Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Play Times w/ Finley, Nanny & Papa Visit & VT. Trip

21 Months & 1 Week

This will be the last blog for about 2-3 weeks because we leave for Nova Scotia on Friday night/Saturday morning.  Can’t wait! 

Last Friday Shannon & I had gone back to the thrift store in Tilton and got some more $1 deals – Shannon got so much stuff it was ridiculous!  I did manage to get purchase a few things for Baby Brother – the first things I have actually bought!  And no, there is absolutely no progression on a name for the baby AT ALL.  Every name I like, Heath hates and vice versa.  I’m not really sure how and when this will get resolved.  But it is very frustrating.  After the thrift store, we went grocery shopping and then Shannon & Fin came over in the afternoon for some play time.  Finley & Ty became focused on Ty’s maraca and had been “taking turns” shaking it.  Well, Tyson went nuts and was shaking it so hard that he nailed himself right in the face HARD.  It was pretty sad and cute all at the same time.  He fought crying with everything that he had and he was struggling to keep it together.  He ended up with the quivering, pouty lip and ran into my arms.  But he didn’t cry and a few seconds later he was fine.  But I find it interesting that he ended up whining and carrying on about 10 minutes later, when he was frustrated and couldn’t get my recliner to go down!  I had to laugh at him – when he actually has physical pain, he doesn’t cry, but, boy does he cry when it is something emotional!  (=  We had Friday night supper together when Heath & Sean got home – we had skallops, baked potatoes, salad, and bread.  I was on cloud 9 because Tyson went nuts for the skallops.  I actually didn’t have to make a secondary meal for Ty that night!!!!

Fin has started wearing little hair ties - which Ty is very concerned about.  He has to rip them out of her hair!  But then Aunt Shannon puts one in his hair!

On Sabbath I worked and the boys stayed local and went to Sabbath School and church in Laconia without me!  I was so proud of them for going!  But they weren’t alone.  I know that they only went because they met Shannon & Sean there.  I was very thankful for that.  Ty took a good 2 hour nap in the afternoon and the Frosts came over for “breakfast for lunch” and then they went to Winnisquam swimming.  I’m sad to miss these times, but Ty loves being with Daddy so much – that it is nice that they get to have alone time.  And I love my job – I really do, and I get to help contribute financially, so I think it is a win-win.

Ty loves his Daddy

On Sunday I worked again and the Edwards came over to help Heath with Ty & such.  Heath was desperately trying to finish a big job on his truck, so that we could get it inspected before July ran out.  They met for breakfast and did the work in the afternoon while Sonia played with Tyson.  I ran to the pharmacies after work and did great.  I got free deodorant, free gum, a free all-natural energy drink, and free toothpaste.  Then I got 2 boxes of cereal and 2 things of Revlon nail polish for $0.99 each.  I also scored expensive contact solution (usually $9) for $1.99!!!!  I rushed to get all that done and still make it home to visit with the Edwards and had pizza with them.  Ty ended up eating pizza again, thank goodness.  I don’t know what happened last time he refused to eat it.  Oh yeah, Sunday was our 11 year anniversary.  Since I had to work 12 hours, we decided that we would celebrate another day.  But Sunday was the official day! 

On Monday I picked up from the weekend and then Shannon & Fin came over at around noontime.  Shannon had to work 3p-11p, so I watched Fin until Sean came home.  It’s interesting.  It had been awhile since I had baby-sat Finley last.  It was easier and harder all at the same time.  It is definitely easier because she is much less cranky and she really self-entertains now with all of our toys.  But it is harder too, because she is now completely mobile – crawling everywhere and is obsessed with climbing on things.  So she tries to kill herself on something every 2 seconds.  But the kids have fun and they are really entertaining to watch.  But they definitely have sharing issues.  One funny/dangerous thing that happened was that Ty got into his car and Finley decided that she would push Tyson around!  Well, that was cute for a minute until Tyson figured out that he could use his feet to push the car backwards, almost running over Finley.  I was taking a picture of them and I had to literally throw the camera down to save Finley!  They had a blast playing with the tupperware, much to Sean’s chagrin, he has always said that his daughter would never do such a thing!  There was dancing going on too.  Tyson has really stepped it up with the dancing – really shaking his hips now.  He went crazy for Madonna’s “Like a Prayer.”  On Monday afternoon, Mom, Dad, Papa & Nanny came over to see the kids.  Papa & Nanny are visiting because my grandfather is having some health issues and is here for a second opinion at my dad’s hospital.  They are going to end up staying for a few weeks and coming up to Nova Scotia with us!  So we are happy about that!  What is hard is that they had to put their dog, Tuffy, to sleep on Sabbath.  He was having issues with congestive heart failure and was having trouble breathing.  It was definitely the most humane thing to do, but as anyone that has lost a pet knows… there is a lot of pain there.  So keep them in your prayers. 

Just before the near-run over!

Tupperware fun

He loves these little ones!

Ty's masterpiece

On the move!


Finley was grinning, watching Ty dance!

On Tuesday, I had to take ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) from 9a-4p, so I had 2 baby-sitters to help me out!  Sonia came and did the morning shift until 1:30 PM and then Shannon took over, since Sonia had a doctor’s appointment at Dartmouth.  The class went well and then I got home to the report that Ty had eaten a great lunch (he never does for me) – he had eaten 2 whole pieces of pizza for Shannon!  I couldn’t believe it!  He did well, but I can’t remember any other specific stories.  Sonia came back and had offered to watch Ty and stay the night, so Heath & I could go out for anniversary.  We decided to go to the movies (which we never get to do) and then out for a late dinner.  I thought that we would get back at about 10:30 PM, but we actually didn’t make it back until midnight!  I completely messed up.  I had checked the movie listings for our local theatre and “The Watch” was playing.  That was the only thing we both wanted to see.  We want to see Batman, but I just don’t think I can watch that right now, with what just happened.  When we got to the theatre, I started freaking out because I didn’t see “The Watch” up in letters on the theatre sign.  Wouldn’t you know, “The Watch” didn’t come out until this past Friday and it was on their website because you could pre-order tickets.  I was so ticked off because it was listed like every other movie and you just had to look closely at the dates… which I didn’t.  I had just found “Tuesday” and that it was going to start at 7:30 PM.  There was nothing else that we wanted to see, so we checked other theatres, but it was just about 7:30 and all the other movies had already started.  We ended up driving to Manchester, going to Carrabas (which was excellent) and going to a cheap theatre, which plays older movies.  Well, that doesn’t bother us at all, since we never go and we hadn’t seen any other those movies anyways!  The tickets were only $3.50 and we saw “What to Expect When You’re Expecting” at 9:40 PM!!  It was really cute, but Heath kept falling asleep.  I guess we are too old for the late night movies!

Tyson very excited about the movie he just found!

On Wednesday I had to do my usual shift, but I felt terrible leaving Ty 2 days in a row during the week!  I hated it!  But he had a good day with Noni… I don’t remember exactly what they did, but they always have fun.  On Wednesday night, I had my friend in the ultrasound department verify that I am having a boy.  She made me really nervous.  He was in a bad position and she kept saying, “this really looks like a girl.”  I’m like, “Are you kidding me?”  We kept trying and trying and trying… when we thought we saw “it” – “it” was definitely the umbilical cord because there was so much blood flow going through it.  Finally, we found “it”, after making the baby move around… but it took so long, that I feel like there is a little bit of doubt in my mind.  She is on vacation this next week and then I am gone for 2 weeks, but I told her that we need to look again as soon as I get back!  Just for my peace of mind! 

It's hard to see - but this is the little guy crossing his legs!  He really didn't want to have his goods seen!

Thursday was a busy day.  Ty & I got up fairly early (7 AM) and got packed up to go to Vermont.  Jonathan, Marcela & the girls were visiting the Walls, so we went to see them.  Ty & I rode with Shannon & Fin (we flipped a coin for that one) and Mom, Nanny & Papa were in Mom’s car.  Finley & Ty were horrible the entire drive up there.  They pretty much cried the whole time.  Then they just happened to fall asleep in the last 15 minutes!!!!  We had been trying to get them to take a nap the whole time and they just wouldn’t!  Very weird.  So I stayed in the car for awhile, waiting for the kids to wake up.  Of course Finley woke up way before Ty, but she didn’t wake him up!  Aunt Sherrie had a great feast for us for lunch when we got there and then the kids all played together.  It was so cute!  Little Luccia is so adorable, she just is a very happy baby.  It was great to see them.  They won’t be coming to Nova Scotia, so we had to get our time with them when we could!  We stayed a few hours and then headed back home.  The kids were a little better on the way back, but Tyson did not sleep a wink again!!!  What is that about?  It makes me a bit nervous for our big 12 hour car trip to Nova Scotia this weekend!  Finley was good and took 2 cat naps.  When we got home, we went right to Chili’s with the Frosts.  Ty ate his meal pretty good and even had some french fries of mine (usually he hates french fries).  Ty did have to be taken outside with Daddy, though because he was acting up.  Ty was lucky it was Daddy and not Mama that took him out.  Daddy is a wicked softie!


Born 12 days apart!

Sisters and their grandkids (almost all of them)

Have a great few weeks!  

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