Sunday, November 6, 2011

Trick-or-Treating, Fevers Again, & Testing Limits

Week 53

Last Friday we played at home and then went to Goodwill with my mother and Shannon & Finley.  It was a good time and we got a few things - mostly for Ty for next year.  After Goodwill, Ty & I rushed to Walmart to get him a Halloween costume.  Since we don't live in a neighborhood, we weren't really sure where to take him trick-or-treating, but our outlets have kids trick-or-treat there, so we figured that would be the place to go.  Unfortunately, they decided to have Halloween on Friday and not ON Halloween.  So I had Heath get home at 5:00PM sharp, so we could rush down to have him trick-or-treat for about 40 minutes before the sun went down.  The bummer was that Walmart had NO baby costumes.  The smallest was a 2T and it was absolutely massive and there was no way he was going to fit that.  The Walmart in Concord had baby costumes, so we really were stupid when we didn't pick one up.  So I grabbed a clown wig and some clown make-up.  We grabbed a crazy outfit and Heath tried to put make-up on Ty.  Babies and make-up just don't work.  He smeared it to kingdom come all over his face, his highchair and carseat.  And that stuff does not come out!  Anyway, we got him dressed in about 10 minutes and off we went.  It was absolutey freezing!  Ty was kind of numbing it, but seemed to have fun.  There were a TON of kids out at the outlets and it was fun to see them all in their costumes.  Hopefully it won't be on Friday night next year and we can go for the whole time!  After trick-or-treating, we got home and the Frosts came over for dinner.  Ty & Uncle Sean have this cute thing with each other - where they grin at each other with closed mouth smiles - and I captured it on camera!  It's so cute.

Trick-or-treating time with Mom!

Excited to get his candy!

Getting his goodies (or should I say, "our goodies!")

Trying out his loot

Uncle Sean couldn't resist trying on the garb

Their closed smile grins!

On Sabbath I worked and Ty & Heath stayed at home.  On Saturday night, I had to drive home in the worst weather I've ever drove in.  We actually had a Nor'Easter in October!  It was crazy.  I was only able to drive about 35 mph on the highway all the way home - it was such a white-out I couldn't see anything!  So about an hour and 15 minutes later, I finally made it home.  Thanks to Jesus for hearing my prayers!

On Sunday, I awoke at 4:30 AM and got Heath up too, so he could dig out my car and get me out of the driveway!  It was still snowing and we had nearly 2 feet of snow!  Unbelievable.  Everyone at work complained about the commute, but it was heavenly compared to the night before!  I am so lucky that my husband got right up and got me out at that crazy hour!  The sad thing is that Tyson woke up at the same time and wouldn't go back to sleep for Heath.  That was a bit abnormal.  Well, Ty had a good day with Daddy and then Grammy came over later and they played.  But Ty was not himself, again and he got another fever of 101.7 out of nowhere.  What in the world?

On Monday I was home and worried about Ty and his fever.  But his fever was gone and nowhere in sight!  I was so glad!  We hit up the pharmacies and I got my "deal of a lifetime."  The blogger that gives me all the deals said, "This kind of deal only comes around once in a lifetime."  The bottom line is that I got $66.88 worth of Cover Girl make-up and I MADE $8.29!  Incredible.  This happened due to coupons for every item, $15 cash back from Rite Aid, and a $10 rebate from Proctor & Gamble.  It was a moment of glory, I'll tell you that much.  Poor Ty though, I was at the Cover Girl area for about 30 minutes trying to figure all this out with my calculator and he was getting a bit cranky - but he got through it!  When we got home, I tried to be good and come up with a creative lunch for Ty, instead of his usual fare - so I tried pieces of a Griller and a quesadilla - but he wouldn't eat hardly any of it.  That's what I get for thinking outside of the box!  Ty has been testing limits lately and on Monday it wasn't any different.  He had my cell phone (his prized possession) and that was fine - but then he started banging my phone on the end table.  I gave him the warning and "the look" - but he kept banging it.  And this was looking right at me - knowing that I told him "No."  So I took the phone away, but that did not mean that it was over.  Ty got a definant look on his face, like challenging me, and grabbed a hold of our lamp and started tugging at it (which Ty knows he is not allowed to do)!  It was like he was saying to me, "If you are going to take that away, then I'm going to do this!"  Man, I'm in trouble with this one.
My big deal!

Playing with his dinosaur that my friend, Susan gave him

I found him underneath the table trying to sneak a soda! (=

On Tuesday Ty & I puttered around and played at home.  One thing that he did, made me think that Ty is pretty smart.  We have put child locks on 2 of our cabinets in the kitchen and he is forever trying to get in them!  Once Ty goes to bed, I don't usually re-lock them until the morning.  Well, in the AM, I hadn't relocked them yet and Ty noticed.  He let out a squeal and took off on a dead run towards the first cabinet.  I caught him just in time and locked it!  He didn't cry or anything, but went right around me and made a beeline to the second cabinet!!!!  I couldn't believe that he noticed that!  What a smarty pants.  At dinner he wouldn't eat again and, wouldn't you know it, he had a fever of 102.0!!!  What in the world again???
He looks angelic here, but he was just trying to open this cabinet door to the point where I thought it would pull it down on himself! )=

Loving his ATV!

He wanted to play so much that he wouldn't sit still to take his bubba - so he took it standing up!

On Wednesay AM, he was up screaming from 3:30 AM and to 5:45 AM (of course the night before I had to go to work).  He was in bed with us and he still wouldn't sleep.  We tried teething gel, Tylenol, and even gave him a bottle and it didn't make a bit of difference.  I still think it is his teeth.  I was tempted to stay home with him, but Heath made a good point that he should stay - since he actually gets sick days.  But he went to work and we told my mom to call him if he was miserable.  But he wasn't.  He took a 2 hour nap in the AM and then played well and ate well.  No fever until about 5 PM and then it was 101.4.  But he acted fine otherwise.  After work, I ran to the dumpster for about 14 inserts (there wasn't as many as usual because there weren't any Sunday papers delivered because of the blizzard).  But any is better than nothing!  

This is why I think it is his teeth - he has been making this "duck face" this week all of a sudden

On Thursday I worked on cleaning the house, but couldn't get it all done.  Ty was again fever-free and that lasted the whole day!  Ty took 1 step towards me on that day, but didn't even realize it!  He is so close!  Shannon & Finley came over in the afternoon and we hung out.  Finley was trying to sleep, but it just isn't the greatest atmosphere for her!  Besides the dogs barking at every little thing, Ty kept doing this loud whine, which would wake her up.... and then Finley would finally be asleep and Ty would keep pushing different buttons on her bouncer to wake her up.  He is something else!  One crazy thing that he did in the afternoon was take the TV remote away from Auntie Shannon.  In 2 seconds flat, we looked up at the TV and Ty had changed the channel to cartoons.  That kid knows what he is doing.  Seriously. (=  On Thursday night, my parents were in Conway and Sean was working late, so Heath, Ty & I went to the mexican restaurant.  It was delicious, as usual, and Ty ate quite a bit of beans, rice, and potatoes.  There's hope for him eating regular food, after all!  Have a great week!

Shan & Finley visiting

Taking the remote away...

and look what he did!

I think we have the Roomba obsession fixed - Ty is scared of the chicken! (=

My smiley guy

1 comment:

Mia Valeriani said...

hi alison it is mia i loved tyson's costume