Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Scary ATV, Peanuts, Sewing Stuff, & 1st Salon Haircut

15 Months

I know I have already said how great Ty’s sleeping has been, but I just can’t get over it!  I don't know why we never did this before!  I keep on saying lately,"'crying it out' was the best thing we have ever done!"  The new thing that has happened this week with his sleeping, is that his middle of the night wakings have improved dramatically.  Most of the time he doesn't wake up at all.  But if he does... instead of waking up and refusing to go back to sleep alone and screaming and screaming… I go in there, give him a drink of water, and then hug him (while he is standing up in the crib).  After hugging him for about 5 seconds, Ty gets out of my embrace, lays himself down in his crib and GOES RIGHT BACK TO SLEEP!!!!  I am in heaven. 

On Friday it was pajama day again for Ty and I!  Love pajama day – just lounging around the house with my boy!  It was a low key day, except for the fact that Heath bought an ATV on his lunch break.  He has had the money saved for years and had been looking for a good used one, but he ended up getting a new one for the same price!  Adam got one too.  So that was exciting.  I don’t remember too much of what else happened that day.

This is what we do during pajama day - get stuck underneath our chairs!

On Sabbath I worked and Ty and Heath stayed home since Ty was still getting over his cold.  They had a good day at home.  There is not a place Ty would rather be than home with his daddy!  What a difference 2 weeks make.  2 weeks ago when I had to work my last weekend, Ty cried for most of the night on both Friday and Saturday nights.  Well, not anymore!  I got some great sleep for the weekend!

Ty loves his Daddy - look at that hair!

On Sunday I worked again and Heath tried desperately to finish cleaning out the basement… so he could fit his ATV in the garage.  Heath brought Ty down for awhile, but that didn’t work out too well.  Heath gave up after Ty ate a fistful of sawdust.  Oh my.  Sonia came over to see Ty, so Heath was able to get some more things done.  When I got home from work, Sonia & Heath had Thai take-out for us for supper.  That was a nice treat.

On Monday I was home in the morning with Ty.  For lunch I gave Tyson my left-over Massaman curry.  It has peanuts in the curry, but I didn’t give him the whole peanuts… but this was his first test for peanuts.  I was really nervous, but it went well without any reaction.  Thank goodness (and he loved it).  Ty & I hit the grocery store and the pharmacies in the afternoon.  I can’t remember all my deals, except that I made $1 on 2 bottles of infant Tylenol!  Can’t have enough Tylenol!  One thing that he has started doing is standing up on his little ATV!  Talk about dangerous.  On Monday night, Heath picked up the new ATV.  We were wondering if Ty would notice that Heath had gotten a bigger version of one of his favorite toys.  We brought him down to the basement to “introduce” Ty to it, and Heath started it up.  Well, that scared Ty to death and he started crying.  Poor thing.  Hopefully he’ll get used to it.

Scared Ty

On Tuesday I decided to go for the big guns and give Ty a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for the first time.  First, I put some peanut butter on his belly and rubbed it in the skin.  After a couple of hours, there wasn’t a rash… so I continued.  Ty loved the sandwich, so that was good, and again, no reaction.  What wasn’t good was that Tyson has become obsessed with going into our guest room.  It is Sewing Central for me right now, and is stocked with all kinds of sewing supplies.  Unfortunately, our guest room door does not latch fully and all Ty has to do is push the door and it opens.  So, every time I turned around, he was going into the guest room.  Then he would take my spools of thread and walk out of the room – and there was threads wrapped all around the house!!!!  What a mess.  Another problem is that our new printer is set up in that room (until we use up all the rest of the toner in the old printer), so Ty has been pushing a bunch of buttons on it.  Funny thing is that now the new printer hasn’t printed in a few days!  I’m not sure what Ty has done to it!  On Tuesday night, we went down to Concord with Shannon & Sean and went to the Longhorn.  We had never been there before, and I, personally, hope not to return.  There is just not a thing for vegetarians.  

He loves the sewing stuff

Eating at the Longhorn

On Wednesday I worked and Ty squeezed a day in with Noni, before she left on her trip out west.  One thing that Ty did was get into my candy cabinet and actually got a box of Good n’ Plenty out.  I really am going to need to do something with the cabinet.  A regular baby-proofing lock won’t work on that cabinet, so right now I am trying to keep it blocked off from Ty.  We’ll see how long it lasts.  I can’t get rid of my candy!  Something else interesting happened with Noni.  Ty actually cried when he went down for his nap.  Did he actually think he could pull one over on Noni?  Well, she didn’t cave and he only cried for a few minutes and then went to sleep!  I went to the dumpster after work, but it was completely full – to the point where I couldn’t even climb in!  They better empty it out because I need to get in there!

On Thursday we started off the day with trying strawberries for the first time.  No luck again.  I am so sick of Ty rejecting every single fruit I give him.  Sick of it.  Shannon & Fin came over in the afternoon, and Ty really is interacting with Finley now.  And she is noticing him too!  It is very cute.  In the evening, Heath, Adam, Ty & I went down to Manchester to pick up Keith’s ATV.  Yes, he bought one too!  Now all the Edwards’ boys have them!  After the ATV stop, we went for haircuts.  Well, everyone but me.  Ty had his first official haircut in a salon!  He did GREAT!  They had Heath hold him in his lap and I helped hold his head still.  It was so helpful that Adam was getting his hair cut at the same time, so Ty just watched Adam the whole time!  He was so good!  I don’t care how much money it costs, we have to keep up on the haircuts.  He looks like a different kid.  The shag that he was wearing on his head – I couldn’t take one more minute.  After the haircuts, we went to Chipotle.  Ty did a great job of eating and he was just overall patient throughout the whole night.


After!  He is not happy in this pic, though!

Have a great week!  Here are some pics of a Tyson/Finley photo shoot! (pre-haircut, unfortunately)


Shawn Brace said...

Finley is getting so big! FYI on the peanuts, Camden showed no reaction to the peanuts the first several times we gave them to him. Ty probably will be fine, but I've heard other people and Doctors say to wait until 2 years. Something we did not do with Camden. Just a thought. Enjoyed reading! Camille

Mia Valeriani said...

Love the haircut super cute!!!!

Judy EE said...

You have a whole cabinet just for candy? Judy E