Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Proper Crawling, Stair Climbing, "Ty Be Careful", Phone Calls, Avoiding Pooping & Naughty Boy Antics

Wes:  10 Months & 1 Week Old
Ty:  2 Years, 11 Months & 1 Week Old

Last Friday marked a big accomplishment for Westin!  He no longer “army crawls!”  He had been army crawling forever, dragging his belly on floor while he crawled…and let me tell you, he could go so fast!  For the last week or so, he had been crawling the “correct way” occasionally, but he would still go back into the army crawl most of the time.  But Friday was the day I realized that he wasn’t army crawling at all anymore.  If I thought he was fast before….this kid can fly! (=  Not only that but he can climb the stairs now!  Heath found him on the 3rd step before, when the gate got left open.  I went behind him on the stairs to see how he would do and he made it up 7 steps before he was tiring out (or getting bored).  He is an animal!  Well, on Friday, we had our regular grocery shopping day and then I quickly got ready to go to a wake.  The father of my closest friend at work had passed away last week and I was going to the wake that night.  I was going through my black dresses and, of course, Ty could not help himself and had to have a fashion show. 
Me:  “Ty, you know that boys do not wear dresses.  Girls wear dresses.”
Ty:  “Yes, Ty wears dresses.”
Me:  “No, only girls.”
Ty:  “No.  Ty wears dresses.  Ty twirls around.  Ty sings.”
(I’m not really sure what the singing part has to do with it, but it cracked me up regardless!)

Climbing the stairs

Holding hands while grocery shopping

On Sabbath, I returned the favor of watching the kids, since Heath had done it for me the night before.  He went ATVing with his father and brother for the day and didn’t get home until about 9 PM.  I don’t know what was wrong with me, but I didn’t feel brave enough to take both of the kids to church alone.  I know Heath does it, but it is easier for him to maneuver and hold both of them if needed.  I know I should have, but I chickened out.  I know I could do it, but did I want to?  Not really.  This is especially because Westin is such an animal right now.  He is becoming the age when HE is the difficult one now!  He has been the easiest one between the two of them, since he was born!  But you can reason and discipline Tyson, but Westin is in that in between stage – where he doesn’t really understand and you can’t spank him or put him in time out!  So anyway, we had a day at home on Sabbath.  Speaking of Wes being difficult, he took a whole hour to go to sleep for his afternoon nap!  That is unheard of.  Westin is usually such a rock star and for every nap and every bedtime, he goes right to sleep by himself without a peep.  Lately, it has been not as immediate, because he wants to be on the go so much!  I will lay him down and he immediately starts crawling and pulls himself up in the crib.  So, he will stand for awhile and then lay himself down.  But I don’t know what happened this day, but he just took forever to go to sleep.  He wasn’t crying or anything, just not sleeping.  Weird.  Then Tyson was very attached to his baby on this day.  He loves his little baby, but sometimes he doesn’t do anything with him for weeks.  But Ty would not put him down on this day.  I don’t know if he was focused on his potty-training, but he was “potty-training” his baby!  It was the cutest thing!  Ty would say everything that we say to him with his training.   This is exactly what he said:  “Baby, you need to go poop?  OK!  Run to potty!”  Then he would leave the baby in the bathroom (I never saw exactly where he placed him – that is scary) and then he would peek his head in the door and say, “Are you done, Baby?  OK!  Ty will wipe your bum!”  Then they would emerge from the bathroom and Ty would be singing Baby’s praises.  “Great job, Baby!  You get treat now!”  I drew the line there, since I knew that Ty would be raiding the candy cabinet.  Maybe that was his master plan all along!  Brilliant. 

"Oooo...don't tell Ty I have his Baby!"

He thanks Jesus for everything he sees..."wipes, laptop, candy, Ty's house....etc..."

On Sunday AM, we had a nice breakfast together.  Ty & Heath made homemade apple cider donuts with a brown sugar glaze!  They were fantastic!  Westin loved them but he still won’t eat cereal – including Banana Nut Cheerios!  C’mon!  Ty said the cutest thing during breakfast.  We had heard a loud motorcycle go by our house and he said, “Ty loves motorcycles.”  I hated to break his heart, but I told him that there was no way that he would ever ride a motorcycle.  I told him that they were way too dangerous.  Well, Tyson had an answer for me.  He said, “It OK, Mama.  Ty be careful.  Ty wear seat belt.”  So cute!!!!  Heath & Ty went on their normal errands to Lowe’s & Home Depot before Ty’s nap, but Westin & I didn’t make it to the pharmacies because we were too busy watching the Patriots go 3-0.  They were playing Tampa Bay and despite a slow start, there was definite improvement with the offense.  That was encouraging to see.  Just after the game, the Frosts came over for a visit and Thai take-out.  It was like the good ol’ days when they lived up the road. 

Too bad we cut off Ty!

Highlights on Monday?  Laundry day and Ty took a 3 hour nap!  Ty kept messing around with his cell phones (our old ones) and “calling” Manda, Shannon & Sean.  At one point he said, “Shh... Mama.  Need to be very, very quiet.  Ty on phone with Sean.”  He is so funny – he will carry on a normal phone conversation like the other person is really on the other line!  He pauses for them to answer questions and everything!  What is so funny is that when we actually put him on the phone with any of these people…he clams right up!  He won’t say a thing!  Another thing that he is giving me trouble with again…is pooping!  He isn’t having accidents but he doesn’t want to go!  He had a hard poop one day and ever since, he has done everything to prevent him from going!  I told him that the poop WILL hurt, if he keeps holding it.  We must have had 10 false alarms on Monday,  where he would need to go, but would freak out and immediately get off his potty seat.  This could get old.  Monday afternoon the boys & I headed out and did all the pharmacies and got my oil changed.  Then Heath met us at Rite Aid and surprised the boys (they were so excited) and then we went home.  Heath & Ty made us an apple pie that night!  Oh boy!  By the way, that is Tyson’s newest catch phrase.  “Oh boy!”  He says it a lot and it brings a smile to my face.

Making a pie!

Tuesday was a busy day.  Shannon, Griffin & Finley came over in the AM and I watched Fin while Shan & Griffy went to a few thrift stores.  Finley was much better behaved this time!  A lot less screaming!  At 1 PM, we met Mom & Nanny & Papa at a local Chinese restaurant!  Nanny & Papa are visiting for about a week. After the restaurant, they all came over to our house (Poppy came later) for more visiting.  I can’t remember any specific stories that happened, though – just a fun visit. 

Fireman & fire hydrant hats!

Westin loves Griffin so much!

Wednesday I worked and Mom, Nanny & Papa babysat the boys.  Again, can’t remember any stories.

On Thursday I recovered from my half-night shift and we laid low at home during the day.  Well, who can “recover” with a 10 month old “running” all around?  Westin has new naughty-boy obsessions now.  You can add these to the list of the dog water and dog food.  He loves to pull himself up onto my plant stand and rip leaves off my plant!  And then (just like Tyson), he loves to open our paperwork cabinet and pull all the paperwork onto the floor!  What a rascal!  Thursday night, Adam & us went to the Mexican restaurant, did Big Lots, and Heath & Adam got haircuts.  Fun times. 

More antics...

Throwing dishes on the floor

The ol' favorite - dog food!

That’s it!  Have a great week!

Squishing Ty between the couch

Yes, he ran around the room like this

And kept falling down too!

They were reading a story underneath the basket - Westin wanted in too!

Ty keeps putting the helmet on Wes

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