Monday, July 9, 2012

Post 1 of 4, Manipulation,More Climbing & Road Scare

19 Months & 3 Weeks

I have never been a month behind before... but I think I warned y'all that I had some really busy weeks coming up and we have!  I just haven't been able to get a blog out.  But here goes.

4 weeks ago, on Friday we said good-bye to Nanny & Papa and went out to Chinese for lunch.  Tyson wouldn't eat hardly anything... good thing I had packed a PB&J for Ty just in case!  Friday night we had our usual dinner with the Frosts and Tyson started doing his "circles" non-stop.  I call them "circles" because it sounds just a little more "manly" than twirls.  But he is twirling.  He just goes around and around until he falls down!  So cute.

Doesn't he look really into it?

On Sabbath, I worked and Heath woke up, getting ready to go to church, and found out that he didn't have any water when he turned on our shower!!!!  Unbelievable.  Our well pump had gone again.  We had gotten a new one about 3 years ago, but our water is so hard that it just gets filled with iron/minerals and ruins the pump.  Let's just say they missed church, but made it to cousin Taylor's high school graduation party that night in Conway.  They ended up staying at the Edwards overnight to help out with a few things in the morning at the Edwards.  Tyson had a terrible night without Mom and cried most of the night.  I missed him too.

On Sunday, Keith & Sonia came to our house, so Keith could help Heath put the new well pump in and Sonia watched Ty.  Ty got a fever of 101 during the day, appeared to be teething-related, but at least slept great that night.

On Monday, I had an OB appointment, so Shannon came with me and we "did" Manchester.  That involves going to our kids thrift store, Goodwill, and Panera.  Tyson was his screaming self so bad in Panera that I am sure there was a loud round of applause when we left!  My appointment went well - I am measuring just right, the baby's heartbeat was good (not that I can remember what it was), and I got scheduled for my ultrasound on 7/2!

Loving mowing the lawn with Daddy

He really wants to drive it himself!

On Tuesday, Tyson began manipulative behavior. I can not believe that he has already started this!  He had slipped on his pajamas and fallen on the floor in the kitchen, he had hit his head on the wood floor and was wailing away.  I picked him up, consoled and loved on him... then he was better and I set him down.  I was trying to eat my breakfast, when just a few minutes later he slipped on the floor again and fell again.  Again, the crying and carrying on, and again the consoling happened.  Then I tried to put him down... and what did he do?  He laid himself down (very gingerly) on the floor, looked up at me with a pitiful look and started crying... like he had fallen again!!!!  But I had seen the whole thing and knew that he did it himself!  I couldn't believe it.  I had to laugh.  I didn't laugh when later in the day I realized that he figured out how to climb on top of our bed WITHOUT the dog crate.  There is just enough space on the wooden bed frame to get his foot on and then is able to pull himself up.  Oh my.  This is going to be trouble.

Talk about trouble - he actually didn't tip over, though!

On Wednesday, I worked and Mom watched Ty uneventfully.  The big event occurred once Heath got home.  Heath and Ty were walking out of the house together, down the path... when Heath looked down at Ty, who was walking beside him... and he was not there!  He was in the middle of our busy road and a car was coming.  Thank goodness Heath has quite the leg span when he runs, because of course, Tyson thought that it was a game and that Heath was chasing him.  Heath was able to get to him, thankfully with time to spare... but Heath was so shaken up.  Tyson just bolted right into the road.  He has never done it before, but it was a big eye-opener for us.  We will be getting a fence put up, as soon as we get town approval.

On Thursday, Ty had great fun playing with Camden & Acadia in the AM.  Shawn & Camille had come over on Wednesday night to spend the night…they were flying out on Thursday afternoon to Baltimore for Ricky's wedding.  So we had a nice visit with them and then we did errands in the afternoon to get ready to go to the wedding ourselves!

Not a great picture - but it is Camden & Ty looking longingly outside

1 Week down!  3 more to go!

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