Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Westin Thinks He Can Walk, Fishing, "Here Now," First Ice-Creams, Tyson the Top Chef, Cousin Colby is Born, Ty Using His Full Name & "Tuck Ty In"

Wes:  9 Months & 2 Weeks Old
Ty:  2 Years, 10 Months & 2 Weeks Old

Last Friday Shannon and the kids came over.  Shannon & I had a deal going.  I would watch Finley, while she & Griffin went to a few stores.  Then she watched Ty while Wes & I went to the grocery store.  That worked pretty well, except that I got screwed by that deal.  Finley & Ty played (or should I say, fought) the whole time, but both Fin & Ty were napping the whole time I was gone and Shannon was baby-sitting!  No fair!  But it was heavenly to grocery shop with just one child.  Tyson is such a funny boy, but it takes 10 times as long with him – due to his constant questions, constant touching of everything, and his throwing fits.  The Frosts headed home in the late afternoon.  When Heath got home, we ended the work week with a wonderful meal consisting of minestrone soup with green beans from our garden.  Tyson’s “yummy tummy” catch phrase was said many times that night!  Westin is pulling himself up on everything all the time now!  It is so cute, but he really gets himself in trouble and is dangerous!  He pulled himself up, holding onto Tyson’s big orange/yellow car, but then he thinks he can walk!  He just lets go and then face plants on the floor!  Thank goodness that it is on the carpet!  I am paranoid about him pulling up on the hardwood floor – that is a big accident waiting to happen! 

This is what Shannon had to deal with...

And...this is what I had to deal with!!!

He at least picked it up - look at his neat stacks!

Westin pulling himself up on the car - right before he let go & face-planted!

On Sabbath we went to Sabbath school and church in Laconia.  We hadn’t been there in awhile and it was nice to see people there.  After church, we went home and had lunch and then put the boys down for their naps.  After they woke up, we went down to a river in our town and Heath & Ty did some fishing.  They didn’t catch a thing, but they had a good time trying!  Wes & I hung out together and watched them.  After the fishing, we walked down by the dam and went to the playground.  The boys slid down on the slides together – Ty really wanted to go down with Westin.  I was worried about that at first but the slides are pretty slow, so it went fine and we were right there!  One thing that Ty has been saying lately whenever we go anywhere is “here now!”  He will say that as we slow down for a traffic light, or when we start to pull into somewhere – he says it prematurely a lot of the time!  But he always says it as we are pulling into the driveway at home.  “Here now!”  We had a great meal on the grill when we got home that ended our fun 

Tyson being disciplined during church

Grabbing Daddy's tongue during church

This is Westin after taking a nap - he fell asleep with his hand pressed against his leg!!!

They took an ATV ride after naps

Westin's first ride!

Our fishing spot

Nothing beats fishing with Daddy

Ty calling to the fish to get his bait & then tries to recast the line!

Wes & Mama watching the fishing - both of us aren't looking, but Wes looks so happy!

Sliding together

I brought some baby food to feed to him at the playground, but the spoon I had brought fell out of my pocket!  The poor kid was all dressed up and ready and hungry!  

Never mind me snorting on the video!

On Sunday we had a nice breakfast together and then we divided and conquered.  I stayed at home with Wes while he took his 3 hour AM nap (can’t miss that) while Heath took Ty to get his truck inspected.  It was supposed to be done in July, but he had to replace the glow plugs (whatever they are) because the engine light was on and it will not pass inspection with the light on.  While they were doing the inspection, Heath walked with Ty down the road and they went to Home Depot.  Heath said it was a longer walk than he thought, but Ty complained about walking most of the time and he had to carry him, so…I’m sure it felt like forever!  When they came back home from those adventures, Ty was carrying a Dunkin Donuts bag with munchkins.  Ty had already eaten 3, Heath had had 3 and there were 4 left.  Ty held the bag close to him and was crying, “No Mama donuts.  Mama eat them all!”  Smart kid.  Donuts are a real weakness for me.  I gave Ty another one and I did have 3, why did he think I was being such a pig?  Ty then took a nap and then went outside, doing yard work with Heath.  Wes & I went to the pharmacies and then we met Heath & Ty at DQ.  It was a momentous occasion for both boys.  Ty got his first very own kiddie ice-cream cone and Westin tried a taste of ice-cream for the first time!  Both boys thought they were in heaven!  Next time we need to tell them to make Ty’s cone tiny because it was huge!  We finished the night by getting pizza take-out since we had a coupon for Pizza Hut.  2 medium pizzas for $4.99 each – can’t beat the price!  We hardly ever get pizza, so I didn’t feel too badly about the unhealthiness of it!  I am trying to cook more healthful since Heath’s cholesterol is elevated.  I am trying to only have a small amount of cheese a couple of times a week (and use the Cabot’s 75% less fat cheese when we do), only cook with Eggbeaters, no butter (unless baking), and obviously use fat free as much as possible.  We will see if that will make a difference – I hope so!

First taste...

First cone!

Our big plans on Monday was Laundry Day.  Tyson had other plans and wanted to cook for me!  All week long, he has been doing his “cooking.”  He drags out the cookie sheets, muffin tins, cutting boards, paper plates/bowls etc… and he cooks!  I ask him what he is doing and he says, “Ty cooking.”  He made me blueberry pancakes, soup, and french fries!  These are ideas that he came up with completely on his own!  So cute!  He really might want to be a chef one day!  One thing that happened on Monday was when I was feeding Wes his afternoon bottle.  I usually watch General Hospital, while feeding Westin, and this is Tyson’s time to watch videos on the iPad.  Ty is usually engrossed in his own video, but looks up occasionally to my soap opera.  I knew I was in trouble on Monday.  One of the main characters had gotten shot.  I happened to glance over at Ty and he was staring open-mouthed at the TV.  I shut it right off and realized that I needed to do damage control, since Ty gets freaked out so easily about almost anything.  The scene was supposed to be shocking, with the beautiful woman in a white dress with the blood all over her dress, very contrasted.  I told Ty, “This is terrible.  She spilled ketchup all over her dress.  It is ruined.  You hate when you get ketchup on your clothes, don’t you?”  I held my breath, seeing if he would buy it, and he said, “Yes!  Ty hates ketchup on Ty’s clothes!”  Thank goodness!  Crisis adverted!  When Heath got home on Monday night, we had a quick supper and then he & Ty went and got their haircuts.  Wes & I stayed at home so I could finish feeding Westin his supper.  We got a big surprise when Ty & Heath got home.  Tyson had green hair!  They had put green hair gel in his hair and he thought he was such a rock star!  It was so cute! 

Ty cooking

Playdough muffins

Westin wants in on the cooking 

Banging on the pizza stone

Green hair

Tuesday was my 34th birthday!  Oh my!  I am definitely feeling older.  Corey had her baby boy, Colby Cabot Grodack, that morning (on purpose on mine & Mimi’s birthday)!  Everything went very well, so praise God!  Mom was coming over to baby-sit but she came over a bit early to hang out and Shannon & the kids came again too.  We had a nice, quick visit before I had to leave for work!  Mom taught Ty a new trick on Tuesday.  He can now say his full name.  I’ll say, “Ty, what is your name?”  And he will say. “Tyson Keith Edwards.”  His “Keith” sounds like “Keiff,” but it is so cute!  Something funny happened to me while I was at work that night.  I was taking care of a patient, who had been joking around with me non-stop.  He made some comment and then he said, “Well, it IS my birthday.”  I thought he was joking, so I grabbed his hospital bracelet until I found his date of birth.  He wasn’t kidding!  I looked at him and said, “It’s my birthday too!”  Then he didn’t believe me!  What are the odds of that happening?  It was crazy!  When I got home from work, I had a whole bunch of chocolate chip cookies waiting for me, made by Heath & the boys.  How sweet!  And “yummy tummy!”

Colby Cabot Grodack 
(courtesy of Aunt Melanie's Facebook)

Wednesday I was dragging a bit after my shift, but it was doable.  Tyson sang “Happy Birthday” to me!  So sweet!  Westin woke up on a mission!  He is just non-stop action right now!  Right after waking up and I took him out of his crib, he crawled right over to the air mattress in his room and he pulled himself onto the top of it – which he had been trying to do for weeks!  Then he crawled into the bathroom and was going to pull himself up and hold onto the tub, when he misjudged how far he had to go…and he crawled directly into the side of the tub – hitting his face straight-on onto the tub.  Poor guy – he actually cried with that one!  The bumps and bruises did not stop for Westin that day.  Tyson, for some weird reason, kept beating on him.  Ty stepped on Westin’s hand on purpose and ran the big Tonka dump truck directly into Westin’s face.  What in the world?  Why?  Major timeouts and spankings were had, let me tell you.  Unacceptable.  When Heath got home, we went to the OG, just the 4 of us.  We decided to go out to eat a night early because #1) it was my birthday the day before, #2) I’m really tired after working the night before and do not feel like cooking, and #3) we were going to Maine for Labor Day weekend and needed to spend Thursday night packing.  So we went!  Tyson said the cutest thing to Heath at the OG.  He leaned over to him, kissed him, and said, “Ty missed you when you workin’, Daddy.”  The boys did well and Westin is doing great with the Puffs at a restaurant now!   It really keeps him occupied!  I also gave him some bread there for the first time.  He loved it!

Getting ready to stand

Devoring the breadstick

On Thursday we spent most of the day packing for the weekend away.  I figured something out with Westin.  It really gets hot in his room for his late afternoon nap (he goes down at about 3:30 or 4 PM).  If I put him in Ty’s room with the AC on, he sleeps so much longer than if he is in his 83 degree room!  So I’ve started to do that.  Tyson was not sure about this at first, but then he started to think that it is fun.  “Westy in Ty’s bed!  Westy in Ty’s bed!”  If Tyson’s happy, then everyone’s happy!  Speaking of which, we are starting to have some issues with Tyson again at bedtime.  His OCD is really getting bad.  We literally have had to go up about 5-6 times per night at bedtime to “tuck Ty in.”  He has to have it absolutely perfect or he will cry for us to tuck him in again.  If his little arm gets out of the blanket, then up the stairs we go!  I’m trying to tell him that as long as his shoulders are covered, then he is good!  Most of the time, he doesn’t buy it.  But I have to keep trying!  Whatever I can do to try to help his OCD! 

Have a great week!


Shannon said...

I love reading about your life! It seems filled with drug store coupon shopping, going out to eat, and boy stories!! Very entertaining :) Westin is just so cute with his chubby cheeks and beautiful eyes...oh I wish we were closer! And yes, I watched your videos from last week...funny times. Both kids are in school all day, so I am trying to figure out what to do with myself. Today I am cleaning and sorting through both kids rooms and getting rid of stuff. It's very cathartic!! Miss you Alison...

Kelly said...

I can't believe how mobile Wes is after just seeing him in Nova Scotia! I kinda wish Caleb was doing that too, but not sure if I'm ready for all the movement! Love reading all the Ty stories and seeing the pictures!

Corey said...

So ketchup on Connie's dress, huh? That must be what Sonny thought too since it took him so long to call 911.