Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Post 4 of 4, "uck", Teething Fevers, Having a Brother, 4th of July, Visit @ The Edwards

20 Months & 2 Weeks

We have made it all the way to the past week!  Finally!

Last Friday Sonia offered to take Tyson to his meeting and then for a drive to take a nap... so I could actually make it to an adult meeting.  I was able to go to 3 seminars by my cousin, Shawn - and they were wonderful.  It was great to be a regular person and not just a parent - even for a short time!  Of course Shannon was quick to tell me that Tyson was so much better behaved with Sonia than with me.  Isn't that just great?  Why is that always the case?  Friday night, Heath arrived for good for the weekend!  We felt brave and took Tyson to the night meeting at about 8 PM and he actually did very well - going between Heath, Sonia, Amanda, and I.  After that we headed to bed and Ty had another good night.

Tyson having a serious conversation with Finley

On Sabbath morning, we awoke with a day hotter than Hades.  It got to the mid-nineties and it was miserable.  Heath came with Ty & I to Ty's Sabbath School and we had the joy to go up front of the adult Sabbath School and sing "I love to go to the farm" with all the kiddies.  Ty didn't do badly in Sabbath School - Heath got a chuckle out of Ty running to the tractor every time.  Then we went to church in the gym and it was just so hot.  I ended up bringing my small battery-operated fan to church with us to try to keep us cool.  It helped a bit.  Tyson didn't have to leave church - he did pretty well despite the heat.  We had potluck with the Conway church and Heath's family and then we went to Sebago Lake with Shannon, Sean, & Finley.  After driving around aimlessly, we finally found a public, free beach and had a lovely time in the nice fresh water.  It was a 40 minute drive from Freeport, but most of us (except Sean) hate to swim in the ocean, so the drive was worth it to us!  We had a small accident on the way with Ty.  I have been squeezing Ty into the same box of swim diapers that I have had for him since he was born!  The size is 3/4 - and he is actually in a size 4 diaper, so I didn't think that it would be a big stretch.  However, he took a nap in the car while driving, sitting in his swim diaper, and proceeded to leak all through the diaper, his swimsuit, and all over his car seat.  So that was a fun time.  Poor kid.  He loved the water, though, and loved looking at the ducks.  He actually said, "uck" - which is the same word that he calls trucks, ducks, and when he doesn't like something!!  We got back to campmeeting to have supper and then I got Ty to bed, while Heath went to the night meeting and then got our yearly supply of veggie meat in the chaos that is Saturday night at the ABC.  I was glad to stay in the tent and sleep with Ty!

Sabbath School with Daddy

On Sunday, we got up and packed all of our things up and got out of the tent.  They were collapsing tents all around us left and right!  Sonia, Ty & I headed to IHOP to meet Keith (who doesn't have a cell phone) while Heath stayed back at campmeeting helping Greg, whose truck wouldn't start.  We stayed at IHOP long enough and Heath ended up eventually joining us.  Tyson ate a ton!  He almost had a full omelette, a half a huge pancake, and some fruit.  He was probably making up for his terrible eating all through campmeeting.  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that.  He refused to eat everything I put in front of him at first - I would always have to give him a secondary choice EVERY MEAL (except for breakfast).  Let me tell you, that gets old fast.  After IHOP, Heath, Ty & I headed to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods.  Then we had to go back to IHOP because I realized that I left my cell phone there.  MORON.  Talk about major pregnancy brain.  Then we went to the Edwards' house to pick up the puppies since Adam watched them for another week for us - since I was at campmeeting all week and Heath came back and forth a couple of times.  It was good to see those little girls!  We relaxed at the Edwards for awhile and then had a barbeque for supper.  We got home at about 9 PM, completely beat. Unfortunately, Tyson had a terrible night and was screaming a lot of the night.  I thought it was teeth - which is always what we blame it on... but what else could it be?

Tyson is also obsessed with grabbing people's noses

Of course Grampy gave Ty a lollipop

Terrible lighting again...I don't know if you can make out Ty cuddling on Heath's shoulders

On Monday, Ty had a fever of 101.0 in the AM and then spiked up to 103.5 in the afternoon.  He was not himself at all.  Again, I was thinking that it was his teeth, but the 103.5 seemed a bit high.  He does have like 3 big upper teeth on each side (6 total) all coming in together, so maybe it could really be that high!  I unpacked all day from campmeeting (killed myself doing it) and then Heath got home early so we could go to our ultrasound appointment!  I had been dying for this day!  The ultrasound technician knew in the first 45 seconds (I'm not exaggerating) that we were having a BOY!!!!  I was really surprised.  This pregnancy has been so completely different from Tyson, that I was really not expecting it.  I really thought that it was a girl.  But I'm very excited.  I think it will be great to have 2 little boys running around together... I hope they will be close.  Tyson seems to love all little kids, so I hope he will love his little brother, too!  Now comes the impossible job of choosing a name.  We love so many girls names, but I'm really not thrilled with any boys names right now.  It's going to be tough.

Boy # 2!! (=

On Tuesday, because of the holiday, I worked 10am-10pm.  Mom was already watching Finley, so Sonia came and watched Ty.  I felt bad, especially when I knew he didn't feel good.  But the good thing was that he didn't have a fever all day.  He was a bit crabby and didn't eat well all day.  But at least he was fever-free!  It definitely seemed to be his teeth - he actually pointed to his gums for Sonia.  My poor little buddy.  It took forever for his teeth to come in and now he is getting them all at once!

On Wednesday it was the 4th of July and Heath was home for the day!  I had just unpacked everything from campmeeting on Monday and now I was packing again for overnight.  We went to Mardens in Sanford, Maine (Ty only took a 30 minute nap on the way over) and then we met up with all the Edwards, Amanda, Levi and 7 more of their family members at a restaurant in Wells.  Tyson did pretty good, but Sonia took him for a walk towards the end of the meal.  They came back and Sonia said, "Tyson, what was the sky doing outside?"  Tyson says, "Boom!  Boom!"  It was so cute.  But it really wasn't cute that it was thundering and lightning out... right when we were ready to go to the beach to watch the fireworks.  It did clear up, but it rained on us a bit on the beach.  The fireworks were Tyson's first fireworks and he was not sure at first, but then he got into them and ended up clapping for them!  After the fireworks, we got ice-cream just before a place closed at 11 PM.  Ty, of course, fell asleep right away in the car.  So I stayed in the car, eating my ice-cream while my boy slept.  Then we drove back to the Edwards house.


On Thursday it was Heath's 35th birthday!  He had the day off, so we were going to go up to the Mount Washington Observatory, but there was only 100 feet of visibility up there, so we decided not to go.  Instead we were lazy and just stayed around the Edwards house - the boys did some ATVing and fishing and then we all went swimming at a lake near their house.  We went out to eat for Heath's birthday and the waitress flirted relentlessly with Heath, right in front of me.  It was so obvious that even Levi was making comments about it, so it wasn't in my head.  I said that it was OK because it was his birthday and a good ego boost for him!  After supper, we set off a bunch of fireworks that Heath & Adam had bought.  They were surprisingly really, really good.  The fireworks were obviously much closer than the fireworks the night before, so Tyson was down-right scared at these ones.  But he did OK.  Then we said good-bye to Levi & Amanda, who were leaving the next morning, and we got home by about midnight.  Another busy week down.  Have a good week!

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