Thursday, September 19, 2013

"I Love You" Manipulations, Time-Outs With Daddy, "Jesus Saved Westy", York's Animal Kingdom, "Idiot", Refill Please & "Too Much Singing"

Wes:  9 Months & 3 Weeks Old

Ty:  2 Years, 10 Months & 3 Weeks Old

Last Friday was grocery day, as usual.  Other than that, we didn’t do too much.  But Ty did a couple of funny things, of course.  First thing in the morning, Ty realized that he hadn’t seen his stuffed Donald Duck in awhile.  That prompted a full house search for him!  Ty had just about given up and was getting upset, when Mama came to the rescue and found him!  He was in Ty’s tent in his room.  You should have seen the reunion!  “Ty missed you, Donald Duck!  Ty loves you, Donald Duck!”  Then Ty treated him to a ride down the banister, and he, of course, fell face-first on the floor and Ty said, “Donald Duck, you have a boo-boo!  Ty kiss it better!”  Then he felt that he had been through such an ordeal that he needed a nap.  So he pulled out a pillow and blanket, tucked him in and kissed him goodnight!  It was so stinking cute!  Then something else happened that was cute, but frustrating at the same time.  I can’t remember what he had done wrong, but he was being bad, and I had threatened him with a spanking if he didn’t stop.  He did stop but then he threw the biggest hissy fit on the floor.  So I had had it.  I picked him up and told him he was getting a spanking.  His response?  He stopped the fit, looked deep in my eyes, and whispered, “I love you.”  What a little manipulating son of a gun!!!!!  I literally could not spank him at that moment.  How do you paddle your child after they just declared their love for you?  I have to give to him.  It worked and I usually do not let the discipline slide.  He got me that day!

Kissing Donald Duck goodnight

He looks pretty comfy!

On Sabbath I worked 7a-7p and the boys stayed home.  Since I only work once every 6 weekends, Heath forgets what it is like to be with them for a good 12+ hours!  I got home to a frustrated Heath.  And just to set the record straight, the frustration is all about Tyson.  Westin is the happiest, sweetest little guy  - literally you could never be frustrated with Wes!  Anyways, Heath said, “Tyson doesn’t listen at all!  Not at all!”  I don’t know why I had to remind my husband that Ty is 2 and it is a work in progress, but remind him I did.  But what was so funny was when I asked Tyson, “Ty, what did you do with Daddy today?”  And Ty said, “Time-outs with Daddy.”  Out of everything they had done for 12+ hours and that is what he remembered?  There must have been a lot of them! 

On Sunday I had to work, but worked 3p-3a.  The 4 of us were able to have a nice breakfast together and I got the boys down for their naps.  Then I left for work about 1 hour early so I could go to the pharmacies sans kids.  The really unfortunate part of this day was that it was the opening game for the Patriots and I had signed myself up to work!  What was I thinking?  I listened to the game on my radio between pharmacies and then watched on my iPhone while in the stores.  I ended up being able to watch until Half-time and then was able to watch bits and pieces until the end of the game.  They won, but - what a poor showing!  I’m a bit worried about the team this year.  We’ll see how it goes – I know it is a little early!  In the afternoon, Heath and the boys did some errands and went to DQ.  Lucky ducks.

Monday was the only staying-at-home-all-day day for this week!  Very unlike us.  It was a good day for it, since I had worked the night before and got my usual 3 hours of sleep.  Tyson had a day of thanks of Monday!  Westin is such a mobile little bugger – I think I wrote about having trouble when I bring the dogs outside.  He stands right up, holding onto the screen door, so it makes it difficult to open the door without him doing a face plant.  You have to time it just right and catch him!  I have since gotten smarter and closed the front door, instead of just the screen door, and for some reason, he doesn’t get in front of the front door!  Well, he had done it again on Monday morning and was standing up on the screen door and Ty was with me on the front porch.  Ty seemed to get stressed out about Westin’s predicament.  But I was able to open the door and catch him without any problems.  Tyson got all excited!  He said, “Thank you Jesus!  Thank you saving Westy!”  That just warms my heart that Ty’s initial reaction was to thank Jesus!  There is not a better feeling as a parent when your child shows a love for God.  So Ty’s thankfulness continued when out of nowhere while eating his lunch, he said…..

Ty:  “Thank you Mama.”
Me:  “For what, Ty?”
Ty:  “For soup!”

How cute!  He has been saying “thank you” a lot more lately, just when you hand him things or do things for him.  I love to hear it!  On Monday night I wondered what Tyson was dreaming about.  His activeness while sleeping continues.  He must have been having a nightmare because he sat up, yelling, “No!  No!  No!” and then started hitting his pillow!  But he didn’t wake up, he just rolled over and went back to sleep.  Poor guy.

You can't tell...but he climbed right onto the dishwasher!

This is Tyson's method of picking up - he literally threw his toys in a corner!  Look at the car up on two wheels!

More picking up to be done - Westin emptied the entire bookshelf onto the floor!  This kid is trouble!

Having fun with Daddy after work

Tuesday was a busy day.  I got the boys up and moving way earlier than they would have liked to get up, but we had plans!  We were going to York’s Animal Kingdom in York, Maine with Noni, Shannon & the kids, and Grammy Lin (Sean’s mother).  Noni rode with us, much to the delight of the boys.  The funniest thing happened while we were driving over there.  I had a touch of road rage at a car, and I said, “You stupid idiot!”  Well, that set my mother off into a holier-than-thou-soapbox discussion of how Tyson was going to start repeating everything we say, and how would I like it if he went around telling everyone they were an idiot…etc..etc.  After she was finished with her sermon, what did we hear coming from the back seat?  Tyson laughing while repeating over and over, “idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot!”  Thank you Mom!!!!  If she hadn’t said anything, he wouldn’t have said a thing!!!!  Well, that is probably not true because he has already said a couple of unpleasant words that I will not get into, and obviously we know where he has gotten that from.  Yes, we need to work on EVERYTHING that we say at all times.  So we had a nice time seeing all the animals at the park.  The kids loved it – we all did, until it started raining pretty hard (I had checked the weather before we left and it said between 10-20% of rain.  Yeah right).  It had been kind of sprinkling on and off but then the flood gates opened.  The really unfortunate part was that I hadn’t checked our double stroller before I loaded it in the car.  I don’t know why I would have needed to check it, but Heath (for some reason) had taken off the canopy top off the stroller (maybe it was easier to store).  So this meant I had no head cover for Westin at all!  The poor baby!  So he got the only umbrella I had.  I tried to wedge it in but it kept falling over, but then Westin started holding it himself!  He loved it – he thought he was such a big shot!  Before the rain drove us out (we had seen everything anyways), we had tried to go to this animal presentation, but it was a no-go.  There was only like 6 other people there, and it was a very small area…so you couldn’t hide anything.  Tyson & Finley were crazy.  They were so loud and so disruptive…we had to leave.  How embarrassing.  While we were at the park, we found out some new, exciting news in our family.  Shawn & Camille are pregnant with their 3rd child!  This came as a pretty big shock since they had been talking forever that they were done at 2 kids.  But they changed their minds!  So that was a big deal!  We are very happy for them!  After we left the park, we went to this restaurant that is one of Grammy Lin’s favorites.  It was right on the ocean and it was beautiful.  Even though it was lousy outside, we opted to eat on the covered patio.  It was right on the ocean and it was spectacular.  We were smart and sat Finley & Ty way apart from each other and both of them were great during the meal.  So I have a confession to make.  I have never done this before anywhere, but I brought a lunch in for Ty to eat.  I had brought a sack lunch, in case we ate at the park, but since everyone else wanted to go out – I wasn’t going to complain.  I got a vegeburger and it was $8.50.  I felt that the price was pretty reasonable.  Then I took a look at the kid menu and the kids meals were $8.25!!!!!!  What?  How does that make sense?  Well, there was no way I was paying $8.25 for a kid’s grilled cheese, so I went right to the car and got his sack lunch.  I have always thought that it was rude to do that, but I didn’t care.  I draw the line at $6.00 for a kid’s meal.  Ridiculous.  Ty did the funniest thing at the restaurant.  Mom & Shannon had passed their glasses over to the waiter for a refill, so Tyson obviously noticed this.  Ty raised his empty juice box and tried to give the waiter the juice box for a refill! (=  I laughed so hard at that one!  After lunch, we headed home.  Noni was having a busy day with us, too.  She had offered to baby-sit for Heath & I so we could go out for my birthday (that was some weeks back).  So we went to Smitty’s that night for dinner & a movie.  We saw “We’re the Millers.”  Very inappropriate comedy but it was the funniest comedy we have seen in years.  We laughed the whole movie long and the entire ride home.  It was just very, very funny.  We had a nice night out, just the two of us.  I wish we would do it more!

Mom feeding the goats

But she didn't like it!

Holding the umbrella

They have deer just walking free - Ty was afraid of them!

They know where the food is!

Watching the tigers

Griffin smiling at his auntie

Yes, Ty was knocking on the glass - telling them to wake up too!

The goats weren't stupid - they were all huddled together to get out of the rain

I worked on Wednesday and I can’t remember anything earth-shattering that happened in the AM, before I left.  Heath told me a cute thing Ty had said that night.  Ty had been running around , giggling, and singing over and over, “Oh my darling, Oh my darling! (that’s the only part to “Oh my darling, Clementine” that he knows).  Ty ended up being out of breath and Heath asked him why.  Tyson replied, “Too much singing Daddy!”

Thursday was another busy day.  We had a normal morning and the boys had their naps.  Then in the afternoon, it was off to the VW dealer for Heath’s car to be serviced for 30,000 miles.  Oil change, tire rotation, and fluids filled took 1 hour and 45 minutes.  C’mon!  The boys did well, playing in a waiting room without any toys.  Westin had a blast emptying out the diaper bag twice.  I know the floor is not the best place for them, but what are you going to do?  You roll with it!  That night we went to Fratello’s and had great Italian.  My parents, Sonia & Adam came with us.  We had a full crew and had a wonderful time!  When we got home from the restaurant, Ty said the cutest thing to Heath.

Ty:       “Daddy, come to living room!”
Heath:  “Why?”
Ty:        “Ty want to do horsey neigh on you!” (horsey neigh equals Ty sitting on Heath & pretends he is horseback riding)

Diaper bag hunting

Donald Duck makes it easy to entertain Ty

Have a great week!  


Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog Alison! I just miss you, and it's fun to see your family almost in real time!

Corey said...

You've never brought in a sack lunch before? Oh my!! Welcome to the club. Eating out gets mighty expensive once you have multiple kids eating meals. I wouldn't say I bring in a sack lunch per se but I bring in enough stuff so that I don't have to order whole meals for them.

I saw that movie too and thought it was hilarious!

Alison said...

Hey - "unknown"... reveal yourself! (=