in the bedroom because Westin was sleeping in our bed and she was worried that he would fall off the bed!!!  So funny.  Thursday night we went to the Mexican restaurant with Poppy (Noni was away that night).  We had a nice visit.  Ty had a bit of a melt-down on the way home and kept pointing to the opposite direction we were driving, screaming, “dat way…dat way!”  He finally broke down and told us why he wanted to go “dat way”…he said, “shream dat way!”  I guess his quesadilla was not enough for him and he wanted a bit of ice-cream.  Poor guy.  But he got over it.  Eventually.

Ty orders his own meal...he really does... He says "de-ya, de-ya" (for quesadilla)

Poppy with his 2 boys

Have a great week! 

1 comment:

Shannon said...

i think you spend most of your time going out to eat and visiting with your family...i'm a bit jealous! oh that westin is just the cutest thing...and getting so big!